(((Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein))) Introduces the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019

Key provisions:

Bans the sale, manufacture, transfer and importation of 205 military-style assault weapons by name. Owners may keep existing weapons.
Bans any assault weapon that accepts a detachable ammunition magazine and has one or more military characteristics including a pistol grip, a forward grip, a barrel shroud, a threaded barrel or a folding or telescoping stock. Owners may keep existing weapons.
Bans magazines and other ammunition feeding devices that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, which allow shooters to quickly fire many rounds without needing to reload. Owners may keep existing magazines.

Exemptions to bill:

The bill exempts by name more than 2,200 guns for hunting, household defense or recreational purposes.
The bill includes a grandfather clause that exempts all weapons lawfully possessed at the date of enactment.

Other provisions:

Requires a background check on any future sale, trade or gifting of an assault weapon covered by the bill.
Requires that grandfathered assault weapons are stored using a secure gun storage or safety device like a trigger lock.
Prohibits the transfer of high-capacity ammunition magazines.
Bans bump-fire stocks and other devices that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire at fully automatic rates.

Updates to Assault Weapons Ban of 2017:

Bans stocks that are “otherwise foldable or adjustable in a manner that operates to reduce the length, size, or any other dimension, or otherwise enhances the concealability of a firearm.”
Bans assault pistols that weigh 50 or more ounces when unloaded, a policy included in the original 1994 ban.
Bans assault pistol stabilizing braces that transform assault pistols into assault rifles by allowing the shooter to shoulder the weapon and fire more accurately.
Bans Thordsen-type grips and stocks that are designed to evade a ban on assault weapons.

Mass shootings that took place last year using military-style assault rifles:
Las Vegas, Nev. (October 2018): In the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, a gunman opened fire on concertgoers in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring 422 others. The gunman used multiple AR-15 style assault rifles fitted with bump-fire stocks.
Sutherland Springs, Texas (October 2018): A gunman entered a church killing 26 parishioners and injuring 20 others. His weapon was an AR-15 style assault rifle.
Parkland, Fla. (February 2018): A student at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School opened fire on his classmates and teachers, killing 17 and injuring 17 more.



Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-10 10-39-17.png (1174x722, 155.34K)

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When will this nasty old kike drop dead? Anyways, won't be passed through both branches of Congress.

already a thread

I’m down with an assault weapons ban. But the US military and law enforcement need to give theirs up first.

every single time


No, your Q-LARP thread is not a valid thread. Reported.

A good op gets drowned out by a speedy retard. Better luck next time.

oh my lord, this user, he thinks the other thread is a q-larp because op said q will hang with the rest of the dems

Bump because you can't hide this, paid jewish shill.

So what's a non assault weapon then?

i am literally bumping the other thread that already has moar replies

Reported for sliding this thread.

Of course it will.

oh no, whatever shall i do, please mr fed man please don't report me to codemonkey

All dual citizens need to be executed

Yeah, and we, uh, need to dispose of their guns properly. Safety first. Wouldn't want kids killing senators in the streets. heh

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Bills like this are always put forward when (((they))) are trying to distract from something else that is happening.

The wall is the distraction from this.

2019 comes.

but that would include all juden, as they all hold israeli passports from birth and hold no fealty whatsoever to the US

also bills like this are what they actually want to habben

It's not a distraction, it's to curb the armed response from the citizenry in the event they manage to get passed and the subsequent theft of every vote in 2020, Broward County-style.
Call them commies, socialists, or what-have-you, but, they really are accelerating their final plans for this country.

On a side note: those of you who didn't heed the "get fit; get ready" posts: it's not too late, but, time truly does appear to be running out.

Zig Forums doesn't spoonfeed niggers, nigger.

