Oregon YES! Oregon SB501 introduces 20 round per month MAXIMUM

Here we go again Oregonians.

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Also has safe storage requirements.

I hate this world and everyone in it.

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Just in time for the Northwest front eh?


How is this even legal?

Beats me. I don't even know how you can practice shooting at the range if you can't buy fucking ammo!

It's not, and Trump won't challenge it because he's anti 2A. It's over.

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This is the gayest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. In no universe is this constitutional as laid out by the second amendment. Whoever proposed this law should hang for treason.

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Only bitter incel school schoolers think this is a bad idea

It would be extremely concerning if all of Oregon's guns suddenly got stolen, would it not? Better lose them now than get them lost from you.

school shooters*

The constitution doesn't say you can practice it's or even use guns.
You can own them and bare them (display) but not use them.
This is legal. 👍🏾

GOOD point


All of this implies we're following the law. I live in a state with bullshit laws, and almost everyone I know who's into guns, and who trusts me enough to chat about felonies, is in violation of some "serious" stuff. We're overly sensitive to the prospect of being charged with a crime because: A) we're white, B) we generally have something to lose by going to prison, and C) few of us have enough experience with law enforcement to realize how fucking unlikely you are to get caught breaking the law if you're even half careful.

Seriously, the law is not respected or obeyed by foreign invaders or slimy Jewish lawyers, which means it's only a weapon against us, we who want so badly to have a law we can be proud to obey.

So, when the system is your enemy, stop giving it the benefit of the doubt. Just plan it out, take precautions, and act in a way that doesn't get you noticed like bragging about your crimes on a Melanesian knitting roundtable.

Or, you could just take orders from pic related your whole life. Personally, I'd rather go to prison with a little dignity than take leadership from geriatric busybodies and 600-pound gorillas.

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How are you people still clinging to laws as if they matter? Shit written on paper doesn't stop those with power from exerting it. You want things to be a certain way, then you have to enforce your will violently. Welcome to reality.

Of course women ruin everything, they have been since the 1920's

Eat shit, kike.

They can both ruin everything. Women have been some of the Jews' favorite weapons since the white slavery days of yore.

Of course it's our fault for not beating Susan B. Anthony to death in time to stop this.

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Catch anyone involved with this alone and beat them to death with a hammer. Sprinkle 21 rounds on their corpse so they know what time it is.

LmAo not even Oregonians are cucked enough to vote for this. Theres been talk about awb's and other stupid shit and none of it ever got through or even nearly as stupid as this one. The only way this gets through is if its decided by some kikes like the (((city council))) with absolutely no say from anyone else. If it does though, I can't wait for the race war to immediately follow

Wilful ignorance. If they didn't cling to them, they'd wake up to reality, and that would fuck with their perceived level of comfort.

"… a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "

The democrats here have a majority they can do whatever they want, there is no public vote on this.

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You can sign anything into law these days. Be less concerned with legality and more concerned with you right to defend yourself being stolen by these cucks.

The constitution doesn't say anything about regulating ammunition. "Well armed" means only well armed, so say goodbye to your bullets.

it's completely constitutional.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
It reads "to keep and bear Arms", not "to keep fully loaded Arms and to bear fully loaded Arms and ammunition".

Torniggers proving once again that they have never once made a good post.

That's fucking stupid. Would women be doing this if not for jews? No. Are men the enemy of children because men have failed to exterminate the (((enemy)))? No, the jews are the antagonists in this story. Fuck off with your pilpul, future ashpile.



They can't be considered arms if they can't be used as such, jewstein.

"Well-regulated" meant "properly functioning". You can't be "properly functioning".

The very first definition of 'arms' I see also includes ammunition, so, you're dumb.

You guys used to put in more effort. Has that lowered funding made you stop giving a fuck anymore?

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You also imply that someone on the state-level won't actually try to fight it.

If Trump believe States should "dictate their own shit" he wouldn't be sucking Israel's cock, and we'd have a goddamn and an end to shitskin invasion. He's very selective with this principle, if he does indeed possess it.


Full text of the bill:



The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s brief statement of the essential features of the measure as introduced.Requires person to secure permit before purchasing or otherwise receiving firearm. Specifies qualifications for permit and manner of applying for permit. Creates procedures for appealing denial of permit. Punishes receipt of firearm without valid permit by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment,$6,250 fine, or both.Requires person who owns or possesses firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container.Punishes failure to secure firearm by maximum of 30 days’ imprisonment, $1,250 fine, or both.Requires person who owns or possesses firearm to report to law enforcement agency loss or theft of firearm within 24 hours.Punishes failure to report loss or theft by maximum of 30 days’imprisonment, $1,250 fine, or both.Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition.Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.Requires criminal background check before transfer of ammunition. Restricts ammunition receipt to 20 rounds within 30-day period.Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party until latter of 14 days or Department of State Police has determined that recipient is qualified to receive firearm.

