Hello, you stupid Nazi-cucks

Hello, you stupid Nazi-cucks.
I have two questions for you, why are you so submissive and why do you like it so much to suck the porky-dick?

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National Socialism is the only ideology that actually posed a threat to capitalism, meanwhile, jewish capitalists have always financed and enabled jewish communism.

No, on the contrary. "National Socialism" was a counter-movement against communism and was funded by the richest capitalists.
>jewish capitalists have always financed and enabled jewish communism.
Complete Bullshit!
The Bolshevik revolution was financed by bank robberies!

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You have nothing to offer but lies and death.
Your utopianism is nothing but magic beans meant to scam people out of what little they have. Your propaganda is made for comfortable upper middle class kids that have no actual understanding of the workplace.
Best of luck leftypol, you're only relevant in our shadow. When our movement dies down all those kids that joined antifa as a LARP will go onto become middle class office lackeys and fuck over working people while listening to shitty punk rock and dream of reliving their absurd juvenile fever dreams.
The hippies of the 60s did it.
The rockers of the 70s did it.
The punks of the 80s did it.
You'll do it as well. The left will always sell their own people out for money, all ideologies based on pure economics will do the same.
The Chinese Communist party and the fate of Chinese society are a grand metaphor for the fate and future of communist movements.

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Nice try, comrade.

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Is that the new "Drumpf touched the wall" shill tactic?
sage for antifa

Reminder to sage.

HAHAHA, all of this applies to capitalism.

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The word is 'shook', you uneducated simpleton, and I seriously hope you aren't trying to defend President Israel.

no one here is in favor of capitalism, you dumb nigger.

Attached: evolaoncapitalism.png (840x741, 583.33K)

"no u"
Great response.
"Everything I don't like is capitalism"
Awesome political analysis.

HAHAHAHA, Trump is a Zionist, you fucking idiot…

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But Porky is a kike!

Go read The Prince you asiatic steppe worshiping faggot

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nobody here is a capitalist you faggot. also trumpniggers are not Zig Forums

good thread though. have a bump you filthy commit fag

Guess it's time to go fuck with leftypol again.
See you on your board. Let's see how long it takes to get banned again.

You'll be banned instantly because leftypol actually has moderators, unlike here. Never mind that they actually have a board where they can talk about their ideology, whereas we have nothing.

Yeah, that's why you support a capitalist like Trump and a capitalistic puppet like Hitler, who was financed by capitalists like Krupp and Thyssen…

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So OP what's your major in?

Zig Forums go back to sucking your own dick

No one believes you.

The biggest difference is that there weren't National Socialists here hedging their support for Hitler on the fact that a picture of Hitler shaking hands didn't exist.

MFW nazis are the new anti capitalists. And unlike the communists they may actually achieve something.

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This is your BO

Attached: leftypol-board-owner.mp4 (1280x720, 8.48M)

Face it, you got owned in your own thread.
Capitalist oligarchs always used communists as useful idiots.
You are the prime example.

More like the OG.

How utterly embarrassing

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You sound like have no understanding of what it actually takes to run a business or organization.

It's not about believing, it's about educating yourself about historical facts, but you stupid Nazis are apparently too stupid for that.

porky = jews

No one believes you.

porky is jewish

Yes, of course, there are no non-Jewish capitalists…

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attention all wh*toids
you white people have gotten what you deserve. sweden is being taken over by my people and im glad. youve raped the minds and souls of my people, and what yore getting is simply karma. next time dont drag a bunch of people from one place to another and force them to work for hours at a time in the blazing sun. regardless if our skin can take it not. also regardless if my people sold us to you. it doesnt matter. YOU BOUGHT US. and that is all that matters. poverty and such is not the worst part of what you have done to us. its the rape to our minds. you have brainwashed my to see you as superior. as much as they proclaim to hate yo, its obvious of you and that is because you taught them to be. youve infiltrated their unconscious minds and implanted false ideas about your superiority. fuck you all and im glad my people are taking over. good riddance millenials.
also whoever say the word nigger is a nigger himself

If you honestly believe the girls managing the counter at [FAST FOOD CHAIN] deserve 15 dollars an hour when they can't work a coffee machine that has three step instructions for the criminally retarded intelligence level, you are the problem.

