Heather Heyer led 2 men attacking Indian vehicle

This is a new revelation folks.

Attached: Heather leads Taste of India car attackers.mp4 (1280x720, 2.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe that's what triggered the heart attack the fat pig died from immediately after.

Lol, just kidding. Literally zero facts will help anything. The Jews needed a human sacrifice, and they got two of them. Moloch was so pleased he took down a police helicopter in celebration.

Remember kids – you're guilty of everything, always, and it's only a matter of time until a Jewish lawyer names your crime and sees you punished beyond reason. Being right doesn't help you at all, in fact being right makes your punishment worse.

I am just a stupid goy I don't see it.

Attached: samhyde thanks white people.jpg (480x360, 16.43K)

Here she is with them. You can see they are following her.

You can see she matches the other known photos we have of her.

Attached: HeyerBack.jpg (704x461 79.97 KB, 400.5K)

Are you retarded or retarded?

facts convinced you there was no holocaust, so yes they matter. You can't redpill everyone, but the more evidence we build, the more people we reach, the more chaos we sow.

Attached: Trashheap.jpg (267x476 26.38 KB, 36.51K)

Anyone that gives a shit about facts already knows Fields is innocent.


Attached: HH_Charlottesville.png (354x455 142.92 KB, 22.93K)

Attached: HH_Charlottesville.png (588x543 149.38 KB, 46.78K)

Caring about facts does not mean that you have the skills or time to look them up.

Recommend James to appeal or seek a pardon.

Pardon won't be on the table until 2021. He should appeal but who will help him with that. Denise Lunsford was never on his side to begin with.

That's why you have to make emotional appeals. Normies don't care about what commie groups St Heather was a part of. They care about Fields' mother crying because her retarded son is a political prisoner.

Kid should never have let himself get taken alive, his mistake. Everyone by now should be aware the government is never on your side, facts don't matter in this country anymore to the retards who populate it

Facts matter, even if not for winning the case, but for redpilling those who are willing to listen.
WIth enough movement, an organic NS group may emerge (is a question of chance)
Also, facts scare jews.
Just don't fall for their bullshit and pilpul

Woah woah woah! That is her? Someone please tell me you still have old photos. She looks exactly like the woman that was in the lead vehicle blocking that street off.

As much as I hate this blubbery land-whale, this video really doesn't prove she was with them.
She burns in hell, now…and with THAT grease fire, even Satan himself can't get too near it.

Attached: ObeseUnicorn.jpg (736x736, 58.29K)

Attached: 2019-01-12 09.34.37.png (1039x1431, 765.11K)

You're referring to Lizete Short, the one who drove the maroon-red Honda Odyssey to block 4th St Street southern traffic for 5+ minutes, and was subsequently squashed between her own vehicle and the Tomota Camry the Washington negresses were in. Her god-daughter Mahtab Jamalreza runs the GoFundMe supposedly raising funds for Heyer.

They don't look "exactly like" each other. They're both white landwhales, but that's nothing unusual in a BLM mob. There were 2 others (green shirt and hairbun) who were also confused with Heyer simply because they were hambeasts, but if you know what details to focus on (like Heyer's braid) it's easy to tell them apart.

Someone shared the video she took of herself with her phone at one point, I'm having trouble finding it, anyone keep a copy?

Sure it does, shill. She clearly approved of what they were doing, is basically smiling at them, and they follow her. Heyer is a leader of men. Are you some kind of misogynist who doesn't think women can be leaders?

Attached: LizeteShort.png (280x225, 98.39K)

I have this photo of her

Attached: jiggles_in_antifa.gif (406x351, 4.34M)

We all have that, it's not particularly useful here. Don't derail.

correction, Short (green circle) was hit by the front of her vehicle, it was turquoise shirt lady with white hair (orange circle) who got sammiched between the Camry/Odyssey after getting flipped through the air.

Red circle is the other woman some mistook for Heyer, but she was further back.

Attached: the 3 dopplegangers.png (884x524, 750.2K)

It took 8 people to carry her.

So, none of those circles was Heyer?

dam yo look at dem curves nigga im finna get me suma dat pawg booty nah mean? *checheche* (weird gargling nigger laugh)

The guy in the back is the best part. His face is red from strain and he looks like he's about to faint.

I'd say it was only SIX, 3 redhats in front and 3 rearmost guys.

The woman who is walking behind the yellowhat guy with yellow vest (across from yellowhat guy in red shirt) doesn't look like she is doing any lifting. If anything she's probably making it heavier by pressing down on Heyer's body.

Among the 2 yellow hat guys:

Applying chest compressions would make the stretcher heavier for the 6 guys actually doing the lifting. If not for that, I imagine 4 guys could've managed the job.



Attached: Heather Heyer giving guy the middle finger.mp4 (270x480 5.88 MB, 1.53M)

i dont see her attacking anything
i have seen all of this footage before
no one is going to prosecute or reverse judgements in that shit town
kike free but not seeing the point of this post dude

1st video
Last words in video "them niggaz……."

Well you faggots need to learn how to bring evidence up to court and how trials work and what they are 😀 you can pretend to be detectives all you like but until you actually have useful ideas of how to use it you're just fisting assholes aimlessly

thats the whale 🐋 that died? lol good riddance. think of the calories. the intake required to maintain that could feed 5 manlets

Didn't the conviction of James Field already come down? Why wasn't this released until after the trial?

Oh, its you, the man who had all the facts his entire life.


We know that. That's what dead hand switches are for. The chief of police fucks young boys? Video from the lodge… oh, sorry to bother you sir.

Level up and learn to play the game with these faggots.

You seem to forget where you are, schlomo.

That's not Hayer though, Hayer doesn't wear glasses although she is equally as fat.

What's your idea? The prosecutor (Nina Antony) and defender (Denise Lunsford) have a close friendship so they're obviously colluding and ignoring all the evidence we sent to them. We share it on the internet in hopes that reporters or other spokespeople will spread the memes. I know I've personally contacted Berke Bates' relative.

It was up before the trial, I remember seeing it in one of the ones at youtube.com/channel/UCmvomsTapEzVgBGCyb7BSNg/videos

What point are you trying to make here? Are you in the "Heather survived" camp or something?

Yeah it's always criticizing us for doing too little while the do nothing.

Heather HEYER has worn glasses for years. You're confused just because the media showed some selfies she took with them off.

Here, I just spend 10 minutes making a collage for the ignorant faggots. Notice the ones with glasses and how they correspond to the ones without. You should be able to grasp this is a person at various stages in their life.

Attached: REMEMBER HEATHER HEYER.jpg (1501x2107, 1.87M)

Jesus Christ, I recognize a fat girl angle pic when I see it but this woman was a fucking behemoth.
What was her fucking BMI? 40 or higher? She was liable to drop dead of a heart attack any time.