HAPPENING: R.G.B. is D.O.A. To be Replaced by BASED MAGAPede Amy Barrett

Hold me pedes. This is what we voted for. Somebody get this based ladypede a coat!


Attached: MAGA.png (1440x1246 223.06 KB, 534.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


OK she burned coal but what is her policies?

This yid bitch dying is worthy of celebration regardless.

Oh good, another jew.

Imagine getting mad about things that haven't even happened it. It's either you're a lefty faggot who is super butthurt that she's done for or some neetsoc retard who has been psyop mind fucked.

Clintons sold those two to them from haiti.

Attached: trump-laughing.jpg (1000x600, 311.51K)

Jesus christ, get this sick filth outta here.

Attached: NotSureIfSerious.gif (315x133, 1.35M)

ignore the nazicels. post more.

gross dude

how long until the kike kicks the bucket?

Attached: dd3512d9a6fd886c512b3b9985602407cd0fb3e74a9b4c722008a42a087c089b.gif (466x262, 476.3K)


ANY days now.

Yes, with AIDS and HPV. Also your post gave me cancer. I got trifected.

i dont see anything verifying death

Conspiracy theory: Ginsburg is already dead. It's why we've only seen her twice since her fall. The first time when being wheeled out of the hospital. That was her dead body, or she died shortly after.


The second time was during a naturalization ceremony with remarkably strange lighting. That was a deepfake-style hologram, or straight up doctored video feed.


She missed opening arguments on Monday and hasn't been seen since. Her staff claim she'll make decisions by reading briefs and having her opinions couriered to the court. It's Weekend at Ruthie's. They're going to prop up her corpse as long as possible.

Attached: Weekend at Ruthie's.jpg (817x1024, 157.07K)

She didn't burn coal, she adopted African children. We know what kind of "conservative" does this. When it comes to policy decisions they will be consistently anti-white.

Same. Several threads up on cuck chan currently and the only source any of them has is the tweet in OP. Also, one of the threads had this image associated with RGB. Although it seems like another user reverse image searched it



I had two parents that loved me and I grew up in a rural paradise. Why did I ever start recognizing the ethnic interests of whites?

It’s all so tiresome.


She was a good Jew and a defender of white men.

Attached: gettyimages-800140482.jpg (2400x1600, 374.26K)

That man is happy because he's going to be fucking tight hebes for the next few years.

Attached: 5a014e31be2ad05c2645d181d915336eb2379c7299e32db3bdc0d8210c366346.png (635x899, 714.32K)

How much for both?

((( )))
fuck off

Off topic, but I'm imagining that letter written by a Jew in one of our camps. Of course, it would be intercepted and the punishment would be severe, but. . .

Sorry, I drifted there. What's this thread about? Oh yeah:
MAGA-Based Nigger Adopters Practicing Pro-Life Judaism (MAGABNAPPLJ) 4eva!

Attached: Amon_Goethes_Granddaughter_with_Adopted_Brother.jpg (620x387, 186.07K)


Reminder to continue to meme /ourguy/ candidate over her. All Trump listens to is when we shit on what he's currently doing.

Fuck. Keep the kike in there. At least her time is limited.

Is this really a shill thread about things that have never happened? We've never had that before!

Attached: shill753246753245212724572.png (480x414, 129.56K)

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No proof.

Trump looks at what we hate and then does it to spite us

this, fuck her and her apes

NIGLETS you fucking pleb.

Another raid thread. The liking of the tweet was a nice touch though. Really dialed the faggotry up to 11.

Attached: 04.mp4_snapshot_09.22_[2018.09.08_12.40.57].png (960x720, 538.91K)


Edit: Forgot to sage.

>Trump replacing RBG with Amy is going to cause mass meltdown on the left and (((8/pol)))

God I can't wait.

If Barrett is the replacement, what percent of cases are actually going to be decided differently versus Ginsburg?

Like 5%?

Putting a young nigger lover on the court is no gain at all. As the niggers gain in power she's literally just going to keep voting against rayciss whitey.

Is she going to be Trump's anti-Roberts? He had leverage over his adopted kids too IIRC.

Women are useless. Anything with a woman in charge will fail.

where will Trump find a based conservative woman of color to replace her? Maya Angelou mayhaps?

Why would you ever expect anything good to come out of the jewpreme court?

which is worse than sourceless, unsubstantiated CNN reports how?

I eagerly await our George Soros funded body double of Ruth.

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rumor says that hag steps down today right? So its not like its going to fester if its complete shit for too long.

MFW Obama wanted her to step down so he could appoint a soyboy to the supreme court. But she refused.

Attached: hindutrump.jpg (774x1031, 483.4K)

The ride ended already.

Get off me, you're just wasting time.

