Developing the space economy is the only political topic that matters

It is already possible to build a space elevator. The key idea is the Orbital Ring version of the space elevator, not the geosynchronous tether concept you are familiar with.

See, for example, Paul Birch's writings:

There are many other feasible ways for us to get to space much more cheaply and safely than rockets:

You get the idea. Any of these could be done for $100 billion or less, a negligible cost when considering a GDP of trillions of dollars.

Why do something like this? Overnight, asteroid mining becomes an incredibly profitable industry. Because the cost of delivering payloads to LEO drops from thousands of dollars per kilogram to less than $100 (potentially less than $1) we can now retrieve asteroids with trillions of dollars worth of minerals for mere tens millions of dollars in addition to having an easy viable way of returning those resources back to the surface. We acquire the ability to deploy profitable solar power in orbit above cloud cover and with the ability to return said power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator.

Just how profitable?

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time. In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter. In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.

Why aren't we doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Libshits will stop that out of pure sour grapes & spite. If they can't go then no one does.

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WTF minerals are supposedly on an asteroid that are so priceless?
Can someone please post me a drawing of a space elevator so I can laugh?

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Lol, space economy is just a ploy to extend the life of our shit economic system a few decades.
Almost all tech is shit and I would rather live 50 years with '30 tech in a proper society than 100 years in some space fairing jewed society.

Do you know what the easiest way to pay of the national debt is? Getting rid of jewish finance.

Does it? Exactly how close are asteroids to earth? Do you capture the asteroid and bring it back to earth for processing? Or do you employ some kind of orbital crushing/smelting/refining apparatus?

Asteroids are apparently rich in platinum group metals, especially.

Nice arbitrary time period you choose.

We're better off living in colonial era

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No. Race is the only political topic that matters.
Every single political issue being discussed is directly tied to race.

Saging simply because of your title.

Fuck off jew.

Just what I thought same ass shit as you could find in miracle dead sea mud.
You answered this question for me user.


Cry harder.

You're wrong.
And the white race will die out if we don't mine asteroids for phosphorus.

Because we're surrounded by subhuman shitskins hellbent on consuming and destroying all they behold. Give me an Ethnoglobe and you'll have your space elevators. It's really that simple. You just need to DECIDE to do what it takes to make your memes into dreams. Make that decision and I'll take care of the details, but you have to really mean it.

It’s all a facade. Lights in the sky. You’re stuck here. NASA fakes everything


It would already exist and already suck by now if space were real

You're an idiot.
Race is THE political issue of the modern world.
Phosphorus irrelevant. The fact that you bring it up as a reason to pay attention to your side show is laughable.
No one cares. Everyone with an IQ above 80 is focused on the central political issue of the modern world; race.
Sage because you're so out of touch with reality.

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MFW Jew shills jelly they can't into space.

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Not an argument. If you were literate, you'd know what I said.

Race is the issue, on one hand we have a bunch of mongrels and asiatics, they have no dreams, they life in the past. they want to return to a simpler time, on the other hand we have the aryans and visionaries, he wants to expand, tame nature, become something more.

You people choose the first and abandon the second.

Good point. These people are inherently anti-progress, so why wouldn't they try to keep the rest of us down?

The most feasible way, as far as I know, is bringing it into close orbit and then processing it up there. Problem is, a single asteroid could easily crash the market for metals for thousands of years.

Very Spenglerian of you. Of course an understanding of history, even a preliminary one, is important to give context into which we are born and the reality we face. A reverence and respect for the past, with a correct understanding, can give us the energy needed to face the future.
One of the reasons our future looks so bleak is that we have no past. The average person has no knowledge whatsoever of the proud achievements of their ancestors. On the other hand, many of those who ARE aware rest on those laurels, believing that those days are behind us. The first is confused and has no sense of direction, is little more than an easily manipulated sub-human, the latter sees our terrible direction and retreats into a fantasy past.

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Until we rid the jews and unfuck the situation here the last thing I would ever want to see is a space economy. Limitless resources = zero possibility for revolution, forever. Need to bring about the right cultural, social, and economic movement to take on that long-term project. This one we're in must fall at any cost. Until a fascist takeover that rids our nations of the parasites, mongrels, and weak blooded traitors happens I hope that every space economy project gets nuked by UFO's.

no its not. plenty of other issues are more important than space.

