Why didn't Trump get funding for the wall when GOP had majorities?

Because the GOP donors want open borders and the GOP voters are dumb as hell. The wall is misdirection from the real problem, LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

So why does Trump really have the govt shut down? Something isn't right…

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Well this is the struggle isn't it?
Trump came in as a very unwelcome disruptor of the status quo. It was supposed to be JEB vs Hillary. And then the NEVER TRUMPERS fought tooth and nail against him.

A lot of them got flushed out of the system in the last mid terms.

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because filibusters

sage for shit thread

Because they're all jewish paid shills, you stupid fucking piece of shit.

Because half to 2/3 of GOP work against white interests, too. He needs to take over GOP completely if he wants actually done (which is doubtful itself).

95% of the Jewnited States government is only beholden to kike interests.

Trump played his base of voters like the gullible and naive people they are.
Are you still going to support Trump in 2020 when the wall still isn't built? Oh don't worry, he will build it after his election. MAGA! Just vote for Trump again because it's the only other choice besides a Demokike or open revolution. Yes goyim, never sacrifice anything without our permission especially not your life for a noble cause.

Because he is a coward and a traitor, you lazy nigger.
Save shit like this for QTDDTOT. People like you are ruining this board for us all.

Wrong, Hillary pushed for Trump to be nominated because she thought he'd be easy to beat.

Because the republicans are Zionist cucks and democracy always fails.


Hi, CIA.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Actually she thought he would lead voters away from mainstream candidates.
From her perspective as an elite insider it was completely unthinkable that he was in fact the mainstream candidate.

Reminder that ALL immigration is meaningless, because the "legal" nonwhites already here will outbreed whites in 15 years.

Paid shill confirmed.

Come on, user. Is it really so unlikely that people think differently from you?


No, if he was his first post would of been the Trump dick sucking bingo card png


He tried to in February with the DACA deal, but the democrats refused. This is because it's better for them to continuously drag in illegals as opposed to giving amnesty to a few.

Personally if you want a good way to remove all immigration, you just need to suspend benefits that draw them in in the first place.

Oh no, Drumpf didn't give me a wall and condemned me in a news article. This means that I better vote for open borders pro-jew leftists who want to jail me over my views.

You shills are numbskulls. If anyone sincerely believes you, then they deserve what leftists do to them.

It's not up to Trump nor any other talking head, bullshit kike'd up to the gills used car salesmen.

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So it's better to vote for those that promise a wall and never deliver anything to whites, but in turn should vote for those who the left and jews and give them everything they want at every turn?


Fuck off trannyposter.

Pragmatically, it should be both

But there is effectively(and objectvely) no right-wing in american politics

Yes, it's always better for vote for the right. The right is guilty of holding the brakes, whereas the left is always guilty of accelerating them with their hedonism.

Leftists aren't going to give you what you want, theyr'e going to restrict it. They're going to permit their dumb ideas like open borders, but penalize native citizens who don't perpetuate that crime. In leftist shitholes like California and Sweden, they remove the rights of citizens to speak about those issues and the rights of citizens to defend themselves from those issues.

To vote for the left is very retarded.

You're not going to be violent lol. If you're not motivated to fight now, then you won't be motivated to fight when everything turns to complete shit.

See you in the bad afterlife.

Pretty much this. Many 'republicans' are actually closet commies just like the Dems! The cuckservatives didn't want to fund a wall, neither do the demoshits.

you see, when the people (on either side) want something, it takes 60 votes, when the kikes want something, suddenly some arcane senate rules get found and it only takes 51. Amazing right?

She achieved more in a single morning than you ever will in a lifetime, faggit

Because the senate didn't really have a majority.

she did wonders for youtube, gas yourself

afc6ea the paid shill, ladies and germs.

You will die as you have lived. Worthless, unloved, and alone.

Trump's full speech from Oval Office on shutdown and border wall youtube.com/watch?v=KWcmZ8hozvU
Schumer and Pelosi's full response to Trump's border address youtube.com/watch?v=Gyb-DjVT5_c
See the responses in other media covarage of this 2 people, they want a "smart and effective wall" not an "ineffective and expensive wall".

