This is a thread for studying the tactics of our enemies, and discovering how to use them effectively for our cause.
I'll start with this one: attack the person making the claim, not the claim itself
These guys only care about reputations, not the truth, they see the world as one big popularity contest, and sll that matters to them is that everyone likes and approves of them.
This is why "science" is all about how many scientists agree with them, and whether the most famous "science representitives" are on board with a certain idea.
This means that any claim will be ignored if it comes from a "bad source" or has a "bad conclusion", so arguing facts with them is useless, instead we need to attack their self image, convincing them and others around them that they are "bad" instead of that they are "wrong" will be a blow to them that will hit them harder than it should.
How to do this? Humiliate them, make them feel ashamed or embarrassed, they are like celebrities, a large ego with an overdeveloped sense of pride and shame.
Make them look stupid to even their most ardent supporters, they will attempt to bury, ignore, and forget the incident, which is why this must be a continual chain of humiliation events, not a single incident, we must troll them until they are patanoid nervous wrecks.
We started as an offshoot of halfchan /b/tards, its kind of funny that going back to trolling the shit out of people has revealed itself as the most effective tactic against enemies who gave effectively made reason a mortal sin.
We live in a society where the inmates run the asylum, but also one where we can communicate with them from a safw distance, the best thing to do is make their pre-existing conditions worse.
Dont attempt to shame them for hating "acceptable targets" like white people or men, this does nothing because they wont be percieved as "bad" for doing this by anyone but "bad" people.