What could be done about nigger culture, specifically the rap/hip-hop culture and fashion. You ever notice how, even since a decade or more ago, it never gets criticism or mockery simply because it's old? People are quick to be ashamed and the media shames you that you were once a metalhead, emo, a weeb (not so much nowadays because they want a slice of that), rave junkie, etc, but nigger music rarely if ever gets criticism? Look at gangsta rap from the 2000s and the related fashion, considering themselves as pimps and surrounded by women in small clothes, or to a lesser degree, spic culture with shit like reggaeton or vallenato. You'll never see memes or posts in social media with "haha, look at how stupid I looked with my baggy shirts and do-rag", but meanwhile mainstream music or musicians like Evanescence or Vanessa Carlton are mocked.
It's all mainstream shit, but it's irksome how nigger culture pretty much gets a pass, praising NWA or the Muh Adidas niggers despite being more than 20 years since that, but being something like a metalhead is an old shame and you should feel ashamed. Even if those niggers died from overdoses or committed crimes, it's always a struggle story or how he wasn't at fault.
About culture and fashion
It's almost like the media is anti-white…
Unless you get to upheave the admin, Lyor Cohen, the root will nourish the flour. Hip-hop is actual organised Jewish psyop
Killing niggers.
Nothing else will work.
Africans are simply emulating European culture
I once used to listen to that really fast techno stuff called hardcore techno. I even wore baggy pants.
Also, neon green is so the rescue crew can find you on the mountain during an avalanche.
Have you even been on boomer facebook? They have plenty to say about the thugs and jerks that wear baggy pants.
Whites are self-aware and self-deprecating. Like cobras, which have the power to kill each other with a single bite, the whites who got so good at killing that we accidentally drove whole peoples into near extinction had to develop aggression-inihibit mechanisms like remorse and empathy.
Niggers, who've never solved a problem that took more than hitting things with rocks, never evolved self-awareness, and so they never feel bad about looking like stupid fags. Instead, wearing parachute pants and fade haircuts like Kid 'n Play is just "old school." Find me the spearchucker with an ounce of self-awareness, and I'll search his family tree for the Jewish ancestor.
This is also, incidentally, why niggers literally never apologize for anything, ever. It never occurs to them to do it. To feel grief for someone else, or to feel bad about ripping someone off or beating up an innocent person, it's necessary to cross the developmental milestone of imagining yourself as being similar to others. Niggers, meanwhile, can't even recognize themselves in a fucking mirror until they're 12 years old.
The best way of mocking and denigrating “black culture” is by amplifying the voices of the few blacks who actually talk about black on black crime and are generally self-loathing like Tommy Sotomayor (yes I know, e-celeb). That’s step one. Step two would be amplifying the voices of the pitch black niggers who look at the 56%ers as “light skin”, mostly for the sake of causing division. The thot in pic related, for example, is clearly not black in the true sense of the word.
Also, I’d fuck her.
Yeah maybe we can get all black men to become respectable and marry white women just like him.
Go jerk off somewhere else you lust hungry nigger
If you're a guy and you care about fashion you might be a faggot.
Fashion? Yeah, maybe. Self respecting men dressing their best? Never. I definitely judge people by how they dress, if I know they have the money to dress well and be clean. As such, I don't judge a nigger by how he dresses, because I know he's a poor, stupid spade half in the bag and jobless.
Wrong, nigger-lover. Step 1 is: ignore niggers. There is no Step 2.
Congratulations, you're an honorary niggerkike
Imagine being so scared of nonwhites.
Imagine being nonwhite.
Actually, the best way is to
They have been oppressed y the jew and forced into European culture and countries. Converting them is the only option.
That thing almost looks human. It's like one of those jap robots.
Imagine thinking I’m not 100% Nordic phenotype.
High yellows are a thing of beauty, ain’t they?
nice D&C thread you got there kike shill
I can get vpn like you but why when
Tor works to seperate IP from routing
Anons must seperate identity from IP.
Only feds and jews.
Correct, around blacks never relax
Persians are our brothers and sisters.
Egypt was ruled by mixed Celtic and Aryan (Persian) -mixed peoples
Only jews would want to divide them.
Yup, you're a kike.
Anyone but whites are considered "protected" and thus immune to criticism for anything other than falling into what they see as "white views"
according to the modernist doctrine, anyway.
It's called the White Man's Burden.
The fear of nonwhites is astounding.
Have actual women for a reference. Sorry that Zig Forums must be subjected to filth such as this thread.
stop posting this disgusting slag jesus christ
Here's a (You)
Ugly sheboons.
Just burnt on based black guy nationalism after Trump
The thing is this; when George Clinton did his space niggers from outer space thing…was he being even a teeny bit ironic?
I contemplate this and my mind gets trapped into a neverending loop.
that Russian girl in the trench coat and head scarf is really something else.
Soon as they make an aborted fetus necklace, gold umbilical chain, I'm wearing it. IDGAF.
Nigger lovers.
Who's the nappy headed ho?
Too bad you aren't white moshe.
Reported for >>>/zoo/
Nigger went on a field trip. kek
niggers dont understand fashion. they like flash. nigger rich is the term. what they do in western countries is no different than niggers wearing wedding dresses in africa.
its a base instinct of wanting to be noticed.
the problem is people let jews glorify it, so they let it pass, or even admire how bold theyre being.
its not bold. its just silly.