What can Trump achieve with this?
Force the opponents to say that the wall is necessary, and this will either uncover some methods on how "smart and effective walls" should look like and how are they better than the "dump wall",
this will shed some light on the fake immigrant and terrorist threats that is sold to him and the public to justify mass surveillance not just in the US but in all governments around the world.

If Trump's target to reveal a "shadow government" (hey conspiracy theorists and historians), then all of this is a win-win for him.

He really didn't want to present ants dictactor, so Clinton is only threatened never under target as another instance.

Trump is a real estate businessman. He knows he can't do anything with all the stank towns immigration is creating. He shut down the government because he wants to stop America from becoming a turd world nation. Republicans did everything possible to stop him because they want to keep fucking little brown asses with Schumer.

Hello there chesskike. I'll believe in Trump when he starts building the wall. Until then stop slobbering him publicly on Zig Forums like the weak minded degenerate you and your kind are.

Better yet Trump should start ending legal immigration but i'd prefer not pinning too many hopes on a frail, feeble boomer who offers only more disappointments. Good luck

Trump needs something to dangle in front the republican electorate during the next campaign. This is 2D chess 101.

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Not if you stop being a degenerate and start fucking women instead of chasing man anus.

Another problem red team has with Trump is he keeps saying things like:


Ginsburg's vacancy. The court's were enough to retain party favor after his asshatness, they are going to declare it anytime soon.

Donald Trump is the absolute textbook example of the anti-White GOP. He is Reconstruction and the postwar order distilled into a single entity.

Trump's luxury, walled-off real estate goes up in value as places outside of it degrade. It forces more and more people, who otherwise might not bother, to specifically seek out "luxury branded" housing.

Wrong, Shitlery is nobody; I'm talking about the big money.

Israel and USA needs to support each other. All other issues come second.

I suspect a couple reasons:

1. Filibusters
2. Cucks in the party
3. R's afraid of backlash in the midterms, wanted to keep a hold of the Senate for Judicial appointments.

Honestly, it is/was a good plan. He basically knew he was going to have to use the Military to build the wall under REX 84 from Day one, and basically said so a long time ago.

Court appointments last a lot longer and having the ability to confirm and fire cabinet member is pretty important overall.

How clever. lol. I don't think that's what it is, but it is an interesting theory.

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Obvious answer: GOP doesn't want wall, its ridiculous and Trump knows it. Its a ploy to bait his inbred 70% uneducated white male base.

"Joshua Green had good access to Trump insiders, including Sam Nunberg, who worked with Stone. “Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.”

The concept of the Wall did not click right away with the candidate. “Initially, Trump seemed indifferent to the idea,” writes Green. “But in January 2015, he tried it out at the Iowa Freedom Summit, a presidential cattle call put on by David Bossie’s group, Citizens United. ‘One of his pledges was, ‘I will build a Wall,’ and the place just went nuts,’ said Nunberg. Warming to the concept, Trump waited a beat and then added a flourish that brought down the house. ‘Nobody,’ he said, ‘builds like Trump.’”"


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There you go again with the N word! Back to your room young man!

"Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic."


We don't actually need solid concrete for the full-length. We're not setting up a freeway along the border. It is a visual anchor to elevate border security and secure election.

LOL fuck off you dumb inbred

"Trump's Mar-a-Lago seeks to hire 61 foreign workers

Despite his rhetoric that immigration hurts American workers, President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club is seeking to hire 61 foreign workers for the 2018 winter season, according to the Labor Department.

Trump’s “Winter White House” has applied to hire 21 cooks from other countries to work at the resort from October to May. The Palm Beach, Fla., club also wants to hire 40 foreigners for wait-staff positions.

The seasonal workers would be required to return to their home country once their H-2B visas expire.

Critics of the visa program claim it is a tool employers can use to exploit vulnerable foreign workers and represses wages for American workers by providing a cheap labor source for companies. Supporters say the program is necessary to keep American businesses afloat and allows seasonal businesses to operate at a greater capacity."


It's fact in Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, etc.

The Democratic Party is for the jew
The Republican Party is for the jew
Trump may be pandering to spics and niggers but he's also not a fucking retard; he knows he has to build the wall if he wants to be reelected.

Personally I'm hoping he loses in 2020 and we get a coup/civil war by the 100th anniversary of the March on Rome.

shoo shoo!

