The Élysée Treaty was a treaty of friendship between France and West Germany, in 1963 in Paris.
an extension of this treaty is about to be signed by Merkel and Macron
The Élysée Treaty was a treaty of friendship between France and West Germany, in 1963 in Paris.
an extension of this treaty is about to be signed by Merkel and Macron
In theory, would this give Germany military jurisdiction over France to put down the Yellow Vest uprising?
Don't really see anything wrong with it, besides the unsavory character of the two leaders reaffirming it.
No matter what they say, De Gaulle was based.
Too bad nowadays France are ruled by traitors and cucks.
So Germany wants to start another WW3? Reminder that France is responsible for the USA's adoption of the petrodollar when they intentionally tried to crash the USA's economy in the 70s by liquidating their dollar reserves. The French are backstabbing rats. They are being completely dishonest because French butthurt goes back to WW2 where the USA spent billions building Germany back up and neglected the French who thought they were the victims and deserve the USA's attention.
No he wasn't. The USA's involvement in the middle east is literally of France's fault. Even today Libya was the fault of France and their secret little wars they do in Africa. Blame the USA though! The entirety of France's butthurt is because they wanted to be the imperialist power taking over the world and seethed at the thought of the USA. Instead what we got was France fucking up everything for everyone and causing long lasting damage in Africa, Asia and the middle east. French rats.
britcuck imperoalism was just as bad if not mich worse in MENA
Which country?
Was De Gaulle behind that?
I don't think so.
Are they really cucks if their goal is to exterminate you?
Cucks allow it to happen.
Masochist bitches who get off to white genocide.
It's due to the legacy of post WW2 French imperialism that France is in Africa, so yes it is his fault. He could have ended it, but France refused to give up its colonies and instead continues to help flood Yurop with niggers.
I don't remember De Gaulle forcing niggers in France, in fact, his administration was keeping Algeria tight, but it's hist POST administration that cucked out.
At least it's still better than the traitor/yiddish British who went to South Africa and Rhodesia and destroyed those countries by letting the niggers vote.
This poster is jewish.
Yeah, dude the jews have been in Yurop for more than a thousand years and their influence and power they accumulated just disappeared, bro. It's all the USA's fault, goyim! Get em!
Correct. AFTER De Gaulle, when France comes into alignment with the US, is when it begins to resemble the US – full of fucking niggers. Just like the UK, just like West Germany, just like the Netherlands, just like Italy.
You're chimpin' hard in this thread and it's because you're low key shilling for US niggerskin occupation of Europe.
It's not the USA's fault.
It's the yids's fault.
This is why Europe should separate and have their own team, and why France-Germany should get the US out, no disrespect to the US.
USA is actively fighting in favor of jews. fitting digits
Again, D&C.
It is funny how the american point of view is completely useless like this.
It seems an absolute waste of resources, food, time spent growing and watching endless television, when the end result is a propaganda repeater machine and would be better served by a tape machine and a loudspeaker.
America hates France because they've been told to. France said no for the second Iraq war, and your media industry went apeshit, FREEDOM FRIES Y'ALL in the most pathetic display of the century.
As for america letting down France. The French empire is who fought 'your' war of independence for you against the English empire. Aided by the Dutch and Portuguese empires. Likely you really believe you did it for yourself.
After that, when the (((revolutionaries))) started killing off those same families that had helped you, and asked the US for support, your reply was 'lol soz not our prob bro lol tbh' and left them to die and lose control of their own country.
That is where the treacherousness of the american became clear, from a French perspective.
As for "building up germany", that's a funny word for permanent occupation, dissolution of their culture and underpinning of the jew in all forms within their society thereafter.
There are plenty of physical records available to show the intention, which was to destroy European culture as it was in opposition of american consumerism. It is stated quite clearly, as is the destruction of German culture in particular.
Your country is a cancer on the face of the earth.
then do something about it.
you have 10 million there, more than israel itself. they've used the US as base of operations since 1900.
before 1900, there were about 10,000 or fewer juden there, and with the zionist plan being solidified just before that time, they chose you and moved 5 million of themselves within 50 short years.
your country did nothing to restrict them. they took over ever facet of control and you sat by.
they left a skeleton crew in Europe, and for decades they concentrated on the US, filing it with subversion - feminism, obsession with racism/equality/civil rights for every disgusting subhuman group there is, and filled the universities with marxists.
then broadcast their filth to every planet on earth via films and tv, and in the 1990s it began to affect other countries in noticeable quantities.
at no point were they impeded.
you let them turn the US from 90% european in the 70s even, to almost 50% now, within 50 years.
now the same thing is being done around the white world.
Your government is the only thing keeping israel alive, as it has been since the 60s.
your country was who told britain to stop defending palestein from jew terrorist attacks and to just let them have the country.
at some point, you are to be held accountable for utter permissiveness for what your citizens have done to the world.
I wish that the US can fix itself, and the real Americans come back into control of it, I see it as a great shame that it is being eaten up by all the filth that has flood in there, but you have to do something. otherwise, what was the point of the US existing in the first place
would have saved me typing had I read this first.
how the fuck was USA supposed to prop up the monarchy in france?
it was the monarchs themselves that let the (((freemasons))) in positions of trust, in the palace, completly take over the political system
how the fuck was a young usa going to intervene in france?
not even the european countries were able to stop it
stop with the victim mentality
frenchies are able to post on this board because of the american first amendment, much of the current internet freedoms we enjoy is due to the american culture of freedom of speech
America is jewish, though. They are the yids and the wannabe yids.