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And they'd be BTFO if they didn't get their money back. And they'd be BTFO if they footed the bill for the wall instead of taxpayers.
We get it, you don't like the orange man.
Just yet another reminder that you're not going to vote your way out of this. Revolutionary violence will be the only way.
>not (((orange man)))
the wall isn't coming bros
No, I think I did it right.
Tired of losing yet?
Best part is magatards just got done being scammed by some nigger right before this gofundme started. Did they learn from their mistake? Nope. They should thank gofundme for preventing this jew from shifting all this money to a personal non-profit that will never get anything done, but create jobs for him and his friends.
In about 3 years none of the maganiggers will claim they ever supported any of this, they'll claim they never even supported the orange kike himself. They're already claiming this gofundme was "stupid from the start" when they spent all last month shilling it as hard as they could.
This isn't a victory for you like you think it is. Mostly everyone that donated (myself included) knew it most likely was not going to work. Well through this means at least. But we did get to put our money where our mouth is and basically used this as a petition for doing the right thing by controlling our border.
kek thanks for proving me right within seconds. You're almost as big a liar as Trump himself.
Raising money to give the government is retarded, but the federal government absolutely can accept cash voluntarily given. Apart from a special act of Congress, which can legally accept whatever you're offering, there's also the Conscience Fund.
It's just an excuse to shift the funds into a non-profit so he can pay himself a salary with the funds while getting nothing done.
I just checked
The 1/11/2019 update just redirects donors to
Politicians on both sides have promised border security for 30 years. Tiresome fucking thieves and liars. I'm registered UNA - unaffiliated voter… I'm not a partisan hack… but it needs to get done. Obama got 46B for border security. 2013, I think. Same wedge issue was championed by the left in 2006. Anything to fool the voters.
I'd hazard the guess that 100B has been spent to this end with no real return on investment.
Over 300,000 Americans donated. It was slated to be the most successful gofundme campaign in history. Time for anudda shoah, one can only imagine.
Fuck me, another shill thread. Come on mods, kill this bitch.
In Trump's asshole?
You dumb fuck it's still up. Reported for shilling obvious lies.
Any donations made from now on will go to the jew's non-profit. Learn to read you stupid nigger.
Fuck off faggot. Plus the OP kind of got off to a bad start by calling people magatards and putting them in echos.
>t. (((magatard)))
I still don't know why shills hate the wall so much. Are they really this dependent on immigrants' votes?
You sound triggered.
More like some anons are smart enough to know Trumpenstein has no intention of building one.
You sound filtered.
Don't be a nong. This is an obvious D&C shill thread.
If Zig Forums butthurt ever got anything done drumpf would have been murdered thirty time by now. But of course the agitators will just continue whining and throwing adhoms around.
Good thing filters aren't downvotes then.
You work for pay. I work for salt. One of us is hurt a lot more by the shutdown.
Imagine giving up your own balls just to have a sniff of Soros's asshole.
Wow. A fraction of a fraction of what it would cost to build the wall.
Makes you wonder how much they already payed in taxes for Israel's wall.
Kek, how pitiful.
Absolute faggot.
This kind of blatant shilling deserves a permaban.
It's not "disinfo" if it actually happened.
Around here we call them maganiggers or magakikes.
You obviously are a shill iphopping as usual.
Sounds like political correctness, which never works here.
What is? The money was returned.
Face it, the left hates America.
Just checked, no it wasn't.
All this will do is make people hate the Left even more
So? Better than electing Hillary.
Imagine being so cucked that you volunteer to pay more tax to ZOG. Would the wall stop the Somalis being brought in to Minnesota? Would the wall stop the Chinks from invading San Fransisco? I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt, but it's ridiculous that so many anons (and the President) are making this the hill they'll die on. The most sensible idea to fund the wall is to confiscate drug profits, but (((they))) will never part with that. Oy vey!.
the go fund me guy was based out of broward county anyway
Blame pajeet, he wrote the autocorrect
What about being so cucked that you would rather not have a wall than to demand Israel give back money to build a wall.
Just imagine what kind of a wall we could have gotten for 30 billion.
I didn't know Newcastle, Colorado was in Broward county, Florida.
how long did they hold the $20 million and how much interest should it have generated?
I would donate if it wasn't some random Gofuckme campaign. Have Trump "officially" endorse it and I'm in.
this is actually true. many of us are going to have to fight. sooner of us will need to give our lives if we want our descendants to live in a white society.
hello newfriend, are you enjoying the echo meme? so did we in 2016 but you don't need to go overboard with it now.
g-got 'em
incredible argument, as always moarphallus
Posts like these let me know it's a good thread.
There are better options than voting for people who further white genocide, gun control and shift billions of dollars to Israel.
Imagine how many walls we could've built if NASA had not stolen $10 trillion from Americans.
You mean Israel?
You mean shit you could have probably prevented yourself? Stop letting your daughter fuck jamal.
I wonder what your purpose is in being here.
To call you a fag.
Wheres the genocide? (((Who))) is killing us? You're preaching to the choir, and quite frankly wasting time.
Apparently I'm preaching to the metaphorical equivalent of satanists.
Not really since you're doomsaying without actually providing a reason as to why doom is upon us. Any retard can shout white genocide and garner attention to themselves.
The reason is in the word "genocide".
Not only that, he still continues to brag how great of an ally those leaches are. Do they even allow U.S. aircraft to use their bases yet? No, they won't.
By population control and replacement. But again, you can't seem to provide a reason as to WHY the decline is happening in the first place.
I didn't know you needed a history lesson. Is that what you want? Detailed explanation? Minutes ago you didn't seem to give a damn.
Is that so hard to ask for these days? If you want to make a point you better show your fucking point instead of skirting around it like some sort of ninny.
You could have spent the last 3 minutes watching the attached video instead of making posts like these.
Short attention span, give me the TLDR version.
Your attention span is long enough to stay in this thread for hours at a time though . . .
And you're just as determined to post as well.
Obviously . . . what's your point?
Give me the TL;DR of the video.
If you actually cared you would have watched it and been halfway through it by now.
And he talks about warfare of a different kind, whats your reason for linking the video?
If you would get to the end you would know by now.
And you expect people to take you seriously? Because I certainly do not.
go back playing magic the gathering with your magic words niggers
If she really was interested, she would make it abundantly clear. Instead she's playing the games, and sitting on the sidelines watching.
You really think a man like me would go for a woman that won't even step over the line?
Certainly not people who never had an intention of doing so to begin with.
Well then glad we had this discussion of nothing important, have a nice day.
I know that you are retarded MAGAnigger. You probably loves praising Israel as US's best friend. You should go back to reddit. This is not your place.
Why do you hate America?
How is it not anymore?
Geographical location, history and demographics.
So in no meaningful way is there a distinction between the US and Israel, got it.
Only if you're retarded.