Why do they hate the keto diet so much?

Every argument against it so far is bullshit…it's not like fiber occurs naturally in green leafy veggies, broccoli, and in prebiotic fiber supplements?

Why does the WHO and other organizations want us all to be fat and dumb? Is it political or to support the sugar and grain lobby?


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Yeah, because there is so much politics about fucking rice.

People are reading Alan Walton's "inner earth"

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Because it brings strength and they hate giving you strength.

Daily reminder that Hitler would have been less sick if he has a grass-fed beef diet.

It's costly and not meant permantently. To transition out of obesity and other specific dseases it is recognized fairly for,

A true Aryan would never 'become fat and dumb' for ZOG. No matter how old we get we take care of our bodies (because they are our temple) and we take care of our minds as well, educating ourselves throughout our lives.

Also, I am finding this ZOG obsession with controlling EVERY FUCKING THING WE DO AND FETISHIZING IT IS REALLY GETTING OLD.

No one needs to monitor your diet except the individual. If you want to preach Nanny State go do it to the subhuman filth you love so much. Aryans don't need it because we don't need someone minding our food, minding who we fuck, minding what we think, and minding what we do.

Spotted teh Canadian? I can go buy 6lbs of 80/20 beef for $15-18, along with cheese, bacon, etc. You can buy hams and half hams for $15-30 and that's another 8-20lbs of meat.

Beyond that the veggies in keto are very important, it's actually a high fiber diet if you do it correctly.

I do cyclic keto personally, to refill my muscle glycogen stores. "Carb Nite" is another good variation.

I get tired of it too

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What is it with you fags and presuming out the gate that there's a binary choice between your meemee diet and obesity. You realize that there were practically no obese people at all in the 50s, yet nobody had ever heard of your gay fad, right? What if I hate fat people AND I hate faggot soccer mom "I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and so can you!" shit. If you want to do keto, go ahead. But it's obviously factually and historically 100% incorrect that eating grain per se will make you fat.

GMO, HFC, "Murica" portion sizes all contribute here, but generally the carbs most people eat aren't just raw unmolested grains from the farm to the table, they're doritoes, little debbies, and hotpockets.

I know you got enough patreonbux to eat beef only Mr Peterson, recognize most can't spend as much on food as residence. Carbs are storable which is their reason for common-ness. Even if you cheaper it and are mostly lard, it would be more than affordable.

Too many keto dieters go full meat/cheese and are going to end up with CAD and colorectal cancer. Eat your fucking vegetables.

White people benefit from it the most, and are the least adapted to low-meat and high carb diets.

So keto is founded in bad faith on a fallacious basis (muh cures cancer, muh ASS-ID-UH-TEE, muh gluten-free), and therefore its conclusions are necessarily as flawed as its conception? Glad you admit it. Excessive fiber is not good for you. You want to eat non-fibrous vegetables like peppers for the best nutrition.

They hate it because it works and it gets people to stop eating pure processed shit.

I wonder why.

I don't eat ketogenic, tried it. Not enough calories for me. I fall asleep and get weaker. I run hot constantly though, so your mileage may vary.

Fat fuck detected.

Because I like my meats.

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Yeah keto is actually cheaper for me, because carbs get you in the eat-crash-eat again cycle too.

That and a cured ham can be stored cold or at room temp for MONTHS. Also, I wonder if the poorfags can at least afford a freezer?

All that and anyway, if you're on the gibs you can afford non-shit food even better than I can.

Who says you shouldn't play with you food?

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It's good for celiac patients, and carbs do actually accelerate cancer. These are science facts. Excessive anything isn't good for you, faggot.

Actually if you're keto adapted you burn the fat. It doesn't go to harden the arteries. Did you know you should eat eggs because they are made of the same cholesterol that your brain is?