Is this so fucking retarded that you might see a lib on the supreme court strike it down?

what in the fuck

Soon that wont be the case.

but muh guns

oregon is the worst state in the country, it is in the process of being surrendered to the kikes and shabbos goy fleeing california and their mexican/poo indian pets, when schools get let out in the suburbs you see 8 of 10 kids are brown
now this shit, we used to joke that oregon was liberal but at least we had the stay-the-fuck-out-of-my-business "freedom"-liberals, these liberals have died, moved or transitioned and now it is a complete shithole
t. lifelong portland metroer, getting out asap

(((EU))) just introduced 10 round max for rifles too. I told you burgers before, you'll have EU style laws soon. I got laughed at. Some will still laugh. But you know how it works. Constant dripping wears the stone.

it's nothing to laugh at, my latest twitter account got blocked after one supportive reply tweet for the wall, no @'s or anything, i even included a retweet from a former black congresswoman against the wars and they still block me for suspicious activity, they are clamping down

Portland is not Oregon. It's it's own hellhole. Don't bring us down with you.

portland makes your laws same as mine
how do you like that sanctuary state law that just passed at 75%?!?!?! if you live in the valley south of portland that just means you are sandwiched between mexifornia and portland scum, if you still think this place is salvageable then you deserve whats coming i might be missing something

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Time to build your own guns and ammo boys!

what's to stop people from buying rounds en masse out of state and drive them in?

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The ATF?

maybe but i just visited north idaho and i can count on my hands how many non-whites i saw it was fucking amazing, i'll be up there before the summer

And you don't think the problem will simply follow you there in a few years?



Why would they care? I get ammo shipped to my door from across state lines all the time.

Sure, but if you thought of doing that, chances are they already have. Better be real careful who you sell it to. Or you'll get glown on.

maybe but at least ill have some allies to fight them with up there, portland is insane bro, i think it might be the antifa capital of the world
if you have a better idea for me then please let me share

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Well they do the same thing with cigarettes in Ohio. People from Kentucky drive them in by the trunkload. You could make a huge profit.

Students of Change is the (((group))) formed after the Parkland farce. David Hogg et al. It is Israel implementing their de-arm America agenda-
Expect Students for Change to "request" the introduction of such bills in every state.
It looks like SfC's muscle come from their "partners", a law firm called Akerman. Among Akerman's State Legislative and Executive Lobbying

Ha ha so true
don't ever come here faggot

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Someone else can because I don't live anywhere close to Oregon.

Wtf yanks, guns were your redeeming quality, now you're just becoming a browner Europe. Get it together

For those of you who don't know, Lake Oswego is basically Beverly Hills with pine trees instead of palm trees, and with less cocaine and more boxed wine. These cunty NIMBY liberals make portlanders look almost rational.
Goddamn, I mad.

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Not a thread.

Says the faggot whose come to /pol to post his limp dick one-liner and whose never own a firearm.


This could be enough to mobilize the boomer fudd cattle en mass.
Still, now is a good time to learn how to reload ammunition.

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Will this stand up in court to a Second Amendment challenge?

takes me about 120 seconds to handload that many.

lol, imagine being this cucked, don't worry, no one wants to go to your faggot commie state

Nobody will do shit.

Yes, because you're mentally fucking disabled and think that laws exist.


lol butthurt

Scamper on back to voat, nigger. Your shit is to transparent to fly around here.

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he is right, oregon is transforming rapidly at least around portland, growing up there was 0-1 non-whites in my elementary school classes, now you are likely to get macho-mam'd at the grocery store in the suburbs, these bend, roseburg-niggers like to pretend it isn't their problem but none of us wanted this and there is nothing we can do, they have captured the state, i am friends with several leo's and whether they agree with us or not it irrelevant (most do), they can't do jack shit

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So I'm in Clark County and will help get the word out to my Oregonian friends.
Anyone have connections the conservative legislatures in the area? Rural OR is based and won't stand for this.

I fucking HATE Lake Oswego, it's the most cunty fake cancerous bunch of drunk howswives I've ever seen.
I worked a job in college delivering and assembling exersize equiptment in portland. EVERY FUCKING TIME I went to that fucking place it was for some waste of space used up brat who would make comments about how oooooooohhh my truck has dirt on it, or OMG don't scratch the tropical wood floors you oaf.

I had this (((woman))) ,with a star of david around her chicken neck, come out and fucking sit a lawn chair in the middle of my working area while assembling a basketball hoop and say "My Husband is a LAWYER and I will sue you for any damages, so don't screw up KID"
I was so taken aback by the overwhelming feeling of being in an MDE sketch that I just finished and packed up.

Her husband came out later and asked if she had threatened me, then gave me a 50$ tip in shame.


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Why is this so fucking hilarious to me. I can't stop laughing.

