Could we use a "muh ancient homeland" narrative like Israel to justify colonizing the world? Redheads and blondes are rapidly decreasing in number. global colonization could be a way to revive their numbers and save them from extinction.
What does it mean if all the world was once white?
So would having a lot of kids with a blonde / redhead. Next thread
To who? Just fucking take it, it doesn't matter if we're "justified". Fuck other people.
Where are our WN scientists??? What is this anomaly? Who fucked the ape?
This. You don't have to justify shit to people who want to genocide you.
Means some idiot fucked an animal and those lines should be put down.
Cro-mag figured even monkeys would be better than neanderkikes.
You mean before when men were capable of resisting sticking their dicks into animals, before they thought fucking a subhuman bitch was a 'good idea'?
to anyone who isnt us you mean
Once I asked a nigger: if niggers in Africa were starving, would it be OK if they exterminated every last animal species into extinction, in order to get food for a few more years? And he answered: yes, of course.
You are one of those species.
It means someone fucked a monkey.
Chimpanzee to be precise. Niggers and all of their offspring (spics, jews, shitskins, etc) are all the offspring of chimpanzees.
gud thread
This belongs in QTDDTOT
it means that our people and our civilizations have been raped and genocided out of existence, so the monkeys, jews and sandnigger scum have no justification in claiming that we are an imperial race that wanted world domination and killed all dah natives n shiet. the truth is the opposite; our genocide of the natives was an unfortunate but necessary measure to take, the arab shitskins and mongols were pressing down on europe at the time and we needed to expand our territory and resources. this is fucking war and any white faggot that goes on about how evil whitey is and muh indjuns needs a firm history lesson, or a bullet to the head.
never forget what these savage mongoloid hordes have destroyed and taken from us.
Unironically based and redpilled
"our" genocide of the indians didn't happen Shlomo.
Somehow, I don't think we have a lot in common with the big -nose monobrow baldies you're posting there bud
A bog we dumped all our shit in.
OP is a faggler who imagine we need to deal with other races haha. You're obvious some little kid/manlet. White men don't ask permission. We do what's best for OUR people.