Memory Holed Topics General

Let's discuss a few topics that people stopped researching after they got too spooked, literally or figuratively

1. Day Assange Killed (DAK) - October 2016
2. Myziam on halfpol
3. "Real" ayy selfie
4. That UFO researcher guy who puked up black liquid
5. Clinton Bodycount/Lock Her Up

Did I miss any? Have any comments?

Post what you remember, or links to archives and relevant content here.

Attached: med_1474004982_image.jpg (640x466, 57.88K)

Other urls found in this thread: Insurance Thread_djvu.txt

Zig Forums is fubar m8.

Here are some Assange Related Resources:
A twitter account I can't find called "Stoichastic Terminator" … (keyhunt) (vault7)
Additionally I remember files hosted on ipfs, a few matrix/riot chat channels, some talk on endchan, some talk on bitmessage, and other user networks. There were also files like claudia.txt and a tool for scraping the blockchain involved…

Attached: endchan.png (1876x781, 131.9K)

Please post more references.

user, if we want to improve this board we need threads like this.

The alien shit, except for #4 is known to be probable LARP but there were rumors of vans and strange calls

For Assange I just did but in my haste missed a line break or two. The others, I will as time permits or I'll be lazy and let others…there are other topics we can put here too

Hi, Pamela Anderson here.
I couldn't afford to pay for my hepatitus C treatments, using the blood of children, so I agreed to off assange and keep up the pretense that he is still alive.
I mean, he is still alive, and fine and we're dating xoxoxox

We need to study esoteric Charles Manson motifs

Make sure to archive in the future.

Sage for double post. Otherwise, good work, user.

I think I have stuff on a cold drive somewhere if I ever find it.

Another theory was that he dressed up as her and snuck out…

Give me a bone here nigger

Re: Assange

Sites were getting scrubbed including (this happened during the comet pingpong investigation too), and endchan went down.

More Material:

I have not looked into it yet but the Zig Forums database leaked in March 2017, deleted assange threads could be in here:

Attached: pewds.jpg (800x420, 39.78K)

Nevermind, it's just a git repo clone

Isn't dead. Kill yourself.
Literally fucking who? Kill yourself for looking at cuckchan post-2014.
Photoshop. Fake and gay. Kill yourself.
Post sources you nigger.
Nobody stopped talking about this.

All recent Assange articles use the same pics from May 19, 2017.

i want to talk about… oh i forgot. musta been memoryholed

watcha doin' rabbi?

Here's claudia.txt on IPFS

Black liquid? Sounds like a burst stomach ulcer, blood turns black in stomach acid.

Go back to kikechan, yid.

Can anyone confirm this gif is legit
Also I’m fairly certain the “real” alien doesn’t exist, it was some kind of discord op or something

Attached: B1858490-5F4D-4491-9DC5-CEBFC0586170.gif (720x404, 1.41M)

Fuck off joan.

Let me guess, mpeg-4 compression artifacts are above your IQ so you think that's "proof" of Assange being dead.

>wow compression artifacts my technical ineptitude means this is proof assange is dead

Excellent tl;dr on assange:

Also more keys or hashes from WL:

More information on the original happening:

WL Freedom Force: Insurance Thread_djvu.txt

More on the happening and blockchain:

The old traceable WL btc address:

General thread on extreme strangeness on 4pol around then…since then it's been mostly bot and shills beyond the past levels:

Attached: pepe_lithium.jpg (744x402, 171.38K)

1:50: face freeze
15:08: eye morph
18:46: collar morph


The mccaulay caulkin "hoax" article where he gave an interview in france.

The black liquid thing was from a UFO Researcher named Max Spiers, I did a bit of digging on him awhile ago and I couldn't find a cause of death anywhere at all, and another noteworthy thing was there being 2 interviews with his mother regarding his death, in the first she expressed concern for Max regarding the topic of what he was researching and how she believed it would get him in trouble with powerful people, and in the second she just blankly talks about how Max had a heroin problem and how she was worried for a long time and the regular TV news sympathy drive, it was pretty weird

Can you show me examples of compression artifacts like this? The implication I’m seeing is that these videos could be manufactured ‘deep fakes’ like those nude celeb ones that came out last year.

