Many of them (most?) are flat out nonwhite and look like pale eastern Arabs, and many others even look like jews. Their customs are alien compared to Europeans, such as eschewing higher learning and only focusing on fighting and Islam. Even Tatars seem "closer" to some degree with Europeans, hell even Turks and Lebs are more reasonable. Chechens are basically turbo-bydlo, in places like Vienna or Berlin where they're known for starting shit and roving in packs, often fighting other foreigners like Kurds, Turks, and Afghans.
So what's with Chechens? Are they related to jews? Were they Europeans but overwhelmingly became mixed/corrupted? A positive I can at least see with them is that they will get physical with someone who slights them or their ethnicity (if Europeans had this attitude, there would be a lot less problem now), but they have so many other negatives that outweigh whatever positives they might have. They seem to want to be as Arab as possible while keeping Chechen identity. Chechen given names are ironically nonexistant among Chechens today, they're all Magomed, Bilal, Akhmat, Zelimkhanovich Ibragimovs and they often sport that beard without the moustache that pious Muslim men are known for.
And I suppose we can extend the discussion to the rest of the Caucasus. Are/were Georgians European? They at least seem nowhere near as bad as Chechens. Armenians and Ossetians? They're Indo-Europeans, so it would imply that at least their ancestors were whiter than they are now.
Many of the ISIS were Chechen and Russia is pleased to have killed their terrorist citizens before they came back to their homeland to bring destruction
Austin Powell
Most russians are white-turk-asian mixed races brother. I'm not a troll but Inshallah Russia will be majority Muslim by 2050. Russian women in Hijab look traditional and beautiful.
They got good origin story. Aside of that they're just mix up of all races that's been fucking around their soil for ages. They deserve their own state or independence as federation of Russia. Don't let them into your country tho,because only people you should let in your country are your own people.
Most of the Caucasus people are their own thing, not Turkic or Arab and even their languages aren't related to anything else in the world.
Joseph Wood
Don't know about you, but I would much rather get my existing Semitic garbage religion replaced by a different Semitic garbage religion than get the genes blacked.
Gabriel Ramirez
Why do Muslims join ISIS you fucking terrorist?
Hudson Taylor
They're the Eurasian equivalent of 56%
Asher Campbell
Caucasian people are kinda of a unique thing, they score not surprisingly some of the highest caucasus hunter gatherer ancestry from their own region ~10k years ago, the rest is more or less European with some proper middle east stuff.
Alans who stayed in Caucasia instead of migrating to western europe like their cousins. Like all people who live in the limits of europe they are a mix of white and asian.
Jose Stewart
No, they aren't, Eurasian tiger.
Chechens are mixtures of various races. Armenians are semite/European/turk mixes Georgians- see above, albeit with a pronounced mongol strain (flat faces are abundant in that place.) Anyway, QTDDTOT.
Asher Brown
its a confusing situation to be sure. the odd thing is the germans actually thought of albanians and chechens as aryans who had veered off the straight and narrow. my friends grandfather was a tartar who fought against the soviets in ww2, as he aged you would really start to see it, we would sometimes joke about the "old aryan". it was something about his facial features - the man looked 0% slavic.
Aaron Williams
Racist but because of Islam totally not racist based on race.
My opinion of Chechens is the same as my opinion of everyone. If they want to help overthrow this monstrous Zionist regime, then I support them. If they want to exterminate White people and steal our land, then I want them to be exterminated.
Austin Rivera
inshallah russia? not super familiar with russian geography. where is inshallah?
Aaron Wood
Georgia was once called the EASTERN IBERIAN KINGDOM Look it up.
Hunter Perez
You really need to ask this and can't look it up? They are psychotic mountain monkeys whoa re behaving themselves for now since Putin is bribing them and had a guy in charge who will kill any troublemakers but not before cutting them alive with a chain saw.
Also, Arabs and other shitskins think they he a right to ther women since they are muslims (read the fucking cmments in this video, usually somali niggers and other various shitskins who want them since they are almost White-looking).
HAve been some great videos of random arab vermin in chechnya trying to pick up girls there, and she calls her brothers who come out with their pistol in the back of their pants and slap the fuck out of them. Eurpeans fucking despise them as criminals and just general scum. They are dangerous since they have no fear of death, and are famous for pulling off the Beslan school massacre and the Moscow theater siege.
petnaz would hav finished off the Moscow theather siege with NO casulaties if the fucking medics had brought enough Narcan, since they simply pumped a LOT of fucking Fentynal Gas through the ducts, out the female cunts to sleep and then shot them in the head. Was a great idea, but fuck dudes YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! BRING A LOT OF NARCAN!!
