His Satanic vile pig cunt mother must be stopped.

Going theory now is that Wendylou pushed desi so hard to become a drag kid so she could enter into the lifestyle she wanted to be part of growing up (Namely the NYC Vogue scene during the 70's and 80's (see doco Paris is Burning) and the NYC Club Kid scene during the late 80's and early 90's (see Party Monster with Macaulay Culkin & Seth Green). This would explain her fawning and social media/ real life connections to Kevin Omni Burrus (creator and leader of House of Ultra Omni Vogue dancing drag group) and Michael Alig (Party Promoter, Murderer, drug addict & Creator of the Club Kids)

Mother: Wendy Napoles (wendylou) 42 years old
Wendy’s last job was as an office manager for a Brooklyn Construction firm
California and New York
Office Manager at Scenic Corp of New York
B.S., Business Administration from University of Phoenix
[email protected]
+1 949-837-4741
917-749-0092 (confirmed )
dollfaceddame , wendynapoles

LINKED. IN CV (also attached)

Scenic Corporation of New York
Office and Human Resources Manager
Company Name Scenic Corporation of New York
Dates Employed Sep 2016 – Apr 2017
Employment Duration 8 mos
Location Brooklyn, NY

Miss Formosa User Number: 1086931881 - Brazilian Drag House of Cazul 19th January 2018.

Companies Wendy Follows on Linkedin

Attached: CHip Duckett spincycleNYC.png (1071x409 211.71 KB, 131.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What is
Who is Chip Duckett? Did he PR manage/ Pimp Desmond into coming out as the first #dragkid? How long has he been involved? Got FB pics dating back to 2014, Desmond's first real public attention was NYC Pride Parade march June 2015

Attached: Sharon Needles 6th Oct 2014.PNG (1184x522 865.26 KB, 1.25M)

Child protective services would be good try. There's undoubtedly going to be problems in the house if they got a surprise visit

This shit is normal. But with cultular marxism it is.

Poor kid is raised by fags to be child flashlight. How deep we fallen.

Desi was signed to star as "Young Rodney" in an upcoming movie called "Pageant Material" late march 2018.
Desmond is Amazing LLC was registered earlier that same month.

Earlier research:
Found a link between Rachel Chandler and Desmond is Amazing which is covered in the steemit post above (Rachel was one of Epstein's recruiters who has been photographed with Eminem, at Little St James Island, Bill Clinton…)

Looked into Desi almost a year ago now. Was the one who uncovered the Michael Alig interview and exposed how Desi's mom was ok with him hanging out with a convicted murderer and drug addict.

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It's getting normalized at a very rapid pace.
Some really weird shit though with the Rachel Chandler link 147352225577

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Interview with his half sister around a week ago.

Attached: July 13th 2016 Rachel Chandler.JPG (2215x824 197.6 KB, 1.32M)


atm looking for proof that he worked outside of hours allowed for child entertainment industry labour. Lots of comments on social media saying he was performing at 3am.
These are the NY State Child Labor laws. If he started performing after 12:30am, then there is a violation.

Another option is the IRS. If Desmond is Amazing LLC was only registered early March 2018, how was all the previous income his bestial harlot mother and creepy p3do father declared or taxed?

Attached: Hours and time permitted.png (461x281, 55.7K)

KEK. Performing at 3am is not what bother me. But in this crazy world this may work. This kind a shit you say to someone and they will not belive you. Like when i said to my mother that girls in UK are used as whores by muslims. Choping raped girl into kebab is too insane for NPC mind.

Anyway. Great work collecting intel about this. You are doing gods job.

Got plenty more.
Fucken hate this cunt whore excuse of a parent.
It's so satanic too. It's not just about pedophilia and normalizing it, it's about doing it with as much satanic and luciferanian symbolism as possible.

The 3am thing is moreso to get the parents legally liable for their actions to their son. I would like to see Wendylou try to spin going against laws for child safety as an alt-righter hater plot.

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Let's leave the boy in peace.

yeah, sure…

Attached: getchokegowoke.png (1061x648 764.05 KB, 786.18K)

They really don't pay you much, do they?

