Leftists are completely retarded


I check this site from time to time, good to keep an eye on your enemies and what they're thinking so you can counter it, and laugh at it.

pic related shows various population pyramids. What most people don't realize is that the entire welfare/safety net system is built on something closer to an "ideal" pyramid, that way there are always more people at the bottom to pay for benefits at the top. As you can see with the fertility rates below replacement rates, and the huge boomer turd in the distribution, the entire system is fucked.

All the leftists who constantly whine and bitch about not having full blown government socialism like healthcare, UBI, and all the other shit don't understand that the entire system is going to inevitably collapse. Not only are their ideas total fucking fantasy that will never work to begin with, we don't even have the population distribution to support their delusions. They're loving it because declining population is "good" for the world, but they don't realize it's a fucking disaster for us. I mean the only reason the population is increasing on net is because of the third world trash breeding like rats in a corn silo. Completely worthless human trash bringing the world IQ down rapidly.

Even more hilarious is that they think they can plug the gaps with immigration. The only problem is that all this third world low IQ genetic trash will consume more welfare dollars than they will ever pay in. The good thing though is that the boomers will get shafted because they'll be competing for the same welfare money as the illegals.

Warms my heart knowing these stupid ass leftists are going to suffer the most when SHTF.

Attached: population_pyramid.jpg (2931x2027, 817.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm 32&version=ESV

I'm pretty sure the boomers know at least. They knew the future would be fucked, that their system was unsustainable and even Keynes at the end of his life rejected his own system because he saw it unsustainable and mathematically impossible but their greed triumphs all. They'll kick the can of highly enriched uranium tritium down the next generations.

oh and if you actually take the time to read some of the comments, just prepare yourselves for massive cringe

Hitler was a socialist. The problem is niggers, not socialism.

I don't think they do at all. I'd wager maybe

Socialism doesn't work if the population distribution is fucked.

Yeah but people are too retarded to understand this.

I think the problem is that because of the so efficient pharmaceutical industry, keeping the elderly people alive is more expensive than sending them on trips to the moon every weekend. The problem is capitalism. Adjust the population of workers and the price of prescriptions keeping the elderly alive will go up. Hitler should be in charge of pill prices.

Are you mentally challenged? If the population distribution is fucked, you don't get to just "adjust the population of workers". That's the entire fucking problem. Jesus Christ are you a cuckchan faggot?

Thanks for the white pill user. Boomers are just beginning to wake up to the fact that they now have to sleep in the bed they have shat in and it's glorious. Fuck yeah.

hell yea, always a silver lining if you look for it. I can't wait for all the nursing home horror stories in the future, illegals abusing/beating/robbing boomers. And you know the illegals are going to take out their hatred on them.

I was saying, theoretically, if you could change it, it wouldn't work.

It gets better. Liberal Boomers have below replacement fertility (1.4 TFR) so in their old age they will be dominated by the pet immigrants they flooded their communities with.

This was from almost 20 years ago. There was a huge uproar at the time, but hey, you get what you pay for!


If I could make a TV program I would call it When Communism Meets Reality.

Hopefully the illegals in those areas use those leftist boomers like pinatas. There's just some sweet karmic justice knowing the leftist boomers will get red pilled by the very illegals beating them daily. I hope they live a very long life in those retirement homes.

Yeah, that's what happened. Democracy controlled by the people was a mistake. If only a council of jews was making the decisions.

I can't think of a better fate. Having their wealth confiscated and being left to rot in some shithole with no family to care for them. The only child they had aborted their grandchildren and is a drugged out leftist that they never see.
Be us. Grow old with a family of 9+ to care for you in your infirmity, knowing you will pass on an inheritance to your progeny. You may live to see your Great Grandchildren and have 20+ living descendent's. All white.

The way things should have been. As the white population declines and the world is flooded with third world trash, it's all downhill from here.

Rationalizing that you are correct, when you are completely incorrect, means in your mind you rationalized, so you are not irrational, you are insane.
Anxiety Disorders are a Mental Illness

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IIRC, the boomers provided a majority vote AGAINST the 70's immigration act.

It's funny seeing people argue that democracy controlled by the people is the problem or that a republic would be led by jews……

I bet either would be fine, if there were no jews.

Remember when Goebbels said we must not continue struggling with these external stresses and instead focus on the root of these problems. (The Jew)


People forget the Boomers got shat on in the 80s with corporate downsizing. I hate the entitled Boomers as much as the next person but they are as much at fault as any other generation in the past, present or future (as in, it is the top 2% we are talking about here that are at fault).

Socialism doesn't work if niggers and neither does anything else.

