Muslims BTFO

Swarm of Locusts at Mecca

"It could be an incident where one captive breeding has escaped and spread in big numbers, otherwise maybe there has been specific conditions that favour their development and breeding," he said. "But I don't know what that would be."
Makkah Municipality has appointed almost 130 people to tackle the issue.
It later published pictures of an environmental protection team as it sprayed pesticide in areas surrounding the Holy Mosque.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (480x472, 458.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I see they're dodging the issue.

Gassed the space crickets.

I believe some of them will believe this is Allah punishing them for allowing that apostate girl to flee to Thailand.

Biblical sign.


The sand niggers are the real vermin there, not the locusts.

This. This is exactly what will happen

I heard this crazy sound about 4 years ago. It sounded like a massive piece of twisting steel 100 miles away. It was long, it rang over the hills, like it was coming from the sky miles and miles away. To be frank it freaked me the fuck out. A year or two later, I find the sound on youtube. No one has any idea what causes the sound.
Weirdest shit ever to happen to me tbh
skip to 0:45 in the video

Muslims are either up to plague 4 or 8
Protip: it gets worse from here

Does the Indonesian tsunami from last year qualify as a plague?

What would happen if a fireball blew up Mecca?

Would muslims just go ape shit, thenblame it on America or Israel?

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Ha, where is your god now, allahcucks?>>12660724
Ding ding ding! We have a winnar!

((( )))
Actually that's the plan, so Jews can blame it on Christians and get them to fight a war of attrition with the muslims

A sign from God. The end times really are near.

Who's end times?


Sounds a lot like Saturn's planetary noise to me. About time the Earth woke up and started speaking. Here are the other planets speaking, I think Venus and Jupiter sound the best.

nuke israel, then nuke mecca.
Any left alive will attempt to still go to these irradiated craters, of course. They will suffer birth defects and death.

They believe Mecca is protected by Allah's will against any kind of danger. If a natural disaster or a nuclear strike took place, then that is Allah's will.

Attached: halloween curse.jpg (1779x4435 1.04 MB, 2.82M)

You're basically inviting the schizo /x/ and Zig Forums niggers to come and shit up the thread with retarded conspiracy/prophecy posts.

The Kaaba has been destroyed in the past. Anyone thinking that demolishing the Muslim Cube will do anything is mistaken - for the instructions to build another one just as holy to Islam comes with every copy of the Qur'an.

Watch the mudslimes get cancer from their own pesticides. That would be a real act of God.

This. It's important to understand that in Islam everything happens because Allah willed it, down to the personal level. It's literally "Dindu Nuffin: The Religion". If Mecca blew up they'd just interpret it as a sign from Allah to go HAM on the infidels.

flood? maybe, not up on my bible studies. what are the plagues? all I remember is locusts, floods, and the first born children dying of canceraids


CIA killed JFK? Conthshpirashthy Theoree.

Israel did 9/11? Conthshpirashthy Theoree.

Holocaust didn't happen? Conthshpirashthy Theoree.

It's time to be RASHIONAL and trust the EXPURTS. Stop being supershpithious.

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Exactly. Reminder to not call any of these mongrels "animals", its disrespectful to the animal kingdom.

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Source of elaborate

He's talking about the plagues Moses brought upon Egypt.

Attached: keep feeding.gif (630x700, 79.35K)

I know that faggots have made Pepeposting and Kek/Meme magic unpalatable, but I can't help but feel smug about the prospect of a plague of frogs

Attached: 1464989502252.jpg (355x327, 26.57K)

The Third Temple is manifest.

Attached: tos.png (128x152, 928)

I will never lose my soft spot for Kek. The les bains crash cemented it for me.

The 3rd temple is mentioned only three times in the NT, and always in conjunction with the antichrist.

There is no need for sacrifice after Jesus. They are building the temple, without understanding, for mastema. They will learn, however, once Jerusalem is occupied and the new holocaust comes to their front door for 3.5 years.

Attached: s-l400.png (400x330, 150.2K)

Don't let shills and retards interfere with posting Kek. It's what made them scared in the first place.

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Aww shit, that means I will have to actually go back to work soon.

Maybe this has to do with it, the whole gulf been getting a lot of water for 2 months now

Attached: flood taxi.jpg (320x580 3.78 MB, 4.52M)

Attached: hahahaha.webm (480x360, 218.86K)

So over 40 days of rain before a swarm of locust?

this be will a food source for muds. There is a Persian saying The Arab of the desert eats locusts, while the dogs of Isfahan drink ice-cold water.

Shouldn't they have run this headline a few months ago if they were being truthful?


Attached: 20th Level Wizard Pepe.jpg (480x480, 40.34K)

Leviticus 11:22
Mark 1:6


Would it help you to know that the plane they used in the filming of the Dark Knight Rises later crashed and killed everyone on board?

I should hope so, the back fell off.

It's not funny because it's probably true, but I laughed anyway.