I hope they don’t install a nigger lover with a duck husband. That will be the last straw for many decent (as opposed to animal fuckers) Europeans.

No it didn't you are still alive and there's no guarantee it will end when you are dead either.

No it wont

Rides over, get lost.

I came to the conclusion that even the people who think they have ‘mastered the ride’ via reincartion and remembrance are actually still on the same damn ride that we are all on. Makes me wonder what good it does for them to remember that they are on the same ride while all the rest of us get to forget.

Go away retard.

You might be surprised. I mean isn’t there anything in you that feels complete revulsion at the photo of her and the cuck?

Wrong. It just says she's "preparing"


Dont worry you soyboys might get to appoint someone to the supreme court…. in 2050

Attached: pic_related_its_me_and_my_president.jpg (794x753, 732.33K)

anyone who points out trump's flaws is a soyboy / shill / kike

Completely based! MAGA!

Amazing that supreme court justices live so long. It's almost like they have access to medical care the rest of us can only dream of.


Yes it is completely revolting (on top of the niggers women should hold political power of any kind) however I have no faith in humanity, boomer trash would probably applaud this and say things like She shares "our values" and what a real "republican woman patriot" looks like etc.

Is it wrong to hope she dies before she gets the chance to step down?

You didnt point out any flaws you just got mad at me for gloating about Ginsbergs impeding demise.
Because your message only contained insults I had to make a lot of assumptions in my reply to you.

You shills can do better.

1: You support based pajeets as evidenced by the image

2: Fuck off.



That lighting..that's the same kind of eerie lighting they used for the animated Tupac hologram at that concert a few years ago.

Trump tweeted about giving amnesty earlier today faggot.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (585x145, 14.86K)

I support them ironically.

Presuming you are right wing those pictures are not intended to trigger you. They mostly trigger SJWs.

Attached: hardbrexit.jpg (1200x674, 115.69K)

I thought the whole point of mastering the reincarnation cycle was to "step off the great spinning meat wheel" and withdraw from it entirely, not just to participate and remember..

The sort who would campaign to save browns from South Africa, while denying the atrocities being committed against Afrikaners.

Get the fuck out of here. You are absolutely cancerous. Le based MAGA Trump 2020 I ironically support based shitskins!

Attached: 4726ed22fa686aeb06c9573a9296b23af831e5f5.jpg (380x250, 11.78K)

looks like the lighting for the cover of the Alien movies.

Attached: alien_5_movie_poster_630.jpg (630x400, 17.67K)

I can't wait for Saint Anne to call him to task for his betrayal if he negotiates another Reagan style amnesty. She will rape his fat ass with a broken wine bottle if he tries that stunt.


Nope get lost, you morons all used tech, which means we have records of everything. Get lost.

If they are here then they have failed. Sometimes I don’t think anyone actually gets off until the end of the ride. IDK do you think you would be better off or worse off if you remembered everything from your previous life? How long until the accumulative memories drove you batshit insane?

How about we take the wall funds out of the hide of Israel’s $38 billion dollar paycheck/theft/welfare nigger state gifting?

That Regan amnesty was not legal according to the constitution and it needs to be repealed. No one has challegened it but it is unconstitutional.


That's the only way to feel.

Go back to reddit.

All foreign aid should be stopped but Israel's should be stopped first and foremost. Dual citizens of the USA and Israel should be deported to the land of shekels.

If she steps down its a president, if she dies its status quo

Do you mean precedent?

Look at mr college law boy here acting smart lol what a fag.
But yeah it makes it a normal thing and the law acts on previous decisions so it makes sense.
And it's not like the other guy she's leaving because her age not because some personal reason so it's actually matters this time
If she dies then all is normal and only Reddit wants that


If Trump puts in another cuckservative, I'm done.

You don't have that power and neither does Trump.
You are slaves. He is the Judas cow, his job is to get you to keep thinking you're free, right up until its time for you to be butchered.

It's R.B.G. you fucking retard.

Attached: birchbrain.jpg (456x810, 39.78K)

Kill yourself.

>Jan 11, 2019 12:50:04 PM - The Fake News Media keeps saying we haven’t built any NEW WALL. Below is a section just completed on the Border. Anti-climbing feature included. Very high, strong and beautiful! Also, many miles already renovated and in service! t.co/UAAGXl5Byr
No he didn't faggot. But then again, lying is all you fucktard jews can do.

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Imagine thinking that this would make a single difference.

Do you really think that user knowing the correct spelling of a simple three syllable word means that he is "Mr. College Boy", or that is "acting smart"? If so, I pity you greatly… Your blatantly obvious envy directed at him, a product of your ignorance and lack of intellectual ability, strongly suggests your natural inferiority.


Attached: IMG_3027.JPG (315x309, 46.44K)

Already dead.