When you understand that jews are like ticks and mosquitos that can only see humans as cattle that exist for them to profit from, it makes all the sense.
If you're buying their gross corporate sludge to eat, profit.
If you're a fatass with no energy laying around and watching their shit electric jewbox, profit.
If you're full of disease and have to go their quack doctors and buy their bullshit insurance, profit.
If you have the testosterone levels of a 99 year old chinaman and can't reproduce more white children, profit.

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Yes I'm sure grain companies wouldn't mind people buying less grain products. They probably don't care at all honestly. Great post fellow anonymous imageboard user.


Yes I'm sure meat companies wouldn't want people buying more meat products. They probably don't care at all honestly. Great post fellow anonymous imageboard user.

All you dumbfucks talking about 'buying from corporations' comically myopic. Who do you think raises, slaughters, butchers, packages the meat you buy? Corporations! Probably the same ones that also sell you grain, in many cases. It's very true that corporations put a lot of nasty stuff in food at times, but this has nothing to do with keto.

Why? Simple.

Keto diet is already know for dealing and controlling diabetes, narcolepsy (even the really strong life disabling types), high colesterol, blood pressure, brain fog, the list is huge. Ketones also help your brain work better, faster, cleaner. The ketogenic diet also controls your glucose levels, so it deals with insulin resistance recently AKA the mother of most diseases. Insulin resistance and high carbohydrates diets are linked with almost every fucking nasty shit we have. These are facts, not up to discussion.

Keto didn't work for you? Ok, choose another one, in fact I don't do keto anymore, I do Very low carb high protein, do anything but EAT MORE PROTEIN, TRAIN HARD. Another fact already show in research, higher protein diets + hard training deals with most diseases.

Now, on pure speculation, I think higher protein diets tend to create individuals less likely to accept authority, to think for themselves. We're already living on interesting times, the only elites have any chance to control the world is with soy filled authority obeying subhumans.

Be white, don't eat carb.

Why are grains on the base of food pyramid? It's because surpluses in grain must be relieved. Surpluses in meat are rare and in fact are being caused in this trade war right now- not that it will turn into benefit for domestic market,

Eat them with fiber. Cabbage, or any type on fiber, just eat carbs with fiber. The fiber will hold your glucose levels and not fuck with the insulin that much. Also go lift, fat fuck.

Why isn't there a single professional or D1 athlete who is keto or paleo or whatever fad you guys are on? But there are numerous vegetarian/vegan athletes.
Derrick Morgan the linebacker from Tennessee Titans is way bigger than any of you guys will ever be.
Kyrie Irving is vegan now.
I think Nate Diaz from UFC is also vegan.

But are there actually any keto athletes?

Isn't it obvious?

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Crossfit depending on how loosely athlete is used

The us spends billions in corn subsidies and billions in sugar subsidies every year.

Food is still the most important buisness, and where theres money involved theres politics involved.

I have a feeling like vegan athlets break like fucking twigs if you confront them.

Bro try saying that to dudes on the Titans lol theyre way bigger than you and don't even eat meat.

Are you suggesting my all-psyllium-husk diet is flawed?

Yeah, sure. They are bloated, not big.

dude just look it up instead of making shit up

Not always. The biggest, most explosive linebacker on my football team was a vegan, the most annoying kind who let everyone know he was.
I also read something that suggested that gladiators were fed a vegetable mash because it was cheap and it would make slaves who were twig arms have some protective meat over them before a fight.

I look it up and found a bunch of niggers and shitskins, hmmm.

keto diet is for faggots who don't lift weights, AKA garabge, just be fat

If he gets explosively big, that means steroid.

flawless fucking logic

Not explosively big like just became big one day. Explosive as in when he hit you it felt like a semi truck at 100 miles an hour.

They're still bigger than you.

You're coping.

How is his weight and muscle mass?

Yeah, I do not need to be.

Big like those shitskins mean one thing: steroid.

This was years ago. If I had to guess he was probably ~200 and had a 6 pack, so pretty lean to say the least.

