Bezos Leaked Texts Reveal Massive Beta
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If he's a beta, then what are? It's always amusing how loser men will dogpile on their superiors when those superiors are dealt a bad hand. A year from now Bezos will still be rich, and you'll still be posting on Zig Forums
And if he was actually a beta, he wouldn't have got her. But he did get her, and you got nothing.
Better to have never loved at all than to have loved anything < 9/10.
Cry more, jew.
Granted this is a worhtless thread and OP should get a ban, but its clearly true what's in the title and Zig Forums has nothing to do with it.
So how did they get his text messages? Someone at the phone company leak it? Roastie leaked it? CIA niggers leaked it?
I can't be the only one seeing this.
Once again, if the richest man in the world is a beta, then what are you? I wouldn't want to know.
Fix'd it for you, jid
Bezos is the first earthling wealthy enough to marry into the Bogdanov family.
Too bad their children won't be viable since inter-species sex doesn't work.
Oh, it's easy. Remember, Bezos worked for 20 hours / day for 30 years. So if you work for 1 hour you're good, lad, you've got 19 million in the bank, and you worked less than 1 cumulative work week, spread across 30 years. Pretty good.
That, or it's a shit out your ass fake rags to riches story.
Surround yourself with kikes, get the kike reward.
The richest man in the world fell for that taco eating used up bean woman?
When I rally our race into a planetary genocidal cleansing, then you'll begin to understand what an alpha is. It doesn't come from without, and money doesn't buy it. That tingle in the spine of the observer, that's what makes an alpha. Also the mythical alpha in all situations doesn't exist. You've mildly annoyed me, please cease to exist so I don't have to think further about this
You haven't seen her do the "helicopter".
Tempted to print some of these out and leave them in the break room, I work at an Amazon.
He was taking test injections trying to escape his past.
Funny pajeet
lad, don't print them. printers can trace you. You could write them out with block letters, by hand, though.
Lead me to the promised land user.
>implying money makes (((you))) alpha
The cucked photo
Look Jeff, I know divorce can be difficult, but I don't think this kind of low effort shitposting is the way to cope with it.
He's a kike too!!!
But uh… money doesn't turn a woman into a man… so money doesn't turn a man into an alpha.
What are?
And he will still be a beta, therefore, a loser.
True. If it does. But then, if he's so smart, how come he's given up billions on a 3rd rate whore?
You do know when he says "us" he means "you stupid goys", right?
My texts between me and my girlfriend at much worse. You could say revolting. This seems pure to me, he's idealist when it comes to love it seems.
I don't like Jeff Bezos but trying to dog on him for trying to sweet talk a woman is rather plebeian
Bezos is white
That sounds like a pretty fast way to dry up her vagina and erode her respect for you.
What if they are intentionally getting divorced so she can liquidate half the stock fearing a financial crisis and that way he won't get arrested for dumping stock.
He's 50 years old, a multi-billionaire, and married. This isn't some 16 year old kid chatting up his high-school crush.
Jeff Bezos owns all the faggot libfag media in this country including the Washington Post so fuck him
Just because he's a 50 year old billionaire doesn't mean he's suave.
He had every resource at his disposal to not fuck this up, and ended up doing so anyway.
Cry more cianigger, all your structure is tumbling.
That's just lovey talk. First new poon he got in a quarter century. OP's never even seen a 3d vag. Shit thread, probably by a jew whose jealous of all those Amazon shekels.
a fucking hundred billion dollars cant save some people
Yeah, women are intimidated by floury prose. It makes them feel inadequate, then out of the mood. A fundamental aspect of game and sales is to make the other person feel good (conditional upon buying your crap/cock).
It's an interesting theory.
We're in uncharted territory, but the possibility should have been anticipated. It will get really interesting, seeing how it plays out.
Bezos isn't a kike, so far as I can tell. But he is an enemy of the people, specifically white people, so fuck him.
You can fuck him if you want, I'll ask his ex wife.
You should have stayed on cuckchan with your shit memes.
All metoo trials are political. If he's being attacked, it isn't because of any personal or judicial matter. Kikes are moving on his assets.
Look at bezzy in every single interview. He was always a creeper.
nu/pol/ is infested with whiteknight neckbeards who behave just like bezos.Remember these people wanted to cuddle Hannah Hays and show her the light.
No pussy is worth billions. Bezos is a retard.
I can accept he made better decisions than I have. I wasted my time, didn't pay attention in school and now am simply a plumber. I'll never be rich and I don't have any hate for bezos. We all have a life to live
Gimme gift card now you fucking jew!
dubs of truth. Its ok to be a beta, Jeff
I didn't want to cuddle. She rode it just fine though. Would let her ride again.