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Same. They tried to make him so cancerous that we would abandon him aout of sheer cringe. But the jokes on them pepe was always cancer
I still love viv too, even if #GG turned all gay and retarded.

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Attached: Cicada.jpg (1600x800, 145.43K)

I still remember the noise when two different cicada cycles converged

From drinking camel milk and eating lizard
The Arab's fortune has reached the point
That he wishes for the Persian crown
Spit be upon you O wheel of fortune
t. Ferdowsi

Venus sounds like a war horn
Saturn is clearly the evil alien of the bunch

Attached: warhorn.jpg (999x563, 99K)

Seriously, man? Does "plague of locusts" ring any bells?

Or you know… a scientifically observed phenomenon repeatedly and not that rarely occurring in sandniggerstan and similar semi-desert environments since the beginning of recorded history?

Don't get your hopes up, Mehmet.

Attached: SyU0C6M.jpg (700x513, 87.34K)

These. Once you witness the supernatural in a sober and composed state it's kinda hard to go back to strictly-positivist (((materialism))).

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Looks like you've been praying to the wrong god!

Lets be real for a moment,
what is the most realistic/coincidental next plague that could happen out there?

Attached: nice.png (263x352, 113.53K)

Bible 1
Quran 0

A new even more crazy branch of Islam.

Those aren't crickets, they're grasshoppers…locusts.

Cicada's aren't the biblical locusts, grasshoppers are.
I wonder who airdropped them on Mecca?

You are not alone
Despite the disasterous hijack of Kek that Sargoy of Acuck pulled off, I still hold faith in the Primordial God of Chaos

I know that sound.
It's the sound that's made when a rift is forcibly created between our reality and the next.
It is the way demons enter our plane of existence.
You hear it all the time, up here in the mountains.

Attached: Home3.jpg (978x652, 78.81K)


Nonsense. You're hearing the mountain Gods, brother.


Yeah I understand that user and it used to confuse me as a kid why dont they just say grasshoppers infested egypt. WTF is a locust.
And from the article it is crickets.

You see the glowing lights moving around between the trees at night? The ones that look like their dripping?
Those aren't gods, brother…and we're told to never follow them.

My beautiful mountains are ancient and in direct contact with the bones of the Earth. Demons of weakness flee from such things.

There are many, many things in the mountains and woods, some good, some not so good, just as in all the world.
Everything has a spirit, but not everything is nice.

Yes, they say crickets, but the photo clearly shows grasshoppers.

Dubs confirm

nuclear material was never used in past cases

A dirty bomb would poison the area for literally thousands of years.
If mudslime terrorists ever use one on us, I suggest this as a target for retaliation.

Not that I disagree with this, but you do realize if they found out the West destroyed the most precious site in their religion, they'd literally go apeshit rape-suicide mode around everything around them until every single Roman (i.e. us) is dead. If you gotta do it, at least pin this on a Wahabi since those are obsessed with destroying idolatrous figures.

Unironically this


I would LOVE a chance to kill them in the street.
And where I live, they'd be so outnumbered, it would be nothing but a shooting gallery, we'd make a party of it, and I'd be hanging their skulls in my trophy room.

Where the fuck do you live? The Carpathians?


She's in Canada now I think?

Weird its so weird how could locusts just swarm like that, its so weird how literally anything that happens they believe its divine intervention and their right etc but all of a sudden a legitimate biblical plague that cannot be explained shows up and everyones a fucking skeptic. What could it possbly mean.

1. The water of the Nile turns into blood, the fish die, the river stinks and the Egyptians are not able to drink the water.
2. Fucking frogs everywhere.
3. All the dust in the land becomes lice.
4. Deadly animals, large and small, plague the land.
5. Livestock disease.
6. Festering boils on man and animal.
7. The worst thunderstorm and hail in the history of the land.
8. Locusts, so many that you can't even see the ground.
9. 3 days of darkness (imprisoning me.
10. Death of every firstborn.


it's a portent of the chaos to come. The Jews have caused too much evil with the destruction of the Levant and the ensuing migrant crisis. Calamities abound every day at this point. I give it a year or two before we see another world war.


I'd say "meme responsibly" but even that would be giving him too much credit. Sargon of Mossad and the incompetent sorcerers of the black cube were ultimately used as memetic resonators in spite of themselves. In their resistance they became a polarity to us under our guidance.

On top of all that they may not have admitted the name held any meaning, but they still spoke it aloud. Like charging energy for Thot-Thoth, or like how the kikes have tried and failed to entreat Isis to do stuff for them as if she doesn't hate them. Praise Kek. Praise Thoth. Praise Isis.

Bastet is Bestet


So We sent upon them the flood and locusts and lice and frogs and blood as distinct signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people.

there was flooding in saudi arabia not that long ago also, now locusts, this could be a warning against the apostate regime of saudi arabia

So God hates Islam? Tell me something new.

Kek, Allah needs your frogs at Mecca to eat the locusts.