What is this assmaddening? You think vegans are humans just because there's one group that stands out? What a nigger, I bet you even believe the engineers, doctors and teachers meme unironically because there are black teachers on the USA

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I don't really understand what you wrote.
But all I'm pointing out is that you guys seem to fall for the meme of frail vegans and you guys go to great lengths of weird diets like keto to improve yourself all while you're just making your lives more difficult and ruining your health.

You are at a way higher risk of cardiovascular disease by eating copious amounts of animal proteins.

I don't want to degrade you guys but come on, where did this anger against veganism come from? It will not make you weak. Athletes, even outside of professional sports are strong on a plant-based diet. And they will live longer and stay healthier.

Seriously, are you guys trying to project insecure masculinity on needing to eat only meat?

I don't think anyone is suggesting you eat ONLY meat.

That's what people suggest whenever keto and carnivorism come up here and on similar sites.

This whole anti-carbohydrate movement is pretty much meat only.

I mean if people are unironically suggesting to eat only meat thats pretty low IQ stuff being peddled. My parents are doing keto right now because both of them were very overweight. They also both know its a temporary thing and not a permanent diet. I can believe there are some here who think if eat only meat you get superpowers or something; I just have not seen anyone suggest a full carnivore diet in this thread, yet.

IMO real keto is 30-50g carbs per day, ideally from fresh veggies, with the rest of your energy and nutrients coming from delicious fats and proteins.

It's a fucking meme, and the only reason it works is because meat, on top of being godly food, hasn't been fucked up the ass by shit like GMO and soy as other food types. YET.

Funny thing: portions in the US are as small as anywhere else. It's more that the companies make shit so one single item is actually 2 or more servings, but like hell is anyone going to eat just half an opened 1.75 ounce vending machine package of cheetos, for example.

Every time.

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Eat our lab grown steaks. Coming soon to a Whole Foods near you.

You you only read the retard memes. It's about 50 net carbs a day (although I stay under 30). It's up to people to eat broccoli and other vegetables. It's like judging natsoc because degenerate druggy skinheads exist.

They realize they won’t be able to feed 10 billion goyim on even small amounts of animal food per day with highly automated agriculture, to ensure rural population is minimal. Raising animals for food is more labor intensive and can’t be automated as much. To be done ethically it requires masses of small local farms. This goes directly against agenda 21 and 2030 goals. They want us as densely populated as possible and transformed into “Brave New World” polyfaggots completely dependent on their infrastructure.
I’d probably eat mostly beef meat, bone broths, liver, milk and eggs with some fruit and honey from a local permaculture farm for maximum vitality and because I find those to be the most enjoyable to eat and digest, but I can’t so I settle for a diet of mostly plants, because I’m not willing to eat much of the factory farmed creatures tortured by beaners.
A mostly plant food diet + some exogenous testosterone is a compromise strategy some may have to increasingly make.

Vegan athletes almost always built their body on large amounts of meat, eggs, and milk. Then switch to mostly vegan for a year to virtue signal then inevitably start including more animal products in their diet again.

I don't doubt the guy I was talking about built his body off a bunch of animal products. But he maintained a vegan diet for 3 years and the mother fucker sent kids off the football field in a stretcher more than once on that diet.
He sure dude virtue signal too.

Read the manifesto user. They want us fat and dumb because it collapses society, allows them to take over, and then prevents us from fighting against them. Plus admitting that the calory is a scam and that nutritional science is right and it's what you're eating's composition, minerals, and vitamins, would mean they'd also have to admit that the reason we are fat and unhealthy is because they're poisoning the food and lying to us. In short it's like alien coverup user, no one wants to be the one that has to be there when they finally admit they've been lying to the public for decades because the ones that started it aren't going to be the ones the people are angry at.

What does any of that have to do with keto? Keto (short for 'ketogenic') diet just means a diet that promotes the use of ketones rather than glucose as the body's primary internal energy unit. It's very possible to eat all kinds of processed, toxic shit while still being ketogenic. "Keto" isn't just a catch-all magic meme word substitute for "healthy". Being "keto" and minimizing preservatives/toxins are totally different concepts that are only tangentially related in that they both related to diet.


