Why is it tiresome, why should we care cianigger.
You're not from here.
It would be far easier for the bugmen to just exterminate them but I guess even the chinks will have to learn the hard way that you can't elevate niggers to be like you.
Alphabet was a mistake, without we would never have reading monkeys.
You've obviously never tried to build a Chinese highway with negro labor.
The silence of the SJWs on this topic is deafening. On another note, I kek'd at Kenyans accepting their inevitable future.
It sounds like ocupation in Africa than. Good luck China. Turn Africa to giant slave camp. I want to see real communism with gulags and censorship of western media.
good luck chinkbros.
The Chinese writing system is highly inefficient, the language family has evolved itself into a corner over thousands years of using it thanks to it so that it's impossible to turn into using a more phonetic system as it'd make written language incomprehensible.
Aside from the super-bizarre contingent of lefties who are now classifying Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans as White people, they probably see that there's no Whitey to blame so they're not allowed to criticize anything China does in Africa at all. They have to tiptoe around stuff like this because of their own ideology. They can still paint the blacks as poor oppressed victims, but they can't explicitly attack Chinese as racist because that would be racist in and of itself.
The Chinese have pretty much taken over Africa economically.. and it is pretty easy to enslave an entire continent populated with low IQ apes..
The nigger Ape African politicians already sold Africa to the Chinese.. and the Chinese didn't have any qualms about taking over and economically enslaving the entire continent.. all the meanwhile White Europeans and White Americans get fucked by (((muh diversity)))
China already owns most of Africa, in a generation or two, most of the continent will be speaking Chinese…. eventually they will start to cleanse the continent of the nigger disease via sterilization and disease.. and that cannot be a bad thing..
This is my dream. It should be done by whites. Unfortunatly China will be superpower if they control who Africa without niggers.
Does anyone have a video of that? I want some keks to go with my lunch.
Unlike most white europeans infected with the (((christian / catholic))) disease, the Chinese have no empathy. To them the ape niggers are a notch above animals.. and they will have no doubts about physically taking over the continent and start controlling the nigger ape population there.. so in the end the Chinese may be able to control the apes, which are set to grow exponentially while the rest of world's populations decline.
I'm sure this'll just go swimmingly.
Can't wait to see what unholy abomination of ebonics-Mandarin this is going to result in.
Yes.. unfortunately, it will be the Chinese who will take over Africa.. see my explanation why above..
Good luck with that - after hundreds of years, they still can't into English.
It is mainly for cultular domination. But at least they will be able to follow simple orders.
Better than let them breed out of control sponsored by NGOs and western christcucks. Good thing is these niggers hate whites. So they do not suspect China. Europeans should erase all of them like Indians in America when they could. I have no mercy for africans.
At least asians admire whites. Even if they burn dogs alive and can't drive for shit, they are still able to build cities for themself.
Question is how Europeans survive this century and if white Americans can create their ethnostate or become real mutts.
Yeah, that sounds like there's some laughs to be had.
niggers btfo
the crazy thing is that cultural separation is one of the only reasons that they can keep niggers out of their country. Now they are willingly teaching them their language.
Niggers are only good for manual work with instructions from whites, other than that they can't and won't accomplish shit
I have a sneaking feeling (((they))) had a say in the matter. Having niggers ruin chinkland would be a good way of destroying/controlling the competition after all.
Colonialism is A-Okay when the commies do it.
They'll have to create a whole new writing system to deal with African-dialect Chinese. Africans never even managed to figure out rudimentary writing on their own. There's no way they'll be able to manage even first grade-level written Chinese.
How do you convey Chinese to blacks? Their languagem as all gook tongues, is like a micro-IQ test. Children have superior language grasping however I want to see the documents to dumb it down.
They really don't. Some of the Japanese do because Japan and the US have a weird mutual admiration thing going to the point that you see a bunch of both weeaboos and westaboos but that's really not the case for China. Part of the reason that they're such shitty tourists.
They won't learn to read or write. Why bother teaching that to your enslaved population? They will learn it verbally.That way they can understand orders from their chinese master.
Oh and fyi there are counties in Africa that have a 20% literacy rate of their NATIVE language.
Don't do it niggers, you'll be eating each other before long.
How the fuck do they expect monkeys to lean bug runes anyway? They barely manage English.
Watch this.
Also, lurk two years.
Chinks are keeping out christ insanity, too. They know it's cancer. Christ cuck niggers are kvetching about it hard.
Imagine if the BBC didn’t intentionally replace you with a woman so Stephen Moffat can do whatever he pleases with the show.
Good luck China. That's all I can say. If you think niggers are unintelligible now, just wait til they start bastardizing ching-chong and make it ching-chong-chimp.
This is going to be hilarious
Pls stop educating the shills thx
Makes sense, after all Martin Luther King was a Communist.
we wuz feng shui n sheit
yep, Japan tried that. Its easy to speak but if you try writing it without chinese influence its garbage.
Then why aren't you mass killing niggers yet?
"Muh so tired of those niggers". And then, complains about niggers being everywhere.
Kill them, or they won't stop.
This. The only way you can understand the spoken language is by visualizing the characters in your mind.
