why are you kikes so degenerate? is it due to centuries of inbreeding? you kikes literally act like niggers.
Full story here: newsmaven.io
why are you kikes so degenerate? is it due to centuries of inbreeding? you kikes literally act like niggers.
Full story here: newsmaven.io
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The one time a kike joins Protect and Serve….
Yep whitepigs never rape at all.
Gas yourself hook nose degenerate.
It is now the duty of that woman's family to kill that man and the judge. And when the rest of the police force comes looking for them to haul them off to jail they need to eliminate them too, for impeding justice.
The only answer is armed resistance. The entire system wants white extermination. If we don't take action soon they will remove any remaining ability we have left for revolting against this rabidly anti-white system.
I know a kike USBP agent by the name of Gregory Sprintz who bragged about doing this to several Mexican women.
And everyone will see this kike and only see a white male. Everything bad kikes to is automatically attributed to white males.
Well Ashkenazi Jews do carry >90% white dna so it is only fair.
Zero effort.
Happens all the time. Have video evidence of it myself.
which is further proof that kikes are not compatible with our DNA. jew women are so ugly, such a waste of good genetic material.
Nope, kikes are not white.
They're in an eternal fight against nature and the natural order. Sadly, it seems like they're winning.
This isn't even bait. You just threw the fucking fishing pole into the water.
My patience wears thin. But not so thin that I'd advocate premature action when you fucking niggers are slitting your own wrists.
When I'm done with you, you'll know. Prepare your exit plans now.
When will you realize that you spew the same divide and conquer identity politics that the cultural marxists spew?
The elite want us fighting each other instead of them.
Focus on fighting the transnational corporate-military-government criminal cabal that rules the world.
They aren't all jewish for god's sake.
You are literally thinking on the same one dimensional level as the libtards you detest.
Hate jews and niggers all you want, but fighting them is missing the point and playing into the hand of the powers-that-be.
You are your own worst enemy.
Wake up.
Have you ever tried to team up with niggers for anything? I mean in real life, not in your reddit erp threads? Our forefathers have been trying to domesticate and work alongside these creatures for generations. What kind of dumb asshole comes here and thinks he can make headway with this kind of shit? I pray to god you never have daughters. Neck yourself so we don't have to.
The kikes are the powers-that-be, dumbass. And niggers aren't human, they're beasts who have no place in society.
A jew cop? hahaha wow. What about the judge? jew too ja?
Tbh, I have black friends and we get along on many subjects, but they don't rally to certain causes that I am passionate about which my white friends will almost always rally behind. My jewish friends are the same way.
There is definitely a resistance, if not abject opposition, to siding with me politically.
It's hard to say why. Different groups/cultures inherently don't trust each other 100%. There may also an ingrained expectation from their group not to betray each other by siding with someone from another group.
However, I also definitely think that there is a substantial amount of effort that the ruling elite go to to make sure that this happens. You see it on TV. They get it in the colleges. We are being brainwashed to hate and mistrust each other to a much greater extent than whatever would be natural.
Which goes right to my point:
If we spend all of our time fighting "blacks" or "jews" or "white men" then we are playing directly into the hand of those who want to dominate and exploit us.
That's what gave me the real read pill. If you listen to what the feminazis say about white men it's literally the same propaganda that you see here, just directed at different groups.
That's because this is a divide and conquer strategy and both sides are being fed the propaganda to hate each other by the same source.
For example, the CIA does this kind of thing to countries around the world. It doesn't even have to do with race, necessarily. They can take an entirely black African nation and make one half hate the other half to such an extent that they slaughter each other in the streets. They did it in the Balkans as well. Numerous examples can be seen.
The point I'd like to leave everyone with here is that the only way to prevent our country from collapsing, our resources from being exploited by transnational corporations, and our people from being made into slaves is to fight things like the power structure rather than fighting a racial group. The CIA, the Federal Reserve, the transnational corporations. They are the ones who are behind the race-baiting propaganda that is so ubiquitous. Follow the path that they want and we'll be like Ughanda and get split into two countries after millions of deaths and everything will be chaos except for a few UN bases protecting oil and natural resource extraction points.
I'm not on this board too often these days but if any of you fags agree with the above i'd appreciate it if you perpetuate it within Zig Forums to keep you all, who I consider to be on my side, from falling into the trap.
hahaha look at this cucked civnat.
dont worry, when you get robbed and pull your head of your ass, we’ll be here for you
new nation .org
Okay. That's pretty much the same grabby, social-climber, I-can-do-no-wrong attitude that leads to rape, but okay.
Lurk two years, retard.
New show starting soon.
seek justice alignable.com
things are not looking good for society
The important thing is you tried.
never hard enough
Oh boy here we go
No shit? You think?
Goddamn son. You are in for a bad fucking time if you don't wise up and soon.
Jews are all mentally ill due to massive inbreeding, and the list of genetic diseases they carry is mind boggling. You see similar problems among arabs due to incest, and a general lowering of intelligence factors.
Christians SHOULD rule the world, but their one weakness is being massively exploited by jews. The absolutely RETARDED belief that Jesus will come back some day. Jews have turned this cult belief by christians into a yearly payday for israel and a never ending collective guilt profit.
user. The kikes are essentially the poison dripping down the wellspring of life. They ARE the problem; gigakikes and kike enablers. Shut them down and so called 'elites' are next on the block. The rest is personal opinion, but the yid is an eternal anti paladin. Hopefully you don't become too black-pilled by lurking here some more.
Just kill him when he gets out.
I'm doing my part.
Weev, who has actually been to federal prison before, disagrees with you.
Go choke on a turd from a Jewish ass, you fucking Zionist ass kisser.