Why are there public protests against the Democrats for not giving us the budget for the wall. We should be in the streets cussing the fuck out of Schumer and Pelosi and making their lives as miserable as possible. We should be protesting against them in the streets. We aren't though. It's like republicans have no idea how to protest anything. Why the fuck cant we organize anything?
Why the fuck cant the right organize anything?
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Too hard tbh, let's just shitpost instead
The right has been cowed into apathy and submission. Politics is no fun when you're losing after all.
Well right now there's fear of financial blacklisting. But, yeah, if enough of us get together that shouldn't be able to stop us.
Historically, however, our individualism has been the cause of our lack of collective organization.
People afraid of honeypot operations, people afraid of being fired, people afraid of getting arrested for defending themselves. All due to a combination of judicial bias and cowardice.
Individual blackmailing, targeting of their jobs, families, for most people it's too much too risk and is not worth it, most people don't want to experience the wrath of the jew so they cowar
We aren't republicans on this board. We understand all political division in the US is fabricated as a dialectic, and that both sides are controlled by kikes. Maybe try your luck on reddit or 4chin.
Because we have jobs. Because even if we took time off using vacation and sick days, some communist kike would "doxx0rs" us and we'd have no jobs. Because a lot of us support families and children and no job would hurt more than just ourselves. Leftist parasites have nothing to lose, the ZOGpigs and media defend them step of the way while we have everything to lose. It also doesn't help that (((right wing leaders))) glow in the dark and are leftists themselves, or shabbos goyim.
Free food is the answer for everything. If we had a super rich person fund the protest with free hotdogs and drinks. It would be a hit. It's like nobody on our side has any money or power what so ever.
Are we talking about whites here, or niggers?
Bro. Obviously the protest is about the wall. That's it. So yeah there's probably going to be blacks and whatever race there. Maybe play some heavy metal music every once in awhile to get the crowd pumped up.
No, fuck you. The problem is that the enemy controls the most powerful institutions, and they will bring their full force to bear against any individual who defies them. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." No one can hope to resist them alone.
Well, yeah. But firstly, the enemy knows that's the answer; that's why they're so diligent about nipping any nascent organization before it can grow to become a real threat.
Secondly, our moderates are worse than useless. Left-wing moderates will always support left-wing extremists, giving them money, sympathy, and legal defense. Even when they disagree, they recognize their extremists as good people whose hearts are in the right place, even if they understandably go too far sometimes. In contrast, right-wing moderates can't wait throw our extremists to the wolves. It makes them feel like the good guys. Is this simply because we all suck and deserve to lose? No, it's because even right-wing moderates have been marinating in "left wing = good; right wing = bad" popular culture for decades upon decades. Surrendering entertainment to the Jews was a terminal mistake.
You'd have to be retarded to go to one of these for free food.
Most of the extremely wealthy got there by going along with the kiked system. The few millionaires that likely agree with us have even more to lose than the average person because setting up logistics for large massive demonstrations leaves a paper trail and would cause the full weight of the system to be brought to bore on them. They'd start issuing all kinds of audits and inspections to fuck with their finances and businesses and if they couldn't find anything they'd just trump something up.
no budget.
All joking aside, if I was in the streets yelling "jews are literally responsible for everything bad", I'd lose my job.
America is a one-party system. Republicans are the outer party and Democrats are the inner party. Every Republican wishes he could be a Democrat. Meanwhile, productive people get the stick.
If the protest is just about the wall and nothing else. If it's a peaceful protest. And the worst is us showing our hatred for schumer and pelosi for not working for the American people to protect us with the wall. How could anyone get in trouble by showing up to that protest?
P much this.
Go out to protest as red? You can get targeted by hacker groups and have your life ruined.
Go out to 'protest' as blue? Your rich backer outside the nation buys out the media to swap blame for being a useful idiot.
The right is paranoid and/or too much to lose.
The left has nothing and is protected by the laws.
United the Right was a peaceful protest.
Jews have no problem making it a violent protest, send in the agent provocateurs.
Put your dick in the meat grinder. It's perfectly safe; don't be a coward! I won't turn the handle. Really. Probably. (I definitely will.)
The two successful religions of our time are Progressivism and Islam. They are successful, in the short term, because they tell their followers to steal from productive people, and their moderates always support their extremists, and there is still a lot of loot left to steal, and a lot of loot is being stolen all the time. Sure, once great cities are in ruins, and nobody is investing in anything anymore because it will be stolen, but these are long-term problems that have no bearing on the success of these two religions today.
