Cover up


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Other urls found in this thread:

How does this make any sense?

Didn't happen.

Do we have names of the alleged satanists?

while roasties with false rape accusations are never jailed or have their ovaries removed.

What the fuck, it happened now?

Attached: sage negated.jpg (447x306, 45.7K)


Yes, now it happened.

Edir Macedo seems to be key.


Added pic are the children.

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This is Judeo-liberalism at its finest.

Yeah, no shit. 9 years for fuckin trolling, can these fags be any more bitchy than this? Fuck the UK and all their kikey policies.

I really I wish I was a lonely, wealthy, had a lot of time on my hands and was sentenced to death already by some terminal, non-debilitating illness. Then I'd have nothing to lose and I'd look into cases like this with the necessary dedication and comittment.

Pretty sure you got that one covered
See above
You have your people, no?
It's called life
Don't let your memes be dreams, user

coming soon too a US City near you!

>(((Macedo))) and his (((church))) backed Bolsonaro
[citation needed from reputable sources]


A similar event in my country. The female reporter with her show, who uncovers stores that is rarely brought up, exposed a pedophile and possibly in connection to some sex ring. Later on, the reporter was accused of "violating private life" of that pedo, which she ended up on trial.

At first I didnt believe this baby eating shit but now I'm starting to hear more about it all the time. If its true, why? Is it just degenerates being degenerates or are they crazy enough to believe that eating a baby gives them power?

The kids weren't lying.

Kill em all

More importantly, Dr Rhodes of the University College London (very prestigious) confirmed that the two children had physical scars of being raped. Read the Veterans Today link. Yet, McNeill is now accused of being a ‘troll’ with ‘baseless’ allegations.

Proof of loyalty? Once you've done it there's no turning back to being a human again. You're now one of them forever.

Drinking blood gives you immortality. Political immortality.

Witches covering up for other witches

Attached: witches.jpg (284x177, 11.69K)

This user gets it.

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Nine fucking years. I can't imagine right now what a shitskin would have to do in my country to be jailed for nine years without probation and this woman has just been judged for false accusation telling the truth.

pretty much it

this is so fucking disgusting

everyone in this secret religion, with their shriveled up pathetic souls, will be exploring the nature of karma for a very long time

I knew the pedosperg was a bitch.

richard dearman

it is only a matter of time before the word troll changes its meaning in popular venacular to mean truth teller

God bless America. This is exactly why we fought to have our independence. "Old woman said mean things! JAIL HER!"

Hey, I remember those children.

Aw, that's too bad.

What did the Rotherham grooming gang's activities force 1,400 children to do?

Moshe, please.

Link already shoah'd like the previous VT article that actually named the accused (I have a copy saved somewhere, I'll have a look for it.

Here is the Ricky Dearman interview with the BBC that convinced me that something was rotten in Denmark with this story no matter how much I did not wish to believe it. Dearman evidently comes from the Gene Rosen school of acting.

This BBC vid is edited from the original as I recall that we could clearly see Victoria Derbyshire dressed in the Satanic Colours of Red and Black (she has a very bright red skirt on on the version I recall). The name of the video has also changed, as the BBC told us that he was "a good man falsely accused" to save us the trouble of making our own minds up.

Reminder these kids named names, addresses, occupations, and drew diagrams of the satanic tattoos that the accused had on their genitals, and (as usual) the police not only did fuck all to the alleged perpetrators who (if tattooed) would be easily identified and found guilty, and instead went after the brave whistle blower(s) instead.

Watch for yourself and see what you think

Orig. here in better quality so you can see him mop his dry eyes Obama style in greater clarity.

Attached: Father falsely accused of being a 'satanic cult paedophile ring leader' Victoria Derbyshire-f5f9N6wmiLQ.webm (256x144, 12.14M)

She didn't say tubal cain or mahabone loud enough.

If you so much as shill this thread, you deserve a death penalty for being complicit.

Oops, no sound. Can someone take the link and recode a reasonable 16mb webm? I've tried a couple of times and fucked it up. Been a while since I've messed around with ffmpeg unfortunately.


Custody dispute. The mother and her batshit insane boyfriend made up the accusations in order to get the children away from their father. As anyone with half an ounce of common sense should have been able to work out the moment they saw the video.

I know that area of London. The accusations were idiotic on the face of it - they said rituals took place in the primary school by Christchurch in Hampstead, which is just about the least private building you could possibly find. It's right up against the road on one side, and there's a public footpath that goes past it between the school and the church which is elevated so you can actually look down into the playground and a couple of the classrooms. There's no way people wouldn't have noticed if there was candlelight and chanting coming from the school after hours, let alone during the day. A screaming baby being ritually sacrificed and eaten would probably have drawn attention at some point. The whole area is pretty well travelled because it's one way to get from Hampstead tube station to Hampstead heath.

There was never a shred of evidence beyond the original testimony of the two children. That's why this bitch was harassing the other parents, to get them to confess because she didn't have anything else to make the case with.

The thing that most disgusts me here is that Zig Forums always complains about the left wing media believing false rape allegations without question, but when they include some fantasy about elite paedophilia you all immediately become as credulous as HuffPost when given a story about a frat house rape party.

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This thread got fucking slid the fuck out

not if you keep bumping it

i see, well that's settled then. i guess i won't download and the videos of the kids.

How the actual fuck does this no set off alarm bells with just this single line

Do it anyway. I saw them when they first come out, it's pretty interesting to listen to