Libertarianism was never good.
Ron Paul is Anti-Racist
Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.
> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.
- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10
- Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, page 87
- Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, page 81
- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 139
- Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, page 263
- Tom Woods, Liberty and Immigration
- Official Libertarian Political Platform, 2004 election cycle
Remember goyim, that race is a social construct and the state has no right to decide who does anything. Vote lolbergtardian, vote Rand Paul
Ron Paul Tells Newsmax: I Support Israel