Bad enough the niggers forced my star to be yellow, and the faggots did it for them.

I eat mostly boneless chicken thighs (1.99/lb) and either eat string/sugar snap peas or broccoli with minced garlic. Sometimes get ground beef like 6lbs for 15 bucks or pork tenderloin for 1.99/lb. I'll have cheat days with sushi or something with whole grains.


I tried to cut on keto (5'9" manlet, 185lbs). On the 3rd day, I did squats and pushed out 5 reps at 315lbs, wasn't too hard. On the 6th day, I couldn't even do 3 reps at 285lbs. It just felt like SO MUCH WEIGHT. Similarly, bench went from 270x5 to 255x5.

Intermittent fasting and sticking to whole foods works much better for me.

I hear from keto people that it takes your body a few weeks to become ketone adapted. But I am worried that during these few weeks I'll end up losing too many gains. I'm not sure keto is optimal for lifters, though I'd love to hear from someone with similar lifts if they managed to cut successfully on keto without losing much strength, and how they did it.

Drink lots of water and eat more salt to retain that water. You only have to do it for a week

Keto is a winter mode diet. During the ice age all u had was deer or elk. Our bodies are made for keto


Don't get me wrong tho, most grain based products are cancer. My starchy carbs for consumption around workouts (when cutting) and in general (when bulking) are potato, rice, oatz, and sprouted bread.

How much do you lift?

Nigga you dumb.

How much do you lift?


DYEL spotted

I heard that the keto diet helps the autists and there is a lot of autists due to being born when their parents are 35 and older. Autists don’t give a shit about the Jews so maybe that is the reason?

are you getting enough salt?
you should take in a tea spoon of mountain salt before you exercise and you'll be back to normal.

There is no point in carbohydrate avoidance. No scientist or nutrition expert worth his salt would fail to acknowledge that the body will just make carbohydrates from protein when they aren't provided by diet. Then the next question is obviously, "What are the implications of stubbornly enforcing such braindead measures just to make a person enter ketosis like a goddamned diabetic?" Yes, yes, yes please do ramble on about weight loss while ignoring whether or not it is the undesirable things which are lost while leaving desirable things behind and whether or not health, form, and function improves. Meanwhile, athletes will continue to attest to the performance enhancing effects of carbohydrates and the long, long line of consistent science from 1902 and before if you want to look to the present day will continue to explain—to deaf public ears—that fat makes people fat, fat cells contain fat, and things provably and reliably get better when the diet is low fat—especially low in polyunsaturated fats.

I've been on keto for 8 months now. You are definitely physically weaker at first, but eventually you get used to it.
If you can't do a keto diet you are a sugar addict and should unironically remove yourself from the genepool.


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Most sports benefit from having large amounts of muscle glycogen. You can’t get that on keto. You need lots of starch to get keep your glycogen high. You don’t have to go full veganfag either though. Athletes that do that usually just do it for a year or two when already at their peak and realize there’s no point in being that much of a purist and add at least some animal foods back into their diet.
For fatties that want to do keto to lose their blubber they don’t need to worry about having lots of glycogen. They can just go on walks, not eat carbs and they’lol usually lose it fast.
Lifting a lot of weights on keto is not a very good idea if you don’t want to get worn out. If you’re doing full keto you should keep your weight training sessions very short and limited to twice per week otherwise you’ll destroy your testosterone and thyroid levels.
Keto is dumb IMO unless you’re a fat guy trying to not be one. For everyone else just eat your carbs post workout.

Essentially if they acknowledge Keto as effective they have to admit their model of caloric intake is wrong. This opens pandora's box for them regarding exposing the issues with America's food system and having millions of people ask why everyone went along with the scam.

No, this thread is still insane.
The copious amount of animal protein is just going to lead to cardiovascular disease or cancer. It's not going to improve your life aside from a placebo effect.

