Trump made his comments as many Congressional Democrats left town for the weekend.

Holy shit. What a shameless parasite.

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Holy fuck! Trump got in front of cameras and said something that sounds moderate in front of the country! I voted for GAS THE KIKES Donald, not tactical-reasonable Donald! Politicians always tip their hand 100% of the time, so he must really mean that he's chickenshit and we've been betrayed yet again! WHY DIDN'T WE LISTEN AND VOTE HILLARY?!?!?!?!?!? I FEEL SO USED! WE WERE ALL FOOLS FOR TRUSTING LITERALLY HITLER TRUMP! CURRENT YEAR, Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . .

Reported and saged.

Trump is the biggest pussy of them all. All bark. No Bite.

Blow you brains out maganigger.

All he does is fucking talk. 2 1/2 years of nothing but blah blah blah.


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And just like that, he throws away the only weapon he had left to force a Wall building. I almost believed that faggot who kept saying "He's just trying to make the democrats look bad by putting the ball in their court and THEN he'll declare SOE".


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That was just an esoteric metaphor


Cuck isn't a verb


Trump is fucking weak.

big shocker there

Who is that beaner?

Sad to say but I have officially lost all respect for Trump.

He just refuses to do shit he CAN do now.

The wall is coming niggerjewfaggot and deportations will commence along with voter id so your shitskins can't swing eletction by sorosbucks shuffling the illegal blob around.


You just underestimate the 4d chess

wish list be ABOLISH THE FED 9rat control) Force by law aipac to register as a foreign lobby then subject to no aid unless compliance with nuclear proliferation treaty.


We withrdrawl mostly white men from fighting your stupid wars that were brought about by israels fals flag on 911 if we bomb anyone it should be you wanna go samson go ahead whites will survive you won't

Trust the plan.

is this a bot? Also fuck Trump and MAGApedes

you guys are just 4chan cuckniggers, go back to your asian trap threads, this is a board for white nationalists


t. shareblue shill

trust the plan, goy

im the shill when you faggots write off every kiked act as 4d underwater backgammon. gimme a break. you never even provide evidence for why it's 4d chess – and that's because it's only a cheap excuse to help you cope.

if anything, you guys are the shills, you're shilling an absurd 4d chess narrative with no evidence.

fuck off.

Recently I've seen lots of OP (1) threads. Is this autism?


jews are responsible for 911 and should suffer,bot that

What if DACApedes become MAGApedes?

I thought it was Iraq or Afghanistan

lurk moar

how many more disappointments till it's over?

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i lose all respec cause i wanted death an destructon

well we are halfway there

He will be blocked by cuck judges best to keep the shut down going until the dems crack no matter how long it takes

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Only until you realize that no one is going to save you. No one within the system; that is, within media nor politics, is going to save you, me, or be the savior of whites in general and the one to eradicate the jews. You, we, and I, have to save ourselves.

The sooner you learn that, the sooner you cease feeling disappointed.

The democrats aren't going to crack. They have no obligation to their constituents or federal workers affected by the the shutdown. The plan is to never give white americans a wall at all costs. Whether trump is a jew puppet or incompetent doesn't matter.

The shutdown is pure theater. If trump is a jew puppet, he will completely back off and those who worship him will be demoralized like the jews want. If he's incompetent, it can go either way, but there will be no wall.

The democrats aren't going to crack

Great keep it shut down fot the rest of his term

= the dems would rather make the country suffer than secure the southern border of our country

= a win for trump he will get a second term just from that

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And where are all the "magapede" cuckolds from yesterday telling me I was totally wrong, being a defeatist, etc..? Going to get NOTHING. IT's been a scam since day one. Maybe the alternative was worse, but the time for mixing anything (((democratically))) ended in 1965. To quote Dr Pierce: "Whtie Revolution is the ONLY Solution."

fuck your black pill positivity is far more powerful stimuli rats have nothing but negativity Whites will always be better than them hence the hatred.Not biblical its the fact they are ugly af and cannot work and get shit done without our help makes them seeth jealousy in their own skin as we have show them they are nothing before and everyday we exist.

Hi there. Are you all feeling doomed and let down? Was it because I made a smart move on the behalf of my tribe to marry that pretty whore right before the election, just to get through to that retraded orange slob? Even if he was the savior of the white race and had a plan to kill all of my kind, we would still have a leash on him and his little princess. So while you sit there fighting each other, take a second and think "would it had even been worth it to vote for him"?

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The rat is a genetic dumpster while we have diversity enough to survive and thrive in the white race they don't have that instead are all inbred cousins with their kin sandniggers

fuck of jew go back to chabbad and rock back and forth a bit

this is the reality of the situation

Some motherfuckers at work are bitching over maybe not getting gibs. I fucking hate my countrymen. Most of them, anyway. This tiny shut down of all things gets their attention. goddammit they're sheep.

