We can use them to build the wall. We can buy some brick making equipment and have them dig federal land and make bricks. Use the bricks to build a wall and bam. You have a wall that is basically free except for the mortar.
What if we just pass a law that Illegal Aliens that are caught will forced into slavery
Still need to end legal immigration entirely and kill all the non-whites already here.
Because that worked out great with the niggers, amirite?
This. We should just kill them. They are rivals and invasive competitors in our nation. There is no need to have mercy on them at all, they knew what they were doing when they came here to rob from us.
After the wall is done they are shipped back to Mexico.
Was thinking about starting a concrete molding company building wall slabs and just using donations to start buying up border property.
More efficient to just put a bullet in them.
It will be turned into sex-slavery. Frankly I would not mind bleaching a few mexican semendemons.
Slavery is a Semitic institution, which the invading hooknoses fastened onto every degenerate culture they've found around the world. The transatlantic slave trade was a Semitic bonanza, as Arab Semites bred domestic niggers for export to their own land and the Jewish heebs bought them for export to the New World.
Even in the ancient world, the Roman and Greek institutions of slavery only came into existence after their first contact with Bronze Age proto-kikes. Semites warmly encouraged the practice throughout antiquity, to the exclusion of real progess in the useful arts, until those civilizations collapsed – again under Semitic assault – in the 5th century.
Later, it was Jews who financed and insured the slave trade, as their allies in the more cuckolded churches railed for abolition. When that looked like a winning proposition, the sheenies in London organized a global anti-slavery jihad that (((cohencidentally))) left the British Empire unharmed, ruined the economies of several other European nations, and did not a thing about the now-1,300-year-old Semite slave trade through Constantinople.
By the 20th century, the Jews were churning out fake history about all the evils of the white man, and how the niggers dindu nuffin to warrant such cruelty. Meanwhile, nothing would be said about the enslavement of Europeans in North Africa by yet more fucking sand niggers. Plus the enslaved Christian children raised as Janissaries to jihad the West for Semitic supremacy.
Today, Islamic (i.e. Semitic) slavery traffics white girls from Eastern Europe into the Middle East, with just the briefest pit stop for breaking in at Tel Aviv. Indian slaves (dot, not feather) are bought, sold, and fucked in the ass in the Pisslamic Republic of Inbredistan, while Flip and chink slaves keep turning up with bleeding bodies in Qatar and Oman. Once in a great while, some journalist forgets who signs his paychecks and publishes something about a kike slave ring running out of the Israeli embassy in Brazil or someplace, and we hear no more about it.
To suggest enslavement of any people, especially those of a foreign race, is to invite the vampire into your own home and booby-trap our children's future, as the 18th century slavers did to us by littering the South with niggers.
Shame on you for even suggesting it. The white way forward is to expel those who will go peacefully, and to withdraw foreign aid and let them all die of ebola without our guilt-shekels. Those who refuse, and their treasonable "white" allies, get the rope with no regrets. Jews all get the gas, no matter how they act when it's officially happening.
Why bother? everyone with a backhoe has a mobile gas chamber. Dig a big hole, push brown people in it, cover with tarp, attach hose to exhaust, figure out what to do with the pile of dirt next to the hole afterwards.
why not canada?
Get out immediately.
That's how we got into this mess in the first place you fucking moron.
I'm sure you won't include a source.
My source is reddit. That should be enough for the likes of (((you))).
The fuckable mexican women you see in movies and TV are 75%+ white. Half the time they are just spanish women pretending to be mexicans.
Its like you're asking for an even easier to penetrate border.
Why don't you get a jump start on that already? No one is stopping you.
Yeah, just like the negros were shipped to Liberia, amirite?
I wonder how long it will be before we have "BASED peinovich" threads here again.
Punishment for sneaking into the united states should be at least one year hard labor plus minimum $10,000 fine.
(((Laws))) will always be subverted.
Killing those who benefit from them is the solution.
Kill all jews.
Kill all non-whites.
Kill all leftists.
Care about any law later, when those groups are completely eliminated from the country.
13th, retard.
What if you go back to leftypol and go fuck yourself?!
XD what if we just pass a law that kill all jew? that would solve the problem and is completely viable in reality!