Look, I don't live in the USA or Europe. But if the yellow vests could do it, so can you.
Why not just organize physical meetings to talk and get to know one another? Then you can move on to bigger things. Part of the problem is that internet anonymity abstracts us from reality.
Yes that'll work out.
ur a shill , we organize everything.
anything that is a group is "the right"
the left is anarcy and just chaos , even if they act the same they are not one.
get fucked retard, game over, you lose
As if you can't just meet for coffee at a cafe and just talk about inanities to start from there.
The right in europe do all the time.
Americans will never do a successful right wing protest because your two biggest camps are -
1) boomer retards who cope about being useless losers by saying "Durrr Iz got a jeb, no time to protest, snowflake". So they never do.
2) Far right e-celeb followers who are too scared to risk losing their shit lifestyle they LARP as being so awful on twitter everyday.
Also, the leaders of camp 1) are civnats so even if they did protest nothing much would change and the leaders of 2) are self-centered fame whores looking for attention and will grab at any chance of power even if it's clearly a honeypot or could go horribly wrong.
Both are an outcome of your mostly decadent, corporatist culture.
You must be new here. Faggot.
We don't care. The system is broken. We are bidding our time to fix it. No one here cares about
The fix is known and talked openly about on this board. The only piece missing is timing.
To be fair, SOME of far-right e-celebs shown up in UTR 2016.
You don't care to protest?
Then we need to get rid of these useless impediments to freedom and political activism.
In that case, maybe they should pay for their treachery.
(jew) just aren't invited.
If violence is inevitable, why contain it? Maybe it needs to be directed against targets of significance.
Just in case you didn't work it out, we lost, and we are living in occupied territory.
It's more like the left is too good at organizing, because organizing into mobs and attacking people and seizing power is the only thing they spend their time on.
Protests are photops and accomplish nothing. When Trump fails to deliver and the economy tanks in 2019 then the fun really begins.
Never forget: they need you to continue to believe that your vote matters. Keeps you stuck on level one.
Oh, they will. Nobody likes a traitor, not even the side he joins. No matter who wins, cuckservatives are fucked.
Reminder that codemonkey is responsible for these COINTELPRO paid shilling posts being left up.
Well it's fucking working, nitwit.
IMO, because traditionalists and right-leaning people were herded like cattle into a shitty, unworkable ideology by cunts like William F Buckley. Buckley counseled against populism in an era when whites were the mega majority and it would have obliterated the Jew. Conservatives also sucked off big business, claiming the free market was based. People were right to fear communism, but the economic arguments are the weakest reasons to hate it - communism wants no marriage, no religion, and no families. It is the death of humanity. Conservatives bit into a shit sandwich and went to bat for big business for decades, until big business saw the demographics change and utterly abandoned conservatives. The power of conservatives was designed to go through the police, military, and big business. When these organizations turned on them -which conservatives did nothing to stop, because conservatism's individuality says 'fuck social consequences'- we inherited nothing.
Conservatives also tend to be wageslaves and have families, so they can't jet off to portland or charlottesville. Then there's also kikes. They have money and are committed to killing christians. They will bankroll extremist groups. On the right, you have cucks like church groups who want to spend money on clothing Haitians instead of protecting marriage. Those guys all believe preaching politics in a church is improper and we need to all sing hymns and await the rapture while we send guns to Israel to keep the rapture from happening.
Conservatives also are easily pacified by the dumb myths about the Constitution being sacred and the Founding Fathers being semi-divine. They think electing a bunch of former zogbots and closeted gay men will protect them from social decay. They capitalize words like Republic and Nature and Freedom and think doing so makes them real things that will take corporeal form to save them. They also refuse to wake up to racial reality. They think that, by golly, if we just work our hearts off and be real polite and push school vouchers, those blacks and hispanics will see Reason (note the capital letter) and come to vote for conservatism. Conservatives genuinely discuss why Jews vote against them, and they can't understand it.
The TEA party was an example of conservative organization. It was polite, energetic, and did everything through the proper channels. For this it was villified, targeted by government persecution through the IRS, ignored and exploited by Republicans, and ultimately denounced as racists by the National GOP on numerous occasions. Its sad, because a bunch of honest and genuinely good people got completely btfo by the system, but it shows that conservatism isn't viable. Its a deluded system designed to kneecap the opposition to cultural marxism.
