Fertility rate for white women plummets BELOW the limit needed to maintain the population in every s
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Awful, i'nnit?
Yes, we know, and we have known. Go out and fuck a white woman (if you're white, obviously). Make as many as you can. Consequences to you personally be damned.
We've been below replacement rate for a while now. We are literally growing the population faster through immigration than through white births. The solution is to stop shitposting here and go start a family.
We should give more to Africa.
What a fucking useless endeavor. Even if you have 20 kids, most whites still won't, so you can't outcompete the combination of high shitskin birthrates and shitskin invasion. It's a war of attrition that we will lose.
The management of the country needs to change, and quickly.
There isn't enough of us for that to work. We need to red pill the normie. We need to wake up as many white people as we possibly can.
Enough whites have been woken up, you need to focus on the 10% of whites who arent lemmings and are prepared to take action now. Once action is being taken, large numbers of normies will be open for recruitment into the auxiliary.
As long as there is a white man and woman breathing, we will never lose. They know it which is why they are so terrified of white births.
Yes, but because within the masses are high agency, action oriented people that will lead us to success.
Whites and Asians are the lowest, but all races are producing below replacement rate right now. This means the only increase in population is due to immigration. But it also means this issue can be corrected mostly by making major changes to our immigration policy. This is why there is so much backlash against anything immigration-wise. If the US closed its borders and started sending DACApedes back, whites would outlast the other races if everything continued as it is now. I'm really interested in the results of the 2020 census as that will have us see how true these rates are, especially with the black population which should be slowly dropping, not increasing as it has historically.
Whites are the only ones below replacement, shitskins have like 12 kids each.
Fuck race traitors. The future has always belonged to the redpilled. Let the eternal boomers and their nigger-loving fucktard offspring die out. How many weak tribes were erased from the history of Europe? When the only whites left are true volk with no traitors in their midst, one unhindered white man will subdue ten thousand niggers.
Thats by the mothers ethnicity only, what a crock of shit. All those nigger fathers with jungle ape kids arent listed, if its a white mother black father they lump it on whites for example.
Thats also outdated, the OPs article says those niggers and beaners went UP.
The shitskins they bring in have 12 kids and make up for the citizens who are normalized and only have 3 kids. There is no white immigration. Canada was 97% white in 1971 and it had 20 million people. Today its got 37 million but still only 20 million whites. The white population stays the same, by 2060 Canada is going to have 100 million people and still only 20 million whites, for the braindead that means 20% white. South Africa, violent genocide, land confiscation by law etc, forced mixing laws.
Dont try to downplay this shit, what are you even doing.
Dubs of truth. Y'all whiny blackpilled faggots watch ZULU ffs.
OP's article and the countless ones (((mysteriously))) having the same content and headlines all posted on the same day is reusing talking points from a months old study that used the same data from 2017.
I'm not downplaying anything. I'm saying the hispanic increases are mostly from immigration and if we can control that, everything else is not as dire. Changing birthrates is very difficult and fluctuate based on a variety of things, but we can affect immigration policy from the top down.
The scarier statistic is that most of the white women who are having kids are doing it with ebt monkeys.
You really should go back to cuckchan with your white genocide consensus cracking bullshit. Were on the edge of a white minority, we have one in some places and retards like you are carrying water for kikes trying to sugar coat it with bullshit, that you wont drop even after its been btfo.
You're all fucking wrong.
What we need to do is
No you are just illiterate. I'm trying to show how the mass media works by recycling the same data over and over and turning it into articles designed to scare the masses into thinking we need more immigration to offset the declining population. You are too blind to their methods to even inspect the articles.
Thats not what it shows, thats what youre trying to demonstrate. That shitskins dont already have a high birth rate which they do. Youre as shit of a propagandist as they are, because those articles are waking whites up to their coming minority status.
Completely misrepresenting me. Stay illiterate.
I could see on public transportation white people disappearing. It's very eerie. The jews stole too much too fast and are busy dumping brown people to hide the mess they created so the U.S. can seem like a sane place worthy of being the world's police.
I said exactly what you were attempting to say, youre just so braindead when it comes to propaganda that you think you were making a good argument.
As seen on cuckchan. Shills officially lazier than niggers.
