Rand Paul Voted To Make Boycotting Israel Illegal


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Unfortunate, but not unsurprising. Twatter bantz are cheap.

Is it weird to post a disney-esque character thumbs upping on this? I feel like his creations would be sad to hear this.


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I'm now confused.

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God damn these people are so fucking traitorous.

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Traitorous Fucks

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Heres the jewcy bit.

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um, you don't do that by funding Pissrael.

Because he believes in free trade, its not a "a bowed to kikes" thing.

How is outlawing boycotts of certain countries/products even remotely close to free trade? In fact, it's the clear fucking opposite.

Israel is a our greatest ally and the only functioning democracy in the middle east. You inbred hicks don't understand global affairs. Rand is /ourguy/ and the successor to the geotus presidency.

Even if being satirical, this post is pure JIDF. Gas yourself kike.

You incel nazis wouldn't know satire if it bit you in the ass.

There's an anti boomer song that begins like this

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"I'm glad we reached this understanding goyim"

I fucking hate these "people" so much man… I really do…

Hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate upon hate.

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What the fuck? I hate Rand Paul now.

No ally of the white species would do anything so helpful for pissrahell

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This is it. I'm done.
The GOP is evil. There is no value to them.
Give them power, and what do they do? Grovel before Israel, suck the toes of our enemies, while calling any American who would defend the honor of his ancestors a 'terrorist'.
What the fuck are the kikes in Pissrael then, eh? When they bomb little children in their homes? When they shoot a kid in the face because he threw a rock at some kike in a diaper?

If that's not terrorism, but crashing your car into a landwhale marching illegally in the road with a gaggle of Communists is, and these faggots with an 85% White base are going to UNANIMOUSLY support one, the foreign kikes, and UNANIMOUSLY decry the other, the native Whites (the electoral base of these fucking traitors), then what the fuck good could they possibly represent?


I don't get it - why did the Democrats vote against?

Because they don't serve Zionist Jewry openly. Their base doesn't give a shit about Israel, unless its because they hate the kike faggots.

Sadly this

The two Demokikes who votes Yea.

The real question is, why did these two break ranks?

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Probably out of spite since it was introduced by Rubio (R-FL).

So did Thomas Massie, another lolberg.

Pretty much. It's a dog and pony show.

A clue?


They want to be seen publicly as the party of jihad.

Rubio is shabbos goy #1

After Trump of course.

Massie is in the House, not the Senate.




I guess it passed the house already?!

No, it didn't.
Where are you getting this bit about Massie?

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I truly hate these wretched traitorous bastards.

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Wasn't me who said that Massie voted for it, i was just wondering if the bill had passed the house.

Checked for no, its been repeatedly introduced to the Senate, but they can't get it through, even with the all the Republicans and two Democrats on board.



Are you going to be the least bit surprised when I tell you ol' Rafael Cruz signed off on it? Of course not.

Sen. Gardner, Cory [R-CO]* 01/03/2019
Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]* 01/03/2019
Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]* 01/03/2019
Sen. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND] 01/08/2019
Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] 01/08/2019
Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] 01/08/2019

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Interesting how all of the 'Yea' votes are R's straight down.

Rand is a kike faggot. Why the fuck should we care about a democratic country in the middle of fucking nowhere? There are better things to worry about on our own soil.

It is almost like tweets and faceberg's "likes" are utterly worthless except for the trading of counterfeit cosmetic products!!!!

Codename Caeser, it's some kike that manufactured a bunch of images of all the political prisoners that Assad is torturing, sort of like their Guantanamo Bay, except since not enemies of the jew, it's bad.


Traitorous Shabbos Scum

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I can't believe this: Fake news…. A Libertarian would never vote against boycotting of any kind (I have nothing against Israel); or against Free Speech. Also, Boycotts never work. What is he afraid of? Got to be fake.

Nice sarcasm.
But this is directly from Goyim's House archive though

In the end it doesn't matter if a bill passes unanimously or by one vote. It's very common for congressmen and senators to vote for or against a bill as a symbolic act when they know that their vote does not change the outcome. I forgot the term, but it's very common.

