New party

I want to start a fascist party in my area. Do Zig Forums veterans think that is dumb or dangerous? I need name ideas mine I'm not In love with they're bland. I want action in the movement but I worry about commie infiltration or government intervention. Is my dream pie in the sky or can I help start a new party?

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i need a name that won't scare away normies, but also lead to action that benefit the 14 words

Gas the kikes race war now

i want to tone down the language make more of a traditional workers party or concerned citizens brigade i don't know something like that

nice troll though

It is dangerous, but necessary.

The social workers of America (and or your nations name here)

Dads for the Abolishment of Degeneracy

I have a job and fascism is a dirty word in America putting myself out there i will be ostracized and left jobless and alone because my ideology. As far as names go I was thinking NTTP. the North Texas Traditionalist Party. fucking lame I know.

fucking brilliant

only one problem, neets aren't dads

unless you're willing to die(or worse) and THEN have your party taken over by a CIAnigger, you shouldn't do it

Does anyone remember the thread about save James?

i'm no neet i work full time and pay my taxes typical Zig Forums hater assuming malice or incompetence. people like you are why our movement fails

I am willing to die i want to go to south africa to fight for the white farmers there, but i am on the no fly list for being to radical or at least they are trying to scare me to belive that i am.

We need women in the movement too. Notice how many white women are on the commie side versus our side

I was thinking about just this thing recently. " Worker's Party" was my idea.

Defense of Traditional Rights.


Start with close friends
If no friends, find local anons

Redpill, inform, subvert, reteach

Train, practice, drill, repeat

Fuck yourself to death for not posting this in qtddtot

Tried doing this once. Managing a group of people surprisingly a lot of work. You better be GLUED to your email and social media accounts. Respond within an hour or else these paranoid Zig Forums fucks will give up on your party. You have to be quick and persistent when organizing group meetings too. It takes a lot of effort. Be prepared for a lot of fruitless, gloryless, behind-the-scenes work.


Holy shit, you're in North Texas too? I'd join.

Never tried to start a Zig Forums group, but this is generally how any organization you try to start goes still haven't found a recipe for success.

One more thing: approach your organization as if you’re making a group of friends with the same political view. Focus on having fun and making a bond. Being too task-oriented will turn people off (they think you’re controlling them).

Depends, what area? If its in the US, hell no, you'd be better off making a militia or a small kool kids klub derivative. If its in a (((democracy))) that will send you to jail for defying the will of the (((owners,))) don't make a party, make a super small kool kids klub, just remember to do everything away from prying eyes and keep it offline. If its in a (((democracy))) that doesn't have hate speech laws yet, go for it, just don't name it something that will tip off feds. Ultimately it depends on what you want to do. If you want to influence legislation, you'd be best off making a lobbying group. Call politicians, make payments, run ads, that sort of thing. If you want to inform the public, just make you kool kids klub put up propaganda posters on public areas. If you want to be around like minded individuals, just make a word of mouth kool kids klub that's essentially an edgy country club for gentiles, IE, what the KKK is nowadays. Want a revolution, well then just do the last two things I mentioned, but throw SHTF stockpiling into the mix. Just stay offline, and don't be in headlines, and feds won't come knocking.

Nothing involving the words patriot, traditional, conservative, reactionary, etc. These are hotbutton words that many have pre-programmed responses to.

You want something district from other groups, but safe and appealable to everyone. Something that a president of a local company can join (or endorse) without raising any eyebrows.

Your name does not define you. Your actions do. The name is less important that the culture you will start. Once people begin to see the values espoused, the group will become recognized for them, and people seeking those values will being to join.

You need to show the value of fascism without having any connection to fascism. Not a single connection or reference. This is how you gain members. This is how you gain strength. In 10 years, when your candidate is running for Congress, the name of the party will be irrelevant. What matters is the values you represent - values the everyday person can agree with, vote for, and cheer publicly.

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Your swazi is backwards.

Also, there are far too many offshoot political movements. Just start doing stuff. Don't spend all your time worrying about your name and your manifesto and all of that, it's mostly pointless anyways. Just think about what you can actually do. Political power, as life itself, is about action and energy.