And its going to keep getting worse as white men continue emasculating. The masculine whites will continue seeking acceptance from “real” niggers instead of forming groups with their own. They’d rather be seen as the solid white boi than anything else. Maybe then the nigs will smoke blunts with them. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you don’t live in a diverse area. Even the trailer park and farm whites worship nigger culture. You can thank the internet for destroying all local community cultures and creating one single niggerized one.
If there was any hope for saving this state, it's long gone by now.
It's been declining for the entire 20th century so it was inevitable it was going to happen. Reminds me of that mice experiment where they gave them unlimited food and why Evola was right in stating that a nation should have a war every 20 years to keep the population hard and to thin the weak from society to give room for the healthy.
More then enough people have the warriors spirit to sacrifice themselves on the playfield of battle so long as the cause is just and there is something to gain from it. Problem with that is the pussies always stay behind and breed like rabbits preaching their tears and pacificism to future generations.
Behold! The power of the ubermensch.
Are you a bacteria or a virus?
We know what you are.
And what am I in your fucking useless opinion?
Hurray! Thank G-d. Today I shall dance.
What are you going to do about it, subhuman?
it doesn't know. lel
But Dr Cohen says he doesn't want people to be alarmed by the report
Please tell more DR COHEN
All for record in so faggot you intend haahahha!
Whites should not fear if they become Japan. Lower manpower will drive innovation and technology.
Nobody drives in New York because theres too much traffic
The robot revolution is happening in the next 10-15 years, so we really do not need immigrants, they will just be used to suck up all the gibs that could be going to white families.
what do you want us to do with this information?
No it's not, just like in the next 20 years they won't make fusion produce electricity at a profit.
The most advanced robots can't do anything outside of a closed environment. NO breakthroughs in real a.i. that is actually useful have been made.
We don't even have a humanoid robot that can walk around your house and do the dishes or fix a simple meal,things a actual retard can do.
I don't know why sop many people believe human like robots are on the way when we have zero evidence of that happening maybe in 100 years probably not even then.
Like a factory, a warehouse, etc.? Very location specific tasks that require unique dexterity, like doing the dishes or swapping out a furnace in a residential home, are not good fits for robotics. Other things are, though.
Fuck off, Nosestein.
Because robots operate on magic
It's not "hatred", dumbass, it's for their own good. Giving women rights makes them miserable and destroys the society they live in.
Welp…. it just took 50 years from WW2 to destroy European civilisation nigh completely and permanently… only violent revolution NOW has a chance… what are the odds nya~
It varies greatly between shitlib and cuckservative type whites. Cucks are still maintaining the 2-3 while shitlibs are almost at zero. Shitlibs are exterminating themselves.
The sad part is Zig Forumsack thinks that the only solution is to fuck their way out. Won't happen. Immigration reform and mass deportation would be the only way to turn it around now, after all theres more white people now than theres ever been in history. It's just they're been shit-tided. Whites won't understand until a good 30 years from now just what they've lost when nigs run the justice system and lynch white kids for lmao's.
I have been part. Impregnating whitw women whom their significant others won't seem to do.
Yeah not going to happen. Zig Forums has this decade to have their armed revolution or doom.
Women are being replaced by artificial wombs.
Not just that. We need to kill more non-whites. Even better: genocide non-whites.
This whole falacy of endless struggle must end. Kill all non-whites first, before anything else can be implemented.
The need to constantly double our population is nothing more than a scheme to keep the pension system going.
US wasn't white until loiks, frogmunchers and espanos invaded, why would I care?
EVROPA on the other hand…
Also "muh whiteness" is caused only by how your body adjusted to the climate, therefore even if blacks were to be a majority, they will "white-out" over idk decades, centuries, whatever, stfu go get a job
Not really, because that statistic doesn't exist. Kike.
The good part is that boomers no longer have any sway in politics.
We need to not only have the kids that our generation would normally have (2-3), but the kids that the boomers didnt have (an additional 2-3)
It is going to be difficult, but this is a monumental effort to save our race from extinction. It will have to involve every generation, every family member, every friend to support each other to keep our race, cultures, creeds, faiths and families alive.