No, it's newfags posting, oldfags lurking. The time for talk has passed. Action will be required soon.

Attached: 5ed6237444cf8ff82e1b9668dc90e1f91d4a010b334af0cbc7fe62ec7cfd8e15.jpg (646x800, 147.7K)

The Wizard of Leaks:

Discussion on Assange with good backing links for research:

Endchan Thread:

Blockchain Decoding talk:

Blockchain decoding script:

Annotated Blockchain (good research on files on the various coin chains):

Attached: helphim.png (1538x1861, 118.08K)

Pic related to the woman killed with ties to WL

Attached: wl person.gif (766x1776, 210.02K)

It's from an old X-Files episode lol. Not true in the least bit.

Finally, an active discord invite for a related codebreakers chat that went dark

The chat should contain anything I missed

And I realize the humor here but yes, people really used discord to talk about this.

Feel free to talk assange here, but… any of the other topics got any interest?

or bile from a burst gallbladder which will also make you die very miserably.

Kill yourself, reddit.

In the beginnings of Gamergate we learned that those "Social Justice" assholes were not merely leftists, they were were on record supporting Osama bin Laden. Hardly anyone talked about it after the first month, although a few people did dig into it.
>>>/gamergatehq/330332 is the most active thread with one post every few months

The Washington Post has since dropped the mask and gone full Allahu Ackbar.

The corruption went "straight to the top" as Wikileaks said. (A Muslim controls the Vatican pedo ring) (… and controls Ari Emanuel and Hollywood and his brother Rahm Emanuel) (Qatar controls the school system)

Attached: proteusfund.png (775x904 70.29 KB, 284.84K)


What ever happened to the MAGA mail bomber? the one who sent fake bombs to journalists or politicians? With the van decked out in political memes? That was so bizarre.

Good, more reason for me to hate Josh and the (((Armenian))).

Probably just a typical nutjob. I don't think he was white enough to stick.

Keep me posted for when it goes down Mr Larper

Literally any lower bitrate lossily compressed video. You will find this kind of shit everywhere.

What was he exactly investigating? Something to do with UFOs and Poland?

According to The Mirror he died due to this:

Interesting stuff. I hadn't heard this about McIntosh. Could the "HERO" be an acronym or somethin?
The wording is weird. Why doesn't it say he is A hero? I think there's some insider occult meaning to his use of the word.

Interesting thread nonetheless as I'm an old conspiracyfag.

This is a recreation that the creator of the Myziam LARP made of the original "Ayy Pic" that shut halfchan down made out of the bits an pieces that he could find before the mass shilling started

Attached: Ayy_Recration.png (800x496, 399.23K)

I'm fairly incredulos toward the idea of ayylmaos, but I remember the happening being discussed here. Something was being shut down. Maybe the alien pic was a distraction. Could something else had been leaked on halfchan that day, so glowniggers leaked to alien pic, shut down the site so people would focused on alien coverup instead of the real thing?

You can always use 4plebs. I will give it 5 minutes of looking to see what threads were posted around that time to see.

sadly, most shilling is automated nowadays

Nobodytm. The retards here would probably call him Jewish now lol

Nobodytm reminded me of the Better Bad News guys. Just went back and realized this was uploaded in '11. I wonder what the minds that made this look like 8 years later.

Pulse Nightclub Shooter was named Nicholas Hornstein and he was on the roof across the street ontop of a tattoo parlor.

That pic brought Autism for the whole day

Attached: ThreadDestroyer.png (586x257, 135.69K)

Anyone remember that desert town that had skulls and bones found in it, and coincidentally the mayor was a Freemason and the entire police force was as well?

Remember the deadliest mass shooting in US history? Las Vegas? Gee, they quieted down on that one quick.