The only economy we should be worrying about is the trash economy.
We've looked at the data.

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It's on the itinerary right after agenda 21 is finished. One thing at a time op, slow ur roll.

Fuck off, kike. First, we have to dissect the parasite. Then we can progress.

Short answer: kikes
Long answer: open your eyes - it's the fucking kikes


Almost all of the cost of living in space is due to high launch costs.

Not an argument.

Things we accomplished with "mongrels and asiatics" on the earth:

Literally everything mankind has ever accomplished.

The demand for many of these things is highly inelastic. And even if it were elastic as you imagine, "crashing the market" for something is another way of describing material abundance. A good thing.

What other issue creates trillions of dollars in new wealth?

Good thing other people don't think like you do, or we never would have emerged from the dark ages.

You can prove you're not a kikeshill for big oil by describing your plan to "dissect the parasite."


Not an argument.

Nothing to argue about

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Is it possible to have a space economy without ending two-thirds of the human species?

Yes, just kill all the jews. Then Star Trek Utopia is reality.

Why do I want a Stark Trek utopia? That's a libshit fantasy. I want people to work for their goddamn rights to vote, not have them as a birthright.

There really isn't any reason to trust a government agency since the end of the Civil War. That doesn't mean all of what they say is incorrect, only that if its being said there probably is an anti-White message somewhere behind it.

Explain to me how GPS works.

Is space full of satellites?

Did we have to genocide anyone to accomplish this?

I agree and would like to know more.

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A reminder of what Zig Forums used to be.
I really appreciate the effort, OP, but it's a fool's errand.

Same as it always has since the 1940s

Try again. How does GPS work if there are no satellites?

Natural or artificial? Space is not full of artificial satellites because we have yet to put them there due to the Jew keeping us from affording to. For a satellite with a biosphere we still need to sacrifice a chunk of Earth's living sphere, (atmopshere, plant, animal, minerals, etc.) to create and sustain that habitat until we discover the means to convert materials from space into more biosphere. Jews do not want abundant resources. They thrive on artificial scarcity. Reason: They own this fucking planet because we goys were retarded enough to fall for their banks which we therefore own nothing ourselves. Jews thrive on creating more poverty. Ending that poverty with resources will throw their usury economy out of wack.

You know the books the movie that meme is based on is what I was thinking. It'd be right wing to people today but Starship Troopers has the right idea. Have those who sacrifice through service for the sake of the planet be the ones who vote in policy of the planet as a whole rather than give everyone the right to vote. We just have to set a few rules to make sure those unqualified fail training to be able to perform their service as citizens. An obese room temperature IQ autistic nigger is never going to pass balls to the wall hack your legs off Roman style military training which is required for all service sectors.

This is a copy pasta slide thread.

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Space elevator has been proven impossible for decades. Just like solar highways. Just like muh global warming.

This alone completely discredits anything else you say since you don't even know what a fucking sage does.

What part of the peer-reviewed science journal saying it is possible do you disagree with?

Inevitebly this will happen there's no denying that, BUT it will not work if we do not fix select problems down here because it will be brought like a virus:
-1. Race and understanding genetics and hazards to colonial breeding is a problem to face. Without proper understanding of eugenics, which can't happen because of point 2, already mentioned by anons.
-2. Political and social issues. People have to understand racial issues and be friendly towards nationalsocialism. Without that, we can't have anything. Without strong social and racial cohesion factions will devide and infighting will destroy everything.
-3. With political understanding comes third position economics. No marxism, no anarcho-capitamemes and other retarded ideas which cause unnecessary hardshifts.
-4. Sorting out our true history and religion on Earth. We can't have religious fanaticism and dogmatic rules and rituals, only clear ethics which are sought after for everyone. Religion should not mean to serve, but to seek what is eternally right. Proving and disproving established historical teachings will narrow out true religions from propagandas and copycats, new age cults. Reaching this state will lower materialistic tendencies and increase well being tenfold, and also enable us to experiment more on the non-material world studies, may even enable us to learn/percieve superhuman abilities.
-5. (I may be wrong here. There may already be finished and working concepts on this) Expanding on third position politics (NatSoc) and coming up with a solution for leading politics and weeding out corruption with 100% efficiency: Meaning wether to elect leaders and how. Elected leaders should be the wisest and if the society is religious, most awakened of all and he can't elect others around himself. It should be like a roundtable/council of the wisest who can't rule over the other and have to come to a conclusion together and the people judge. And I do not mean some kike tier initiation and keeping secrets. (and some sort of parliament if its of any use here) I have no idea about this one. I am talking in a utopistic view but considering that it still cannot be perfect and big mistakes can be made.
6. ???? More suggestions needed.

