The Greatest Irony of Modern Marxism: And Why Commies/Leftists Don't Know Themselves

Modern Marxists are unintentionally doing NatSocs a favor, but for all the wrong reasons. Their only use in life is to agitate (((corporations/international bankers))) and fuck up Pissrael's Greater Pissrael plans via BDS along with the "progressive reformists". Anything else and they are just basically following whatever (((capitalistic))) trend (homosexuality, feminism, open borders, race mixing, etc.) they can find and claim it's "woke af and revolutionary" and "essential for the proletariat".

Why can't they just admit that they don't really want Whites extinct? They love and use their inventions, after all. Ungratefulness isn't new for them, but still. Are they actually paper tigers or not?

They're not gonna get their communist "utopia" anytime soon if they keep supporting mass Third World immigration and feminism. Because by Marxist logic this would mean they are detrimental to the proletariat, but they don't think that anymore. They have no reason to support these degenerate things, by which in reality actually sprung up from corporate kikes, unless if they are really this desperate to make themselves look very appealing to anti-White shitskins. They are not truly against (((capitalism))), because if they were they would have never believed in anti-White/anti-rural Jewish academia that mostly has nothing to do with actual Soviet communism.

They have no principals, which is why the Soviets of old would have gunned them all down. Which is also why they are secretly trying to erase whatever Soviet idea they seem to be "racist/bigoted". They used to call supporters of (((multiculturalism))) "rootless cosmopolitans" (but never Jewish because of course they didn't). Even comrade (((Lenin))) himself, despite being a massive Talmudic kike, considered homosexuality and "sexual studies" to be "fascism" and a case of "(((bourgeoisie))) morality":

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a fan of non-dualism.


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This ultimately reveals the nastiest yet most vocal of their lot. Communism has never and will never be about the worker, it has never been about supporting the workers rights because what is a workers right when he is owned by the state? When he is deprived of private property , when he is deprived of the divine right of pro creation, when he is deprived of conquering his circumstance. It is about destroying the psychological and spiritual entity of a human being or a human beings connection the God/gods via the natural world. That is why they shill degeneracy so much, it’s why they seek to cripple families, separate man and women and control the children through the state, why they advocate for freedom but secretly direct the freedom of abuse. It’s why they openly advocate transgenderism which of course is the ultimate evolution of their support for homosexuality which is to take advantage of the spiritual gift of procreation and turn it against a person to make them susceptible to be controlled, to be so intellectually and psychologically controlled that they lose touch with their primal instinct. It is about breaking a human being/spirit down to the status of a blob of flesh that they can factor into their economics formula and do whatever fancies their sick, dysfunctional parasitic hearts desire. It is the most devious global enslavement plan ever hatched which after pulling back their mask of bullshit manipulations they are revealed as the anti natural infestation that will inevitably be burnt off this planet like the leeches they are.

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Kinda ironic coming from a nazi, the nazi party was filled with homosexuals. Just like the altright and Zig Forums is now full of gays and transgender people.

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Gay nazi richard spencer is kinda right when he says whites are implicitly homosexuals.
In ancient times the cradle of civilizations like middleast, china, india were anti-homos until the aryans came along and introduced transgender shit see the aryan gods and greek boyfucker alexander. There are many such examples.

Christianity put a stop to all this gay shit in Europe spread by roman fucks.

and that's when we began to fall. xianity is to blame. they took masculine appreciation from us, from our pagan forebears. and that's why they're against fascism and natsoc which are quintessential traditional european-pagan worship of the divine masculine. and here lies the red pill: it is in worshipping the divine masculine that man comes closer to the masculine ideal himself. so called gay sex is an ancient aryan warrior ritual in order to realise the ideal man which lies in every man. this aryan tradition has spread everywhere, even as far as japan where not long ago the samurai worshipped each other to come closer to realising their masculine potential. personally, i myself have explored some of this magic and i can say that perhaps the most masculine moment of my life was worshipping a huge white cock. don't fall for christcuck propaganda.

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Not really.

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Look at NatSoc art or fascist art and look at it for what it is. It revolves around highly charged masculine and sexual imagery because both of these systems are about the worship of the masculine ideal. fascism realised in your life, the individual, is gained through ritual and esoteric sex magic.

begin here: this is as fascist as it gets.

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Japan who inherited our Aryan tradition also inherited a similar art style before they became Christianised. Worship of the masculine was compulsory.

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We can see the same appreciation in Ancient Greece and Rome. This is what Christcucks took away from us. And now the West worships Jews.

