New Yid Wars Trailer

Downvote this shit to hit the Jew where it hurts!

Disney Wars is objectively the most anti-white media content currently being produced, and it's aimed at children so it's especially insidious. We raped their old trailers with downvotes, now they've got a new one to wreck.

Don't forget to drop redpills in the comments and remind people about what they did to Luke.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shitskin Wars

It would do great to incite killings of some the main cast during the premiere.
Never let them live safely.

Hello, Zig Forums

Dude, get the fuck out of here. Are you for real or just really bad at your government job?

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probably just some fag trying to get screenshots to post on twitter

This isn't reddit, nigger.

go back to >>>/sw/ nerd

go back to bed, kotaku blogger


No one watches this trash. Star Wars is completely dead. It's so empty and lifeless that even the most pathetic of normalfags thinks it's a gross show, even if they'll never admit to themselves why.

I'm vaguely looking forward to watching the next movie flop completely though. The clusterfuck surrounding that might be the most entertaining thing to come out of the franchise since Empire.

A link would be nice, you stupid nigger.

Haha wow will an embed work mayhap?

Prequels were objectively kino.

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Star Wars had niggers in it back in the 80s, in the so called "best" movie, it was never on our side or furthering our goals, even George Lucas married a niggress who is going to get all his wealth after he dies. It was lost from the start, the same with (((Star Trek))).

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Bad enough OP does it

Heiled, but the script still needed a rewrite, the kid playing Anakin was badly cast, the aliens were designed by cgi specialist kikes with no sense of aesthetics, the entire thing promotes tikkun olam propaganda, they ruined lightsabers, they made the plot a retarded mindfuck where R2D2, Yoda, and Chewbacca are the only real main characters of the series, they portray Sheev as the villain and jewish democracy as superior to all other forms of government even as they show it being easily undermined, and they didn't even follow through on the now obvious in retrospect reveal of sith master Darth Binks.

Also this, but (((Star Trek))) is much worse. For one thing, it's full of black cube symbolism, black pyramid symbolism, horns of moloch, tikkun olam shit, and so on. All its alien races are facsimiles of different parts of jewish culture. It's also particularly dangerous propaganda because it was briefly well written and appealed to scientifically minded nerds. Shit. TNG is still a good show despite the symbolism of the borg etc.

Lol cucked


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Nah, Netflix is the most objectively anti-white media content currently.

Don't know where I downloaded a whole nest of these new shows, BUT, after watching most of the way through the first show it was so utterly painful to watch. Like tooth gratingly boring.
It's as though someone WANTED it to fail, then wrote the most miserable dialogue, story, setting and revolting characters you could ever hope to see bundled in a 1/2 hour show. I fast forwarded through the rest to see if anything exciting or novel happened. NOPE, nothing. Eating ceiling paint would be more enjoyable than watching that excuse for a show.
Conclusion, kids who may absently watch it will be bored to tears. Oldies who watch it will DOUBLE-REALIZE Star Wars is empty, valueless garbage when neurotic jews manage and make it.

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Star Wars has always been value-less, trash made by a dumbfuck american, listen to George Lucas, he's fucking dumb.

You want good sci-fi, don't watch american trash, stick to Warhammer 40K (maybe the ONLY good sci-fi left, not counting the jap stuff).

duh natzees and the alt rite taking over jew wars! thats always a amusing headline

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to watch Revenge of the Sith last year, because I remember it being the least terrible, and the Emperor still being awesome. The Emperor was still great, but my god, what a piece of shit. Just unbearable trash. I couldn't even stomach most of the dialogue scenes, and just skipped them. They're so fucking dull, horribly written, and poorly acted. It was far worse than I remembered. It doesn't even have the special effects to prop it up anymore, because they look like syfy channel crap now.

Had to watch John Carter again to cleanse my palette.

English is not this persons first language.


Holy shit, my eyes!

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What shit. Racers that defeat trained pilots and outgun trained soldiers.

Beautiful. I'm sure they will make many beautiful kvetchers together.

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Disney nuwars are objectively worse in every respect.

This user speaks truth.

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Never got into warhammer 40k where would a beginner start?
I wouldn't go that far the OT was a generic hero movie in space… the simplicity of that was what made it good also I love anything involving space add the bit of fantasy and mysticism it had and it was a good cheesy movie although as you say not at all deep or substantive. The worst parts were the jewish actors, I will never understand Gen Xers attraction to 80's Leia…

Now how they gonna track you through your VPN? Explain than one to me.

Start with the game that made it popular Dawn of War 1.

Work from there.

Zig Forums is a board of peace. Take your violent microaggressions elsewhere

Star Wars is trash, overly hyped because its jewish. Though granted, it did gain a cult film status somewhat organically, as far as Hollywood goes.

Luke, the white man, finds true balance in the force even beyond what Jewda can provide him because he understands the importance of striking a balance between reason and emotion. He took a millenia old institution of kike beliefs like surveillance and information retention and turned the shit upside down by believing in the power of his own blood and strength to accomplish his goals.
Observe Luke as a character who reacts to his surroundings, not as a set of written lines in a script. Even if the movie is kiked, the original message isn't.

That is good but nothing original about it, the only good thing about SW is the setting and sfx.

If you want a good moral story, stick to Lod of the Rings.

Yeah,I understand that but there are far too few space fantasy or scifi that are not pozzed. OT starwars isn't free of pozz but it is fairly tame 1980's stuff: jew actors, affirmative action “important nigger”, mouthy gender studies jewess however they removed Leia's bitchy attitude from her character in the next 2 films, due to poor reception no doubt. I also do not recall any major jew deconstructions that is so rampant in nu-movies.