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reminder to report and filter all flat earth shills on sight. do not reply to them, ever.

Must suck living thug life.


He's one of those retards that thinks science as a whole is some kind of masonic plot against Jesus.

To protect our environment should we move all toxic manufacturing into space?

A space elevator is a meme because it would be decades before we even reach the material science that would be required.

We could build a space loop with today's current material science within a decade at most if we were to start tomorrow.

What SpaceX is doing is substantially better than letting ULA jew the taxpayers with their 40 year old technology.

Come back when they bring platinum samples from asteroid (aka never)

(BTW mining of asteroid samples costs like 60 millions per gram (!) )

Why reach out to other planets when this one is the best there is for us and would be almost perfect if we did neutron bomb atmospheric blasts over population areas in Africa, India, China and Israel? Then just police the hell out of our own vermin and then you're living in a wonderful world of 500,000

The Rotovator is smaller, simpler, and less likely to be destroyed by catastrophic failure.

Because it dips into the atmosphere, it requires periodic boosts. These can be provided by asteroid material that we will be mining anyway.

Of course, any serious space exploration won't be allowed to happen as long as THEY rule Earth. THEY are afraid of people going off the reservation. There would be a limit to their depravity on Earth. If the whole planet was a giant favela ruled by satan-worshipping pedos, I would consider an asteroid strike to be a mercy killing.

Why be Earth-bound when we could make autonomous and self-sufficient artificial habitats with ideal controlled environments to live in, in space, maintained automatically by a robotic workforce? I've seen estimates that if we use up the materials of the asteroid belts by processing it into making artificial colonies, we could have a total population of 1 trillion in our solar system.

Where are the 10 trillion dollars stole from the American people? What did you do with the money? We know that you didn't spend it on your esoteric hoaxes. Where is our money? Where is our money? Where is it?

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Try to build one in your backyard. Pro tip: you can't/

Either in space or on Earth we need too learn to recycle toxic waste into resources because we may never know when we will get more. Especially in space.

90f955 is a Jew trying to keep the goyim earthbound with his usury inflation numbers.


Uhhh we're growing bananas right now in Antarctica the only thing we need is robots and automation.

Even better go Antarctica and try build "self sustained base" here so we will never see your posts ever again.

Wow you are very mad why do you want us Earth-bound so fucking bad?

I don't care if it's a bunch of niggers or chinks or jews or dare I say it, *gasp*, whites that escape the Earth first; we need to make sure that the continuation of human life is not 100% dependent upon the survival of the Earth.


its already possible to kill everyone outside of europe and america… but we dont do it

you know why, you dont, because you are a retard.

Nothing will get done in this thread, enjoy your discussion

What an unsophisticated NASAnigger opinion

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I already made my argument and it is correct.
Race is the single political issue of any importance of the 21st century

I never said that we should not reach for the stars. I said that race is the single political issue of any importance of the 21st century. And this is true.
Jews do not spend billions of dollars every year trying to convince us not to go to space. They do not spend billions of dollars every year trying to convince us to do away with wood heating or adopt new fishing practices.
They spend billions, if not TRILLIONS of dollars every year to accomplish one task and that is the extermination of our RACE.

Race is the single defining political issue of the 21st century
Everything else, literally every other topic is secondary to this one defining political debate;
Should White people be allowed to exist

Sage because you niggers don't get that you're in a race war. Not a space war.

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You think we can't expand into space or that space doesn't exist or whatever?

Btw fuck the economic arguments and what particular plan we pursue. There is one reason that trumps absolutely everything else; we need to expand and survive. If it required enslaving all the STEM people for a decade and only giving them food and public housing while they work on building the most glorious space empire ever it's worth it.