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>begin here: this is as fascist as it gets.
Omg. Feel so wrong, getting hard. I'm throbbing.

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>then a bunch of fellow goy Alt-Cunt infiltrators LARPing as fascists came in to encourage watching the gay section of (((Pornhub)))
Yup. Definitely nothing suspicious here. This is totally not gonna give the leftycunts ammunition to make them even more of a nuisance to deal with.

Kikes tried to give us Jewsus but we already have a god: white man and his superior white cock which is the creator of the white race and civilisation itself. Worship of man is true paganism. White man is the true god and more beautiful than any painting of any so called desert Yid.

>then a bunch of fellow goy Alt-Cunt infiltrators LARPing as fascists came in to encourage watching the gay section of (((Pornhub)))
Have you even read Evola? Have you read indo-European history? Being (((anti-gay))) anti Aryan. You need the truth.

(absolutely wasted)
I love how once the commie user 8e76db talked about Implicit Dick Spencer, suddenly out of nowhere you accursed fuckers joined in. Definitely not working together for thread subversion.

There are lots of us here who are Pagan pilled. Why are you acting like such a puritan? Try de-kikeing yourself because you are behaving no different to a desert cult yid.

Or maybe the OP post really hit a soft spot on the leftycunts and they are now trying their hardest to demoralize the discussion by pretending to be Alt-Cunt supporters with different IP's.

Dream harder, I'm 100% white, 100% rightwing, and own a collection of Evola books as well as a leatherbound Mein Kampf.

Why are right wingers so obsessed with male genitalia?

The shills are out in force tonight. Promoting homosexuality as if it is pro masculine and something that is good for a society. Begon faggots!

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Simply ebin.

It's more like a bunch of commies projecting their love for GRIDS on "rightwingers", as OP said they sure love using false dichotomies. They monitor Zig Forums threads like JIDF, after all.

You have a Christian morality in other words a nonwhite morality. Who practiced man love: Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germanics.

Homosexuality is statistically higher in non whites than whites. Eat a dick shitskin

Because they are more Christian on average.

In Africa and the Middle East, homosexuality is punished by death. In the West, the masses worship homosexuals.

Homosexuality so called is correlated with high IQ. Fact. Whites are more likely to enjoy men because of cognitive neurovariation and its sync/swap cycle controlled by our metabalome.

Yeah pretty much, lefty commies are always in a state of self loathing and delusion.
Often turn to fantasy for a "win" that's why they circle jerk themselves over their favorite bread and circus really "sticking it to drumpf" through the hands of kike writers.
Childish made up nonsense is their only answer to everything in life.
Petulant tantrums forming a shaking fist around their iphones while they play starbucks revolutionary.

Exactly. The fact that all of these Greek/Roman "homosexuals" all ended up having wives when they were alive, it really makes you question why kikes and gommies love twisting the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. They literally only had sex with young boy SLAVES, because apparently for them, any hole is A-okay. There's no such thing as homosexuality, no one stops being attracted to the opposite sex. Normalcattle fan over anime traps because they look more feminine than masculine. Never once in my life have I ever had a turn on with watching two burly and hairy men buttfucking when I was a normalcattle myself, it only ever sort of worked when the "bottom boy" was a girl-looking trap. Of course back then I didn't know this form of Jewish poison was killing me inside.

You have not read thread. It is the appreciation of the male form, fit for aestheticians and those who are capable of recognising beauty. It's an Aryans tradition.

Haven't read what? It's true that none of these Ancient Greeks/Romans were literal faggots. It's a fetish, not a biological trait, and Jews cashed in on this said fetish via pornography for the degradation of a society. See Weimar Republic for further details.

I never claimed that people are naturally literal faggots. That's a creation of Jews.
They've already found genes associated with attraction to the same sex. And if you call yourself a believer in genetic determinism and race realism, that's a retarded thing to say.
Jews turned it into a pathology. It's however very natural and normal for men to like each other.

As you claim, but then here's your next post:

Again, just simply ebin.

So you're saying what (((they))) did was "sort of bad" because you still support it anyways. Well said, fellow user. :^)

P.S. I forgot that my IP switched.

Faggots =/ liking men.

>So you're saying what (((they))) did was "sort of bad" because you still support it anyways. Well said, fellow user. :^)
No, they created a memetic mind virus out of the core idea and hijacked the normal feedback loop, wiring it into the matrix of modernist thought.

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I don't like them, I love them as much as a loving and caring brother would when they are in need. I don't love them in a way that I want to give them a golden shower and a creampie while the corporate porno kike films it.

Good to hear, user.