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The Imperial Republican Party or the Natural Law Party are my nomenclature suggestions but a new party won't be allowed to do much without pozzing itself to (((international finance))). Starting a survival or militia hobbyist club (emphasis on the hobbyist club fbi) would be a better way of merging usefulness and weeding out subversives whilst organizing for the future benefit of the United States and it's soon to be new Government. Consider it an organization that pretends to be republican in the meantime whilst ensuring it's members are in lockstep over key ideologies. Almost like the masons, but heterosexual.

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Fuck off you larping retard, retards like you destroy the morality and seriosity of the true nature of fascism, but after all what can I expect from an amerimutt mongrel retard manchild

Datamining thread, the feds want to know what all the new dogwhistles are.

The first holy church of hitler.
You're welcome.

Obviously, you need to talk to people laterally, rather than start a party right off. You should be able to assess where someone is at and what they believe when speaking. Sadly, most people are normalfags and don't care about their race, country, etc. Even their "Gods" are just ways for them to signal. You have to steer them towards redpills. Then you have to network with those who agree with you. If you encounter resistance regarding redpill material, drop the subject and do not press further. Distance yourself from unsympathetic people. Also, never stop learning. You need to be smarter than the enemy to survive. It's highly ridiculous to expose yourself to enemies for no reason, which is how people get ruined–by being dumb.

You sound as though you haven't been around all that long, so don't overextend yourself and get into trouble. I would not want that for fellow shitlords. You can have quite a lot of power if you play your cards right, but fame is not power. Just look at the Rothschilds. "Fortunes, like mushrooms, grow best in the dark."
Gas the kikes, race war now. –user

Just call it the fascist party.
These days you'd be shocked how willing people are to listen.

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That's a good name, since you plan to draw the curiosity of normies and slowly convert them over time. I assume you live in North Texas, I wish you look. I want to do the same thing here east coast usa

Women are not designed to be able to defend themselves against enemy propaganda.; they are expected to fall victim. We need women in the movement that accept the dominance of men, and the need for women to stay at home and take direction and not watch filthy mainstream media.

They will destroy our movement through the women if we give them any positions of power in it, other than positions of power over other women, never power over a man.

Hope isnt what is seen its unseen. It may very well be hopeless but might as well do it out of spite user, good luck

lmao i guess im fed posting in this thread boys check dat ID

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I admire your will to create a party but join patriot front.

They'll call you a fascist anyway.

google says patriot front is a texas based organization. might be some goys in your area check them out.

So don't call it "fascist." Fascist is a nebulous term that has ten different definitions depending on who you talk to. Call it the Normal party, the Solid party, or something benign. Or call it the white people's party.

Unless you're a accomlished person IRL, don't bother. The White Nationalism brand cannot afford to be sullied by being primarily represented by outcasts and losers. You'd do yourself and the movement a bigger favor if you were to work on yourself before trying to enter politics.

If you're coming to a Laos bird watching forum to ask if you should become a political leader then you're not ready to become a political leader.

Environmental party will do fine because our Mother Nature is based.

You can't vote your way out of this problem.

Eg. The Bernier Cuck Party in Canada was designed, sadly it seems to me, to identify and contain radical elements.

Just don't start larping as a nazi. Spread your ideas, not the historic political symbol that you worship.

It is dumb unless you have the resources to resist fbi, cia, mossad etc. infiltration. Not to mention if you gain any traction said agencies will probably try to kill the leader of your party and you'd need top level security to be able to defend against that.

In short, unless you're a billionaire who has a security network capable of defending against the full brunt of the resources of hostile nations ruled by our enemies you wont get very far.


i'd just rather identify as a national socialist, because it certainly sets out what our movement stands for
If people get people, they will have nothing against national socialism, if they don't, whatever you say, it does not matter to them anyway

Govt workers are not very intelligent people, if they were they would be working private for 3-5x the money. You don't need to have 100x the resources of an enemy to effectively be able to outmaneuver them. The effectiveness of the billions the kikes sink into their intel agencies they bought to work for them is substantially less potent than what a specialized group could be.

You don't need to outspend the kikes to win, you just need to more effectively manage resources and not do retarded shit like TWP or the alt right.

Kill yourself kid, school clearly isn't doing you any good.