Zig Forums BTFO
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Zig Forums BTFO
Article too long for post, continued here: dailyarchives.org
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If Russia invaded the US, how many cucks would fight them?
you make no sense
Nice revisionism, asswipe. Hitler wanted to kill all slavs because they aren't true Aryans. Fuck you jews and fuck the slave like russians too. Sage and report all kike threads
Russians who fought for National Socialist Germany - Russian Liberation Army
Have a great grandfather hohol who fought with Germany against soviets in Ukraine. Apparently there were skirmishes up until the 50s in west Ukraine
Remember, more than a million russian volunteers helped the Reich
Hitler freed the world from communism, and for this I am grateful.
What the Soviets did by throwing mass waves at the Germans was essentially exterminating their Christian opposition. Instead of sending them to gulags they sent them at the Germans.
Shill, are you even trying?
This jew lie again. It was the communist kikes that did everything to have as many slavs as possible to be killed in pointless war.
This user gets it.
Hitler's neglect of his commanders' autism in the East caused a great schism. What an unfortunate turn in history.
Imagine the USSR dissolving mid Barbarossa…
the first combat mission of a jet aircraft was by russian white army insurgents against the red army. why would the germans give the slavics their latest tech if they wanted to exterminate them?
Interesting, source?
There is also footage out there where it looks like the Germans help clean up a (Orthodox) church that has been turned into a stable.
If Hitler and the inner party weren’t such spergs and had taken a soft stance in regards to eastern Europoors they could have won.
Your a fucking moron
Ukies the balts and poles never really stopped fighting the soviets no one saw the red army as liberators
that or be deported and resettled into Siberia or Central Asia
Mutts did.
cant find the source atm. it was a Me 262 and it was in the caucasus area.
it was a classified mission and the plane was flying with imperial russian insignia.
Sending prisoner battalions unarmed so the regular russian troops could spot the german positions. Also used for clearing land mines. Form them into rows and march, if they stepped on one it blew up, mine was cleared. Repeat….
CIA agent:
Actually in the Gulag Archepelago Solzinitsen says that vast numbers of people locked up in the post war camps were there for being taken captive or for staying behind to live under German occupation. This was seen as treasonous and was dealt with pitilessly. Maybe Stalin knew something you don't know. Maybe he knew that they all welcomed liberation from the fucking bolshevik jews.
this. i did not realize how many natsocs were in soviet prisons until i was gifted a book on tatoos. if you looked too aryan you basically had to keep your head down even post ww2.
Yes yes, CIA just loves to expose the Holohoax, to denounce communism and to exposes the "western" (((capitalists))) who decided that Europe was no longer useful.
are there any other sources apart from the ones posted in the OP
The Daily Archive would turn off many normies
ethnic Russians, like mystic Rasputin
thought of the (((Communists))) as the anti-Christ.
“I feel that I shall leave life before January 1st. I wish to make known to the Russian people, to Papa (the Tsar), to the Russian Mother (the Tsarina) and to the Children what they must understand. If I am killed by common assassins, and especially by my brothers the Russian peasants, you, the Tsar of Russia, will have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years. But if I am murdered by boyars, nobles, and if they shed my blood, their hands will remain soiled with my blood for twenty-five years and they will leave Russia. Brothers will kill brothers, and they will kill each other and hate each other, and for twenty-five years there will be no peace in the country.
The Tsar of the land of Russia, if you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigory has been killed, you must know this: if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then none of your children will remain alive for more than two years. And if they do, they will beg for death as they will see the defeat of Russia, see the Antichrist coming, plague, poverty, destroyed churches, and desecrated sanctuaries where everyone is dead.
The Russian Tsar, you will be killed by the Russian people and the people will be cursed and will serve as the devil’s weapon killing each other everywhere. Three times for 25 years they will destroy the Russian people and the orthodox faith and the Russian land will die. I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, and think of your blessed family. ”
And yes, they knew what (((religion))) the Communists were.
This is why they made that Disney shill movie about how Rasputin was (((Rasputin))). Kikes accuse people of the same thing they do.
Don't forget about the part where they took tons of money from the exact same (((bourgeois))) that the entire (((Revolution))) was meant to overthrow. What with budget support of the Communist party AND the lend lease from ideologically opposed nations such as the UK and America. At least opposed on paper and within the general population, if not the highest levels of infiltrated government offices.
Gah, more niggers and trash
I cant see any other reason for them researching this other than to have kikes crack down on blonde haired Russians or just or nationalist Slavs in general.
Now i see why jewtube is blocking features on it. I knew Germany recruited in Poland but ive never seen this.
Yea, I know. Grigori Rasputin was actually an incredible man. He was a Russian Christian who understood the meaning of the Bible inside 'n out. That's how and why he became a monk. His 'mysticism' was really only a outcropping of his deep understanding of Christian spirituality. His predictions, like his final letter to the Tsar, (quoted in ), were uncannily accurate. Anyone who wants a leg up on the world would do well to study Rasputin.