Jayden Stewart
Jack Cooper
Georgia is more East but the Kabardians and Circassians used to do a Wild Hunt every year documented in the late 1800s for the spirit "Woyriya" similar to what happens still in Black Forrest for the "Wode", before Communism came to Russia and its territories. Before converting to Islam the Kabardians even used runes fairly similar to Germanic ones shown by archaeological digs in the area.
The Nart Saga which is basically the only surviving official story from the Caucuses fits right in with other Aryan stories, even mentioning Tlepsh which has many similarities to Frey, both having a sword which fights for itself and a servant who carries this sword to fight the faraway battles Frey doesn't attend because his sword will do it for him, while in the Nordic saga Frey desires a beautiful woman and sends his servant after her to get her for him at all costs even if that means giving up his sword, in the Nart Saga Tlepsh wants to kill an ugly "Bearded Lady" known as Yamina and his servant is sent with his sword to allow it to kill her.
Fun fact: the name "Yamina" in both Hebrew and Arabic means "proper" or "right" so the story might be a dig at Semites.
Georgian here. We're an ethnic isolate - not related to any other people - with some Turk and Persian rapebabies thrown in. Same goes for our language. Classifying us as European/Asiatic/Semitic is pretty pointless. We are what we are. As for Chechens, they belong to a Nakh ethnic group native to the North Caucasus. No one knows exactly where they came from. Could be autochtonous, could be a lost European branch corrupted by pisslam.
Chechnya is what happens when race-mixing is allowed for too long. A nation of mongrels, naturally gravitating towards a mongrel ideology.
Jaxson Lopez
The biggest irony is that they are considered Caucasians.
Henry Morris
I (>>12658086) never said that all europeans are part asian, I specifically said that europeans who lived in the limits between europe and asia (Sarmatia, Caucasia and Scythia) are mostly race mixed with other ethnic groups who also wandered the steppes, saying the contrary is stupid and proves that you don't have much knowledge about the history of that particular region, we're not talking about western europe and it's germanic and celtic tribes here, we're talking about people who either lived in the pontic steppes or the caucasus mountains, region which turks, finno-ugrics, mongoloids and iranic people also wandered for many centuries thanks to the pontic steppes which was basically a giant 'highway' for horse based societies.
Brandon Flores
Russia is already majority mongrel with turkic-asiatic mixture. I would never call pic related white.
Yeah, good luck tringy to keep your bloodline clean when you have persians, arabs, mongols and turks wanting to pillage your cities and rape your women, that is one of the reasons why your germanic ancestors migrated to western europe in the first place.
Levi Lewis
Russia have many different ethnicities living in their land. slavs just happen to be the majority of them, with that said, the finno ugric Putin looks very white to me, if Putin is a non white so are the Magyars, Finnish, Bulgarians, Greeks, Macedonians, south Italians, south Portuguese, Spanish, hell, most of europe is non white if we consider your standards to be the correct one.
Robert Martin
Yes because of Muhammad’s Last Sermon: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves."
Jackson Carter
Sorry, I thought you were one of the known board shills, who implies that all Europeans are part Asian, and that is the reason for their success.
He has a typical alpine phenotype.
Yes, those ethnicities are white, but you cant overlook the minority of those people who have significant non euro admixture. (especially the places which had non European occupations for hundreds of years) Southern Portugal has some people that are literally mulattos, some south Italians are part Arabic, etc. Eugenics are their friend.
Brandon Lopez
Only americans are so daft that they think caucasian equals white european only. Anyone who isnt a negro, chinaman or some odd census etnicity is a caucasian in the US census. Caucasian is such a broad term that it is useless as a racial classification term. Jews are caucasian. Arabs are caucasian. When you say this the standard MAGA-brain bluescreens.
Henry Fisher
Propel fought the chechens/ingush were deported to the Middle Ages in 1865. The russians destroyed our paganism. We converted to Islam out of spite. Our genetics were manipulated.
Chechens degenerated over the course of history. Kadyrov is (((Putin)))'s bitch. He is in place to make sure Chechens fully submit to (((Russia))) "Radical Islam" threat is only here to make you believe there is two choices like everywhere in this doomed world. Choice between submitting to the Jewry or "Radical Islam". The same choice which is given to the people in France, Germany, UK. Most muslims don't realize they had a gigantic opportunity to liberate the West from Jewry but they let themselves poisoned by Judaism and false hopes of easy-Jihad with Mossad assist. Chechens all over the world should go back on their Land and fight the Eternal Jew.
here goys, this is what chechens are.. Link includes a bunch of their most brutal snuff murders, beheadings including the Dagestan massacre, and Chechclear. I'll be praying tonight that I don't have the misfortune of being beheaded by one of these cavemen.