Bearing the biggest burden will be the women, who will have to set aside material dreams to carry the physical continuance of our kind's future. it is too expensive and degenerate to have strangers raise your own children, and the failures of the youthful generations can be directly tied to the laziness and lack of instruction from the older generations; so new mothers must be full-time homemakers.But it is not all loss; once the kids have been taught the proper skills and grown old enough to care for themselves, the mother can then pursue the career of her dreams.
But the Fathers will too have a hard time. To provide and sustain for the families, the men must work extra hard to obtain enough to provide healthy food, adequate living space and advanced educational material for their families. He will have to be disciplined, shunning expensive excesses and instead build himself into a role model for his children to emulate.
But if one has family to rely on, they should be called upon to assist in the rearing and nuturing of children. It would be fairly economical for Whites to return to the system of "generational housing", since it is very difficult for young folk to obtain houses of their own, and for most, it is financially impossible to have a family of four children without both parents working. Therefore the grandparents will have to be called upon to watch over, and teach children the skills they, in their greatest error, ignored to pass on to their own kids. With four incomes, (working mother and father, retired grandparents drawing on social security), a family of 4+ children should be very well obtainable.
It's not that it's expensive, it's that the state will take them away from us and put them in communist schools then communist colleges.
This. Not to mention the current generation has already been indoctrinated so your idea of "redpilling le normies" will never work. There will never be real change without full takeover of the government that would allow a new generation to be re-educated. And no, Blumpf getting elected was not a takeover of the government by fascists, as leftist media would like you to believe.
It boosts fertility to the point that they've given it to post-menopausal mice who were then almost immediately able to get pregnant again, and did.
My granparents had eight, as did their parents.
Forgot to mention
You need to rethink this part, user.
Natural selection will eventually cause white fertility rates to rise again. The problem is that it will create a theocratic idiocracy in the process.
Jewesses have a fertility rate that is below replacement rate.
I'm not falling for you feigned stupidity, kike. I know damn well what you're doing, and you can't deflect by saying I'm for women having rights. You are the enemy, not our women.
Voternigger tier tactic. Doesn't matter, they'll be blocked out of every institution and discriminated against, and by the time they are old enough to care, they will be in the minority, anyway.
The problem with this is that they are taking us down with them. The best analogy for a kike is the frog and the scorpion. Or, in a similar water related theme, a kike will force its way on to a crowded life boat, steal the rations, jewelery and wallets, then tip the boat in the dead of night and drown as it tries to swim away incumbered. It is in their nature to destroy their host and themselves in the process. Hence them being kicked out of every country repeatedly throughout history.
We will never out breed the mut races in a straight boot filling competition. We have to actively hunt them down while pumping out white babies as fast as possible.
I'm not a blackpill faggot but this shit is about as close as I get to losing hope. The numbers just seem impossible to get around
Oh fuck me to tears, I swear I never added a line break.
(((growth in the energy sector)))
Go back to reddit you blackpilled faggot. You're not welcome here.
Will catgirls do their duty to save the white race by being birthslaves of white and asian cocks?
…million years?
Use catgirls like I mentioned.
You can't evolve a soul, retard.
he just means voting rights, dumbfuck
lolnope, I'm killing myself after I become a wizard
If that's your only response, then you've already lost.
No. There's a billion white people, that's already more than enough. We don't need more white people, we need fewer non-white people. White people (and nips) are the only race that slowed our breeding when we reached population saturation. Overpopulating and destroying ourselves is not a solution to being destroyed by subhumans. The problem is subhumans, the solution is less subhumans. Simple.
Who cares? Humanity is what matters, not some specific subgroup.
But that's wrong you fucking retard. If you can perpetuate your family-making behaviour in your kids, you can swell in ranks in the next generation, upping your ranks from 20 to 400. It's called evolution.
It's what my family has done, and what I will do, and it's why the future belongs to me, and mine, and not myopic fucksticks like you and the floundering sea of normies.
I look white, but I regressive Jap genes…. 1/6th.
Do I stick with my current happa girl or do I find a desperate white woman?
Have 10 kids, and teach your kids to have 10 kids, and before you die, you will have 1,000 great grandchildren.
Meanwhile, cucks who only have 2-4 children will only have 6-64 great grandchildren.
I wish.
Just a reminder that israel was caught covertly injecting undesirable demographics with birth control.