Cuckservative Zionist Shabbos are as bad as Democrats

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Its also quite common for them to vote unanimously when its an issue of servicing Jewry's interests and/or going against White Americans' interests.
I'm more inclined to think they were thinking this might get through - or wouldn't and thereby create pressure on those who voted Nay to vote Yea next time round - than I am to think they all realized it wouldn't go through and 'symbolically' voted, because the two Democrats and the lolberg votes Yea.

Reminder that there is no peaceful solution.

And thus every argument for muttmocracy has been nullified. Everyone knows. That is why France is burning and everyone else is getting radicalized.

Please stop Kek. I didn't ask for this. I can't.

This right here.

Give 30 billion to Israel while claiming that the 5 billion dollar wall is too expensive.

Heil Hitler forever.

The only way of defeating the kike is violence, that's the only way you can kill a parasite, call me a shill all you want but one day I will die for what I believe and, I'm not planning on die a coward of old age

No one's surprised by Randlet's ball-less escapades nigger. You act like anyone respected him for anything outside of his want to audit the federal reserve.

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If he was in favor of free speech and free trade, he would let the American people to boycott whoever they want.

And so long as Major General Jack Weinstein retains control of US Nuclear Command, they'll continue to do what they're doing unpunishable.

There's not a violent one either. Major General Jack Weinstein.

Fallout would last 2-3 years top.

hey JIDF.

Meanwhile Bernie voted against it


Wrong. DEADHAND is still active. If our shit launches, Russia's shit launches. Everyone's shit launches. The fallout would last for at least 7 years and the lack of sunlight and artificial winter would last for 5. The atmosphere, every water source and the land would be poisoned except for a few choice bunkers in New Zealand.

Deal with it. Samson Fucking Looms and there is no hope and you know it.

Ashes and Echoes

Nobody was ever /ourguy/. Everyone has always been corrupted. Everyone has always been filth. Existence has always been torture. The gods have always been evil.

We are already in hell.

Because his base doesn't like Israel, and this vote is probably at least partially intended to combat the perception of Israel controlling both sides of the coin.

Rand was the lone no vote on a number of pro-Israel bills, including the $38B foreign aid package. Not that it means much, but he's better than most congress critters.

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Nuclear winter is a meme. Other than the blast sites themselves we'd be fine. Most nukes are targeting other countries' nukes sites and military bases.

I can’t form my own opinions and follow people who are called bassed, I might as well surrender to the jews

Have any of you considered maybe the Republicans all voted yea because they setup the Democrats to look stupid? It would explain why someone like Paul would back it. If it were a false flag. How many votes would they have needed again?

Nope. That's not what would happen and you know it. The missiles would be targeted to make sure there would be no places for survivors to hide, that's the way the kikes have designed the system. I've seen some of the trajectories of our missiles, they're for the Russian Hinterlands and Central Germany and other places like that. That hopefuls like you would try to hide. And I'm certain Russia's system is set up in the same way on our end. It's designed to kill all of us off, and leave them alive.

Why would you ever have hope? When our world does not reward it?

Eh, surrender is the same as fighting back at this point. The results will always be shit. I'd suggest looking at ways to destroy all matter and energy so that nothing else ever happens again ever.

Nukes do not even exist, pal. Go and larp somewhere else.

Are you people really this clueless? I'm not just poking to be obnoxious, but there's a serious mass Dunning-Krueger phenomenon getting worse and worse here. These two Democrats represent 'red' states, Alabama and West Virginia respectively. They will do what they need to do to win votes in these states, crossing the aisle to vote with the GOP if necessary. The reason they voted Yea—the reason every GOP senators voted Yea—is for one reason: they believe that this is what their voters want. We can split hairs about the Zionist Lobby all day long, and most certainly Rubio introduced the bill on the Lobby's behalf, but the reason why the GOP consistently votes pro-Israel is because they believe the GOP base would react negatively if they didn't.