They evolved without an ice age. There was no selective pressure for a more advanced brain and sharper senses. They lived in a warm climate all year round and had plants that bore fruit year round. They never needed to plan more than 3 days in advance to survive. They had no need for a big brain. If anything it would have been a detriment because their bodies would spend more energy and nutrients on something they don't need. This impairs their aesthetics. They have no concept of subtly, or balance. Everything has to be laud and flashy. Listen to a symphony orchestra, or an opera than go listen to some traditional African, or brown people music. Then go eat a nice tradition European cuisine and then try and stomach some overspiced rotten meat and vegetables that the denizens of the global south live on.
a fresh baked loaf of bread is one of the most delicious things. aged cheese, etc.
but there is nothing wrong with using sauces, especially in times of scarcity. not defending nigger food, but sauces are how you take something like chop meat and potatoes, and turn it into something delicious.
You shit teir apes. Live on milk for a month.
Niggers shouldn't wear pants, that is cultural appropriation as the pants were a celtic invention
Pretty sure this is pasta from a few weeks back….
Are they? Or is that just the jew you still listen to, for some unknown reason(s)?
Get rid of the jew in (((entertainment))) and the (((thug and thot))) culture disappears. Maybe it's too late for the thug and thot boomer, but the young blacks will revel against that degeneracy and copy us.
You need to go beyond your limit!
Some people like to indulge in Ebony BBW threesomes, there is a certain acquired taste that is worth it for some.
What kind of retard would censor an username of someone who posts on a public media outlet?
Women have to be told that being demure and dressing nicely will catch them a quality guy. Right now they want Chad 56% because the government safety net and marxist courts protect their fuckups.
Take that away and you will have more women dressing like pic related.
Lots of retards are afraid of being sued. That's one reason I come here instead of using Faceberg and Twatter. I can speak my mind.
I'm not a racist, but i hate mainstream nigger behaviour.
When watching nigger rap videos, most of us will notice this "dominant" "alpha" behaviour. → they sing about cars, money, bitches they fuck, etc.
This has slowly set an DEEP ROOTED image to us whites of THE NIGGER. Not only to us whites, but also to THE NIGGER HIMSELF!!
This last sentence is important, THE NIGGER HIMSELF.
What does this mean?
Well, most of us whites miss one crucial thing when it comes to analyzing nigger behaviour: "THE NIGGER", THINKS ABOUT HIMSELF AS WE WHITES THINK ABOUT "THE NIGGER". THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE ABOUT OPION, BELIEF OR IDEAS!!!!
This is wHy we see common behaviour among niggers acting like thugs, gangers, drug dealers. because they themselves believe in this image. moreover, in the media THE NIGGER is regared as "cool", "mysterious", "exotic", etc. NIGGERS KNOW THIS, ALTHOUGH THE'LL NEVER ADMIT THIS.
What you have here is a combination between BELIEVE, and SOCIAL DESIRABILITY that causes 95% off all niggers to act like this.
All of us want to be liked and/or looked upon (in some sense) This is natural.
Imagine being a nigger between 18-25 years old. What would be the easiest way for you to fulfill this craving? How, would you make people look up to you in one way or the other? well, ACT LIKE A NIGGER RAPPER.
But why then, do so many niggers act like this? Well, it's becuase of the first point i explained. THEY ASSOCIATE THEMSELVES WITH THEIR NIGGER RAPPERS WAYYYYY MORE THAN US WHITES DO TO WHITE RAPPERS. ←> Media framing
This is what sets us apart.
Darius says they are:
Actually, Africans are individualists who, after evolving in the resource-rich and winter-less land of Africa, fend for themselves, thus the infighting and boongibbery. The gang mentality is an ethnocentric trait picked up from the herding culture Celtics, whom they were enslaved alongside for centuries.
>Rap: Prose, Rhyme, Flyting
>Graffiti: Illuminated Text
>Breakdance: Riverdance
>DJ: The Bard
Africans are simply emulating Europeans.
Until one of them evolves and can convince the others to follow him, and he happens to be /ournegro/ then there is simply no hope for them as a whole, at least not the american nigger. Perhaps there are some tribes in africa that aren't so bad, I find nigerians to be a step above the rest intellectually, but they're not humans, so don't expect them to think or act like it. They have to "rise up" on their fucking own, somehow. Still, you can try to redpill the smarter ones. Never know.
Even wikipedia says you're the nigger.
The Mammoth hunters were the Neolithics of Northern Europe.
This music, culture and fashion are designed to keep the black man down. Those who try to improve themselves at the odd ones out…. uncle toms.
Their music promotes the worst in humanity as normal and things to strive for. Their video clips are pornography.
What can be done? Memes explaining in the easiest possible way, designed for the lowest common denominator, that the bleks are being manipulated through their shitty music to be forever poor.
Who would employ a looser wearing that ghetto shit? And its not cheap either, they blow their welfare on it.
Their shitty music just keeps them plodding along.
Guy is doing jail time for sending a flashing GIF to Kurt Eikenwald on twitter.
This is the future of the internet.
Promote European song and dance, which is far superior.
It also encourages physical fitness, community rootedness, and allows us to spiritually bond with our ancestors.