The 2a ensures
by protecting the right of citizens to wage war against the government and/or military, thus
Besides, the ATF has ack that the "205 style" firearms have become the number one hunting arm and will be easing any restrictions on them.
jews btfo


Chinese spy wants to disarm us, what a surprise.
Can we also meme her off into oblivion like ginsburg?

i thought trump fucking banned them??? way to go dumbass trump. you did nothing, not even your kike peers acknowledge you.

this tbh
the constitution makes no distinction between private citizens and public servants

Zig Forumsacks should be smithing their own arms
no way to determine date of manufacture
unconstitutional laws don't work

the 2nd amendment says people.

Can't we meme Feinstein, Pelosi and Ginsburg back to hell from whence they came? dafuq happened to Zig Forums?

Why do the Democrats want to die on this hill? Every time they try, they lose massively.

I mainly ascribe it to the theory that their amygdalas – the part of the brain responsible for emotion, decision-making, fight-or-flight response, and memory processing, among other things – are either damaged or were defective to begin with, making them, essentially, high-functioning-retards.

Ar-15 "pistols"

Trump has decided to burn down California.


About time.


This needs to become a meme.

When will Americans rise? SOON! (TM)


Every second that guns are not being used to overthrow these vile monsters is another second that goes by where guns might as well be banned.
The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to allow you to shoot beer cans once a week. The purpose of the SA is to physically overthrow this tyrannical and immoral monstrosity that openly flaunts their desire to exterminate us.
Yet almost no one has the guts to do so and whenever someone does do anything, all the dumb right wingers nod their heads and chant that it was a CIA-mossad-FBI-illuminati conspiracy hoax.

We do not deserve to be armed.

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So just tweak the design for a new model and name and sell it as normal? Checkmate.

they are exempted by name not banned by name;
she's such a filthy kike she couldn't even turn down the money from gun lobbyist's to get their guns on the exempted list

Why doesn't someone just put a bullet in her head?

despite the obvious fbi post; it would make her a martyr, it wouldn't be all that effective.

what would be effective is rounding up every single leftist in this country and throwing them in concentration camps.

That's not true, they got the 1986 fucking bill passed thanks to that faggot retard Reagen

inb4 another false flag shooting

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I always hoped that if someone killed one of these anti-gun Senators they used a bow and arrow, or bomb, or machete. Not that I'm calling for the assassination of gun grabbing Jews.

I wonder why nobody has killed this cunt yet.

If this passes I bet somebody will.

Lots of feds, bots, and kikes here today, even with the shutdown

I think the armed services are still paid nonetheless and the CIA drug projects into Europe and White America probably reap in so much money, ZOG government funding is more to keep up appearances.

Its all so tiresome, honestly at this point, we need a revolution to get things back on track.

nice meme

And it won't go anywhere and "assault weapons," whatever the fuck they are, won't be banned. There's baby steps, and then there's blatant overreach. Cumulative decades of baby steps may equal overreach, but it's subtle and out of sight, out of mind. This is in your face and will have the best constitutional lawyers in the country fighting it in the supreme court, and it'll be ruled unconstitutional, just like every other major overreach attempt.

Not really. Even if guns are not being used to reclaim our government, they're still being used daily across the country to stop would-be criminal niggers and beaners from raping, robbing, or killing white people. Guns are used in self-defense millions of times a year.

If they throw enough shit against the wall something is bound to stick. What matters it that we are always reacting to something new. Imagine a boot stomping on an OODA loop, forever.

Attached: Watch_Feinstein_react_to_Trump's_gun_proposal_-_CNN_Video.mp4 (768x432, 4.93M)

Having guns gives you the illusion of safety, so you don't feel like using them since it's still OK.

Rehab those injuried, get that dental work taken care of, put on that muscle while protein is cheap, get all trained up while carbine classes are widely available. Lads, the habbenings draw near. During the chaos while Amerigay is distracted our European brothers will be able to clean up their own lands. Things move slow until they don't.

Again, not true. Guns are used in self-defense millions of times a year.

Are you retarded? This isn't the first time, and like always it'll be ruled unconstitutional and go nowhere.

Attached: itxWvM.gif (320x180, 962.19K)

Like the bumpstock ban? Like when the original AWB happened? NFA? Hughes Amendment Which is still illegal?

