Birth ethnicity statistics came out today for 2017.
The full breakdown for 2017 was:
The decline has been averaging about 1.2% per year, and is slowly increasing in rate. Minority status is on course for 2024/2025
Birth ethnicity statistics came out today for 2017.
The full breakdown for 2017 was:
The decline has been averaging about 1.2% per year, and is slowly increasing in rate. Minority status is on course for 2024/2025
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Well, on the upside britcucks will no longer be able to spam amerimutt memes.
Don't they mean Native British?
They really love erasing European ethnicities.
That is even sooner than the US.
And they don't even have the mass amounts of illegals we have.
But user, don't you know that the original brits wuz black? The BBC told me that, and the BBC never lies.
More good news. When will they be super-minority. Can't wait until all britcucks stop posting here.
Your home land is gone whitey, you didnt even put up a fight. And if by some miracle any of you did fight back we called them extreme right or nazis and you agreed with us. You are no better then sheep heading to the slaughter house.
Sure is 4chan /int/ around here these days.
It is like poetry. Quite enjoying the decline.
This is a mod.
Hell no.
Checked for g back to 4chan.
First the hordes came for the anglos, then they realized all other whites were pretty cool so they went back home and peace was had
Didn't you say that I am a mod? Why 4chan now?
Yeah, you're a moderator here, who came from 4chan /int/ when the mods got purged and CM replaced them with you and your fellow faggots.
Give up your moderatorship and go back.
Go back.
Soon there will be nowhere to hide snow flakes!
What's even worse in that meme is that as far back as 1925 he warned they lost power in WW1 to fight in that war and that if they wage another war like the first they would destroy themselves entirely. If you look at why Hitler is loved by much of the third world its because he single handily speed up the destruction of the British empire by attacking their colonies fomenting them to demand and fight for their sovereignty. I'm sure your typical MAGAtard will find a way to use this fact to further claim Nazi Germany was no different than Communism.
Now they're an island with an exploding population that can't withstand such numbers (warned about in the 20's again when they were 30-40 million) without an empire. Britain is destroyed already unless it assimilates with Europe or becomes a permanent colony of the U.S. which spells certain death for the people. They should have listened. Europe could have been something great if the people only rose up in the streets and started a bloody revolution when war was declared by every nation that did so on Germany.
Something beautiful was lost and a hell we deserved was gained.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Only 3.5% away from joining your mongoloid offspring the USA. Keep fucking and breeding with the niggers and keep letting all of those North African freedom lovers in. Look at how well it's worked everywhere else. While your at it might as well set up Rape Booths at Heathrow so the visitors can allow their wives and children be raped by the Islamic fucks as soon as they get off the plane. Welcome to the UK.
Isn't England essentially the proto-type mongrel of Europids?
Not really. Most of the people Britain lets in are skilled workers. If anything, i expect assimilation to work pretty well there…. well better than people expect.
Arthur Pendragon was clearly a faggot full of faggot blood.
Agree 200%. white people are colonial imperialist pigs.
get away from me white oppressors! KKK
They wanted to beat the US at SOMETHING.
Hitler is a racist.
Holly shit, stop watching BBC America and swallowing JewJizz. Britain is fucked as America, France and Germany. "Skilled workers" nice post you fucking Kike.
Jesus christ. This board, no, this site has really gone to shit. I think I'm gonna take a break for a while. Though I suspect things aren't going to get any better, with these mods and codekikey. I'll probably just focus on self-improvement, lifting, reading etc. See you round, space cowboys. It was fun while it lasted.
What about the Holocaust. Why are you so hateful towards innocent people?
You can leave now.
called fbi
Is the Lady o the Lake waiting to hand kwang Artemiqueesha a spoon?
Call again.
Seriously though, I would kill you without hesitation, jew.
Having "leaders" like Theresa May don't exactly inspire Whites to want to cum inside other Whites to make more Whites. And the British government is the most hardcore Judeo-liberal dictatorship in the Anglosphere, if not the entire Western World.
Even though you're correct about the British throwing that meme at us, I'm not going to be petty about it and I will never be happy about whites being outbred over some insults.
I'm convinced that neither Theresa May nor Nicola Sturgeon are human.
I can't seem to find the exact source on ethnicity, I've download all the files and scanned through them but never found anything stating race directly. Is there a link to clearer info?
That's because they aren't. They're just realistic humanoid androids that follow Jew orders and feed on Jew cum for sustenance.
Look jew, you were already filtered but understand this.
I would squash a gook for less, a white man would know better. jew would die slowly and painfully. Your remains fed to pigs.
Truth there, the Brits are and have been Kikes for 400 years.
The Brits have been on the verge of suicide since 1918. This is just the final act in their play. In 15 years all of their history will be Niggered and William the Conqueror will have been recast as a freedom loving Dunecoon bringing the light of his niggerdom to the hopeless savage white Celts being suppressed by Harold Godwinson.
