After Failed Meeting With Democrats Trump States He May Declare A National Emergency

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Other urls found in this thread:*ovaaz y&source=bl&ots=ckZ18JFoeu&sig=oHXrQLnKXs4TNO3sND-U5VEO5ZE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi36e2sneLfAhVOJjQIHSHpCA0Q6AEwA3oECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=*ovaaz y&f=false


Just do it already, fucks sake.
And use that power to do some good you giant pussy.

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Patience, children. Your daddy's doing adult things, like making sure we get the wall and the Democrats take the blame for the shutdown.


Be quiet Tor, you're Jewish.
And probably gay.

Your "daddy" has been spending to much time with jews as is, he needs to do some fuckin work.

Type your favorite hitler quote. And no, the first few results on jewgle dont count.


Your obsession with gay jews probably indicates you are one. Filtered.

Have some OC.
Two of my favs therein.

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Didn't he literally say the exact same thing like 4 days ago then had that joke of a conference last night?


Fucking do something then Trump.
Tired of you talking big and never delivering jack fucking shit.

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Maganiggers are dumb as shit, making it easy to deceive them.


Shills have damaged amygdala and can't alter their idiom and even convincingly pretend to be former Trump supporters but this is, at the same time, their strategy.

It's sad to see how amateur and pathetic our shills are these days. In the old days they'd display at least a modicum of intelligence, they'd try to convince and make us come around. Now they're simply content cry and scream like woman.

Hold on a second you niggers, if they keep everything shutdown, by mid february the niggers will be rioting as their ebt cards run completely dry.

I dont think thats oc, or ive just seen a very similiar image before. Either way neat, saved user. i do wish he’d use the corps of engineers, but everyone here realized that their budget is restrained in the exact same fashion as normal congressional accounting right? Even if they had $20b sitting around they literally could not use it for construction of the wall. Clown world.

Last night was the opening of the negotiation. Today is just the first day of pressure. Im just glad he didnt roll over and apparently fucked off the moment they said no wall. Something many “”””””anons”””””””” said would never happen.

Oh he is user, he's getting that kosher lube poured all around the rim of his asshole for his masters to fuck until liquefied chunky shit pours out of his raw anus.

And then MAGA will be fulfilled and he will go back to bullshitting until he loses in 2020 due to the 1.6 million illegals he let in during his 2 years.

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fuck off Turkroach, you are done.

Millennial fuckwits and their instant gratification obsession. Boomers are shit, but at least they aren't all dopamine fiends like you worthless little faggots.

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Why do they still even bother? There is a certain pleasure in not giving a shit about political circus anymore when you realize shits fucked and no politician will ever do anything to help whites.
Keeping up the mental gymnastics to think he is still going to do shit must be exhausting.
All he ever does is seem like he'll do something good, like pull out Syria, then 5 days later completely flip flop.

It has nothing to do with millennials as fucked as they are. It's simply typical shilling, they're instructed to portray themselves as (((former Trump supporters))) who are displeased at everything and won't vote for him next time because reasons. The problem with this is that they're not actually convincing ex-Trump voters. Nobody believes the cock sucking leftist retards when they pretend to have supported Trump, they can't even larp for one single post let alone a whole thread.

He's had 2 years with complete control of congress to stop the invasion, start building the wall, and shut down the border and he has done absolutely fucking nothing.

Blow it out your ass MAGAnigger fuckwit.

Kind of weird how as soon as he doesn't have control of everything is when he starts "trying" to get shit done. Its all a ruse. Its just a distraction while the rich get richer and more and more browns invade the country.

Prediction: Trump will win by a much larger margin because the huge amount of fake former Trump voters will confuse the political strategizing, which is highly data driven. They didn't convince anybody in 2016 and they won't in 2020, but what they will do is fuck the polls and strategies much the same way that the anti-Trump street thugs and lefty scum convinced everybody else to lie about not voting Trump in public and in polls, but when they were in the voting booth they voted Trump.


What happens when the political players and billionaires realize the shills they hired are lying to them about their effectiveness so the shekels keep flowing?


He would just use a state of emergency to grab guns from white men

Trump proving hes a kike, hes not even trying to make a deal

Government is shutdown and defunct and failed to provide primary protection of its borders, when are we to arms?

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Stay mad shareblue.

Turns out that bump stocks literally aren't a wedge issue and literally nobody gave a fuck. I told you before that you'd look increasingly desperate and that this would become an easy shill tell but you're too smart to take good advice.

Wrong, the literal kikes Schumer and Pelosi didn't intend to deal so Trump won't either.

The Border Patrol is actually still working you dumb cuck.


You need an angle, not just a list of bullet points to regurgitate. 2020 will mentally destroy you and 2016 destroyed online shilling, literally everybody knows now.