Jaylen brown grew up vegetarian.
Plenty of North Indians who grew up vegetarian and are athletes.

They pump animals full of hormones to get them bigger. Especially in dairy (I know you said meat but you'd likely drink dairy).

Animals are fed grains, by your logic if the grains are poisoned, aren't the animals poisoned?

Because Soy increases Estrogen. Keto says no to Soy

Drop the pseudo science. Even if you believe that, you don't have to rely on soy in a plant-based diet.

forgetting the roids but ya, your right

This is a really important point. Most elite professional athletes are on some form of exogenous hormone. And just about all the YT fitness e-celebs. You can be lean and make decent gains on any dogshit diet and routine, with roids. VeganGains maybe is natty, but he has black man genetics which lets you get lean and reasonably strong on a sub-optimal diet without roids.

Natty white men have to watch their nutrition extremely carefully to be both lean and strong.

If you mess with an animal's DNA too much, and spray it with too many chemicals, it will die. You can do a whole lot to mess with plants and they will still grow. This means animal-based food is less pozzable than plant-based.

retard or shill

What are the animals eating though?

Not seeing the copious amount of advertising by big dairy in order to feminize and weaken people.

How many leg days did you skip exactly?

Electricity isnt humane because it bypasses pain-block so even though it died quickly it was in insane pain.

The animals filter the shitty soy/corn/wheat for us. Yes their meat is affected, but not that much. Just don't eat their shit and drink their piss and you will be ok

315 lbs is more than 270 lbs you dumb faggot. I do Texas Method so every day is leg day, by bench is just an anomaly thanks to good bench genetics.

Ketosis =/= Keto Diet. The real term is low carb desu.

If you want to be healthy then eat SCT/MCT fats > Protein > Dietary nongmo fiber source and nothing else. Also start lifting weights and jogging or hiking. The only time you should ever be putting sugar into your body is when you eat fruit and that's when you are below 8% body fat as a male and you need energy for work later. Female is like 12%.

In Asian cultures people eat fruits as a dessert. Buying and eating candy in places like China is expensive.

The agricultural industry is very political but they are good at keeping out of the public eye. The FDA is a gatekeeping organization on health. If they made it illegal to add sugar to foods that get sold in establishments and neutered the grain industry then all weight issues would vanish in the United States.

Because it makes redundant the phama jew.
Same reason Cannabis and psychadelics like lsd and magic mushrooms have been and still are unlawful.

They were all keto, nigger, since saturated fats were high in everyday European meals.

This. And grains.

Eat 60-80 grams of fibre a day, user. It is what your gut flora ferments to stay healthful and alive. Not all fibre is created equal.

Sugar does. Carbs are not sugars but sugars are carbs. Carbohydrates hydrate the muscle tissue by helping it retain water.

Possibly. You need fermented foods to help keep the gut flora alive and well. Raw milk is good. realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/

Breastfed-only babies are in a state of ketosis. It starts at ~50% of calories from fats. Milk-only diet is keto and very European.

It has to do with hormone change to make the body burn fats instead of sugars. You can be a keto vegan.

Yeah you can be keto on a low-quality diet for sure. Food quality, in addition to ratios, is what really matters.

Rad the Nu/pol/ thread. It clarifies what keto ratios are.

All proteins are same none do this. Pleae learn how cancer works.

Animals are fed grasses, which is the endosperm (grain), bran, and husk. Eatting only the endosperm is like eating a carb-only no-fibre diet; it becomes toxic in high amounts. Also, cows, for example, cannot digest grains so well, so the farmer has permanent hole in side to remove excess grain. If they do not, the grains become fermented and gasses cause stomach to press against lungs and suffocate animal. This is the defference between grain-fed and grass-fed.

Yep, all that dairy sure turned our ancestors into women, user.
Especially raw, local, grass-fed dairy.

animals are a gift from god. they gather nutrients and concentrate them for us to have in one big shot