Why neo-liberalism can spread so easily

Neo-liberalism is probably the weakest ideology ever invented. The fact that both it’s sociology and economy is illogical to the level of insanity, should make it impossible to enforce it in any society.
Instead of disappearing in the wasteland of failed ideas, it is spreading like wildfire all around the world.
How can this be?
No supporter of it is willing to fight, let alone die for it, unlike other ideologies or religions before it. Yet those were spreading slower and took a lot more effort to popularize.
Rationally thinking, neo-liberalism should have died the moment it was invented.
It doesn’t just partially but completely denies reality, creating an absolute subjective world view. It is insane in every aspect.

It’s success has only one real reason. There is no concrete alternative opposed to it.
Many people, the majority in fact, is opposing it, resisting it and critiquing it in every society where it is introduced.
Although it is a minority ideology everywhere, even in the US that can be viewed as the center of the ideology, there is no realistic, coherent alternative produced for it.
The majority max be together in opposing it but it is separated, down to individuals, about what should be replacing it.
Until there is no collective opposite idea representing the majority, even such a weak, insane ideology like neo-liberalism can rule the world.

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It spreads via lies and bombs sent by the jews, who are master of deception and corruption.

sure thing kike

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ONe reason there is no "opposite" is because most opposition groups are run by the neo-liberals.
It's an old communist concept: The opposition are no threat if you are the opposition.
So most left wing and right wing groups standing in opposition to the neo-liberal order are started and financed by them.
Why both sides you ask? So they can direct them against each other. Like we're seeing right now with the alt-kike and pantyfa clashes. Both sides are controlled and financed by the same people, the goal is not to achieve anything but to distract people who might be convinced to stand against the neo-liberal order.
Both sides agree entirely that the current state of society is unacceptable, but the antifa crowd still fight to protect it.

Now why do they seemingly favour leftists you may ask? Mostly because their agenda is easier to twist to suit their needs.
Playing with the right is playing with fire for them so they make sure never to hold it for long, hence why militias and right wing groups get shut down so quickly and so often.

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that explain these Alt Lite "hurr hurr im not raciat" "nazis are bad" "israel best ally" types infecting our side? Im not a fan of e-celebs by any means but the major alt lite are extreme civnats who want 'legal' immigration and think the JQ is a retarded conspiracy and wouldnt give it a thought.

because raw selfishness once it appears in a society will spread like fire, because noone wants to be left out a sucker for being a humble and generous person.
the leading principle of neoliberalism is profit. and you can make alot more profit by being an immoral backstabbing crook than a good person

It spread so easily because the outcome of the world wars. Anyone who wasn’t an Anglo liberal or a communist was killed after 45

also this.
the soviets tried to subvert the US by using leftist sleeper cells to destroy the cultural fabric of america.
but the capitalists there just found a way to make profit of of them (pic related), and then learned how to manipulate them.
thats why instead of traditional values against socialism in europe the US exported neoliberalism and its ideology to europe.
the "new left" was all about retarded and pointless social issues that would only weaken the cultural fabric of countries instead of fighting for workers rights.
theyre pro-migration, against borders and national pride, because when you eliminate the nation-state youre just left with a multicultural area that happens to have a border, which is the easely abolished so you can absorb it into the free market (see EU, NAFTA, etc)
and when a state is led by people who dont defend national interests, the entire country is sold off to foregein corporations.
and the irony of it all is that these retards in the "new left" think thats good because that will lead to a non-national society where class struggle will become the main issue, not international conflicts.
ofcourse these retards that expect a class struggle are also the same dumbfucks that buy things like pic related

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It's also just incredibly simple and therein lies its charm. All you have to believe in is equality and freedom, essentially. It doesn't take any work. You don't have to think. It's just simple. And that's why every liberal you meet is a retard. It's the ultimate anti-intellectual ideology.

god i hate leftists

liberalism is allowing the entropy of individualism/social atomism to win, and this generates a positive feedback loop feeding itself
in its core, liberalism is essentially in opposition to everything that represents a greater organic unity than the atomized individual
the basic social structures we still have are at best tolerated as long as they continue to allow this downward spiral of disintegration, thus the seemingly contradictory nature of many, let's call them "totalitarian liberalists", who superficially upheld a state of laws as long as these laws allow further disintegration of the few supraindividualistic conceptions still alive and as long as these laws prevent the natural implosion of society on itself if liberalism reached its logical conclusion

Neoliberalism has spread so rapidly because of Jew run or Jew influenced multinational corporations. The ruling worldview since 1945 in the West, and especially since 1989 since the fall of communism has been that countries must be ruled by fake democracies and a market orientated economy that is heavily controlled and influenced by the Jews. Both contemporary left-wing and right-wing directly or indirectly support such a system. It's only us that oppose it, and we're a small minority.

Judeo-liberalism is the most insidious worldview that (((they))) have concocted. Unlike (((Marxism–Leninism))) that (((they))) tried last century, the system is much more efficient and as long as the basic needs of the population are met, they will be no real opposition to this kiked system that we all live under. Essentially, we have a global Weimar Republic without the hyperinflation and economic calamity. People are not thrown in gulags, and those that oppose the system and question its foundational doctrines like the Holohoax, such as Ursula Haverbeck, are thrown in prison and most, save for a few, either don't give a shit, or are happy the "elderly Nazi cunt is behind bars!" I want to have hope for us long term, but that hope fades with each passing year.