Whatever hope there is, is with the weird esoteric shitposters. But much like the French terror group Silhouette in Deus Ex, all shitposters can do is wage a meme war, not a real war. It has no army and no organization, no leadership or funding. It can fight for hearts and minds among whites, but beyond that, it can't do anything.
TL;DR - You're absolutely right, and I have no idea what the fuck to do about it.
People on the right just want to be left the fuck alone. Organizing protests has always been a left wing thing.
People on the right are (int’l) socialists, while those on the left are communists. Their job is to be an artificial foil, to slow down the process so it seems natural, consensual.
On a diff spectrum this would be obvious but retard monkeyniggers who live for political theory and “democratic solutions” see only the walls of a circular tunnel when they even bother to stray their attention from that white, perfect light of sociotechnological progress.
Then it's time for the right to stop living in a fantasy world screaming LA LA LA as the world crumbles.
Also, fuck the mods for letting this obvious bait through.
It’s time for politics itself to die. Bring on the Hobbesian state of war against all until hierarchy forms from nature once more.
They certainly can organize, you must never heard of the Mercer family eh? :^)
The left/right paradigm is bullshit and the kikes prevent White organization with literal terrorism from governments. Sage for newfag.
answer: Rodent Infestation.
The right politicians are cucked by the big money power the rat has gained through usurping monetary policy put in them in direct control of almost everything else like media which was always their MO,on and on to media poisoning white children along with shitskin children which could all die and everything would be rosey except they are now weoponized for the rat agenda and can't expecpt subhumans to know any better.
We have a giant malignant tumor in our collective white body called many names like satan but for right now parasite is the best description.These parasitic cancer must be shut down in their inclusion push that shields them from the direct burning sunlight of truth.
Only whites can destroy these pieces of shits and they know it.
Because people deep down don’t want to be in charge of their own destiny. They want people ruling over them and treating them badly so they always have an excuse and someone to blame for why their lives are shit. What nobody wants to do is take responsibility. If you start to take the blame it all becomes real and you realize you can affect change. It’s your fault and your problem to fix. Nobody will act if they don’t feel at fault. It just won’t happen. By the way if you’re reading this you’re a coward. You haven’t even attempted anything of significance but you come here day after day crying about what a hell you exist in. Now read the first sentence again and pray the god emperor fixes it.
and dont think rent-a-mobs by soros is organization because as soon as that money flow stops so do they.So the underlying issue is now as it was always but in recent history 1913 was the start this time however the same rats were doing it before then and nothing but destruction death and chaos ever comes from rodents controlling any important facet of white society.
The problem is clear the solution is obfuscated every chance they get to.More whites need to suffer whats coming then reset their asses to 0 however the rodent knowing this is trying as hard as they can to bring in non whites and push miscegenation on younger generations preying on kids like the cowardly vermin they have always been.
This. If I got $400 a day for rioting and throwing bricks at cops who wouldn't prosecute me, I'd take a few weeks of vacation to go riot too.
Because other than the NEET-right, most of the right wing have actual jobs.
One of the most powerful resources in politics is free time and the ability to channel that time into productive channels.
Soros just plays the bread and circus card. If we had money we could play the same game and make it even funner but white people know how to have a good fucking time. Remember the 80's and 90's when white culture had power and how much happiness there was? It was like depression didn't even fucking exist.
As I said, judicial bias and cowardice. The fear is absolutely warranted because we are targeted, but it is still cowardice to succumb to it.
They went after the fucking tea party, churches, and businesses supporting them with the IRS. Look up Operation Chokepoint. You don't even have to be labeled far right to have this happen to you, you just have to be center-right and active in attempting to cause political change. The "justice" system of this country is beyond fucked up.
he's still sleeping, we got'em this time!
Trump needs to abolish the IRS then….. That's completely fucked up. Everyone with a twitter account tell Trump to abolish the IRS @realDonaldTrump
It's the right. We don't dumb down the population and yell retarded phrases while going chimp-brained for a camera, you moron.
The mass media divide and conquer strategy has worked.
Because the right is a minority coddled by the rich. You all would get BTFO’d by liberals that need Juanita to raise their kids.
Oh, so you love jew dick? Didn't you see the votes today where every republican voted for the shit that would make it illegal to boycott israeli products?
fuck you nigger
There's that trust issue that causes it. Same reason I never went to those larpy unite the right rallies, even though I was within walking distance of the second rally that weekend.