Interesting to see they're spamming the classic space-elevator-user thread in the same way they've sunk several other follow-ups to threads with great discussion (butterfly war anyone?).

We have to get off this rock. Space is an infinite frontier and the exploration and conquer of a frontier is the only way we can reinstate the existential struggle that forges our people into something greater than base humanity. Infinite frontier leads to infinite struggle and that environment is what will eventually create the prophecied OverMan.

Finally the NASAniggers unveil themselves. You still owe us the 10 trillion dollars you stole from us. We want them back.

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It feels like with the money you spend on a space elevator you could just create a manufacturing system in space anyways. Another incredibly ambitious project but better long-term pay-off.

We arent allowed.
Consider the vastness of space.


We didn't emerge from the Dark Ages until after we kicked the fucking muslims out of Spain and most of Europe you twat. It's even debatable whether the Dark Ages ever existed outside of the muslim world locking down normal trade before and after.


It's a much harder problem to solve than you think. Largely due to the fact that you're building the world's largest lightning rod. You may be thinking that 'there's no lightning in orbit'.

No, there is. The bowshock of the electromagnetic field of our planet interacting with the sun usually defuses it but now you've put a giant conductive ring up there and created a target for the ionized particles. that thing is going to be craaaaaazy hot before too long.

We'd be better off using a magnetic mass drivers coupled with hybrid SCRAM jets. You just have to get the launch going fast enough to spin up the SCRAM engines and that'll carry you up to 10km where you can do a small liquid engine burn to get your ass on out.

Gotta launch it from someplace way, way high altitude, though, or it'll drip the wings off before the SCRAM can spin up (or take a shitload of fuel).

that exists on earth now, its a small country tho

OP is fake and space is gay.

"Outer space" doesn't exist. Nerds have to grow up and face the reality that it's impossible to leave Earth. Don't fall for escapist fantasies produced by the likes of (((Asimov))).

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A few pictures of balloons disprove space travel!

I think you may be retarded

You surely can't.

Here 1% challenge of space survival for you. Stop breathing Earth air. Pro tip: you can't.

Indeed… what is it?

What about them?

What about it?

Can you make even one consistent argument or are you only able to spout buzz words picked up from space negro et al.?

Says the space nutter… the irony is palpable. Look, you can believe whatever you want, but if you want to be taken seriously, you have to provide hard, specific evidence for your claims, always keeping in mind the dictum that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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Have you ever met a flat-earther mathematician? Chemist? Physicist? Electrician?

Show me an employed engineer that believes the earth is flat.

First, anyone unironically using the term "flat-earther" is either a shill or a shabbes. Call it what it is - classical cosmology.

Second, I don't care for your harebrained question - we're talking about the actual, physical shape of Earth as such, not the private unexamined cosmological convictions of this or that individual person.

If you believe the Earth to be a spherical rock circling a burning ball of gas within a for all intents and purposes infinite vacuum, you need to provide extraordinary evidence for that extraordinary claim. Until then I hold to classical cosmology and to what my personal experience tells me.

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two words: space mining
its great fucking opportunity

According to the electric universe, the elevator would regularly get zapped on a daily basis.

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You will be hanged for your anti-NSDAP demoralization perfidy

Go suck a dick at your lodge, nasha faggot.

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Nice dubs, Mr. JIDF. How's your Jaffa assignment treating you? Can't be too good if you're stuck pushing Flat Earth nigger garbage on a Mongolian flower-picking meadow, especially when everyone knows the jewish bible you pretend to thump was wrong about earth's shape, even the ancient Greeks over 2,200 years ago.

Anywho, I'll have my contact cater some bagels and coffee to your office.

You're obviously a shill, but for the sake of undecided lurkers:

It's not enough to simply imply or mention the name of Eratosthenes; you need to actually read and understand his argument, and especially what he took for premises. Hint: he explicitly and expressedly assumed a large and far away sun… his math works out exactly the same if you assume a small and near sun instead.

Now fuck off to your lodge.

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The difference being that predictions based on the current understanding actually pan out. You let me know when your spaceship hits your supposed firmament, nig. Until you got good, testable and repeatable evidence to prove your Flat Earth nonsense, there's nothing to discuss except passages from your jewish bible and some bullshit about (((YHWH))).