Jews want to claim anything that's good and special, and anything they can't claim, they denigrate. That's why views on his life are 'controversial': history be damned, (((they)) don't know if they can claim him or not.
tl;dr: Rasputin referred to the coming Bolsheviks as the antiChrist.
You're rewriting our history.
The (((Bolshevists)) fought a bloody coup against the indigenous Russians, aka the "White Russian Army".
Many members of the White Russian Army died marching across Lake Baikal in winter. The bodies were frozen in place until the spring thaw. It was an unwise choice.
Fight them for what?
For your local drug dealer to freely go about his business?
For your daughters right to worship buck niggers on sportsball while sipping corn syrup?
Civic Nationalism?
For a war israel started?
Nah i think northern blonde Slavs are closer to Aryan than most of southern Europe. The tribe that populated the northern regions of Russia were Nordic vikings and were only vassalized during the mongol conquests rather than occupied like Ukraine.
Its hardly comparable to Spain's 800 years of Islam or southwest Europe's 400 years of shitskin rule.
The whiteness distinction is north vs south not east to west.
Picture No.2 makes me incredibly sad, those girls don't look older than 13, and you can guess they "disappeared" after the soviets reconquered that area, specially the girl in the middle, looking directly at the camera, with a smug looking expression, so much to hope for, and yet reality probably crushed her without any mercy.
If only we had won, I curse this timeline, I curse the kikes, I curse the Soviets.
They took their future, but also ours.
are there any reliable sources on this besides the Daily Stormer, I mean are there official documents as the article claims?
Do not capitalize "soviets" as you do not capitalize "churchill" or "roosevelt" or "eisenhower" for example.
They are not humans. If we ever survive this, we will make sure humanity know of everything that was done until the last star explodes.
He's less of a moron than you.
Admiral (2008) with English subtitles the whole 2 hours. Nice russian movie about soviet revolution, shows the jewish aspects.
zero because cucks don't act.
this guy is an agitator. filter and move on. His only purpose here to sow division.
Good thing Rosenberg and his gang running generalplan ost completely fucked that one up.
these bots make less and less sense everyday
Who do you think you're fooling?
Stalin is only hated by the Jews because the Jews backed Trotsky, another jew.
This sums Russian.
Hopes that h be conquered by King who sets them free.
These questionnaire Russians were must to fill up to 1999 (!) every time they got passports (Russians have internal passports BTW and can't move around or do anything without them) and were hired.
How are they any different than serfs?
What does it say?
It isn't too late to sire an army of tall, crazy motherfucking White Russians ripped like Jesus that would be capable of hurting far more than sensitive fee-fees. They may not sympathize with the sentiment of their grandmothers and grandfathers living under commie kike rule, but they would be born just in time to learn why living under commie kike rule is such a bad thing for the planet
I'm too stupid.
They weren't. Communism is about making kikes the ruling class instead of the native ethnic nobles.
Without the watermark
The RLA was nothing but propaganda. It was only formed for real at the very end of the war when the Germans were critically short of manpower. There were many Soviet soldiers who deserted to join this army, only to find out it was made up, and subsequently were sent to work camps. Imagine how the Red Army's morale and manpower would've been if men kept deserting to join the RLA, until millions of Russians were fighting against their own countrymen. There were a few in the German high command who realized this, but most did not and were fine with Soviet POWs being treated like animals. Not to mention the treatment of the civilian population.
t. Actually studied Eastern Front unlike Hitler fanboys
Source? I've been looking for books on the RLA
I just did, and obviously it didn't happen, so its a useless point. I guess a court historian (and trusty USSR sources) has filled your mind well.
Anybody that believes Communism is real in this day and age is nothing more than animal. Communism is literally a meme teir objective that has failed every single time it's been tried. It's always turned into a shittier form of state facsism.
It's simply a utopian ideal that can never be realized, because humans are greedy and selfish. Not some humans, all humans.
Fascism always creates a situation that allows for a change in governmental systems. From fasciam National Socialist policies can be implemented to unwind the destructive force of dysgenics.
To that crazy lady, I never agree to anything.
Against Stalin and Hitler by Strik-Strikfeldt is a good one I've read. It is written by an officer who actually dealt with Vlasov during the war.
Any discussion of WWII is just as pointless since the Soviets and Americans won anyway.
wew lad, dont throw stones when you live in a house of stupid. thanks for supporting the NSDP today. Zig Forums truly btfo hahaha
Nice backpedalling there user
hahahahaha nice semantics kike
Watching youtube documentaries is not "studying".
Triggered kikes.
Damn what a foreseer he was.
Not to mention the commnists' sign is the symbol of Saturn. It's blatantly satanic with its forced atheism and belief in only material plane and government. And they call themselves the enemy of materialists while denying the existence of spirituality and God. What a joke. How stupid can people be to not see these huge contradictions…
The RLA was real, the hopes of Rusdsians to be freed by the Germans from the Boslheviks was real and even the Russian confirm that the "attack" on the CCCP or as it is called in Germany "The raid on the Soviet Union" was a preemptive strike no matter what western (((historians))) tell you
The USA/UK lend lease was the only reason the Soviet regime didn't collapse.