Hitler always talked about these knowall people, who gladly stomp on the workers by their lack of understanding of real social problems.
Pic related I got from Mein Kampf

Attached: Hitler bashing class system.PNG (515x445 69.22 KB, 47.41K)

Are you going to accuse him of sluggish schizophrenia next, Dr. Goldberg?


And same with gender disorders, they are natural too. But being a straight white male is a mental disorder!

Socialism works fine retard. You do not need neverending infinite growth. We live in a finite world, demanding infinite growth is retarded. A white national socialist state would work perfectly fine without relying on stealing from future generations via population growth.

Nah, socialism concentrates money and power in the hands of easily corruptable politicians.
Only very special rare people like uncle Adolf could be trusted to use that power wisely and not just enrich himself and his family.

Hitler had no hand in profiteering or conducting the conomy. He gave the hand to the best economist to engineer the best system and it ran like a perpetual motion machine.
NationalSocialism was efficiently bureaucratic. The ministries were liable for conducting the economy to the highest efficiency and hybridized private and state production by very strict trade policies that protect the worker and the nation. Controlled export that was only allowed to be bartered for goods/materials in exchange that could not be found or produced inland. By this the indebtedness from international profiteering interests on goods was superseded and the kikes cried out in pain.
If you are interested in the economy of the third reich but you want a good and shirt rundown on it I highly suggest Cultured-Thug's "The nazi economy" essay.

I'm going to have to disagree here, logistically speaking it was all fucked up even during the war. The "miracle" didn't really come from supreme competency or even the system they created but rather from removing all malinvestment that the kikes and libshits had put into the economy for decades and ramped up under Weimar. The for example if niggers and spics didn't exist in the USA right now we'd have a 1.8 trillion budget surplus every year. Now imagine if the kikes who create such malinvestment were gone? All the ebezzlement, all the interest hiking, all the shit regulations on industry, all the money funneled to worthless entertainment, academia, HR, make-work bureaucrats, and social sciences all into actual productive industry. How much more surplus would that add? Another trillion? More?

It's not what they encouraged as much as what they discouraged that led to success.

But that guy knew that if he tried anything shifty, he would be in the work camps with the gays and jews etc.
But in the shitty modern era, we dont even put jews or gays in camps let alone corrupt politicians.

NationalSocialist economy didn't give a single shit about competing with others. The economy served the nation, not the nation served the economy.
You completely ignore the fact that the economic system is completely different and has been reconstructed from top to bottom AND was refitted every once in a while the nation or companies had demands. It was not perfect from the get-go. It kept government control where it worked better and kept private where it worked better. There were both moving and set prices where needed.
It's third position which is about keeping only the best from both left and right and dropping the rest. That's what you explained by ending all the unnecessary shit and they did it. Where did the money go? Better earnings building houses, building a huge army, providing proper welfare for elderly and for those who really need it, giving free money for families who make children, building entertainment complexes. You wouldn't believe how much these cost. Just pick one of these take a single house/tank/10K reichmark gift and multiply it by the millions of people who gained it. And this was running smoothly without deficit. No national debt.
Keep pulling numbers out of your ass and implying without proof that all the money went down the drain. Also "trillions" is impossible. Money was not highly inflated like today. Do you even know the annual GDP of the third reich? You keep saying truisms. Jews do what you just did. You sugarcoat lies.
"Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more - their quickness in repartee or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods."

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Who is "him," Bernie? Tom Perez? Maxine Waters? Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
sluggish schizophrenia
Nice one Comrade, I had to look it up.

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Oh, sorry, I was agreeing with OP, not calling OP a mental

Why would he? Do you really think he was that low of a person to steal from his own people? Your perverted jewish thinking nauseates me.

Where the fuck are people like you coming from? You are not intelligent enough for this board.


You think we fall for this low effort hot-headed kwetching?

Hitler's "socialism" is not the "socialism" you refer to, you absolute negroid.

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White people can plan for the future.
Niggers can't.
Jews don't want to.

The problem has nothing to do with "misguided" social policies. It has to do with the fact that your country is run by people who specifically don't want to help you.

Now fuck off.

You mean why do they?
Because everyone wants to see their close friends and family prosper.

In a socialist government the state controls trillions upon trillions of dollars.
To a socialist state, losing a few tens of millions is like you or me losing a penny. Even though it represents the tax contributions of many thousands of people. They see no down side to funneling a few million off to their friends and family but the up side is everyone they know becomes very well off.

Hitler's socialism is the socialism he refers to. Marxism is not the socialism he refers to. I'm amazed a braindead nigger like you has the mental capacity to project like that.

