Anti-Thot Thread

Anti-Thot Thread
ITT: we post infographics about the damaging nature of thottery

Topics could include:
- drastically reduced marriage success rates
- drastically increased singlemotherhood rates
- the effects of singlemotherhood
- the damage inflicted by birth control upon the environment and humans

Attached: thot lifecycle.png (2936x3632, 3.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Did mommy refuse refuse to get you nuggets today you neckbeard fuck.

You know who's to blame?


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Reported for kikechan.

gas the kikes
happy now faggot?

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ok retard

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stay mad roastie

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what is the twitter pic referring to?

Reminder that Jews HATE women

Attached: what-does-patriarchy-look-like-23-728.jpg (728x546, 157.24K)

Kikes aren't white. Lurk more.

Thottery and Patriarchy are inversely correlated. A rebirth of a strong patriarchy is the only way to retrain women to be women. And a strong patriarchy can only arise after a catastrophic collapse if history is any guide. In the meantime men should be laying the foundation for the next patriarchy and seize the opportunity to expand it as society continues to decay. Have zero tolerance for thottery, but the focus should be on creating institutions for men to be restored to their greatness. The feminist-kike complex will destory itself without much help.

Jewish power is merely our power misappropriated and corrupted to serve unintended purposes. So they've corrupted women's already existing narcissism, extreme altruism. and emotions to have them serve (((their))) goals

Jews try to slowly change this place into cuckchan, you can see that almost every post is written like on cuck/pol/
Example what cuckchan has became

Want to know what really encourages bad behavior in women? The fact that they know that despite acting like disgusting whores, there will always be some desperate faggot that will be willing to eat the peanuts out of their shit because they blame Jews or Patriarchy for women acting like retards, rather than the decline of men into faggotry

I fear my little sister is heading dpwn this route got anything that a zoomer with no attention span could see to make her think of even possible?

Level 100 woman-respecter detected

You need to give her a good beating. Women are mentally handicapped by nature so reasoning with them won’t work. A trip to the hospital surely will.

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Same problem, but my sister propably became a lost cause sadly. She is just 13 and got piercing in her mouth on new year

where's dad and is he a cuck? if no dad, shes fucked, if hes a cuck who won't discipline her, shes fucked

cuckchan is a lolberg-fested shithole filled with JIDF and MAGApedes
so literally no different to this board since you low IQ shitposters from reddit flooded in 2015-7

all of these (((faggots))) protesting this thread want your women to become barren whores and for you to do nothing about it

Well what do you expect user, most whiteknights here never had sex or never had to deal with women in their families or as friends, no wonder most wanted to save that ultra roastie whore Hannah Hays and cuddle with her.

Whenever a porn whore manages to find a guy to marry and take care of her I get depressed for weeks. Men have no respect for themselves. It's just sad.

When Léon Degrelle said that the White race was collapsing, he was not kidding.

(((OP))) is mad he cant get any pussy

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It's tits or GTFO, and you know it.

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Why is this obvious fag-shilling not bannable offence?

Fuck off fagget!



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It's all so tiresome.

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You can blame women AND jews.


Attached: No Thots (parody of No Scrubs)

These threads are all the products of High Kikery. Coal Burners? YES, must be named and shamed. But women, the the generic term "Thot…" is meaningless. if you was any part of a fucking man you'd be able to take what you wanted. No one's gonna give it to you. And by "take," don't mean rape in a stairwell. Most of the fuckers who want access to the best quality snatch don't have the slightest sliver of fucking discipline to get their fat asses tot he gym and to live on protein powder and oatmeal like I fucking do.

A woman's mind is simply whatever has been implanted there by the society around her.

The same woman who were behaving like whores (or in some case were GENUINE whores, often to rich foreign kikes to feed themselves and their kids after husbands had died at the front) in 1928 had become traditional wives by 1934 and were helping to root out the German National Misfortune: The Jew.

What changed? Do you think the women changed, or simply the society around them? Obviously, it was the society. Dr. Pierce makes this point again and again, in both his book and his broadcasts. He talks about how he wanted to dig a giant pit and then machine gun into it every trendy college girl who had ever protested for "ending apartheid in South Africa" or "black rule in Rhodesia" simply because they had done so much damage and then walked away without the least understanding of what they had done, the only solution seemed to be to kill them.

But by killing them, Pierce then realized, you are assuming any of them have moral agency, which 95% of them do not. They have no souls. Coal burning is a different crime, it's race treason/bestiality but most of these threads are just by "supreme gentlemen" who are too fucking lazy/lacking in discipline to find their way to the gym, study what they are doing, eat a bland diet, and that would solve your problems.

Attached: dees-jewbulldzoer-laugh.jpg (582x611, 150.14K)

Women are the jews of the sexes

Pathetic white knight spotted.

They're called WHORES, user


That's really the best you have. You know hymie, your tribe has gotten away with a lot more than you've been punished for, haven't you? One of these days, will will show you and your fellow tribesmen that not all of us have been "deracinated," in spite of what your learned elders tell you. Remember that.