Russian revisionists always try to sell the "USSR alone" myth when it's clear that the US provided the boots, trucks, telecom infrastructure, as well as tanks and planes to counteract communist incompetence.
Military History Visualized has a great video about it on youtube. Supply was the war winning aspect that's always overlooked. The Germans knew they were at a major disadvantage, their only chance was rapidly securing/solidifying resources they didn't have.
The US was functionally at war with Germany already with the absurd amount of lendlease. Hitler honored the pact with Japan for this reason only. You'd have to be incredibly dishonest to not look at *why* they did what they did. Lend lease was happening to the soviets before US involvement. A lot of it just went through the UK.
A lot of the mistreatment of slavs was avoidable. Appointing governor generals that weren't Junker-approved stooges would've been an excellent first step. The abuses weren't part of some overarching campaign to terrorize the population, it was the fault of a few powerful men with bad intent and beginning of the century understanding of the east.
However, arming millions of people in an occupied territory with no way to confirm loyalties when generals refuse to execute bolshevik commissars is fucking retarded.
Why completely mobilize when there isn't much reason?
It's amazing how overlooked this is when you consider how highly people regard blitzkrieg tactics. It's just another in a long line of things people just accept without ever asking "why?".
Those of you who have not heard of him should read the tragic but inspiring story of KONSTANTIN RODZAEVSKY, the greatest of the Russian Fascists, who epitomises this struggle. He fought with the Japanese Kwangtung Army against the Communists, stationed at Harbin, and actually had his own division. He would also put up a giant, lighted Swastika at night to show their allegiance.
For more, read here:
It would be great to have his work "The Last Will of a Russian Fascist" translated into English someday…
This is even gayer than the spam.
Bullshit. Russian liberation army existed, in the form of individual companies integrated into german batallions under german command because they were rightfully suspicious of their reliability. And in the end of the war a real russian liberation army was formed with russian officers in command (which eventually did turn on the germans so they were right to be suspicious of Vlasov)
You wish, you feudal cuck. It only shows purges weren't big enough.
I haven't seen anyone post this yet. It's a blog post from the author of the book.
The book itself is $100.
Also, here's the author's normal blog (the other was a guest post). Polite sage for double-posting.
Wow, they were litterally waiting for Hitler
Slavs are more Aryans than Germans in reality
Adolf Hitler - Explaining Operation Barbarossa
not really, maybe some of the south western ones are aryan. it doesn't matter at this stage anyway. aryanism never had anything to do with having blonde hair and blue eyes it is more about head shape and bone structure and most importantly character.
No, it's about being descended from the ancient Aryan peoples.
This song isn't a march song I suppose, I wonder what they're singing about.
I mean obviously its a hymn.
Hang yourself
>new text books prepared for German youth under (((our))) direction, not the Germans
Are these cunts fucking for real? How did people fall for this shit?
We also sent thousands of troops to Russia in their civil war to kill Reds.
Here is a translated version
Can confirm translation is accurate
I'm trying to find the full text in Russian to no avail; it appears that it's been banned and memory-holed by the Russian ZOG
It's available in various libraries around the world (not in Russia of course) in a hard-copy-only format
13. Do you possess the ability to speak in any other languages of the USSR and at which level would you rate your proficiency (read and translate via dictionary, read and can conversate, freely speak the language)
14. Were you ever a party to a judicial action (i.e., convicted of a crime), when and what for
15. Were you ever abroad, where, when and for what purpose
16. Do you have any relatives abroad, where, from what time (how long), what tasks are they doing there (last name, first name, middle name and level of relation to you)
17. Were you or one of your close relatives interned or a prisoner during the period of the Patriotic War (WW2), where, when, and under what circumstances were you/them freed
18. Your closest relatives (wife/husband, father, mother, brother(s), sister(s) and adult offspring)
Number 17 is most pernicious - basically, if you were interned by the Third Reich then your loyalty would always be in question. If you were freed by the western allies, then it was doubly so as you were de facto considered a western spy.
Well Trotsky is liked by Commies because "well X happened because that was Stalin, I wanted the other guy that died before he could do anything".
In the Baltic people fought on the side of Germany under the Legionnaires or just on their own (individually or as the Forest Brothers) until Germany announced defeat. After which the ones from the Legionnaires that still wanted to fight joined the Forest Brothers, which caused the Soviets enough trouble that they simply decided to burn down entire forests trying to get them. And the Legionnaires made the Russians incredibly butthurt, since even today Russians protest in the streets every single year on Legionnaire Day accusing everyone of being literally Hitler and waving around signs about the Holocaust while screaming at the top of their lungs. And both Western and Russian media to this day (especially RT) try to paint everyone as literally Hitler for having the gall to commit the crime of remembering the people that died for their country.
slavs have the highest yamnaya/afanasievo admixture
Now that's what I call censorship