"Assault rifle ban of 2019"

Hey Q if Trump bans our rifles for the wall you all hang with the dems.

Attached: Screenshot_20190110-100159_Instagram.jpg (1440x2960, 661.64K)

OP, did we really need to see an ugly phone cap in 3K resolution?

this is a useless bill if i have ever seen one, even if it would pass, all manufacturers would have to do to work around it is to rename their products

lmao even their pie in the sky bills are shit

Not an argument, shill. We need no gun control laws to be passed. We need gun control repealed. You do not make concessions and you do not compromise.

Trump will build the wall after he sucks the soul out of every redpilled American citizen's body, allows packs of niggers to rape 50% of all white women, and nearly mandates all Christians convert to Judaism.

America is Great Again


Except the government defines the products, dumbass.

gas yourself nigger

two key points of the bill

Bans any assault weapon that accepts a detachable ammunition magazine and has one or more military characteristics including a pistol grip, a forward grip, a barrel shroud, a threaded barrel or a folding or telescoping stock. Owners may keep existing weapons.
Bans magazines and other ammunition feeding devices that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, which allow shooters to quickly fire many rounds without needing to reload. Owners may keep existing magazines.

dbl posting to dd that if for some reason this thing actuall ypasses it's time to kill judges, police and policy makers IN THAT ORDER

Reported. Get the fuck out, now.

You will never do anything, glowstick.

this poster is obviously a blackpilled idiot or a fed that's scared he's gonna get the rope

You replied to the wrong person.

uhh user, we have id's here, i replied to you

It's a fed. True blackpill wouldn't come here, nor preach about his misery and the futility of life thread after thread.

Molotovs disable any armored vehicle and cooks the occupants inside. They will die a slow, painful death

Most police agencies do not employ body armor above Level II, or stab vests. Even still, impact from rifle caliber projectiles will still break bones and cause massive internal bleeding. They are not invincible

There are far more of us than there are of them. We have the upper hand.

Won't be long before Americans need licenses to buy assault kitchen spoons.

also using construction equipment to pin armored vehicles, then burn em out works nice as well. also no one can charge you for any crimes or jail you if there are no judges left to try you

And your post made absolutely no fucking sense, so you replied to the wrong person. Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.

Go back to reddit.

Oh boy, I can't wait to see (((totally real and organic shootings))) at (((conveniently jewish locations))) and/or Vegas 2.0 that will drive Trump to push this shit through just like he did the bump stock ban.

you obivously don't understand how id's work, you are not from around here

Attached: 512c93c07bd0324b7ec2ae49861e12bc4ef833025889c3628f3a42bd235a6b8a.jpg (3447x2263, 442.47K)

Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.

I like the new 4 chan model of posting that has been adopted by 8 pol. Soon you will be drowning in one-line OPs and shitposts. Allahu Akbar

Suicide now.

OP mentioned Q, but did not say this was a Q thread, YOU made the case this was Q thread by trying to derail it by using the containment board ploy, this is not a Q thread so stop whinging about it. this thread is about the powers that be trying to disarm you.

stop bringing up Q it's a tactic to derail legitimate conversation

Civil War must terrify you shabbos goys to the core.

Okay, Q-LARP thread confirmed. Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Stop posting about it. Q-LARP doesn't belong here. Go back to your containment board.
Okay. Q-LARP doesn't belong here.

Leave now.

It really does. And the kikes can't help themselves and accelerate us faster and faster to the brink.

Provide evidence anyone is going to fight back, paid shill. If you weren't a paid shill (you are), you would know that they already banned "assault" weapons a decade and a half ago, and no one did anything. No one will do anything this time, either.

I like this guy.

Of course you do, glowstick.

Faggot I never once mentioned Q or anything like that. You're the one sperging out and bringing attention to it while NOBODY in this thread was discussing. Stop derailing you're making an ass of yourself. The topic on hand is old kike threatens gun control for the n^10th time.

I don't give a flying fuck what you mentioned. Don't reply to me if you're not even talking about the same subject. This is a Q-LARP thread with zero fucking effort, violating half our rules. Shut up and get out. They will steal guns. No one will fight back. We have a real thread for it. Go there.

if you can afford it buy uppers and buy 80%'s

Can neither confirm nor deny.

You're not even trying now.

i am a level 10 FBI man, i finished the quest using no mana, now i unlocked the warrantless search perk but don't know how to equip it

Meh, no point in hidding it anymore.

There's more of us on here than you at this point. Resistance is futile.

Attached: d859f53f326400f6c75ff3e64f9f64a06c01099806e9d55a38002576da2d2b55.jpg (1920x1080, 353.31K)

Ah, so you're just a niggerpill trying to derail.
You're scared right now, but that's okay. It's normal to be afraid of death. Of what we're going to do to you. I'm going to filter you and leave you with this, when we find you, we will punish you, For all the inhuman shit you have done. For what you devoted your life to doing. Have fun with that, Fed. You are going to die very soon.

Reminder that "assault" weapons were banned 15 years ago and no one did a single thing about it.

Reminder to report and filter this (((fedposter))) by ID

Suicide now.

i never said anything about need for gun control, im not even an american im just saying the bill is useless

normally i would agree but they are banning weapons by name in this case. so for example lets say your government would ban mini 14's technically to get around the ban all manufacturers would have to do is to start producing "mini 15". the goverment doesn't define what a mini 14 is, ruger does

Fuck off yid. jew die before our gun rights.