I read the comment of the poster of that vid. That was a more balanced view of goreposting than I've ever read before. Basically that it reminds one of the evil in the world and strengthens one's ethical philosophy. I don't think Russians would have done that to these people, Mohammedanism is the faith of the morally bankrupt. They had bullets and could easily have dealt swift and merciful deaths, but they did not, because they are sadists and that religion rewards sadists and will drag down any society that adopts it into the moral gutter.
Tyler Green
Disagree. I'm not OP but have enjoyed reading this thread. I like getting personal life insights from anons on shit like this. Much more informative than any wikipedia or some shit.
Luis Cox
Genetically they are 70% Caucasian Bronze Age (60% CHG + 40% EEF) + 30% Yamnaya (80% EHG + 20% CHG), therefore not directly related to Arabs
Gavin Mitchell
Caucasians. I do not recommend calling any eastslav caucasian.
Jaxon Ramirez
Chechens are what happens when you mix Semites and Slavs with a nice dash of Islam. Georgians are white for sure but I'm not sure about Armenians. The Jews tried to genocide them through the Ottoman Empire so they're probably white.
Noah Wright
Not true, Chechens are not related with semites. Semites however are partly CHG, but mostly Basal/South-West-Asians You should rather look this like that Levantine Arabs are Saudis + Chechens + East Mediterraneans
This is factually incorrect. Georgians are native whites mixed with whatever the fuck rode through there. I am Georgian but I am incredibly white, while other Georgians are more brown. Few believe I am Georgian, full Georgian but we have a mesh. Chechens are mongrels and the niggers of Russia, heavily arabized.
Xavier Phillips
My statement is correct You can't say it is incorrect because I have stated source and unless you provide a better source, you can't say it is incorrect, they are just Georgians swifted towards to Northern Euro. Test results say so and it just is so. I don't care about relationship between your nations, neither I care about your religion, I am just stating out facts, but seems like the emotional south europeans can't take it well
Michael Williams
Fuck chechens but Iranians are bros.
Ryan White
what are armenians? some seem decent, others seem like jews. i have had a hard time getting a straight answer on this.
Thomas Murphy
Very similar to Iranian/Iraqi/Georgian Jews Armenian bronze age + levant bronze age genetically
There are a lot of chechens and dagestanis who claim to have Alani heritage as well. Alanis settled in that God forsaking mountain range and mixed with the local population. And now all chechens and dagestanis looks all the same, I bet the whole population of that place share the same common ancestors, the fact that they all dress the same and use that stupid muslim beard and trimmed moustache make it even worse to distinguish them.
Jace Torres
Mongoloid Eurasians. Filthy, good for nothing, savages.
Noah Jenkins
Not more mongol than swedes
Hunter Ross
lol fuck you jannies
get ass cancer and die! lmao
Joshua Kelly
I just want a harem of Chechen qts, why are they all this smoking hot?
I mean seriously what the fuck are they. They bounce their heads around like they have a fucking mental disorder and they leave feathers all over the fucking place, then they wake you up at fucking four in the morning by crowing at a street lamp.
Ossetians are jews. They were never were Alanians. Magas is the capital of Albania. The exterminated the native populations , and were deported to the Middle East. The rest were forced and converted to Russian Orthodoxy. The lands was stolen and renamed by the Ossetians. Not only Ossetians stole Ingush lands but also the Chechens did as well multiple times.
Stalin was in fact half Ossetian. This is why he didn’t punish them when they had 44 weddings. If Hitler committed the genocide against the Jews? Why the Ossetians aren’t punished? Jews don’t kill jews.
Why would Ossetians be jews and not potentially used for divide and conquer in the Caucasus (like Chechens arguably are or have been for other Caucasians)? Stalin pushed around a lot of ethnic groups, widening the boundaries of some while diminishing others. He gave some limited leniency to Georgians, but it would be illogical to call Georgians jews since Chabad-controlled Russia is violently supporting ethnic separatism in Georgia.
Or is this pushed because they're seen as foreigners who invaded the Caucasus? I've seen people argue that the Armenians are crypto-jews when actual jews have referred to Armenians as Amalekites fit for extermination. I'm not kidding on that part, look it up. Even today there are jews who say such things.
Brody Butler
so /ourjews???
patriarchy is more inline with westeren world than african / islamic
besides aribia which is like the fucking las vegas of the middle passage. They have no souls. (thats why their women are fucking hot)
Lucas Watson
I would rather have 10 Chechens fighting on my side than all of the fat, low-test neckbeards on this board, and I've been here longer than most of them.
Grayson Bell
>>>/out/ sandnigger.
Liam Rivera
What I hate most of all about the Jew is how they frame every race in their shitty, desert mythology's whorish ascent from slave to tiny, backwater kingdom, that couldn't survive 2 generations without a civil war breaking it apart. Judaism only lives in a world where there's money to manipulate, it is the love of money that drives them, like their last reformer warned.