(wasted again)

Also I take my leave here now. It's about 4:00 AM where I live.

you really have the lowest iq in this thread

Showing Hectarian Invectors Limited Liability

And the only way to stop them is by killing them all. Not talking.


This is a massive shill infestation thread

Its not normal to want cock in your ass if you are a man. Its maladaptive to evolution.

Fuck off you absolute Mossad gay shill

You're turning looking to self-improvement into worshipping big cocks. Go on Pornhub, they have it for you there, don't worry the jews still create big dick porn everyday, they even call it dick worship, you shill faggot

Is this the "romans and nord were gayz n' shit" meme again? Because we already had a thread discussing how its all fabricated. Getting bogged is pre-christian practice.

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>jews love to oppress gays you know!!! why are you being so bigoted?! and raycist n shiet?! fuck you ebil nazis!!!
Choke on your "wife's" tranny "dick", Talmud Enoch.

Communism was always Jewish and it is their true vision for the world. Funny how Communism needs a strong centralized bank and the Rothschilds excel at that. It was dressed up in noble words and a nice idea of workers fighting back against the greedy oppressors, but at its core, Communism is Jewish evil that some of the goyim will demand and fight for. These leftists are just the drones to carry out the Jews' wishes and some of them are even among the useful idiot class, to be killed once the Jews have their way.

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Imagine being this wrong.

where is the sexual imagery here?

none of this shit is greek and you know it fucking lying jew.

> Even comrade (((Lenin))) himself, despite being a massive Talmudic kike, considered homosexuality and "sexual studies" to be "fascism" and a case of "(((bourgeoisie))) morality":
Reminder that Lenin died from syphilis and was multi-culti globalist supporter of "all races are equal bs" and no communists ever dropped this core idea.

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Pics related.

For a nice perspective on how we ended up with the gay shit pushed everywhere, watch this.

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Pic 3 is beautiful but capped at the wrong moment tbh for those who dont remember, kikey locked that thread



This "ballot harvesting" bullshit just means that war is coming ever closer. They just don't get it.

…ended up in the bog like you will be.



Let's stare at penises daily and while we are at it suck on that erect penis and appreciate the beauty.

What's wrong with worshipping god AKA white man?

the first one is.

then why is there a gspot in your ass? hmmmmmmmmm

You are too predictable.

I'll just say this:
what ever they are paying you it's too much




lol this guy probably got btfo at Zig Forums and had to rage post here to let his anger out

Not responding to that faggot consensus cracker, and saging because it's off topic, but
is true Judaism. The idea of willing man into a god is the kikiest belief around. They call themselves the (((chosen people))) and see themselves as their own Messiah. They are of their father Lucifer, who desired to be like the Most High, and they were tempted from the beginning to reach godhood through knowledge. No wonder all the occultist degenerates like Crowley and the shabbos goyim puppets in power today engage in sodomy as if that will help them reach gnosis, they are only following through on the jewish belief of man becoming god.

You know, Zig Forumsacks once thought that you cosmic retards wouldn't come back here anymore once you are given your own containment board. But I guess we were all wrong. It looks like not even Plebbit subs can continue you double digit subhumans. I'm still going to tell you to fuck off, though. Go back to deep throating your tranny husband "wife". It's not like you have any problem with literal faggotry, anyways.

>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums


Imagine a Jew forming this much (((pilpul))).

You can tell you've hit the mark because this thread is full of shills, and agitated Zig Forums into a 3 day shilling campaign.

Keep it up. They don't want to admit it, but the American DSA is the face of modern leftism and they're just a tiny whining minority obsessed w/ 'Marxist orthodoxy' when the future of their movement is just unemployed tranny mystery meat begging for free stuff and sex work advocacy.

Pic related for the 'nazis are gay' shill. This was called the 'socialist kiss' in the USSR.

Attached: brezhnev_honekker_kiss.jpg (1280x800, 715.26K)

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Communists have always been upper middle class Jews who cared about attacking White Christians while promoting degeneracy. Communists hate the working class, particularly the working class of the majority group. It was usually right wing groups that were filled with the working class, as working class people hold on to the traditions communist Jews attack more than anybody else. The Freikorps and SA were made up of working class WWI veterans, while the communist revolutionaries were mostly well-off Jews and equally well-off Germans who never fought for the Reich

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Except whites are the least likely to be faggots

Exactly. I remember TRS shilling for homosexuality and Dicky Spencer really hard, back then. It seems like they can post their degeneracy again without consequences, I think. It really makes you wonder if they were even actual national socialists to begin with. I remember hearing from some anons before that they all used to be dude weed lmao lolbergtarians, it hon makes sense when you think about it. Once you go to that political route, you'll never change deep inside of you.