It takes a stouter man than I to want to jerk off to a rat-faced bitch like her. Give me my Maggie, any day.
one sane person among the millions of brainwashed puppets.
d&c works so well because the vast majority are unthinking blobs that react to whatever they are told to react to.
thr op is posting incorrect information for a start. the figures are birth rates, which is similar but not the same as total population.
it is a sign of impending death, but is made to sound worse than it is. England is supposedly about 85% english still, though the figures have likely been falsified.
in the early 90s, it was supposedly 98% english, though again, it is doubtful.
there was a massive forced and paid for flood in the mid to late 90s by tony Blair and his pals, to destabilise the country and, they claim, solidify labour's voter base against the conservatives.
this was publicly revealed a decade after, but nothing was done. blair wasn't hanged for treason, nor boiled in oil.
the same (((people))) leading England to death are doing it in the US, and have been for a hundred years.
the disgusting faggots on here cheering for it happening on every article about european countries need castratijg and setting on fire, as a traitor is worse than any enemy.
kill yourself you fucking disgusting jew.
the US has 10+ million jews, more than israel at 6 million.
England has 260,000.
in fact, in Europe as a whole, there are only about 1.5 million.
I've been playing with an idea for a while, not that I believe it, but it was just interesting to entertain. What if the stats in regards to demographics are all being faked in order to awaken more white nationalists into taking action? I know that stats are manipulated all the time, but I'm not sure about those in particular. The unfortunate likelihood is that they're true though
So what you're saying is despite the vastly fewer amount of jews in your country, you got fucked just as bad, if not worse than the US. lmao
Just some gems I scrolled by elsewhere. It reminds me of the hatred towards different Western European countries, particularly Sweden, where destruction is perceived as deserved. It's just noise from niggers who don't understand why certain policy are taken by these countries. There are no countries led by honourable Aryan men, if there were, that country would be swiftly attacked with the fire of six million ovens and its people reduced to the lowest form of existence. This mentality is immature, likely Anons who are enraged at the world and comment emotionally without fleshing things out.
Oh yes good try kikeboy to try and tie the niggering of the UK to a comparison of Jew levels. The people of the UK have done nothing but wage war upon whites at the behest of the Jew since the time of that fat fuck Henry VIII. Only a people so completely Jewed could put a king as the head of it's church to act as their mediator to God. A king who was completely under the thumb of the Jew a tradition that the entire country continues down to this day. What group of subhuman precursor greenlighted the Balfour Declaration? Winner, winner Chicken dinner the fucking pukes in the UK. Who was financed by the Jew to wage nonstop wars on the continent…the UK. Every step of the way the fist of the Jew is, was and will always be in the English ass and he loves it that way. That's why he now loves the idea of eating African AIDS infected jizz out of his mum's ass because that is what the Jew tells him to do.
this cuck is serious isn't he?
America lets in beaner dregs and 50 iq somalis. You think Britain is gonna turn into a hellhole with Tavistock managing things? Um no sweetie. They take the guns and have cameras on every corner.
That's why it already is a hellhole faggot.
Holy fuck the Anglos here are having an out of body bullshit experience. "Sweetie" after you take Sadiq Khan's cock out of your ass and allow your slave to suck off the santorum how is Tavistock working for you guys with the 1000's of white sex slaves, hundreds of knife attacks, acid sprays and hundreds of child weddings. Why don't you go down to Tesco show your ID buy a spoon and dig at your jugular vein.
Good. These subhumans should post more on facebook about how good it felt killing Germans.
Angloscum deserves everything for 1945.
pic related
No you wouldn't, you would stutter and struggle to breathe if faced with real conflict. Now go watch your anime sweetie
Stop getting your news from breitbart dude.
woah it's like Armageddon or something.
Go to facebook and see it for yourself.
fake dicks was before surgeon and saline injections dude….like 10 or 15 years ago…
Your meme is forced.
Your skill level is low.
Your mother is gay.
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
If empowering women combats overpopulation… how do we raise the birthrates? :^3
kek, faggot
kinda sounds shilly
is this real?
I can barely read that shit, work on your penmanship before you shitpost.
I have this, any use?
Hes also loved by the third world for being known to kill parasites and treating niggers and muds as humans but humans that needed to remain and make their own counteies prosper rather than shit up western countries.
British women are honestly some of the biggest mudsharks and coalburners on the planet, even worse than American women. Why is that?
Why don't you enlighten us, kike?
How dumb are you? Only kikes post that shit.
Beats me. Might have something to do with not having lived with too many of them back when being racist was a given? There doesn't seem to be nearly as much social shaming involved for them as in the US.
What happened with the thread about the female tommy cop which got disarmed and shot by an assailant? Was it deleted and why?
Waaaaaah Cry more mut Cry and not be white like the UK
Lel. That image has been floating round the internet since the 90's. Almost as iconic as goatse.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, coward
On one hand they could make the numbers smaller so we don't panic - on the other they may skew them to be larger so we get demoralized and they can say ethnostate is now an impossability.
The reality of the situation? We can't trust any of this data.
I feel like making an invite only imageboard at this point.
would be pretty comfy
Doesn't have the same ring as 56 percent, though I'm sure they will be there in no time
It's disturbing the extent to which most people on here have internalized anti-white hatred. You pretend to be redpilled but half of you are ethnomasochist schizos.
Compare this thread to the thread about Brazil.
Shitpost in meatspace from here out. I'm with you bro. See you on the other side.
What is this other stat? Surely it's not white/non-white mixes. I remember two years ago seeing the rise of interracial marriages was between minorities and not native Brits.
Why would you cry after someone who has no will to live?