John F Kennedy

What does Zig Forums think about JFK?
Was he a ZOGpuppet? or the last good president of the US?
What's your opinion on his policies? His Presidency? His economics and his beliefs?

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he blocked nuclear weapons for israel you saw what happened next

Reminder that he adored Hitler and was literally a Nordicist.

I thought it was his dad that adored Hitler and despised the Brits?

He was probably one of the last Presidents who wasn’t a complete cryptokike, his assassination only proves that.

Explain these? I know he denied Israel nukes but what else?

His dad was going to abandon the Brits during WW2:

On the military he didn't want to send regular forces into Vietnam:

Meth addict who was banging Marilyn Monroe before he offed her.

Reminder he hated the federal reserve

he was the only good president besides lincoln.

I love JFK now

How the fuck did he win the Democrat vote? How did the Democrats vote in someone like that? Was there once a time when the Democrats weren't massive cunts who try to ruin America?

no, he was just anti-war.

He was pro-nigger, "civil rights" opened Pandora's box, once you concede to accepting niggers as equal human beings anything goes.

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The Democrats used to be controlled by the South that wanted to stop niggers nogging, then Johnson and other retards pushed for the Civil Rights Act, along with nukes for Israel, sending regular troops to Vietnam, massive expansion of welfare, and the 1965 Immigration Act.

fucking disgusting niggers

Somrthing wrong with Andrew Jackson user?

Civil Rights only got through because he had his head blown off and Johnson used the shock to get niggers the vote. If JFK hadn't been assassinated the South would have been on his ass and put him through the grinder for being too lenient.

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if you don't know already. he wanted to make his own currency, de-centralized from the federal reserve. that's why there's rare Red USD dollars. those were JFK dollars. he stood up to the jeews and got boom headshotted because of it.

if you don't know this already, i don't know what to tell you.

I'm not an expert on his policies maybe he just talked the talk to get elected. Johnson was certainly a bastard pawn of the kikes who's grave should be desecrated in the vilest of ways.

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You must love abuse of executive power and the wholesale slaughter of your neighbors for them acting within the confines of the Constitution

yeah he put the federal reserve in charge of our money.

Kill yourself immediately


Johnson was too high on his own ego and thought he would be king if he listened to the kikes

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*why do niggers always do that weird shit with their big nigger lips, he couldn't even control himself in front of the president with the whole world watching. Oh lawds.

I'm saging because I'm posting off topic retard. I bumped when I posted on topic.

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Jackson was an economic illiterate, like you. He failed to understand that in an industrialising society, you need liquidity and flexibility in your money supply. Chaining the dollar down to gold and silver is what kept America from becoming the major economic power by the end of the 19th century.

He admired Hitler
His father was pro Hitler anti anglo jew.
The jews blew his head off for sticking his nose into Dimona reactor

He must have been doing SOMETHING right.

ya ok

He's telling an untruth. Bimetalism was opposed by the central banker cabal because silver created effectively more than adequate liquidity for industrial expansion. The jews couldn't monopolize it like they did with gold. Go and read up on it.

Jackson was right.


You lost, Cletus.

Why do both sides hate the Kennedys, Zig Forums?

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Went out of his way to ignore the supreme court to destroy the only chance native americans had at creating a legitimate ethnostate for themselves

The Kennedy family was very aware of the jewish foreign interference in the US.

It's simple. It was the campaign. There is a very good book about JFK and I'm paraphrasing the user who got this info. (I haven't read the books yet) I think this was in the "The Kennedy Curse" or if not then maybe "Final judgement" which is also a very great book, as many anons said.

GLR's mentor DeWest Hooker, a friend of Joe Kennedy, who he (Rockwell) said was "the nearest thing to a Nazi since the Bund" and credited with
teaching him "to know the evil and cunning ways of the enemy" in the acknowledgments to the very book you cited, told a different story:
Hooker encouraged his friend, Nazi leader Rockwell, and other "right wingers" to smear John F. Kennedy as JFK's father had suggested. His efforts succeed.
although the historian who penned the description of Rockwell's sloganeering probably had no idea that it was indirectly the work of Joe Kennedy.
not completely off the mark, inasmuch as American Jewish leaders claimed themselves at the time that it was Jewish support for John F. Kennedy that gave him his narrow victory over Nixon in the 1960 election.)
(ID: c17f80)

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I'm sorry for the fucked up greentext. It has been copied from the an old JFK release thread.
Kennedy: One of the things which I think has increased the cost of living has been this administration's reliance on a (((high interest rate))) policy. My own judgement is that we're going to have to try to do a better job in this field.


He literally was, tyronne.

The revolution of 67 (did I get that year right, anons) hadn't yet hijacked the party. Remember, although their's was the party of FDR and Wilson, there were patriots who absolutely hated communism, prior to the CIA takeover through the hippy culture and civil rats movements. Kennedy and Nixon were old buddies, btw.

My father always told me he was the last president elected by the people.

nice bait


The year was 1968.

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Who the fuck knows user? Its steeped in so much stigma though at this point you would do better talking about the holocause than JFK to normal faggots.

Interesting. Reminds of the "attacks" on Trump being a cryptokike puppet.

Suicide now.

He was an anti Semite.

Palestinians and Israelis are scum and both shouldn't exist.
Kingdom of Jerusalem, never forget