Nice twisting you absolute kike.

blackpillers can't even think straight, they still have PTSD from kampy's reign. Think about you niggers:

Trump's been a dumbass for the beginning of his administration, but he's finally wising up. He's more just a bluepilled normie than a bad actor shabbos goy than anythinrg. Remember, most of this is about moving the overton window. The kikes had patience for decades, certainly we should not act rashly.

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aborted for jewish shilling
don't vote
don't have children
ignore the jews in your country, die fighting isreal instead
zionald blumph
-.t moarpheus

Bumpstocks are a meme and I'm glad they're banned. If you ever take the time to notice most of the losers crying over "MUH BUMPSTOCKS!" are anti-Trump scum.

No, he has to let them stew for a bit, and give them a little while to give in.

They don't seem to realize that they're hurting their credibility by such idiotic shill tactics.

A good shill will at least cherry pick verifiable facts and intersperse them with a lot of convincing and pleading, there will be rhetorical devices employed. Our shills aren't just bad, they're damaging their own causes by constantly just lying, complaining about things a real Trump supporter wouldn't complain about, and on and on. It's funny to see how low-grade they are for the last few months. I think that the funding has largely dried up and so all you have left are the mentally ill welfare recipients who do it for a nickel a post, and pajeets.

I've never heard anybody complain about the ban on bumpstocks. Never outside here where the only barely-pretending lefties pretend to be sore about it and then claim "Trump is banning all guns" which isn't true.

It's the truth problem, the shills automatically out themselves by unnecessarily lying about everything. The best shilling will use verifiable facts and portray a narrative that may be dishonest, but is composed of actual true information.

Our shills are fucking retarded and don't realize that their tactics are very stale and in fact energized Trump's base for the 2016 win

it's like they are incapable of altering their scripts, proving that they are either robotic Talmudically-programmed kikes, actual niggers, or a pajeet-tier AI.

his presidency is potentially half over, moron. He doesn't have any more time. Last year's spending bill included NO wall funding and he still signed it. That was a massive fuck up and it only gets harder from here.




It'll be fine and he has six more years. Don't worry cuck, I'll be here to rub it in when he wins again.

Hey nigtard "control of the senate" doesn't mean republikikes like McCain were voting for the wall.

The most effective thing they have is the nigger who just picks fights with everyone in the thread who isnt screaming


1. Trump keeps the government shut down and declares a border emergency and uses the military, moving his demands to another thing he wants like the repeal of Obamacare.

2. Chuck Jewmer and Nancy Kikelosi give in.

The idea here is to make the Democrats betray their own values and piss off THEIR voters. Most of the furloughed Federal workers are Democrats, something like 80% from what I read the other day. And while Trump gave the niggers another month of welfare, he probably won't do it again.

He used to be a mod here, he has the most unique posting style on the board. I think he's a kike or a muslim, he uses the same type of argumentation that those filthy groups do.

It's fun to taunt him because he always, ALWAYS replies.

Hey that picture's handy. You can use it to shill on Zig Forums and still jack off to it later.

Periodic bump.


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hes really trying to get that wall
immigration is the #1 issue, and the right-wingers know it

Yep and you can see how booty blasted it makes our resident shills. It's hilarious.



millennials are going to clean up the mess that people like you left behind

The Wall:
• Mexico is going to pay for the wall!
• The Wall is all concrete and not a Fence
• The wall is an artistically designed steel slat fence (not concrete)
• The wall is a metaphor
• The wall is already built
• The wall will have big beautiful door.

Its been 2 years and still no wall


There will not be a wall. There won't be any blame for the shutdown. Normies are all still bluepilled and Trump loves Israel too much to do any good. Shove it up your ass, TorPedo.

Major General Jack Weinstein. That's the answer that invalidates all your pro-trump arguments. Why did he not fire Major General Jack Weinstein?

Trump trusted Jews.
He made sure these two Jews were in power.
They stabbed him in the back.
Who would have fucking guessed.
If Trump / the Trump family is reading this, nut the fuck up, and build the wall.
These Jews don't care about anything other than approving shekels and safeguards for Israel. They have already shown their hand. Now it is time for you, to play yours.

Hol up, you be sayin two whole years to undo 150+ years of ZOG and he only kept most of his promises?! That is so totes unwoke lit fire thot fam!!!! man Hitler had that shit glowed up in a weekend fellow soyxir

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Major General Jack Weinstein. Why didn't Trump fire him? That invalidates all your maganigger arguments. The blackpill is all there is. Eternal Misery and the Looming of Samson is all there is.


