Ohio middle school substitute teacher, 41, is arrested for 'masturbating under his desk' while class was in session >Tracey (((Abraham))), 41, was substituting Tuesday at Creekside Middle School >An administrator removed (((Abraham))) from the classroom and the building >Fairfield police have charged (((Abraham))) with public indecency for masturbating
no one sees this , all everyone sees is ronoldo saying "the jews did this" as they take their kids out of public school
and thats the hook (nose) , thats what your are (anti) shilling about. Even if people only see a white guy it doesnt matter the same response is.
Take my kid away from public schooling , your bread basket and indoctrination is over.
Get fucked.
Luke Flores
*you are
Luis Sanchez
You're an idiot. Go post this on twitter and watch as everyone refers to him as a white guy. Everyone outside of Zig Forums sees a white guy. That's it.
Thomas Cruz
We're gonna need a bigger oven.
Levi Reyes
Alexander Roberts
Both of these are truth. Fact is that 99% of the world hates whiteness now and we are a dying breed. We lost and (((they))) won. Israel just can't stop fucking winning.
Brody Barnes
Benjamin Rogers
They don’t hate it they envy it. For females that is since they are by far the most beautiful. They probably hate white males because of how weak we’ve become. Nobody likes weakness and this weakness is publicly acceptable to hate. They probably envied white males before ww2 though.
First off you're responding to a kike. Secondly, we haven't become weak. Like I said, when people see this, they see a white guy. The weakness of white men displayed to the world isn't actually white men. It's kike men. The depravity isn't actually white. But they all see it as white men, because they all think kikes are white.
Thomas Richardson
Owen Cox
Where's the fucking video
Hunter Scott
ohhhh.. see this is what pedophiles mean when they say
Chase Peterson
t. blown out, scared yid
James Barnes
Very disrespectful
Daniel Walker
Wtf I hate Hitler now
Hudson Roberts
Video of teacher please
Jordan Cooper
He looks like Henry Kissingers bastard child.
Anthony Barnes
feel free to not be white somewhere else. if this were a few years ago, all they would say is hes white. Kids today are saturated in our memes which have overtaken the lame boring shit they teach in schools. All it takes is the class clown to meme a quick kike joke and all the kids will be laughing and howling about jews masturbating into plants or oy veeeeyy. dumbass
Jaxon Parker
Kek another reminder we live in clown world. Is there a webm of them calling him out at least?
Xavier Nelson
Because niggers and spics are going to continue to protect them and pay their bills? Go to bed pantifa