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No, when the Jews want something they already own both sides so votes isn't a problem. Look how fast that 38b for Israel got approved.

No one's going to revolt, user.

Get the fuck out, you stupid fucking neocon boomer.

It all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling doooooown

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literally who?


She up YouTube due the deplatforming/demontizing.
Corporate didn't even have armed security, however it was bungled as anything women do.

Retarded cuckchanner, mixing buzzwords at random

Great insight user. But unlike you some of us aren't faggots and don't want to get ass fucked at all.

Because the GOP is just as much of a kiked party.

Legal immigration is a problem, I won't argue that. But compared to the illegal immigration, it takes a back burner. Deal with the unlimited flow of illegals first and then focusing can be done on cutting off the legal immigration. With bullets if need be.

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Voting in a ballot won't get that sort of thing going, though.

Because its all theatre dumbshit.
Both parties have the same goal.
Its all a show to keep you distracted as the noose gets tighter around your neck.


Fact: the jewish race is the most inbred on earth.

Illegals can't take good jobs, legals otoh not only can and have corporate and Jewish to do just that. Help getting small business loans on and on. Illegal immigration isn't even worth discussing compared to legal.

Do you know which country we get most of our legal immigrants from? DR Congo, then Rhohingya Muslims fr Myanmar then Somalians. Do you realize whats going to happen when chain migration kicks in? exponential rise in the hundreds we get daily.

Here's what Trump and the media have been doing from day one of Trump's campaign. Divide and conquer between whites and Mexicans, think back all D & C between us and Mexicans. They know if we combined Jewish power would be threatened.

All D&C talk while letting in the all time record on immigration he tied the all time record already. Do you realize Trump signed onto Ryan's immigration immigration plan that would of eliminated E Verify, the only thing protecting American workers.

Watch the vid, this is blueprint they are following

Trump helped the (((oligarchs))) launder money when they plundered Russia. Now they're here to do the USA. Just like in Russia we know they want to "privatize" the US govt aka sell it to the Jews at fire sale prices. NTM his insane tax plan did an enormous amount of damage, which will kick in and be felt later.

I think this govt shut down has something to do with their plan to privatize the govt. GOP voters are stupid enough to support privatization.

Trump's tax plan that let corporations and billionaires to pretty much opt out on their share of the 20 plus trillion debt is the first step. Then when the govt gets in financial trouble they will privatize or as Bibi said "sell it off piece by piece".

Russia still hasn't recovered from their privatization and the devastation caused a shitload of suicides and misery.


Republicans = Illegals are cheap labor for corporations
Democrats = Illegals vote democrat and dilute the power of evil whites
Jews = Illegals destroy the very core of America's Social Contract
Muslims = Who cares, lalalalalalallalal!! (detonates vest)

We must stop ALL legal immigration to the USA IMMEDIATELY. This is about securing our borders and salvaging what is left of our culture and our country. Legal and illegal immigration are both scourges.

Fair point considering this was why the Brexit happened in the first place.

If only Hillary had won things would be so much better.

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You don't say?

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Vote for DSA

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That's right don't vote Goyim.

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Do you even know where you are?

Even Hitler played nice with the jews in the beginning. He even took their monies. How'd that work out for you Shekelberg?

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It's like you don't even try
Yes, that's how Sweden votes: weaponized peer pressure through public ballot selection

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Aint nobody stopping you sparky.

Oh thanks, I forgot.

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Still better than Hillary.
As for immigrants, kill them all.

Because he likes to listen to people on Zig Forums pretending to be oppressed.

Wtf I love Zion Don now

I would bet the majority of channers don't vote at all aren't even registered. It's hilarious you shills spend so much time here.

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Bernie was the answer, we can't have someone owned by corporations and billionaires. Let me know when Trump specifically mentions white interests like Bernie, vid related.

Did you guys register as Dem so you can vote in the Dem primary.

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Hail Satan trips

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because Trump is a bitch and only when it was too late and his head was on the chopping block did he grow a pair.

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People conveniently forget that Fox News spent the entire primary attacking Trump and preventing his nomination. It's why I hate Hannity so much, he's such a spineless sycophant. He goes from hating Trump to loving Trump because his boss told him to