>Jeff Bezos sent X-rated selfies and saucy sexts to his mistress while cheating on his wife, a report said on Thursday. The racy messages — which reportedly included a snapshot of Bezos’ junk
This is the guy that wants the wagie back in their literal cagie
You think money replaces character. Having money doesn’t make you an alpha, being the leader of a mega corp like Amazon and taking it from a book store to the behemoth it is today is absolutely an alpha move.
I’m not here to discredit Bezos, I’m simply arguing that your worship of the almighty dollar doesn’t make you anymore of a man.
Man makes the money, money doesn’t make the man. Never forget that.
Apparently she's trying to get pregnant.
Could this be real? Or is this produced by some PR agency?
Cause Bezos looks to me like some demon possessed freak. Lauren Sanchez looks to me like a Brazillian tranny prostitute.
They are probably being put together to encourage to promote miscegenation and IQ dropping to the general population of the US.
It's all an illuminati plan, none of it is real.
Nobody here actually cares about this story.
He sounds like a bitch to me.
Lel, you're superior to no one, jeff, you little kike.
This. It's either a ploy for something or a shabbos goy lost half his fortune to fuck a used-up mutt whore. Either way - sage
Wow, looks like he really won there
why is this story constantly being shilled here and on cuckchan? no one gives a shit
kek, filtered.
Jeff Bezo's is an example of the matrix being built for them to play in. Average alpha in society is infinitely more alpha than post money Jeff. He's just larping like anyone with billions would
>t. (((Bezos)))
A year from now you'll still look like an inbred faggot with a wonky eye.
I was going to post this before. something bigger is going on here, meaning he pissed off one of his fellow kikes. One of his fellow BILLIONAIRE likes, since this is going to cost the little bald Jew $70 BILLION. Which means he made himself a very rich, powerful jew enemey who wouldn't even settle for an "investment" of a few billion dollars to keep this quiet. A lot more to this story. Thw richest Jew on earth (at least on paper, in reality it's the central banking kike cartel) doesn't leave his iphone perverted texts randonly open.
His mouthpiece paper has either been attack Israel or Saudi Arabia too much, since they are the only ones capable of doing this or buying the people who can do this.
Inside jews propping him up because he's a soulless psychopath that's willing to eat babies with them and not blow their cover isn't really "making better decisions" than you.
anons were saying it's a faux divorce so he can hide/protect half of his assets with his wife.
who got it?
They can't afford to pay shills so they hire their little sisters now.
She's fucking ugly.
This nigga bezos could be deep dickin co eds yet he is going after literal goblinas
His ex wife isnt a looker either
Wtf is wrong with this nigga fam
wtf is the matter with her feet?!!!!
He was given a contract to the CIA to host data in the cloud, and the money was used to buy WaPo. They're pissed off that a NYC real estate developer shitlord wasn't as easily marginalized as Nixon was.
No john, you are the cancer.
Yes, it's true. Women are gold digging filth. But only faggots ask women how alpha they are.
I would have to hope that if my upcoming divorce were going to be worth 70 billion dollars, that I could find a young whore who looked better than this 50 year old refugee with a bad plastic surgeon.
This is nearly as disappointing as Bill, the leader of the free world at the time, bending Monica over the photocopier instead of holding out for some quality tail like JFK. I mean, come on, respect the office just a little. Give us something to look up to.
Those porn stars looked so drugged.
Behold the jew.
Take some more steroids Jeff. hahaha
she looks fake as shit, why do men with money go after fake women?
All NTR is for betas, no exception.
What's NTR?
The problem with Nixon was that he was a Quaker, a bad Quaker but still a Quaker. Think about that for a minute and let it sink in; they're called Shakers because they get so excited at their religious meetings that they shake, literally shake. They're called Quakers because they get so possessed by the Holy Spirit that they quake! Literally quake! How fucking neurotic is that kind of spastic shit?
And they were well known in early colonial times as epic assholes. Assholes as in walking into an Anglican or protoBaptist church with a bucket of shit and piss and walking up to the front of the church in front of the scandalized congregation and throwing the shit and piss on the floor and shouting "this church is a vessel of filthy corruption, just like the contents of this bucket!"
No, sweaty quaking Quaker Dick was not really quite right. That's not to say he was stupid; far from it, he was a cunning fellow but making Henry Kissinger his Secretary of State; Kissinger tried to insinuate himself into the Kennedy White House and was run out of there on a rail when Kennedy realized he was a dangerous mass murdering jew nut case.
What's your reason for being on an imageboard whatsoever?
lol @ the midget & nigger
This, lads, is what you call a glow nigger:
Yes, I'm a pro. You have permission to be impressed!!!