RBG health and ama

I am someone that is closely involved with RBG on a consistent basis. I cannot disclose my identity due to reasons which I can't all disclose. AMA

Attached: VIP 2.jpg (247x204, 6.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dubs of interest

General prognosis? How's short germ memory and general cognition?

Are you Ruth B Ginsberg?

Have they started the baby blood transfusions yet?

Go back to reddit

No you aren't.
Shes already dead.
Fuck Trump niggers.

go back to >>>/qresearch/

She has terminal lung cancer that has metastasized to different organs. She has a hard time staying alert. Take that as you will. If she lives to the end of this year then the devil is giving her time.


Where is her primary cancer site? Did she get any treatment with monoclonal antibodies?

If you had any actual information, you would have already posted it.

What day did she die on? I rolled for Dec 31st.

What type of cancer, what stage, what meds is she on, and who does her home hospice work for – company name, motherfucker.

Is she dying? That's all I wanna know. How long does she have, and what's the actual prognosis?

Attached: bet you do anon.jpg (896x774, 237.5K)

Are you implying she hasn't been doing that for decades just for kicks?

Shitty bait

You're a lying sack of shit that should have kept it to the other thread.

She is dying. From what I have heard she has around 3-5 months.


dead before 2024 or not?

shes dead already

Have her rate my OC. Also you’re a faggot.

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Is she going to resign?


Nice to know she'll be with her father soon.

Attached: You are of your father the devil.jpg (480x250, 50.2K)

Fuck all politicians, period.

What is the name of her true master? Who else is she connected to?

How many times has she ordered you to suck on her nasty Jewish toes?

You must understand this makes your thread completely useless. There have been thousands of larp threads that look just like this one.

I mean, all of Zig Forums is one massive LARP where people pretend to hate Jews and wish for there to be a race war, but most of Zig Forums is crypto-civnat and would not survive one hour into an actual racial conflict.

I am a Supreme Court Justice and work closely with RBG regularly (see my gavel pic related). I can't share my identity for security concerns. AMA

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Did you rape anyone in high school?

I'm an expert of the obvious. And can tell you, unequivocally, she is dying from complications of being one old ass woman.

If this were true, she'd be on chemo already. When she resurfaces, look for a wig. Doesn't matter that she's old, they'd try chemo anyway to keep her alive for 2 years.

That's all I needed to hear. Ding dong, the bitch will die!

Attached: Let_the_games_begin.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Let the old bitch die and then the Orange Kike(tm) needs to nominate a man that makes Thomas look like Cortez.
How fucked is the USA when the best Supreme is a nigger from GA.

Thanks for all the insightful and inaccessible information, OP.

Sage for bullshit thread.

Magnets… how do they work?

I might be RBG and I work in the Supreme Court, I cannot reveal what hospital bed I am in but AMA.


Thank you LARPER, very cool post!

Attached: Sage.jpg (799x534, 158.48K)

rolling for dead

Q predicted this.


OP verify or you are a LARP faggot.

I am someone that is closely involved with ginsberg on a consistent basis. I can confirm the dried up Skeksis is indeed a kike and a communist.

Attached: TheDarkCrystal_SkeksisRivalry.0.jpg (1200x800, 158.82K)

Attached: Capturejhuh.JPG (443x380, 40.89K)

Kill yourself jew.

Kill her.