They stopped reporting on that one faster than they demolished Sandy Hook elementary.

good work

Attached: bonzi buddy reaction glasses.png (894x894, 1.12M)

Uh huh. Okay.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-10 19-14-47.png (726x593, 568.34K)

I don't remember either of these.

Because they didn't happen.

Probably right, shit reeks of cuckchan.

This looks


fake its insane

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

Attached: 51d2528418b96874e92429857135919c535292dc1fd982c4ab77baa1ed828aae.png (676x901, 184.47K)

forgotten languages, the only rabbit hole user never found the bottom of

Attached: E842BFB6-6BC3-49C7-9C89-C9BE655C1BBD.png (6544x593, 2.58M)

Attached: ayy lmao distance.jpg (259x194, 6.46K)

Better Bad News, wish they would come back.

6. China's 9/11 – March 1 / 8, 2014 (((fail))))

Attached: 4.jpg (295x171 184.93 KB, 10.23K)

I remember there being talk that the insurance files were tampered with or compromised. Is there any way to get the original files anymore?

wow, OP you're really glowing on this one. Might want to dim it a little bit…

It really doesn't get more obvious than this.

Hamas is fighting or trying and failing to fight Israel, and the Houthis are fighting the Saudi Arab Jews. Are we supposed to be against this?

Remember the guy who jumped up to Assanges window, got caught by police and "escaped"?

Seth Rich and this guy

Attached: 1.png (1070x934, 562.24K)

If WL is indeed compromised, where the fuck should a whistleblower post leaks then?

You're the obvious cianigger here

Attached: glowmobile.jpg (327x346, 62.26K)

compression artifacts are not smooth transitions like that, they are usually blockiness and noise/errors
it looks a lot more like an ai/algorithm stitching composite videos together
unless you have some other examples of 'compression artifacts' like that

yeah show me which one
kettle meet pot

Looks like a morph cut

Holy dick this is a fucking stupid post.

Does anyone remember about a year ago or so when 4pol got bombarded and flooded by a massive brazilian botnet?

Think it was around the time of the spoopy alien selfie that shut down the forums for a few hours.

Apparently something was leaked onto there which spoke of a massive hi-tech & global see pee trading ring.

Was pretty freaky and i cant remember when it was but saw it happen. These botnet spam posts were spitting out nonsense posts with mainly weird images attached. It was posting so fast by bypassing spam control that some threads did not max out even at 700+ posts on a thread (normal thread limit is 300 posts)

Computer, zoom in and enhance.


There was a major terrorist attack in New York in 2017.


This was day after Manafort and Gates indictments AND kevin spacey apology for pedophile gay sexual harassment. 8 people died and 10 seriously injured in the attack. Completley memory holed in the Russiagate nonsense.

Attached: bankers.jpg (608x767, 169K)

He's right though. Back up your information on another board asap, so this doesn't get memoryholed either.

Reddit made gamergate into gamergoiym, I remember in the beginning there were two autists from half/pol/ who migrated on /v/ and gghqs to help the digging but the redditors that followed were more interested in the vidya and the "fight" than in the intel.

What I was surprised by was that the kid talks about seeding misinformation into your data profile to throw letter agency glowniggers off the scent. This vid was frontrunning the Butterfly War, 8 years before this malaysian uphill train model forum was talking about it.

ChanThreadWatch is 10/10 for it

Tucson, Arizona

The pedo / child murderer Dutroux affair in Belgium.

All witnesses and uncomfortable people got killed.

(((They))) had pedo brothels and pedo parties in Brussels to blackmail high level people. Dutroux was a full time criminal psychopath who trained and procured for (((them)))

It's no accident why the EU is headquartered in the kikenest of Belgium - the most compromised tier 1 EU country.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (275x183, 10.8K)

I've been considering starting a timeline or journal or something to keep track of daily happenings. So much shit gets pushed through the news cycle and is made to disappear.