It was a sensible move for Korea to effectively drop the Hanja shit and begin solely using their own phonetic alphabet.
ni hao ma'fuh.
I want to see the end results of this, it could only fail so spectacularly.
Good to hear Africa is being colonized again.
Then the impending Mombasa port takeover and now this.
If chinks rid africa of niggers, then it would be a no-brainer to rid africa of chinks.
1. Christianity is rising in China
2. You anti-Christian kikes love to ignore the 1500 years of Christianity in Europe where there was no diversity cuck bullshit.
This didn't come from Christianity, if it did it would have shown up over a thousand years ago. It came from abandoning Christian morality. If you hate Christianity you hate 1500 years of high European culture and therefore are a kike.
And you pro christian we wuz da real kikes love to pretend that we didn't have great societies before the arrival of christianity and the christian morality.
pic related, take a hike, kike.
Dis gon be good.
Been to Kenya and they all speak a minimum of three languages. English, Kenyan national and the language specific to their tribe. I had met with a bishop of some greater north area (could probably find a picture of him) and was even inside his fucking estate. Even though I was there on a missionary trip, this bishop was a integral part of it, he spoke of the different tribes like they were stupid. He said certain tribes were meant to "do manual labor forever".
I was young and religious so this was very shocking. Eye opening even. Here I was to build a school/spread the good word of Jesus and this bishop stood in his ivory tower lecturing me on how fucking stupid and lesser this other tribe was.
Dirt beneath the feet of the dirt beneath my feet.
As medium for transferring information written by hand and manual printer? Yes.
As medium for transferring information in the digital age? Equal.
As barrier to cull stupid people from gene-poll and especially from management positions? Priceless.
Africans who sort of "make it" tend to be seriously redpilled about their own.
Your mission was more condescending than his words.
you know when you phrase it like that, I hope China takes over the entire continent of Africa
I find it concerning that they're not simply genociding the continent like they did to other, much more similar asiatic peoples and in their own civil wars throughout the ages.
Agape your enemy and godly niggers, faggot.
good luck with that.
average 67 IQ.
The Chinese African Hybrid or Chigger that will result from this will usurp the White Race
Bug-monkeys: Spend all day digging tunnels and hoarding bananas and sticks to throw at baboons
Niggers can't even speak English, whose grammar is among the most loose and easy to learn in the world. Imagine them trying to learn mandarin lel
Why is 2 in 3 Zig Forumsacks uber bluepilled?
lmao now I am sad.
Niggers can't even learn English which is the simplest language on the entire planet. The only other "people" who consistently fail as hard as niggers at English are Slavs and Russia niggers. And this would only tiresome if you're a chink or nigger in which case you don't belong here in the first place.
They can barely speak English after at least a century of exposure to it as a language. I wonder how badly they'll butcher Chinese.
kek. what should we call it? chibonics?
I concede. That is better.
Do apericans even have the mental capability to learn Chinese?
Other than the fact the Chinks will use their control of Africa to flood Europe, I don't really see a problem, let them deal with it. Let them get BLACKED for the next 250 years. The worst mistake whites made was going into Africa. Should have just built a wall around the whole fucking thing.
Oh boy I can't wait to see Chinkbonics.
Get out, Chang.
>Authoritarian party protects people from the will of the fellow (((people))).
Get in oven, Chaim
Even chunks have trouble learning their fucked-up language.
Those 70IQ nogs are going to struggle, to say the least.
Kangs built the 1st Great Wall in Wakanda
It's a mongrelized Indo-European language. The reason chinks have trouble learning it is because not everyone speaks Mandarin at home. Pitch accent is also a big hurdle for both natives and foreigners since there are quite a few minimal pairs that rely on it. To sum it up, poor communication between Chinese settlements throughout history has made it very hard to come up with an efficient writing system.
The only reason the nigger hoard ballooned is because christcucks have bred them, stop the christcucks, solves the nigger problem.
No, taking africa was proper, christcucking is the failing.
Good fucking luck teaching Chinese to niggers, lol! Might as well teach them trigonometry, and AP physics while you're at it! After all the only difference is skin color, so we might as well start their education as doctors, attorneys, pilots, etc. Hell I got it! Let's send 50 billion dollars a year to Apefrica to fix their education system! Then all these refugees from the region will be fit and ready to be proper citizens! Or we could just nuke the continent, then rape the minerals.
Like their Gucci communism. Orientals don't give a fuck about gods. They pray to their ancestors and Buddha for gibs and good fortune. But of course international semitic ideologies will accept any trash as a potential follower.
It is quite funny actually. The kikes in hollywood hate it when they are told that a movie can not be shown in the mainland, because it would offend the christians. The kikes are not used to that. It gets even better when they throw a pissing contest with the studios, and lose, because the studios NEED that chink money.
In the end, the kike's downfall will always be their greed, and the inbreeding.
English (official), Swahili (national), and numerous indigenous languages…
Well on the bright side, maybe we can use this situation to erode China by pushing for more (((inclusion))) within their society. Tell em to tear down their Wall cuz walls are immoral after all
That ending
This is the absolute state of niggers
Chinks really know how to treat their employees..
just imagine what they will do to the low IQ nigger apes..