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It'll go exactly where it needs to if we all give into inaction.
Apathy is their most powerful ally.

Not even dead niggers

And yet never used against the government, which is THE ONLY THING WE NEED TO BE SAFE AGAINST. Niggers and spics wouldn’t exist EXCEPT FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

So they're only used to do things that we currently have permission from the kikes to do.

If the jew makes it illegal to defend ourselves from rampaging niggers, do you think that will convince the now "defenseless" White gun owners to actually, ya'know, do something to put a crimp in these psychotic, genocidal criminals' plans?
Niggers pale in comparison to the crimes committed every day by this wicked government.
Compared to Congress and their leftist bureaucratic lackeys, niggers are upstanding citizens. After all, niggers only rape and steal. This monstrous government is committing ethnic cleansing and laughing about it.

just having A SINGLE pistol grip qualifies all riles for ban under this bill also ANY detachable magazone

Attached: Hillary Clinton Restore Ban on Assault Weapons Jew-MKtQY9PZFyM.webm (640x360, 1.67M)

People would rather give up their guns than to call her a jew.


Why are Americans letting this happen, they banned bump stocks and didn't do shit, now this, I thought that America was the land of the free and the brave, use your freedom while you can you idiots before you've got none let, look at the UK and most of Europe, you say one thing that isn't in line with the judeo agenda and you end up in prison for years, which is practically a death sentence since niggers and mudslimes will instantly kill you once they find out why you're there, WAKE UP WHITE AMERICA!!!!!!!

Shall we takes bets on what day in January? Kikes love the number eleven so I'm guessing tomorrow.

this will pass in 2021 when (D) controls everything, so stock up

It 30% PH will pass in 2019 in exchange for wall for funding. Wall starter would be demolished in 2021 with big publicity stunt (Second Berlin Wall Fall). Bill would stay forever.

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None of which are a ban in over 200 different firearms. Try again, shill.

I was referring to the one's in the US government. Are there any besides Israelis that hold office and have a second citizenship?

More democrats = less freedom

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What song is that?

Breakdown of the bill:
Key provisions:

Good for panic sales in the short term, lawsuits for discrimination and selective enforcement in the medium-term. I wonder how many of Feinstein's Chinese friends' products are on the list?

Making rifles less safe makes people safe. I read that in the Canadian Talmud.

Now Alaska can be more like California.

Rolling for RBG's birthday, 3/15, as a thank-you gift on her way out. Failing that, there are always 4/20 and 5/1, perennial favorites on the Jews' calendar.

Concerning digits.

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This. The kikes have had the initiative since George Bush's contract employee shot James Brady in the head in 1981.

Never mind what our faggot enemies are dreaming about – where can we go on the offensive?

judges user, the judges

A matchlock musket from the 1700s.

Are you niggers drinking tap water? This happened before.

Stop begging, its jewish.

Pic related

what did manchin say? I couldn't hear him with all those circumcised micro-dicks in his mouth

Inb4 machete ban


Keep up the self-improvement and opsec.

If you are into this sorta thing, as far as any peaceful activism goes, ((since /pol is a board of peace)) what can be done through the gun lobby? The NRA is obviously cucked and at this point is little more than a glorified lifestyle brand if not an outright enemy of freedom and liberty. GOA is kiked if memory serves. What about the FPC? Are they worthy of support?

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shut the fuck up faggot you have no idea how bad things are here, the America you reference was bitch slapped so hard in the 1860s we are still reeling, we still have more guns that the euro faggots


I hate Jews more with every passing day

Reminder to all you living in cucked states like me:
Mini 14 is and will still available, can have rails, take the same ammo and a detachable mag.

Also these idiots dont know that pistol grip makes it harder to fire from the hip, unlike rifle grips.

I didnt read the bill, but does it take rifles chambered in non carbine rounds like 762/308 like the ar10 or boot gun?

Yet niggers will still have all the guns to kill us with.


Dvorak - New World Symphony 4th Movement.