You are just stating the obvious surface problem. Pointing out the creator of the issues only helps preventing further destruction but does not revert it. You imply that there is nothing wrong with the system, only we are stupid to point out that the Kaynesian system is unsustainable without full child laboure and slavery.
It IS about delibirately misguided everything to fuck with people on purpose. How else would it keep the facade of a working economy while failing to help the people's needs????

It clearly isn't halfchan nigger.

Very old jewish trick.
You are dilberately not explaining what you find wrong in it. It's a textbook example of a bluff. We will assume you are a jewish paid shill until you prove yourself right.

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And therein lies the one downfall of National Socialism. You are placing an insane amount of power in the government's hands, it only works if the person at the top is exceptionally clever, honest and fair like Hitler or Trump. How do you ensure it's people like that who are running things and not corrupt parasites?

There is no if. Socialism doesn't work. Period. It was designed to not work FOR the people, but OFF the people.

By murdering down the bell curve into a pyramid, right moishe?

It clearly is, why else would he post a fucking picture of Hitler and quote him you retard.

Civilization does not work

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No, Marxian socialism is a huge problem my man.

It is though.

Socialism bereft of Nationalism = Marxism.
Socialism + Nationalism = The only kind of Socialism which is not cancerous in espousal.

Nobody is dumb enough anymore to not realize that if you try to have Socialism without Nationalism, you just end up with Marxism.

No, not even remotely close. I can't tell if you are braindead or a rabbi, but either way make the world a better place and kill yourself.

What most people don't realize is that "ideal" pyramid on you pic is doubling population every 30 years. How much time do you planning run this double every round Ponzi scheme?

Welfare/safety net system is fucked in any way. There is no solution for young besides take all property and income from 60 years old solution.

Attached: Angola_demography.png (725x426, 21.67K)

How many retires 3rd Reich had and what was their average per capita retired income adjusted for inflation?

Leftists don't think anything. They just repeat what they have been told to repeat. The agenda is to turn whites into a minority. There is no economic agenda by the left, its all just pretense.

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Hitler's Germany never used the socialist economic model. Some good ideas about governmental planning were taken. That is all. There were private corporations, finance and dividents to stock owners, profits and private property. There was no collectivism. Everything worked on different principles:
(The steps to stop unemployment)
From "Hitler's Social Revolution" by David Schoenbaum:

Dems in pics related are Insane.
Posts are about Dems in pics.
Dems in pics, not OP, have Anxiety Disorders which is a Mental Illness.
Dems in pics shake n fervor.
Is that clear enough?
As for OP;
Yes, and that OP example is a Pyramid is not coincidence, it is by design. Distribution OP is talking is based on a Pyramid Scheme or more importantly Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory.
Three guesses as to Maslow's…

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The ideal pyramid is a healthy distribution. Lots of kids, several generations of productive adults, and a smaller number of seniors who can instruct and guide the young. Artificial efforts to restrict this create disruptions that injure the volk and reduce our health.

There's more than enough for us to grow exponentially for centuries, without shitskins and kike vampires stealing our futures.

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He didn't post a picture you stupid kike.

Yes it may be, but it's just a bad meme. How do you keep the "shape" once the bottom of the pyramid starts to climb? Kill people? Give birth to multiple times more people indefinitely? Eternal growth is capitalistic jewish nonsense and should be dropped forever.

You completely misunderstood his post. Also, look up the word "competency".

This is true, although the NSDAP were more traditionally socialist in the beginning as you can see in the platform crafted by Gottfried Feder, which is why you sometimes see a contradiction between the early 1920s philosophy and Hitler's speeches as he governed. Socialism can work though, as you know, it just requires a homogenous population of intelligent high trust people i.e. whites.

OP is completely retarded by continuing false Judeo-Masonic divides such as Left-Right.

Did they know? Have you ever spoken to some of your uncles at family gatherings? Do you really think they had that kind of geopolitical foresight or any foresight about anything at all? All they're talking about is the next niggerball game.


Another thread taken over by faggot shills. Thanks for nothing mods.

No dude, equilibrium with nature has to be found. We can't infinitely sustain ANY amount of growth… period. Even if its "doubling every 100 years" or "doubling ever 10,000 years" none of these are sustainable. Stop with this fucking faggot meme of infinite growth potential. Mammals are not bacteria.


Historically it was war and disease which would disrupt the pyramid. When there was lots of room to be had, people would have many more children, perhaps less would be given over to the ecclesiarchy and instead take land and start a family.

What will happen in Japan in the next few decades will be most interesting, for I believe it will destroy the notion of needing forever population growth. If they do not take in any migrants, their population will collapse. And then the remnants of the no sibling generation - who may number no more than 80 million - will come together and restore their population back to historic highs. The lower the population falls, the more children the next generations will have to restore it.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and a nation smart enough not to destroy itself with mass immigration will suffer population decline only temporarily.


