44D chess
Trump's Fence is a Joke Just Like Everyone Above a MAGAniggers IQ level Figured it Would Be
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If "see through walls" worked then why does Israel prefer America pay for concrete walls in their country?
You mean the compromise he offered the Democrats that he knew they wouldn't accept? Who says he won't just make the concrete wall when he declares an emergency.
Oh so its not even the fucking same wall as the one thats been under construction since the first authorization in 2017
Whoops this is for (((you)))
Just big enough to hand thermite cord and demolition tools through.
Wow. It didn't take long for you to prove OP right.
Its like a dark parody.
Feature, not bug. Broken beam fallacy.
Trump's 5.7 Billion dollar ask is good for about 125 miles of this steel bollard barrier.
Which DHS has demonstrated can be cut with a household saw. Trump is gullible, he is not smart enough to realize that the reason there was a demand for a "see-through" barrier (easily satisfied by placing cameras atop it or by having guard towers as the Israeli wall has) is because the barriers have to be designed so that Mexicans can get through or over them.
When the Secure Fence Act of 2006 was signed (look it up) they eventually built 350 miles of double layer chain link fence (so called "pedestrian barrier") and 299 miles of spaced steel poles (so called "vehicle barrier") amendments were passed such that: "nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location."
This was the birth of the "Wall is a metaphor for Border Security" Meme, and thus the "virtual fences" "drones" "better technology" garbage.
I should remind you that we have a ~2,000 mile border and even that ~654 miles of boondoggle-designed-to-let-mexicans-through garbage was analyzed in a "2017 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data, found that from fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2015, the U.S.-Mexico border fence had been breached 9,287 times, at an average cost of $784 per breach to repair."
All these quotes are pulled from Government documents cited in the wikipedia page for the secure fence act. Government reports that are more likely to UNDERSTATE than overstate the problem.
Trump is too weak and does not seem to understand how government works. So while Kushner and friends are orchestrating an amnesty, you folks ought to be aware that even Trump's caved on proposal for 25 billion dollars for a 625 mile double layer chain link fence is garbage and nothing less than a concrete-rebar wall with defenses against climbing and tunnelling can ever be considered acceptable.
Remember that if you want to prevent something, you get in front of it and take charge–this is why John Kelly and Kirstjen Nielsen cultivate images of themselves as "evil hardliner immigration hawks" in the media, because as long as Trump and his battered wife base see them as such, they can continue to undermine any enforcement.
Repost from other thread because people don't read.
Then why is the wall being used as a wedge issue?
On the campaign trail he admitted it was a system of approaches, not only jersey barriers.
dup btfo
There is no way that was cut through with a household saw. It looks like it's been gas axed and cut with a grinder. Also, I'd love to know how long that took nigga.
Point to the exact line where it says its the same wall vol2. Its not you fucking kike it says its the prototype that was considered not chosen.
Look it even believes in kike psychology.
You know user, they didnt say how long. An hour? Thatd be terrible truthfully. A day? 2? Impossible and untenable. Plus considering the fact that its slats, all youd have to do to fix it is slide them out and put new ones in.
That's exactly what I tried to fucking argue back when it first made it's debut - The faggots responsible for this design ought to be deported.
It's NBC a d there are no walls selected yet, as nothing has been planned or approved. Quit buying into leftard mayhem.
Magapedos are so enthralled with their daddy trump they can't see that he has been lying about everything he has promised.
>OP that faggot believes every word
It was proven during the campaign that shareblue worked with major media to create content. Theyre here to disseminate the blackpills, not have a discussion. Theres no point you can make theyll ever seriously argue with. All they can do is adhom and belittle like women.
At least an hour.
So who is blue then? Not me.
The wall is merely a physical manifestation of the will to keep outsides away. What a wall ought to do is slow people down and let those manning the walls gun the spics down. If there's no will to kill invaders it doesn't matter what you put up there. You could have a 6 foot barrier and it would work if those along the wall were ready and prepared to kill those crossing it.
I know user i was agreeing with you.
Sick meme faggot. Any proof? Cause there are hundreds of examples of the shilling conducted here and none of it ever led back to your prcious cadre. Why must you kike faggots always project?
It also must be an old design because the new design will not self support the upper part like that. From what I have seen it looks like they are using 12" box section in a slightly out of diamond mode. It would be dangerous to even attempt to cut that without serious equipment - it could fall on you and splat. And it would take hours for someone with experience… perhaps a day to get through one post. This is clearly some propaganda.
Instead we get neither.
Trump is a false god.
Demoralization shill
So far in this thread I'm seeing Trump supporters call a fence a "wall" and claim everything except Trump's word is a lie. This is unhealthy and will only drive anyone who isn't a lunatic away from supporting Trump.
Not to mention that lidar and other applications are currently being tested, at least in texas to be used to scout the border.
I have some experience with walls going back many years. I designed a wall to secure a facility (of some sort *wink*). The solution was exactly as Trumps wall. We performed testes and it was impenetrable to scaling, deformation etcetera. If you wanted to sit there for a day to get through a post you could but you'd be dead after a few minutes. It had so many surveillance benefits and impossible to scale. Concrete walls are easy to compromise.
From an engineering point of view it's definitely a wall. Either way, if that's all you've got to argue about why not to have a wall… or fence… it doesn't even register as an argument.