Complete monopoly over mass communications.

Media and inflation: houses are expensive, education is pathetic, market monopolized, speech is censored so this is the way to go the easiest one

And about what altrnative are you talking user

the more infantile people are, the more likely they are to accept it; most who support it either don't know any better

also, this means that high-schoolers are more likely to accept it, which means that its more likely to be "hip and trendy", which is currently the case

100% of nu-hipsters are SJWs

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Spent 20 years working around and for jews and only woke in the past few years when the patterns and mere cohenciences (in my own life) were too many to ignore. The (((media))) edits them out, the internet doesn't.

Thanks, OP. I was starting to worry that this place had crossed an event horizon into eternal low thread quality, but this is actually pretty good.

It spreads because white men are too full of grace.

Philosophy and culture died after WWII, and with them the endowments with which to confront the official ideologies of ZOG beyond its own controlled opposition. National socialism is the solution to the problems everyone voices, but no one would dare even think of applying it for fear of crimethink. They would much rather keep complaining about things, because the present age worships death and death only, from the six gorillion to the most recent manufactured outrage on social media. Even if they only discuss death descriptively, as opposed to an overt worship of death, death still is the only thing occupying their head because they have no higher foundation to base their morality on. As such they only live for or against death, and have as their only goal the minimization of death, the maximization of material comfort and the fulfillment of base pleasures, which the ZOG-mandated ideology of neoliberalism delivers to the fullest. And as their creation myth is the holohoax, so is the "end of history" their eschatology.

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Neo liberalism can only be enforced. Its enforced abroad by wars that don't exist, and its enforced at home by the fed.

Because it is enforced by global tyranny.

Reminder that the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon at best.

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Whoever has power can spread whatever ideology he wants. If kikes wanted, they could teach american to literally eat shit in 20 years.

Neo-liberalism is a leftist term.

Pope Benedict was the opposite of this anti-pope. His messages were always against Islamization and multiculturalism, back when right wingers in America didn't even know the word.

Everything is neo- to imply they beat the previous group.

Why would you spread lies? Didn't your tanakh bible tell you not to lie? yeshua jesus wouldn't be proud.

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Here's one more for your "I've been found out" folder

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He's not talking about islam, you stupid teen. Benedict was constantly under fire because he denounced how islam spread by the sword and not by peace, his words. His books are all about the Christian identity of Europe which cannot coexist in multiculturalism.

They removed him because of this. It was preposterous, because Popes never quit, they are succeeded when they die.

Exactly. It's weak, it's soft, it's comfortable. You don't have to think, the thinking is done for you. You do not have to make a stand, the stand is made for you. You don't have to have principles, they are defined for you.
All you have to do is virtue signal, join the proper groups and societies online and avoid standing out of the crowd, unless it's in a narrative-friendly way.
Neo-liberalism (aka Kulturbolschewismus) is an ideology of a lazy, spoiled couch potato who has never lifted anything heavier than a dick and cannot handle reality. In order to face reality, you need to have a spine. And having a spine is just, like, so uncomfortable, it triggers my safespaces and good vibes… Uh!

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Neo liberalism is just a bunch of selfish, feel-good bullshit that's all about taking as much for yourself as possible while believing that makes you a good person because you also advocate for everyone else to take as much as possible for themselves as well, even though that's obviously unsustainable. Basically it just let's selfish, lazy retards live a wildly inflated standard of living, and they circle jerk with each other about how great they all are. It's just an ideology that appeals to the shittiest, laziest and most useless, which sadly is about 70% of the population. They literally do not believe in consequences and are mentally in a Peter pan land

because it is the feed which is fed to the cattle by the hand that feeds. They think they are discovering and exploring something special, theyre right, they are discovering slavery. It is an investment and as with all investments, a harvest follows.

Deep State is REAL

Neo-liberalism is Neo-fuedalism

it created the ultimate tool of social control: consumerism

I'm not talking about Islam either. I'm talking about race. Benedict is perfectly fine with a multicultural Europe as long as it's Christian.

"It was the Sovet Onion tharr subverted us with political correctness! Roosevelt wouldn't have been bad if it wasn't for Stalin!"
T. Cuckservatives.

The CIA, FBI were waaay more involved in that one. The cuckservatives were complicit in that subversion too, the opposite of Lincoln Rockwell.
If anything, Bernie Sanderslugs unconditional surrender to Hillary wasn't as disgracefull as they are.

Easy, OP.

1) Snake-oil regressives spends all the money, turns western countries into crime-ridden, bankrupt third-world shit-holes.

2) Snake-oil neo-liberals steps in. "White identity politics is not the solution! The free markut, pregnant trouts and privatization are !!"

It's the age old "destroy from within" tactic, not necessarily started by commies but they took it to a whole new level duting the cold war. The history of the world didn't start in the 1940's

This is probably the best explanation of the state of the affairs we're in right now I've read in a long time. Much appreciated.

so were suppost to come up with a different word for any leftist term you retard?

Great scum think alike. Also, it's ideology of the last-man, the lowest common denominator.