Well that was sort of the point the OT Star wars was the classic and old as dirt heroes’ journey narrative along with bits taken from old serials George liked.

That is also the criticism, George Lucas is the stereotypical dumb ass american who lacks originality and can only copy half-heartly.

The last expansion of DoW1 has all the races they officially added, and it's a standalone, so you may want to start with that. There's lots of mods for it too, so it's still one of their best games to play. DoW2 had a better campaign, but less interesting multiplayer.

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Story-wise, it is best to start with DoW1 and Winter Assault has by far the grandest dialogue.

Then maybe he can move into Battlefleet Gothic.

I find it funny that a video game has better opening and tension than most sci fi action movie.

Kids, you have no idea how bad it really is.

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Just forgo fiction entirely. It's a poison to your mind that serves only to dull yourself to reality.

OP still raging that Disney ruined the franchise. As if it were ever anything other than jew propaganda

(Good) Fiction and escapism are not bad, at least not anymore.
It gives us an ideal to strive for because our current reality is shit.

It forces us to ask ourselves, why do we need to accept this bullshit reality?

You can dream can't you? Why do you need someone else to do it for you?

The fuck? You can write, can you? Why do you need to read book someone write for you?

Your dream/thought are limited, by reading/watching/playing, you can dream bigger.

What an idiotic question.

Does nothing.

Better to do it by living and experiencing life, not engaging in fantasy and day-dream. Especially one made by someone else. If nothing else, when you actually do something you can always say it was yours.

Day-dreaming is a part of physical life.

Again, it forces yourself how shitty our society is, and how do we get back to the better older society.
What is mine or not is not important, the fact it is good or not is what important. Dreaming alone is just masturbation.

BAS3D! We're gonna save the white race and destroy these jews by leaving a rating on a youtube video!

Doesn't that mean playing table-top games are just circle jerks?

Dream when you sleep, reflect when you relax. Engaging in it actively leads to delusion. Better to fill your imagination with things you can do now, than to fill it with someone else's delusion.

I haven't heard about star wars since the last jedi's disaster. What's going on with this shitty cartoon?

Daily reminder shills wouldn't try and discourage you if you weren't hurting. A jew is a creature of reputation: they absolutely hate when they're not the ones smearing others.

It wouldn't be hard to throw a few chemical bombs into a premire.

Go masturbate to muscular men.

Nothing is original. Even the shit you shill and promote is derivative. Lucas, when he actually did shit, followed his dream and made his own versions and variants of the serials he loved as a kid.

Kill yourself yid.

Doubly kill yourself. Retard purity spiraling puritan niggerfaggots like you are a cancer upon the world. People are allowed to enjoy things instead of being perma-slaves.
TRSodomites misusing a term doesn't invalidate its purpose.


Nope, it means social interaction.
Day-dreaming is reflecting when you relax.
If you can do it now, it is not a dream. In fact, you are actively trying to avoid good ideas because someone else thought it before you, which is bad.

remember to say Nein to ep IX this December

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I truly hate normalfags. Look at the comments of the video. They drool over the anticipation of receiving their latest NPC updates. These aren’t just little kids. It’s masses of all types of adults from man babies, genderfags, to seemingly normal people with careers and families who need their Saturday morning cartoons like a religious service to feel good.

George Lucas is a dumbass american and worthy of scorn.

If you want good American fiction, read Conan the Barbarian.

Dumbasses like them hurt the industry but they are dying out.

Kill yourself yid. With how much you're reposting this exact line I guarantee you're the same "dacaryan" spammer with a new persona.

You can rest assured that most of the upvotes to those comments, and some of the comments themselves probably come from corporate shills and bots.

I did not say all american are dumb, but George Lucas is a dumb american.

Pretty soon it will be "Americanos son estupidos"

It's a small and easy action, which brings about a hysterical act attack from the left and creates awareness of dissent. You're fooling no one, /leftykike/

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7.2k up 2.6k down actually a decade ago it would be more like 120 votes total down all the comments are rave reviews though.

This is why you will never do anything. Just lay down and die. You've already lost.

Lol, no.

I have a hatred for them that dwarfs my negative opinion of the prequels, but you're still wrong.

They're far more insidious because of what they do well.

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I really don't feel the need to back up such obvious truths, nor will I spend any time arguing about which set of shit tier films was worse in whatever ways.

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So many positive comments, and so many more likes than dislikes. Disgusting.

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That's shit is all over LA. What a fucked up town. Kiketown.

Can you even breathe with that cock in your mouth?

Chequed and Rekt!
I'll be looking into Warhammer from now on. It was pretty big for a long time, but I was always into Cyberspace or D&D type stuff. Interesting.

Holy fuck, how was this never brought to my attention before? George "Nigger Lover" Lucas? Goddamnit.

Gotta love how that shit backfires

If you did it a few times, actors wouldn't want to replace them. People do have self-preservation instincts.

I wouldn't know, degeneracy is for kikes.

But it's not downvoting videos, that spreads awareness: it's your hysterical reaction, every time. You overshoot with the ebil natzees accusations, and normalfags see through it. It's already happened and works like clockwork.

That was a huge epiphany: kikes refuse the notion of heroism, probably because of its greek origins, so their heroes are actually super-victims. Just like they consider themselves: historical victims who have carte blanche to murder anyone else in revenge.

Looking for Zig Forums-tier comments in the recent comments to upvote and can only find one.

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Daily reminder that the Prequels are both based and redpilled

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Who Cares? Just don't spend your money on SW products.

So, is Zig Forums a star trek or stargate board?

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You're not even trying.

Star trek is kiked. Stargate is okay.


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It's because the ones who aren't interested aren't watching most SW content any more. Utter disappointment reigns supreme.