GOP Senators Brief Trump Administration on Exchanging TWO Amnesties for the Fence


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Is that what winning feels like guys?

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Amnesty, great. For a few miles of metal fence. MAGA! WINNING!
Looks like the MAGAillegal raiding was his PR firm after all.

I would add them all to my rope list, but they're already on it.

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What a faggot.

Trump already said no to this


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But think about how many of those new Americans who he grants amnesty to will become conservatives out of gratittude? THis i

This poster is an admitted Qcumber.


But think about how many of those new Americans who he grants amnesty to will become conservatives out of gratitude? This is is another brilliant chess move.


So has he signed anything? Because I'm still seeing a lot of 'maybe, might be, could be' there. But keep pretending you're fantasy is real.

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the real problem is the seasonal migrants employed by local farmers. The farmers want you ded and your children caked.

kike shill

Let's see: he signed a bump-stock ban, he signed an agreement to give Israel billions of dollars, signed a bill condemning white nationalism, and promised to grant amnesty in his State of the Union Address.

Gay shills.

You get the rope too.

The argumentation skills of a magapede on display.

Gayer shill.

OP is Trump?

That's what you are, own up to it.

Well just add those 6 fucking traitors to the list of for the DOTR. Jesus fucking Mohammad how hopeless fucked are we when the US public watches the French show more balls standing up for themselves.

Even gayer shill.


Democrats will never deal. It would be too big of a blow to their fanbase. This is just another step in Trump's process so he can say he tried everything and the blame falls on them.

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It is all just posturing so the Megatards keep in line for 2020. The sad thing is that Trump will still be the best candidate by a light year. That is if you still believe in Santa and that your vote counts


Nigger you should thank God Trump got elected or else you'd be drafted to fight Hillary and Israel's wars or running for the border.

Nothing wrong with that.

You really don't think Trump wouldn't send another 300K men to die for Israel if Iran acted tonight? Nigger PLEASE

Yeah because that wouldn't kick off revolts that we would definitely want and it's not like giving them billions of dollars is any better, right? Wasn't it Democrats who were supposed to be the ones doing the condemning of white nationalism and banning guns too?

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Please, you'd suckle off the chance to die for israel with hillary as president. Now post more MAGAPEDE ORANGE MAN BAD memes, they are hilarious.



No it wouldn't nigger we aren't at the tipping point yet. Get fucking real.

You are the fucking D&C kike shill here fucktard. As I clearly said in the post Trump will still be the best candidate. I can acknowledge the truth of the situation and still not like it. Will Orange Kike get my meaningless vote, YES. Because the alternative is so more fucking crazy than he is

6 Republicunts get some media petting for licking liberal ass and trying to sell their treachery to the Jew that trump’s spoiled rotten daughter bred with. Where’s the story? Thanks to Jewish media and leftists, the USA has been comatose about border security and now they have to talk about it and try to defend their indefensible position. Who knows? maybe soon we’ll have a national discussion about protecting the white race. At the very least the shitskins are going to realize they’re not wanted by the majority of Americans, and that the Jews only want to exploit them for labor and use them as a weapon against the whites.

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When are you going to get it through your head that Trump legitimately hates White people and sees them as a threat to the Union?

Shut up shill. Trump is on the right path.

Kill yourself.

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When you stop your one man crusade against this board you IP hopping nigger.

This is coming from someone who still defends Trump, You can't say a damn thing.


A paid jewish shill will not do anything jews do not tell him to do, dumbass.


Hahahaha jesus christ dude… This shit is such a fucking joke.

A Wall is completely invalidated by amnesty and refugee entries, assuming you don't acknowledge that 2/3 of illegals coming in on visa overstays and current LEGAL population making the ILLEGAL population effectively irrelevant (a lit match thrown on a 5 alarm fire).

The US is done as anything but Zionist Brazil 2.0.

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Defend Trump somewhere else.

Defend israel somewhere else.

Get out.

But Trump defends Israel.
You realize the troop withdrawal was withdrawn, yeah? Now its all contingent in other powers doing shit they're never gonna do.


This, there are over 50 million of these fuckers in the USA. There are only 3 choices left. 1. Expulsion 2. Execution 3. Capitulation.

Do you not realize the irony of statements like these?

Fuck the wall. It’s not that important anyway. Every time I voted I needed at least one form of ID.

More impotent whining.

Dude, you are the most important cuck on the planet at this stage. Shut the fuck up and die, save the niggers the machete stroke.


Attempt 1 will lead to 2.
Attempting 2 will lead to inverted 3.
Attempting 3 will lead to inverted 2.

These traitors deserve the rope. It should never have been allowed to come to this.

Jesus Christ this is can't be real.

MAGA no more NatSocs allowed. Get out of my free speech board raycists

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What we are watching is the end result of what Khrushchev predicted in 1959 and what every Jew and leftist has been working towards ever since.


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This. The wall is a red herring. Even if 100% of border hoppers were stopped, the ones already here have fertility rates many times higher than ours. We need expulsions, and that is obviously not gonna happen at the hands of the USA. Civil war and balkanization are coming.

Oh, look, it's one of the mods posting via Tor.
Just another day on nu/pol/.

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Unfounded fearmongering will lead us to nothing. The huge birth rate of non-whites is a lie. Wall is enough to stop the invasion.

Invasion? Nigger, that's not an invasion, that's reinforcement.
Stop with this baitposting nonsense.

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This is an outside agent. He is attempting to trick you into attempting an exodus that will kill Infinitychan.

They can, they just don't.
Baitposting is the nu board cancer apparently.

2020 is doomed for Trump, and it was made so by his own hand.

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Zig Forums died in 2016.

Okay bud? What are you trying to imply. Say it loud.

You know exactly what I'm saying, you fucking nigger. There's no implication.

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See above anons. Look at the digits 12659956 -> [659956]

They already showed it can be sawed through you stupid nigger.

You low energy mop. The (((shilling))) intensifies!

Conservatives are just as big as traitors as libfags. I hope trump likes his one term

Trump 2020

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This is just getting ridiculous now. Zionists are on damage control, but they have nothing left to fall back on, and its getting extremely reddit.
That or some dumb nigger thinks its extremely clever to LARP as a retard to bait (you)'s.

You sure would like Zig Forums to be politically irrelevant again, rabbi.


none of this will matter when he legalizes weed

nu/pol/ isn't relevant, its a joke, run by /int/ fags from 4chan.

IP-hopping /int/ fags, no less.

Will you weed niggers fuck off

i dont smoke. but watch him do it


You niggers are way too predictable at this point.

I actually watched the SOTU nigger, no he didn't promise to grant amnesty. You're so full of shit it hurts. He said they would discuss the details, but he never said he would give the spics their fucking amnesty.

How did you even get here? Cancer like you gets the rope too.

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Who do they think they're fooling?

Its yet another forced meme made up by our greatest allies at EndChan.

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Oh so that means it's okay that he signed a bump-stock ban, he signed an agreement to give Israel billions of dollars, and signed a bill condemning white nationalism?

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Trump will gobble this up because Ivanka begged him. Then he won't get his funding due to forced delays.