Like it fucking matters, finding illegals isn't the problem. We keep them in the daycares that Trump just requested more beds for.
your engineers must be pretty shitty then broseph
Fuck off shill, you lose. How's the shutdown going?
That does not look like a saw cut to me, that was cut with an acetylene cutting torch. Just what every faggot Mexican will have with him…… NBC news is FAKE news.
What a bunch of bullshit. You faggots are unreal.
Actually, the official nomenclature is now "steel slats".
Do not twist Trumpenführer's words :°)
No it isn't you fuck. And trump doesn't even call it a wall.
Which is why prisons are made and surrounded by concrete and not steel slats.
A wall is a structure for a given area. This wall has that. And it has clearly defined structural vertical elements that are self supporting and would resist wind loading and severe externally applied forces such as a tank trying to overrun it or a shell hitting it. In fact, from this point of view it is superior to a more contiguous concrete or masonry structure because any damage is localized. I'd call it a column wall.
shit, you got me OP, we should just give up and accept our death now.
This is why prisons and castles are made of steel slats and not solid walls of stone and concrete.
Nigger, that photo shows steel cut with a cutting torch. Not a saw.
They serve a different use. Prisoners don't have a armaments to easily compromise a wall as well as other tools to break through. Also, the area is watched from above by guards. Also, you don't want observation from the outside world. You are probably low IQ.
that doesn't look like steel to me
kek @ the magatards scrambling to do damage control
Which is why castles were also made of steel slats. Romans were so dumb. Germans and French and Anglos were all so dumb.
Liberal Dumbasses don't know the difference between a saw and a cutting torch.
But that's way better than not knowing the difference between a wall and a fence.
Notice how trump doesn't even call this thing a "wall" yet the subhuman retards here insist it is?
It is like they want to go against what trumpenführer says! Fucking kikeshills :^)
Castles were made.of stone and mortar.
No shit sherlock. But fences were obviously better. Thousand years of European warfare were just niggers nigging, that is why they were stuck with solid stone and mortar. ;°)
post your engineering degree with necessary redactions
I must congratulate on your verbal edification and subsequent bastardization and obfuscation of meaning, are you by any chance jewish?
Wow a nice summary of all the jew talking points put in one place for us to refer to for the rest of the thread. Thank you.
The kikes have such designs in their barriers, Zig Forums doesnt know their enemies wall besides the concrete one and th wailing one
Black steel in the sun all day will reach 180 degrees.
Climb niggers climb that fence.
Also this. If the borders are actually manned by the National Guard 24/7 instead of letting these welfare queens sit on their asses, you wouldn't even need a bunch of "steel slats".
This is totally legal btw. The National Guard can operate freely on US soil on Executive Order anytime.
Oh wait. That would be a real solution. Can't let goyim have that.
Probably why the Atlantic Wall and Maginot Lines were made of fences and not solid concrete. Oh wait.
But reminder that Trump call his "thing" steel slats and not walls. Are you some kind of kikeshill trying to twist his words? KIKES! :^)
Absolute state of MIGAturds. At least you admit it isn't a wall though. Nice of you to not twist trump's words.
refute anything I said
You are giving a technical take, not a historical take.
America is Great Again. Trump 2020 Build the Wall Lock Her Up
Anyone else excited for the next presidential election? Trump will go through with his promises THIS time
It's going to work this time around. America is Great Again, we need Trump in office so the economy can continue prospering. Vote Republikike to reduce regulations, cut down on taxes and immigration, pull our troops out of the Middle East and more!
>Vote (((Republikike)))! No vote (((Demokike)))! No vote (((indepenyid)))!
Sure sure. From walls to fence. Not even trying to blame to demshits for this situation anymore.
Which is why gated communities are always surrounded by fences too! Oh wait…
This thread is going places!
You are a dumb Nigger
There are so many shills in this. It's crazy. Ultimately, the wall is going to be build and that's that. Why get upset about it?
Amazing how every time the kikes make a shill thread the site takes a dump.
That really makes no sense. Please explain the position?
what wall?
Concrete filled steel. They probably used a broco thermal lance as those will cut through concrete just as well as steel.
Build the wall then, MAGAnigger. Prove the "shills" wrong. Here's an idea : Maybe if Trump still hasn't built the wall by 2020 you don't vote for more boomer lies?
Absolute state of MIGAturdism.
And that is NOT the new design. The new design are the STEEL SLATS without the solid concrete on top.
Fuck off jew.
I bet you think that Q isn't a LARP, too.
Oh my god, pol is so weak minded they don't even know how to take advantage of their president literally advocating for a "border wall". The ball is your court, the immigration and border issue is national news so stop fucking complaining and flip the script and control the narrative on the "zognald". Get your fucking graphics, arguments, and memes ready idiots.
Fucking contrarianism is an illness. Trump and his kikes family handed you an issue on a silver platter. Its almost like a jew says 2+2=4. You say 5, jews confirm brainwashing and reverse psychology works.
Good thing that is damn irrelevant. Are you new to politics? We need pragmatism not utopia.
You have a wall.
And you have patrols defending it.
You fucking idiot.
If you have a guy with a gun on the other side aiming at the general area between your eyes I doubt you'll get anywhere close to sawing shit.
Oh man I missed this
Get out.
Glad to see the paid jewish shills now openly outing themselves as the ones who were against PV2 and the rest of the natsoc mods. You're just proving everything they said.
This is really pathetic.