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If it bothers you that much, you know what to do about it. No authority is going to do anything about this.
Either do something about it, or quit whining.
Not a hill I'm willing to die on, so while I find it horrendous, its not something I'm going to do anything about.
That kid is already a lost cause, and no extant power/authority is going to do anything about it, so either go an hero over it or don't, but quit pretending you're going to get anything done by appeal to any extant authority/power.

Attached: lucky 27.jpg (1608x2352, 567.84K)

The boy is already dead. Stop LARPposting in every thread you fucking nigger.

Don't wait for the (((law))).
Find her and kill her. If you can't, incite people near her to kill her.
Organize massive spread of info on her where she lives. Make anyone go to her house to have her tortured and killed.

CPS is part of this problem. The kid is probably too far gone anyway. Worry about your own children and protect them anyway that you can from this shit.

If Léon Degrelle saw how far things have fallen, he would have died of a massive stroke instantly. He thought things were too far gone in 1976, hell, going back to 1976 would be a massive improvement.
DUMP OF OSINT so far (less large video files)

Very distinguished gentlemen. He should be let go with all charged dropped.

I'm doing my part.

Attached: Kill_It.png (1071x409, 129.45K)

there's many things that can be donee wihtout resorting to violence.
It'd actually be far more beneficial to those who wants to see satanic p3dos dwindle and fail in their goal if she was publicly arrested and charged for crimes.

The witch has been trying to deflect any criticism of what she does to her son by deleting comments on his social media profiles that she controls OR getting the LGBTQP MSM Press to tow the line of it being alt–right hate speech and haters and nazis who are trying to sabotage her amazing mission to liberate children into becoming #dragkid whores.

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i kekd

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I am not a burger.
So i dump.
Do what you want with it.

Most men I know say there are two organizations you don't fuck with… the IRS and CPS. This needs to change ~ The Jewish pursuit of controlling our money and our kids.

Than imagine how bad it could be 40-50 years from now. One thing is sure. There will be another great war. Propercy like this give me hope.

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Desi's counterpart (Queen Lactatia)
Who has two antifa parents just came out with this putrid shit.

Attached: KILLLLLLL.PNG (622x603, 351.22K)

you know it always amazes me that the past and the figures of the past like this man give a portent into the future more than anyone alive today.

Dr Judith Reisman is also one who is thankfully still alive who tried valiantly to fight against hte normalisation of pedopphilia

If America joins with Germany to defeat England and the Russians, why does English as a language disappear? I don't imagine Americans are going to learn how to speak German en masse all of a sudden.

USA bombed Germany and nuked Japan twice only to end up here.

Checked, Satan. I'm doing my part.

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all adult guardians around him should be killed

because they'll be speaking bean. sorry Ameribros

He looks exhausted from drugs, torture, and various forms of abuse.

That's called doing the wrong shit the wrong way and getting the results you deserve.

stop making sense. to be honest i wonder why America don't speak yiddish. It is jewish golem anyway.

This is, in the most general arc, what I have also imagined is to take place. The evil kikery of the last 2000 years must finally come to a complete end.

You have a good soul.

That man did more good than the entire CIA. You can see in his eyes and smile a look of deep, childlike joy, for he sacrificed his body and soul for the sake of what is Right and Best. He is Immortal.

If a mother wants to sacrifice her child to Satan then there is fuck all that Zig Forums can do about it. Cleanse the gene pool.

Where does Chandler tie in to this?

The child is innocent and so is his soul. Madness can be learned, and unlearned. This particular issue is not a genetic one. The kid deserves a chance at life like everyone else. His mother deserves to be lashed and bled to death.

I wouldn't say the kid is a "lost cause".

What do kids do when they hit puberty?

They rebel against their parents and everything their parents try to impose on them. The harder the parents push shit on a kid the more the kids explode in rebellion.

When this boy hits 13 or 14 (if they haven't already cut his nutz off) he's going to be livid with raw hate for that shit bitch his mother.

This. Remember Marjoe Gortner.

Holy shit, Mosley. Your whole genetic tree has come to this

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This. Kid is autistic as fuck too, mom's gonna get adam lanza'd

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So want to save Desmond?
Mommy should have read the book of law instead.
Here are the laws surrounding a working permit he needs one as an entertainer even if he's not getting payed and it has to be signed by the mayor or chief executive.
Also he's working outside of the legal hours.