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some niggas smoke smoke
some niggas drank drank

>Do not say rich, please give to the poor

The highest tax bracket in the 1950s (USA) was 92%

Sounds horrible

It was the high point of American society and culture, the one which your chosen people ruined.

Pay no attention to the effectively zero slope on the model showing tax receipts as a percentage of gdp despite the tax bracket variation.

tax brackets don't mean jack shit

Attached: muh tax bracket.jpg (677x382, 52.43K)

oh and interestingly enough, the high points appear to correlate with crashes

Ok so I don't see much difference between you righties and lefties. One wont let us have healthcare unless have our own health insurance and the other won't let us have sex with farm animals unless we have our own animals.

The only real difference here is people should have their own health insurance because treating illnesses actually costs something for the health care provider as opposed to letting people have sex with cows doesn't cost the livestock owner anything.

I know they like to demean "snowflakes" for having feelings but I'm sure the only thing preventing animal owners from letting a person have sex with farm animals is the animal owners unrestrained feelings. However the lefties have a bad habit of abusing the healthcare system.
There is a difference but the difference has the same negative effects on society.
One gives too much and the other gives too little. Neither of them do or allow what is "just right" for anybody.

The boomers will be dead before shit really hits the fan.

I’m sorry, my chosen people?

The reason the 1950s were so great is we were fresh out of a war destroying a perfectly good white nationalist country. That war helped us out of a depression, got the economy turning again. But I’m not exactly happy about that, as it’s prosperity brought us the current catastrophe we live in

You know the old adage. Good time breed weak men.

t. faggot

Attached: deadliberals.mp4 (853x480 1.14 MB, 7.17M)

what's the second vid from?

or the leftists do know this and that is why the push for their open border policies in order to flood the bottom of that welfare pyramid with countless poor and useless foreigners dependents of the socialist programs. And thus resulting in the extinction of Americanism and white influence in the West…

basically, start making white babies and make them fast

From the Daily Show, they tried to mock people on the right, but as usual it blew up in their faces.

I don't believe that's the case. Otherwise why would they waste their time pushing universal healthcare and shit like UBI. Why the fuck would they literally waste their time on shit they know will never happen if they actually understood it.

Kikes no doubt want the illegals to destroy the country, but leftists are useful idiots at best.

This whole thread makes me feel like there is no real Jewish power structure and the only problem was white people (boomers) didn't have any kids so rich people (of all races) needed a market so brought over a bunch of third worlders who are willing to have kids.

I would argue the kikes are the root of the problem. They set the country on this path pusing shit like feminism to destroy the traditional, functional systems.

The difference is pragmatism.

Anyone who offers workable solutions is "demonized" as being right wing. It basically just means you're trying to help. Maybe you're not coming up with the best solutions, but at least you're trying to solve problems instead of creating them.

The left is all about creating problems. Some are doing it because they're bored. Like when I was in grade school I'd sleep in class because it made my homework more interesting and challenging. Maybe some legitimately are useful idiots. The upper echelon of lefties are doing it because they are malicious. They are sociopaths who are willing to hurt people for profit.

There are reasons gays and transvestites were not allowed around children. Not allowed to promote their lifestyle. There are reasons to defend a border. There are reasons to not just give everyone healthcare paid for by tax dollars. Liberals know about these but argue for unworkable policies anyway. Why would you promote something you know doesn't work? Well, it makes sense if you are going to profit off of it.

Soros is the paragon of leftism. He creates wars, chaos and untold misery while raking in billions of dollars at the expense of millions of other people. He is evil incarnate and leftism incarnate. This should tell you something.

I doubt they were dumb enough to think that would make the right look bad.

The awkward laugh of the liberal audience when they knew he was 100% right about them all dying was amusing.

Never forget…

Life is what it is, not what society thinks it ought to be. The final solution is the final problem and nobody solves life.

This is the point. 20th century was century if explosives expanding growth. Now this perpetual expansion treated as "normal state".

Politics cheat people from both sides, left and right. Conservatism of "we jsut need to reverse things to how it was and this would be ok" is equal lie. It was perpetual growth ponzi sheme. And now when pyramid its failing now no one wants to face hard realty they just try to kick collapse down the timeline so it collapses after they retire and die.

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No, you just don't know what the right actually is.
No, you're retarded.
Which they will successfully do.

Nothing that can't be fixed by replacing shitskins with robots, women with dakimakura-looking cloning vats and kikes with White men.


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In oficcial politics right is GOP. This is those people who talk to nation and propose solution via voting and act according to mandate received via such vote. Politics.

They have macmansions with costs creeping to 1 million. Savings.

The eye symbol is biblical.

< I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm 32&version=ESV