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it's so bad, even the men that know deep inside that this shit is ruining society are too cucked to shut these kike whores down, happy he tipped you but that is beside the point, so many men are like that here, they will try to quietly signal that they are with you when they allow their untouchable whore-woman to run and ruin everything

Criminals don't care about gun or bullet laws.

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Not enough to do something besides post a cartoon, faggot

One day you will wake up. When you do you will realize that all these laws are fake. Just live your life as you please. Defend yourself and your family. See how long you make it and teach your kids to do the same. The US as our great grandparents knew it is lloonnggggg gone.

Trump maybe kinda could have fixed some of it but at this point all I see is delaying on his part. Its obvious he can build the wall any time with the military. Why take years trying to make Nancy and Chuck do it? Makes no sense.

The election this year was proof that only moderate changes will come from Trump. We can't expect any REALLY big changes from the man as he simply does not have the ability to make the changes that need to happen.

It is almost worse now having him in power because we have a pacifying influence on the people who would have stood up (like you see in France or whatever).

Instead everyone is watching the show. My greatest fear is that Trump and Co. will defeat some of the 'bad guys' but not really make any changes to the structure of the system simply because they can't.

2020 elections are going to be cheated off into the sunset just like 2018 were. We will lose the Senate and Trump's 2nd term will be lame duck. 2022 will be a MASSIVE landslide back to darkness.

Everyone in this thread says Oregonisms are too cucked to fight this or vote against it. In fact they don't have a vote here in Oregon. Its not real. It is a mail-in ballot state. This means they just have a million illegals fill out blank ballots by the millions and put them in the mail Problem solved. Oregon is blue forever.

Hell, the land use laws are so bad there that this was the last time I can vote! I am a US citizen. Lived in Oregon my whole life. Grew up in the woods with a gun and a pack. I got me some land after working my ass off but can't build on it because of gay laws. So I can't get an address so I can't register to vote… I had been using my parents address for my whole life because there is no other way. Well, I can't use that anymore so what do I do?

I squat on my land here illegally. I can't register to vote any more so I can't vote in 2020 or any other time in the future. Honestly, I don't even care because its all fake. They probably just shred the ballots and put in whatever numbers they want or "FIND" some more ballots as needed to win.

What do I do? Leave? run away and be a refugee in Wyoming where everyone looks at me like I am garbage for being from the west coast? Stay and live as a refugee in secret? That is what I have been doing. Not sure how long I can keep it up though. IDK. I will back ANYONE OR ANY THING that will smash this system and replace it with a better one. Hell, nothing at all would be a HUGE improvement. Everyone needs to wake up.

So it's happening, slowly. You fucking idiots sat in your rooms, jacking off to power fantasies of a day where the establishment would come for all weapons and you would join your brothers in battle. While you sat, laws were passed, people voted but not you because that's Jewish enslavement, right? You did nothing and now you still do nothing. Kek, as you faggots like to say.

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Link to the news report?

Tits or GTFO sweetheart.

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Just filter me if you can't handle it sweetie. This place enables you to stay safe from meanies like me.

Benton county. No one I know even owns a gun… its so lame. All the rednecks and loggers are gone. Even if a million people came here and voted red it wouldn't matter. Votes are rigged and no one knows how to fix it. I'm literally expecting to die in jail or bleeding out after being gunned down by some obese purple haired cop in a traffic stop.

You are not wrong about those living south of Portland.

Its not.

The entire point of the second amendment is that laws alone cannot protect your freedom, that's your responsibility.
Freedom is not something given, it is something taken.

There's been plenty done, but women still seek comfort and pleasure and seek men that want the same, women are too easily lulled into believing race mixing will work because women think like children, using women as a direct action ploy like Joan of Arc is basic, this place is more sophisticated than to think emotion will change our predicament.

It isn't that nothing is being done, it is that the corruption and excommunication is beyond how bad many will believe things really are.

You are living as a refugee in your own country!
I think you need to take a different tack on this. Why are you squatting on your own land? Just build a cheap shack. What are they gonna do, trespass on your property and sue you? Let them, and while the shit is in court destroy the environment my dumping hazardous materials on your property and contaminating the water table. Fuck all of them. THEN before they steal your land so they can use it to sustain more parasites, pack up and leave for a better place and let them have the poisoned land. You have nothing to lose.
And by the way, if you are who you seem to be, I DOUBT you will be dissed in Wyoming, except maybe in Jackson Hole (which is infested with rich anyway). Idaho, Utah, Montana are also options.

The point is, stop being a bitch and living like a slave.

What does any of that have to do with you not doing anything about the fact your rights are slowly being taken away?

"Well-regulated" did not mean the same thing in colonial times as it does now. It does not mean "in working order." It means "practiced regularly".

A well regulated militia is any group or organization that practices martial skills regularly.

AKA the guys you regularly go to the range with.


an entire state held hostage by the portland gay club. what a joke.

Why waste the monthly ammo ration? Just sharpie a 21 on their forehead.

Holy shit and I thought my stste kike jersey was bad