Did you get that? I'll repeat: the reason why they vote on pro-Israel measures is because they represent pro-Israel voters. That is the reason! I know we'd like to think that the average conservative is super based and woke or whatever on the Jewish Question—and there are more voices each day dissenting with the mainstream right wing view on Israel, fortunately—it is nevertheless, undoubtedly true that conservative voters want their representatives to support Israel. This is democracy in action. You can tell yourself that Bibi personally called up each of these Republicans and demanded they vote Yea and that it's a big conspiracy to trick the American electorate, but it's simply not true. The bill was introduced by the Zionist Lobby through Rubio and shilled for by the typical neocon voices like Graham, but the reason why they voted Yea was because of representative democracy.

How to change this? Politics is downstream of culture. You must change the culture of right wing America to be neutral or overtly anti-Israel to change this. Then, the GOP will begin voting Nay on such measures and the Lobby will have to work harder through their Ben Shapiros and Mark Levins and Alan Dershowitzes to sway the mind of conservative America. This is a real redpill, and I know most of the vocal morons on this board don't want to hear it. The GOP + Jones (D-AL) and Manchin (D-WV) voted Yea on this measure because the GOP voters would have a bitchfit if they didn't.

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Here's two more.

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Die ((((weev)), Die.

Commie still detected race war when?

I actually entertain this conspiracy. The cold war is a complete sham and nukes are the perfect excuse why these two arms of ZOG never came into conflict with each other, while blowing up the non-ZOGed parts of the world up together.

And you can't change conservative culture in America because the ZOG controls all cultural output. Even this place. Jim Watkins is a MASONICNIGGER and that means he serves Israel too.

I'll have you know that I live in the Bible Belt and I heard my parent's white maid mentioning that her ~25yo son was talking about how much the Jews control American discourse and media and such. She said she doesn't sway one way or the other but clearly the cultural pendulum is swinging if conservative Americans like her are exposed to views such as her son has.

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Then that makes a lot of sense.

his rebutal to this was "I was the one who introduced the bill" he's the biggest israel firster in the entire room.

Oh shit I missed a prime op in that second pic.

See if you can call it before I change it.

NO, his old man was for a minute. His idiot son is a piece of shit and we've known that for quite sometime now. Like when he voted against his father a number of times.

Too late.

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4 (D)s voted Yea you illiterate nigger.

Frankly, american pastors have all made pacts with the devil. An unnatural number of them have masonic memberships and Western Christianity is pretty much infiltrated by demonic forces. Jews are just there for the free shekels really.

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Hmmm, I don't think that's necessarily true user.
I'm sure they believe it, or they pretend to to at least, but you know what I think motivates them more than their base?

I think its the MONEY flowing in from the kikes - in the form of up-front payment AND under-the-table kickbacks down the road - that has them blindly supporting Israel.

Ah but that's not always true.
Sometimes, politics is upstream of culture - for example, if every mainstream GOP candidate is shilling balls-deep for Israel, you think that doesn't have a feedback effect? You think the dimwitted plebs who can only see the two sides of the kosher sandwich even know anything about Israel?

My Boomer father didn't know a god damned thing about it until my aged aunt told him some back in the early 80s, and until I told him the rest. He is no exception.
I've been to West Virginia. The people there that give two-shits about Israel do so because they think they're supposed to.
What would happen if a Christian man of good character and charisma stepped up and started saying things oppositional to that?
Well, first, he'd be attacked as an anti-semite. Second, his funding would dry up in the blink of an eye. And you see where it goes from there.

I simply do not believe that people are as pro-Israel as implied.

Oh you're right, I missed those other two.
THanks for the headsup.

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"funds to Israel"

It's weird. They seem to have forgotten what the quid pro quo "from" Israel is. Funds…to…Israel….and back from Israel comes……? ?
These fucking faggots don't even make a pretense that the U.S. taxpayer is getting a single god damn thing out of this bullshit.
Also, as Traficante let us know, the 3-4 billion per year we always hear about is direct aid, but the total when including military aid and trade concessions approaches 15 billion per year (not to mention the multi-trillion dollar wars for Israel).