Unite the Right was fucking stupid. Never hold an event where the local police and government are Democrats. That's like attacking uphill and being shocked your army lost. All these events end with wide-eyed demonstrators shocked the police pushed them into a crowd of antifa thugs armed with weapons, like Milo's disasters at Berkeley. Unite the Right was designed to fail and have the outcome it did.
If you held a protest in a red state with local government who was at least tolerant, you get fun things like that picture of antifa getting bit in the ass by a dog because only twenty of them show up.
Yeah and it pissed me off asshole. They erased my fucking freedom to boycott. I remember the tea party bro. We boycotted the fuck out of British tea. Boycotting is our fucking right.
fbi infiltrates everything grassroots, and the groups which have enough money to stop intel agents getting in are prob in bed with the govt somehow anyways
The problem with this formulation is it assumes economics matters; it doesn't. The two parties are (superficially) very different on the question of traditional values vs degeneracy. That is the only spectrum that matters, all others are distraction.
pro-trumpers - kill yourself.
there will be no wall
you are under jew control
pro-republicans - kill yourself
things will never benefit the united states anymore because it will be labelled anti-semitic
you are under jew control
Wtf the government who has a monopoly on everything Gave me two choices for an election and both these people were Democrats and friends but one pretended to be a republican and there are plenty of documents detailing things like controlled opposition limited hangout disinformation and the fact that inteligence agencies view humans as cattle and give them no rights and everyone knows us politicians are just puppets wtf why can't we organize using the tools our enemies Gave us?
Because you are fucking very retarded
50% of Republicans are christcucks who’s only reason for voting is to oppose abortion. 50% are boomers who only want to save as much money as possible for their retirement so they can order the t bone every morning at the neighborhood diner instead of the ham.
Get this paid shilling off the board.
Only upside is that its good ammo to use on normalfags when it comes to pointing out who actually rules our counry.
Actually they view most of you as dots. You're dots on a digital map which they use to track your movements. Whether through your phone, or via facial recognition software.
Kill yourself.
The communists won WW2 newfag. We're living it.
White wingers have jobs and families to lose. Pinkos are full time subversives with capitalist baking.
Bread and Circus can get us back into mainstream. We dont need mainstream media to do this. We just need a person fucking strong enough to start a fucking grass roots movement. McAfee I bet has enough money and is fucking crazy enough to start a proper movement even he wanted to.
We lost the war by ironically winning ww2.
Not what I said, if you were to read my other posts it would be clear that I view inaction as cowardice. Its still important to teach those around you of what's actually going on.
Are you really telling me that you've not been able to teach any of your friends or family what's actually occurring? I hope you aren't truly that inept.
Shut the fuck up and never post here again. You know absolutely nothing and didn't bother to educate yourself.
I just went so much farther left today
you think Nat Soc is rightwing though
that's funny
think about it for a minute
You can't organize against people who play dirty. That's why Bolsonaro immediately cleaned house by firing leftists from academia and politics when he arrived into office.
You can't convince leftists since they're mentally ill people who defend criminals but antagonize law abiding individuals, so you need to force them out before they can't do damage to you.
People here claim that our mistake was that we're cowards, but they're wrong. Our mistake is that we treat these mentally ill subhumans as equals. Why are child drag queens even a debate? They should be locked up for it.
They aren't good at organizing. It's just that plenty of people have their back.
Liberals have coddled parenting. That's why they throw a shitfit at conservative speakers in uni.
This wall protest is the best fucknig chance we have to get a fucking movement going. The energy is on our side right now.
As plans go this has to rank somewhere between eating lead paint and trying to fly by jumping off a cliff while flapping your arms.
Bro….. You need a crazy motherfucker to start a movement and I cant think anyone crazier than McAfee. This dude is hilarious he's so crazy. I love it. He's perfect. Plus i swear he had already died so it's a mandella effect. Maybe he has a purpose to live.
Are you capable of actually making a response that makes contextual sense instead of something that would be expected from a chatbot?
Fuck off goon.
Being temporarily hungry and penniless for months to years is worth it for decades of a country with strong borders.
How much have you had to drink/smoke tonight?
NatSoc is third position. It's neither capitalist nor communist; economic systems which were created and endorsed by outsiders to benefit outsiders. National Socialism and Fascism exists to benefit and serve the people within, which is why a (((minority))) is threatened by it.
Not enough
yen and yang. Fucking only two fucking sides to choose from bro. Good first evil. Everything in between are just lies.