Also make sure they have a trust fund setup for Desi where they deposit 15% of everything he makes.
Call the IRS (you might make some money yourself)


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Revealing interview. Would help if it was made a bit more legible.

Get this bitch smeared for hate speech against the disabled.

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you think his teeth are fucked from sucking so much dick?

I think it's because his mum sucked so much it triggered evolution.
Man digging into this makes me sad i hope his parents get stopped exploiting this AMAZING kid so he can really be himself.
With his sister coming out and all the evidence dumped here it's going to be hard to just pull the "homophobe" card and continue this exploitation.
The child labor laws are there to protect him and need to be enforced asap.
Also what everyone seems to be missing in their outrage please revisit the facebook livestream he did.
Look at his obsession there about reading the hate comments then compare with all his(Wendy's) public statements.
He isnt allowed to see the hate because people don't hate him , they hate to see him being exploited.

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Or he could end up embracing it. My parents didn't impose anything on me, yet the difference between me and my sister is huge. I'm pro-White in a heavily Judeo-liberal area, she on the other hand, has fucked niggers and spics and sees no problem with it. We've both swallowed kike poison, but only one of us has stuck the metaphorical finger down their throat and vomited it out.

The key here is that your parents didn't impose anything on you. So you both got to choose.

But this kid is obviously in a high pressure crucible being moulded hard into what his mother wants. He's going to be a weird kid and a twisted adult no doubt but he's going to rebel somehow in a way you never had to.
I predict that rebellion will be in a path almost 180 degrees from the direction he's being herded into.

Good idea.

It depends. Some people have the sort of rebellious streak that 14eb1b had, some people don't.

I rebelled against my mom by refusing to do drugs with her when I grew up, but my cousins (who had a similar situation) just sort of got high with their mother and enjoyed themselves while they fucked their health up irreparably. It's about a 50/50 chance whether or not the kid's going to rebel, and if he does rebel it's going to be absolutely nuts.

This reminds me a whole lot of Momma K, if anybody else remembers that. If only we knew of somebody who could make a video about this, publically shaming the mother.

(chiggidy checked)
Is there even enough rope in the whole world?

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Desmond's probably getting put on puberty blockers soon

nah fuckem , his dad / the government that supports this deserves what it gets

Wow someone ban these mgtow kikes
Reminder, anti-woman is anti-white
The mother is innocent here
Wahmyn are Qweens
Jews forced Desmond's mom to do this

tisk tisk user.
-1 Reichsmarks from your reserves every day this allowed to continue. the clock is ticking comrade.


sicko parents belong in jail

people like them will not be saved in the upcoming war.


Between having an IV drug habit reckless enough to inspire that name to getting miles of dick up his bum, there's no way that fag doesn't have GRIDS. Which means there's no way this Desmond kid doesn't have the virus, because you know he's been passed around like a party favor by these transvestites.

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Narcissistic sociopath whore that whores her son for money it is then. And who's paying and enabling this? Kikes.


I’d fuck the lil faggot no doubt

Only in a sick degenerate and jewified society is something this morally abhorrent possible.

Is this like the slut who you guys wanted to "save" because you are faggots and she took a picture with a stuffed frog?
Fuck this little kid. He gets the gas too.

Nobody will touch him in prison as well, probably will be a folk hero.

It doesn't look like he sacrificed his soul for anything. He's sacrificed the later years of his life to prison, but he looks completely proud and satisfied with his kill count.

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He'll need a song written about him. If it's folkish, then it will be a very popular piece played by street musicians, hippies, and vagabonds. People act like hippies won't throw down, but rapists and child molesters get stabbed or beaten with such fury that they're unrecognizable.

Fucking kill yourself Jew.

got any proof nigger

Are you retarded, do you genuinely believe what you are saying

That man didn't do anything you dimwitted credulous fuck. It is fake. It is a made up story from a website that tries to be like the onion.

There was an incident at a Rainbow gathering I was told of. Guy got caught red dicked in some really unwilling girl and what the mob of enraged hippies did to him would horrify an actual Hells Angel. "Shanti Seena, Shanti Seena, Shanti Seena!" they chanted as they took him apart but left him still breathing.

CPS would take him away if his parents taught him the truth about the NSDAP or promoted traditional values. CPS would sooner remove any children you have for opposing this.

That's where you're wrong

yep totally not signals at all

How is this allowed?