No footage of the mystery death. He's an esoteric conference circuit speaker lumping together dozens of theories.

I think his fellow quacks are just hyping up his death to boost conspiracy community street cred.

Lets say you really have secret knowledge about aliens, shape shifting jews or w/e but there is no way you can prove it and attaining it would require you to be an expert at attaining out of body state, meditation or w/e

How many people could you convince, how many people would go through with it?

(((They))) wouldn't hunt down such obscure people. They care more about real evidence that normies can see and believe.

Otherwise David Icke, who has never proven anything, would be dead a long time ago…

Threads like these are so good at doing that.
Have had a great time reading and going through all the archive links here.

A lot of (((terrorist attacks))) are mossad ops covering up news about important legislations, pizzagate tier happenings and whatnot.

They know they can't fully control all media, but they know they can make things happen that will achieve media prominence.

There is a guy who taught people Astral projection on a forum.

He was very involved and disappeared all of a sudden.

This is his compiled knowledge and guide, but be careful:

Just like traveling to Apefrica is dangerous, so is the ether with it's sometimes evil entities.

The white man (and subsequently the indo aryan which form the highest caste of India) seem to be the only one capable of transcending beyond the animalistic self, which makes us so dangerous to (((them))) who are lead by some evil spirit beyond the earthly realm and which is why they want race mixing so badly.

Attached: serveimage1.jpg (300x168, 9.16K)

It's embarrassing that newfags who weren't around for this shit start thinking it's true.
D.A.K. was a forced meme that copied an older meme from /s4s/ which was based off of an older meme from /b/. It had nothing to do with Assange except the late October timeframe (the dates don't match up either).
The "real alien" picture didn't exist. Either a low IQ autist got baited hard and started spamming threads or a higher IQ autist manufactured an outrage during cuckchans normal regular downtime (87 times a week) and started spamming threads. Of course people wanted to see a "real alien" but the problem is that nobody has a frame of reference. Even funnier is that only ever about 12 unique IPs ever claimed to have saw the original thread and literally anyone could fire up 12 proxies to all claim the same thing, it's called astroturfing. It should've been obvious why the threads were deleted and that's because they were off topic but of course when off topic threads get deleted the people involved get very mad and start thinking the moderation so is out to get them or suppress them. The same is done here constantly and are apart of many fracture points the board.
The black blood guy, well not much can be said much about him but while puking isn't very normal, the puke being black when puking it isn't out of the question. It's about how much you believe the guy whether or not that was if fact alien fetus juice implanted by pregnanting space men.
Trump blew hot air about Clinton the same every politician does to their opponent a few months before Election Day. It dissipated the day right after and will never come back because he was just hyping a crowd. It the same lot who thought that after he was swore in he would abolish the government and murder every non-white. It's very surprising people even here actually believed this at all because this is literally the fake left vs right show of politics that I would think anons here would be wise to the back and forth of Jew tricks but I guess everyone here is getting more retarded by the day.
Myziam cuckchan nonsense is cuckchan nonsense. The alien pic is too but fuckers brought it here (and also got banned for off topic).

A lot of us started to see the (((bigger picture))) after a few months, I know I certainly did. GG brought me to the JQ.

Hiram Abiff. Masons i.e. controlled kiked opposition.

Hezbollah, on the other hand…

good thred. bumpies

is bs. I happen to be browsing 4chan/x/ around when it happened
you want a real alien memory hole
smart guy, convinced aliens were after him, irrc he shot some guy he though was an alien like 12 times but the guy didn't die

Attached: QKtfrVr.png (631x516, 582.36K)

schizophrenia is a thing…

I just listened to the documentary in the background while working and I think the conspiracytards he hung out with probably gave him some therapy for his drug addiction that led to lethal untreated pneumonia or w/e

all the stuff he's talking about is just copy pasta thoughts from David Icke and whatnot

The supposed alien he shot survived an inhuman amount of bullets. its not like he shot and missed. the doctor report said he survived x number of shots.