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if that beta is your anti chist you are in trouble.

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from what I hear its non essential paper pushers and they will get back pay ofc courtesy of US tax payers DEBT as all income taxes are paying nothing but jew rat interest on our own money so no roads ,schools education basically nothing is paid by taxes except the debt to jew run central bank FED reserve they will just keep printing as much as they want for adl aipac and 100s of other jew sucking orgs fleecing the white that work MOTHER FUCKER I …wooooosh breath deep think of how to destroy them grrr.

My mexi-gf looks exactly like her

You really are retarded, aren't you?

By constantly calling for compromise and holding back, Trump appears the more reasonable and less power hungry one.
Then when the Dems do not vote, he can declare the emergency and end up looking better.

kys race traitor you hang first

A good source of pure European Gene's are Hispanic girls btw.

So who are we going to vote for to make this whole thing crash faster? Anybody on the Dem side we should be looking at?


Technically, it's not race treason if we consider Hispanics as white, or I consider myself Hispanic.

Shut the fuck up
We could of had the wall, when the republicans held the house and senate and he wasted his chance
There is no excuse, there should of been a wall by now

Do you want to have cuck blood OR Conquistador blood running through the veins of your children?

spics are not white maybe from some parts pf spain and prtugal they are definintely a step down in evolution if your a white man

My gf isn't too supportive of the wall

gee wonder why let em all in and erase you like the cuck race traitor you are right beta?

you shopu;ld kill yourself and any half breed spics you had with that mud

My soon to be brother in law says some pretty anti-semitic stuff about Kushner.

I don't say too much because I don't want to annoy my gf. I personally think Kushner is better than his father, because his father bought renting space for businesses a few weeks before 911 just across the river. Ryan Dawson redpilled me so much on 911, race, middle east, holocaust, etc

At least I'm not a virgin

((( )))

Fuck off shariablue

Underrated post

fake bullshit

My kids look better than yours they actually are white and look like it bitch.

You can tell a lot about a man based on his Gene's. Trump is redpilled on my book, just look at his skull and nose.

My two kids look white with a slight tan. Don't insult my sons just because you're online, because my children will fuck your daughters one day

to bad his genetic pool went south with hook nosed rats

The presidency is a very demanding job.

you are afucking race traitor don;t try to justifiy your degeneracy and lack of forthougt

His children look even more Aryan, what are you talking about? Ivana is Aryan like any Slav/Hispanic/Mediterranean.

Don't D&C our people

Fuck off retard, at least my kids are not imaginary


I have more kids than you and they are all white unlike your shitskin bullshit

So that's tamzpaul

My kids are better, they are white with a bit of tan

Meant for

Screw you guys, I hope DACA gets amnesty so wr can MAGA. HEIL HITLER!!!!


Why not just sit tight and let a more substantial national emergency happen? Open season on nigger and spic hunting changes the dynamics more favoribly. Instead of bickering, opportunities in such a unique powder keg situation are not being explored during the latest D&C shill festival here.

Leave, you never belonged here

No inbred. Trump doesnt have the authority to declare it in this case. Google it. Fucking 70% uneducated white males

OP is a faggot. Trump delayed calling a national emergency deliberately to make the shutdown the longest in history, as part of his 2020 campaign. It's obvious if you're not a retard. He'll end the shutdown soon, use a national emergency to get border funding, and then in 2020 he'll run on how shit the Democrats are, as he's proved they will never in a million years fund the border.

What Trump is doing now will get him re-elected, get the House back for the Republicans, and hold the Senate. Plus, it won't be long before border construction starts.


no their iq has suffered not that you had much to begin with idiot however mine are valedictorians and pushing 150 iq let that little shit grow up and it will never compare …buh but muh tan skin and litterally retarded standing next to my white children .KYS you bred down instead of up like whites do

I wanted to go to Japan but it was easier going to Mexico

you dont mix a thourogh bred with a mutt and expect anything special in fact you have to go back gtfo

stay there or go back you race traitor peice of shit.

Hang yourself trumpshill


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That was 10 years ago

fair enough yet how about all the presidents before him dont see all this about them when in fact the rat has been infecting us for a while now lets trace it back

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This really looks like bunch of faggots spending their weekend as they usually do, drama bitching and shitposting.

so ten years ago you where fucking stupid I don't see how anything has changed other that worthless racemixed breathers living on your stupidity and cucked mind to breed outside your race jew media did a number on you or were you always that stupid.


I support this unless it give communist democrats control

fuck that and fuck you bolshevik commie jews and you zionist and any better you all need to be gone from whites.