Stop using the PC and internet, a White people invention. And go back to your homeland.

The first pic is being too generous to capitalism tbh.

Daddy cut your allowance, kiddo? haha. Looks like we need to visit /leftpol boys.

I like being able to afford a computer.
Without capitalism only the richest families and governments would have one.

You're so fucking stupid!
"National Socialism" did not come into being until the monarchy was overthrown by communists!
Hitler was a soldier of the Emperor, you fucking idiot!

Your people are just going to be a servant class to the rich whites. Your people played right into the hands of the globalists. Slaves will be slaves, after all.

why even raid that board? half of the board is Zig Forumsacks ironically tankieposting.

im a real woke class warrior that's why i'm down with the corporations supporting mass migration to suppress native worker's wages heh

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We also wouldn't have as much jew shit forced down our throats. Capitalism is the jew's domain; they made and refined it.

Does anyone even remember the days when blatant subversive Jewish rat-filth vermin was never tolerated here? Maybe not, unfortunately it may be the case that 8/pol/ is suffering from the same cancerous, infectious disease which 4/pol/ died from. Seemingly within the past few months moderation here has been becoming less and less effective.

You must remember the kike who posted his genitals and wasn't banned? And now a Communist pile of trash has posted here, Redditors too. Will some real National Socialist moderation ever come back here or are those days long gone?

Fuck off Codenigger.

I did not say that you are capitalists, but that you are the slaves of the capitalists, you stupid Nazi-cuck!

Goddamn commies are hilarious.

Anybody who works for a living is a “slave to the capitalists”. Anyone else (you, maybe?) is a relative of the capitalists.

So as a true communist I can only assume you don't embolden capitalism by owning things or having money right?
You leave in a cashless self-sustaining commune right?

Attached: Lauren loves communism, and men with money.jpg (725x518, 59.95K)

goldman sachs and rothschild has more than that


the left cant meme even when they steal chad/virgin templates

Oooops this is why commie are always useful idiots. Kys faggot

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If you work for someone, you are a wage slave, yes.
Why should I be a relative of the capitalists if I am not a wage slave?

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No one cares, paid shill.

I'm the user you're referring to. I won't even argue with you because you're right - i either need to fuck off and live in a trailer and then im "trailer trash" or wagecuck and enslave myself.

Shouldn't we all work to abolish slavery? It's unironically the biggest mistake the white race made and now greedy capitalists are using a more discreet form of this to pick our pockets on a daily basis just so we can afford a roof over our head and meals. Stupid fucking commie.

All leftist intelligentsia is jewish. Economists, intellectuals, philosophers that you physically worship are the same guys moving around big finance.

You would do well to fight big capital: that's what honest people should do. Too bad you actually don't, as they just move you around like mercenaries to sabotage your own group (fighting actual big capital would be antisemitic, just undermine white interests). Look at palestinians and see how the weak are dealt with, under Judas total control.

Just no

9/10 for missing one last detail about how commie subhumans actually hate hard labor.

>hello nazis, why are you so submissive and why do you like it so much to suck the porky-dick? :^)

I’m assuming you don’t make a living by randomly finding discarded 100 dollar bills on the ground.
You must be associating with at least one capitalist if you’re able to pay for food. Whose your capitalist, communist?

Because you have internet access. Either you have an "obama-phone" (capitalist slavery in the form of spending capitalist money on workers so they don't revolt), are using internet you pay for(capitalist slavery by using their currency), or are posting from a public library(capitalist slavery by using their institutions)

Unless you're posting from pirated internet in some fucking weird commune in the mountains of tibet or some shit you're a slave and/or relative to capitalist slaves - just like me - and shouldn't we work to abolish that?

We have different ideas about what comes after that abolition, but we ought to work together against a system that fucks us both over. After that we can fight out the minutia of economic policies and ideas regarding race like men.

Then keep on being a good slave and suck your masters balls, faggot!

I will not accept neither your materialist and corrosive ideology nor capitalisms empty and equally corruptive influence

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thats homophobic comrade, have some sensitivity for our dick sucking comrades

No one cares, paid shill.

So the porkies work hard? HAHAHAHA
Keep sucking the dick of your boss, faggot!

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