New Caravan Incoming

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Old news

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Pretty much a joke at this point.

They can do whatever they want, no one oppose them.

Nice try, kike.

and they'll continue until borders become what they once were - killing ranges for people not respecting them

I talked to trump and he said we need the workers, they are all coming in guys, sorry I tried

I thought Israeli schools taught English.

Not really, just don't let them in.
What would Mexico do with them? I don't give a rat's ass.

And anyone crossing through another country to get to the U.S., without asking for asylum in that other country, is AUTOMATICALLY not eligible for asylum.

The catch-and-release crap is exactly why Trump has instituted internment camps to hold them until they get their hearings. But if the flood keeps coming, we are going to run out of room to hold them.

This is why we need a wall, as well as immigration and asylum laws reformed.
Now go ask your Demorat representatives why they care more about illegals than U.S. citizens.

All this sounds like a national emergency, to me.

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You clearly have mistaken Trump for Schumer.

Go to the borders and kill them all.
Why are you waiting for the government to do something?

I am not Israeli.

*Schumer for Trump*

Ron Paul is right, technically we don't need a wall. What we need to do is crack down on welfare for illegals and hammer the living shit out of any employer hiring illegals.

That solves the problem long term but we need the wall as the defense of our people.

This is fucking gay and let me tell you why, its only OUR fault. THEY could kill and rape and destroy their own country and never care about their own people yet its our fault. Notice how the scope is on immigration, its never on how shitty these countries are. Its never said in public discourse that mexico or whatever latin american shithole is so shitty they dont take care of their people or give a damn. They would never protest as arrogant as they here in their own countries, nor will they. In short ONLY WHITE PEOPLE HAVE AGENCY also GAS THE KIKES BORDER WARS NOW. I wish we could magically deport every single spic to their hellhole and force them to either die or confront their problems that they will never stop running away from.

Why not both?
The border patrol has already stated they would like a wall, it would make their job much easier, and enhance national security.
I say give them their wall, as well as cracking down on those that hire illegals, rent to them, sell to them, or create "sanctuary cities" for them.

We can do ALL of this, so we should.

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This is more turning into that (((someone))) is advocating and luring them to the US.




You are speaking the legalese shit of the talking heads. Those same talking heads normalfags look at as disembodied gods.

Look at it on a more human level. The massive federal government is so weak it cannot stop people from crossing its border. It is so cucked it does not even bring punitive damage to those whom have come and been caught, but instead flounder on the most mundane shit. The federal government is so afraid of hurting rapists, thieves and murderers coming into attack its own nation that is rolls over on ever step simply from fear of looking as the bad guy.

Never mind what we here think. Look at is as one whom is not so focused on the truth. Look at it as a man tired of all the shit of this world and constantly dominated and shit on by those around him. Everyone around him fears the government. Yet even the most lowly of men can see what is happening on the border as gross weakness and cowardice. A display of its inability to do even the most basic of what needs to happen. What said man could do without even trying. A man tired of being on the bottom of the barrel may well simply look at this as nothing but chum in the water. For why not simply take what is his by right. By force. The only argument against it for him, is threat of force and the likelyhood of such being brought to bear. But here you see example of the mighty governments 'force'.

Look beyond our views here. Prepare for what often happens naturally in such situations and prepare to take advantage of it. Even if they are not of us, our enemies will gleefully use them as excuse to go after you, and if you can guide proper force of what is normally random disorganized anger, it becomes you whom has the excuse to go after them. For the common man non aware of the jewish problem is primed to reject the jewish problem, but they will all rally around the man fighting and killing for the defense of his own in such a way. And if you are there to lead and turn the focus in the right way, all goals can be met and our unaware allies will become our die hard loyalist warriors. For once they become aware, the betrayal will be even more fuel for rage in the heat of war.

Our leaders are fools. Best to simply accept their mistakes and use it as your own strength. No intelligent man would play with such fire, but their goals are for our genocide and all they care about, so let them flounder and flail ignorantly, it only hastens their power structures collapse and our rising fire.

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Replace your leaders.
That's what Hitler did.

It's open season