I know people hate discussing 4cuck but is 4/pol/ even salvageable at this point?
The mods and jannies seem COMPLETELY co-opted and shills use bots working around the clock to push useless threads like twitter shit, questions that just (((happen))) to have naked women in the OP pic, low effort bait, and just all around GARBAGE.
Discussion is near impossible and you get called a retard/nigger/every slander they can think of just for daring to discuss something. Then if you complain they'll tell you it was always like this. It's not. You can look in the archive and see threads from before, TREMENDOUSLY better. Trying to discuss LITERALLY anything will start a brigade of insults.
Quality threads are slided to the bottom and get next to no replies.
Coincidentally, this rapid decline started to happen right around this was passed: en.wikipedia.org
Which essentially makes it fully legal for the US government to go onto these boards and derail ALL discussion. Couple that with Mossad's work and Zig Forums has finally fallen.
Bans are handed out like candy, usually standard fare 3 day bans for deviating from not just politics, but basically anything outside their desired threads. I've seen endless quality threads get destroyed by (((moderators))) and janitors. Meanwhile you click the main page and all you find is
It's so fucking tiresome. And what worries me most of all is the rot is working overtime to take this place over too. Perhaps even more so than 4/pol/, even though we've been more resistant.
Be watchful anons, they want to destroy us and once we're gone there won't be many places left. We need to keep up the fight. We need to bump quality threads and allow honest discussion.