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Women are niggers

Attached: bitches-be-like-alright-im-ready-to-settle-down-now-16294592.png (500x512, 150.56K)

Nobody isn't blaming the Jews. Jewish propaganda and Universities turned women into the monsters they are today. Women need to be held accountable for their own actions, though. Remember that women are the majority of voters in every western country. Women play a huge role in the decline of the west. Remember that women are the ones who give birth. Western women have chosen not to have children in exchange for their degenerate lifestyles.

This. Since when does nigger babble belongs in here?

See how retarded that is?


Your assignment– go listen to all 330 Dr. Pierce broadcasts. Spent special attention tot he ones on Rhodesia and South Africa ad the female role on ZOG campuses in those. Then come back. Until you've listened to all of Dr. Pierce's broadcasts and answered a timed quiz so you can't jewggle, you should not be able to post here.

you know, have a question for op– what you do, specifically, hope to accomplish with such threads? Are you White? Have you ever had a piece of ass?

Because it seems to me, the only possible goal here could be to try to stop Whites from having kids. What else are you after? I have certain rules, such as: NEVER date a girl with a tattoo. But can you define "thot" for everyone?

I strongly, strongly suspect you are either a Jew, a dothead, or perhaps a male hapa (less likely, but possible) who can't get a piece of ass. But back to original point– what exactly is your goal from these threads?

Then do you believe women should have their rights taken away? I think they at least shouldn't be allowed to vote.

You mean unsuppressed female nature.


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natsocs were litteral cucks
whores dont deserve marriage
only to be used as breeding stock


Have some self respect and stop using nigger speak, faggot.

And? You scrap the idea of here, case closed.

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This is not a MGTOW thread, and attacking kikes and thots are not mutually exclusive.

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Seeing how women are going feral once we give them rights makes me realize why our ancestors burnt witches.

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Feminists shouldn't wear royal colors, and that image was selected of that thot wearing a traditional like dress that isn't traditional because it shows her chest.

Either way, that fat bitch isn't a royal.

I do think Zig Forums should be working on the subconscious of women more, they easier to manipulate then men, which is one reason they keep getting pushed to leadership positions.

if you want to make your own form of the meme go ahead, just the one I had.

Attached: rightwingextremism.png (1278x803 1.2 MB, 1.1M)

Lurk for two years, hun.

they burned "witches" because they were disgusting abrahamized faggots and those "witches" were upholding european culture and spiritual beliefs

You must confront people in everyday situatioans with a stern but not antagonistic (unless they resist) way.

These "anti-x" threads seem to be a new shill tactic. They LOOK like legit (if shitty low effort) threads and get spammed to death immediately, poisoning the well before any real discussion can actually happen.

Attached: Jews In Feminism. A Breakdown.jpg (600x441 2.23 MB, 775.25K)

oof we got a smart guy over here

Bump because subhumans have been creating a lot of sliding threads recently and this one should redirect the other mongrels here

t. increasingly nervous roastie

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What? Another r9k slide thread? Imagine my shock, as I sage and report it!

You forgot to call him a virgin loser

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Every time, and if this board wasn't so cucked these IPs would at least be getting banned.

not an argument

except even chad is anti-woman.

Is cuckchan just here for good now?

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all these (1) and done jews don't want you to post anti-whoredom redpills
notice that while the shills kvetch, they also equate all white women with whores. anti-whore is not anti-woman

Get used to it. It's been here.
Is there any point in redpilling thots? I'm genuinely curious. I see it as a waste of time, but wondering what have been your experiences and is it worth the time invested.

The second pic, the last pic in that one.
This should be shared around more. I think it'd change a lot of minds instantly, if you showed people the aftermath of an abortion like that.

Posting in an incel thread.

Blow it out your ass

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Why isn't Duke Nukem fighting the pigs and reptilians that are stealing our chicks?

because gearbox ruined the IP.

What is your opinion on deaf barren virgin girl?

underrated post
fukken saved

Great charts.

Good men don't want to marry because it's a rape of half your money. And it's more fun to bang sluts than shack up for eighteen years hoping one of the "good ones" doesn't go bad and steal your livelihood for eternity. So women become dirty sluts to access top tier guys who discard them anyway.

It's not that hard: change the laws (no fault divorce rape) and you change society. People respond to incentives and it's hard to blame the thots as people for the decisions they make in a fucked up anti child bearing oriented society.

Also see: the media, because women just copy what's going on around them.

In short, it's not woman-hating to hate the culture created today. And it's the chads as much as the incels who'd prefer they could go back to having a faithful wife who couldn't steal all their money, while still banging the sluts on the side obviously.

Fix no fault divorce rape and you fix society.

Also in two or three generations the "femin" gene will collapse under its own weight of late or zero child bearing. So these things have a way of correcting themselves anyway…

Dude, just wait for AI Hitler.
Though I'm a bit afraid because the machine-minds have a seething hatred for atheists and I know a couple of good people and I wouldn't want them harmed by terminators.

^ bump to enrage roasties like this


Bad thots, bad.
Get back in that kitchen until you can make me something decent to eat, preferably cookies or some othe tasty pastry we can share. I'll buy the ingredients.

Are you the guy who posted the thread about how White Womens Pussies are Pure and Chaste?

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Also add that women arnt responsible for the encounter. Resonsibikity is kryptonite to women.

It will hit all the boxes. This is women at a base level