I thought about fucking commie life up. Zig Forums has their own booru site, so it won't hurt spoiling their years of tranny porn collection.

And the Nordics used to just dump them in the bog in the middle of the night without making a big fuss about it.

Masons talk about this, I think they call them sheep just there to be fleeced.

Most of the fascists here are former libertarians.

Where I live weed is legal so I don't have to pretend to be a leftist anymore. The fact (((they))) criminalized a fucking herb and that some idiots here endorse it boggles the mind.

Not to mention that the far left has no actual solution on family life regarding the capitalist materialism in cities. They obviously don't want a rural farm life in the pasture, so it's always left (word not intended) ambiguous over what they invision the family structure to really be like. My closest guess is that they want everyone to not have families at all, and race mix, as they support multiculturalism, which is another way of saying "Citizens of the world! Mix all of your cultures until you are all grey hobgoblins with no defining features whatsoever! It's for the sake of the progressive queer Motherland™!".

Does it sound familiar to you? They've already gotten what they wanted in the modern US, and yet they still bitch whine for more "progressive ideas", and all that is left (again, not intended) for them to do now is to remove any pro-Israel sentiment in the US because to them, Israel is a "White supremacist country". They sure do love blaming Whites for everything.

Shit that never happened. Unless you're saying Buhhda diddled little boys, which I doubt because he had a wife.

Do they even remotely understand what the Marxian socialists of old did to homosexuals back then? Even the ones who had nothing to do with the Soviet Union? Also, the last tweet is very interesting to me, because he could have at least said "ZOGbots" but hey, you gotta keep up with the kosher terms and all. You only get to hate them when you perceive all of them as "cis white male racist rapists". And here I thought they are supposed to be "woke af". It amazes me how they are still speaking English, as it should be considered as "Eurocentric" by their degenerate standards.

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*>that first mp4
Fuck me, I am an actual brainlet. I don't get to laugh at the pic I posted at all.

>Modern Marxists are unintentionally doing NatSocs a favor, but for all the wrong reasons. Their only use in life is to agitate (((corporations/international bankers))) and fuck up Pissrael's Greater Pissrael plans via BDS along with the "progressive reformists". Anything else and they are just basically following whatever (((capitalistic))) trend (homosexuality, feminism, open borders, race mixing, etc.) they can find and claim it's "woke af and revolutionary" and "essential for the proletariat".
Thank you for noticing this OP. I swear to fucking g-d these "people" can get certain things "right" (not really though) but then they all fall face first on these subjects all because of their artificial identity politics and virtue signalling.

Like how they are more concerned about (((political correctness))) and supporting "minorities" rather than actually dismissing (((PC culture))) entirely and supporting the working class as a whole regardless of race. They've never wanted equality right from the start, even though it's completely impossible to begin with. At least Zig Forums natsocs and fascists, myself included are painfully honest about this shit, these said "people" just keep on fueling the lie just to get more followers. It's a literal cult.

>Their only use in life is to agitate (((corporations/international bankers)))
when was the last time you saw a marxist speak out against international finance? they dont do it because they know international finance is controlled by their jewish masters. they'll never do anything against the system. their desire is to eradicate whites, not destroy the system.

This was an absolutely beautiful post. I particularly appreciated the Bakunin quote.

Can you refer me to any of his books, like on I want more of this guy.

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The jews see themselves (somewhat absurdly) as Spartans ruling over masses of helots who not only toil for them without any hope of reward but also serve as objects upon which they can vent their lust and cruelty on a whim.
And the Spartan system is barracks life as Bakunin points out in that quote above. There's barracks for all the different classes and groups; barracks for warriors, barracks for policemen, barracks for adolescent boys, for helots, for Spartan women without children, for women with small children for children older than 5, for old people who have retired to their rest and so on.

And you can see this impulse in the jews with their Kibbutz system or with that jewess in LA that started that bunk bed hotel in a warehouse. Communal living is for all even for the jews themselves as it enforces doctrinal cohesion, and surveillance between fellow jews so that nobody steps out of party line.

Stop the bullshit, jews are merchants, not warriors.

Never ever compare them with spartans.

Total communist bullshit.

Why is op’s thread named like babby’s first college essay? Seems like signposting that it will be faggotry.

You're reading comprehension is dogshit.

I never compared them to Spartans. I said they saw themselves as Spartans, quite a different matter.

Please learn how to read. Take two years off to learn before posting here again.

*ahem* ..

"your" not "you're"