He could have done this the second week of the presidency, but he didn't because he knew the red kike lovers would do the same shit.
Red kike lovers told him that they, and in turn he had no hope of winning the next election so billionaire kike lover decided to sit on the wall till now.
This is all a stunt to try to get more support for red kike lovers during the next election cycle.
What all these kike lovers don't understand is that it's a moot point. Blue kike lovers will more than likely win the jackpot next election cycle because they're setting up the foundations for an even greater voter fraud campaign.

5 billion for the wall? Blue familiars are spending double that to reinforce fraud networks.

Major General Jack Weinstein. Why didn't Trump fire the Dual Israeili-American citizen who has control of US Nuclear Command.

Major General Jack Weinstein. Answer the question MAGAnigger.

Never. There's a kike in control of the nuclear arsenal.

Because nukes are bullshit pseudoscience psyops

2020 will be a real shock to you niggers.

The shilling on this board has become unreal.

Shareblue detected. You're bitching about there being no wall in a thread about Trump fighting the kikes leading the Democratic Party about getting the wall. Jesus Christ you're fucking stupid.

Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have been in Congress since the 1990s. Nothing to do with Trump.


>>>Zig Forums

Get over yourselves. Today we dine on moderate optimism.

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It will supposedly take two years to build the wall.

I imagine Trump will delay then run for president on the platform of completing the wall rather than deporting them all. What a nigger.

Let's say he does, the courts will then strike it down by arguing there is no emergency.

Trump already said he claimed responsibility for the shutdown during a talk with Schumer last week. Can't play that card.

this. demoralization faggots fuck off
you need to chill out faggot, no shit there are powerful unfireable generals who run factions bigger or as big as Trump's, you don't know shit faggot

Some 4chinz pol user gave up the location. In the last 5 months, I've seen it at least twice over there. They banned for saging too many gay black porn and cortez threads. Kek.

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Are the courts even allowed to legislate from the bench? Didn't Lincoln arrest justices?

courts have to strike something down as unconstitutional and people have to bring cases to the court … they dont take action themselves

also courts can rule but the executive has to enforce.

so its some what of a legal civil war at that point that might be the start of a real civil war if that occurs.

1) dems bring case to supreme court to say unconsitituional
2) court says , you are bad ornage man stop it
3) trump says I am commander of the military , make me stop it
4) dems and all shit skins try to over throw the military backed executive
5) facism
6) civil unrest, civil war and trump is dictator

When you personally grow a nut sack and do it yourself.

Pretty please?

The wall is the 2nd best investment in America's future ever, with the 1st being a total cutoff of legal immigration.
Frankly, immigration is no longer needed, America is full, so fuck off foreigners.

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Blah blah blah man this faggot talks a lot

This. He’s really trying now!

trump has to get the ppl to stop being retards. you know u are like 1/30 in a group of folks from ur town who actually got any pol type forum. not reddit that doesnt count its like facebook.

read this and stop jumping in place. he has to wait for the rest to stop being dumb fucks and frankly most of the ppl posting here dont help the cause because you come across as a-d-d sweaty piss smelling mcclovins. you cant calm the fuck down and watch your enemy destroy themselves. fucking starlord retards.

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i just dont shout niggers and its the jews around at ppl who havent ever looked into it. they are drones and that is a fleeing trigger

yes they are niggers so its titled correctly

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its timely comparison that most tards can identify with

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You really need a new president.

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So does anybody believe these meetings actually occur or do you think they just put a white child in the middle and take turns mutilating the child while the others masturbate?

The shills are so obvious in this thread, it's halal.

What we need is the day of the rope. We have this until then, if that day ever comes in my life time.

what a retard

that is a statute, law, code, ect. i only found this so far

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Trump doesn't actually have much time. He has two years to build a wall and to deport all illegals. Because Texas and/or Florida are flipping blue in 2020 (due to demographics and the 1.5 legalized felons, respectively), Trump cannot win reelection and therefore has to get the wall done and get all deportations done in just two years.

*1.5 million

none of that matters. the damage had already been done, you for example have seen it and are able to describe it meme for meme

so u less you can read that shit you have to go back to this but i cant find an english translation yet*ovaaz y&source=bl&ots=ckZ18JFoeu&sig=oHXrQLnKXs4TNO3sND-U5VEO5ZE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi36e2sneLfAhVOJjQIHSHpCA0Q6AEwA3oECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=*ovaaz y&f=false

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How long has he been flipping back and forth on having the wall built?

If you made this, well done. In any case,thanks for posting it.

This is worth a read

I think it's time to focus on the actual repercussions of a national emergency. Why do I feel like this is testing the waters to violate due process?

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Quick reminder that Trump is entirely owned by jews and has been for decades.

They've been violating due process for over a century. No one does a goddamn thing about it.