Parkland Sheriff Scott Israel suspended

Effective immediately, I am officially suspending Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for his repeated failures, incompetence and neglect of duty.

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isn't this what the cops are supposed to do

He was /ourcop/

Reminder only niggers and kikes are anti-authority and have no respect for our protecters.

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was this the guy in the "hogg the dog" school shooting?

No. The Supreme Court has ruled that LEOs, unless involved in a "special relationship" have no legal responsibility to protect you. This was brought out in a case where a women called the police because a rapist was breaking into her home; she climbed out onto the balcony, the cops drove by while the rapist was in her home stalking her, the cops drove away, the rapist raped and almost killed her, she sued the police and lost the case, then the appeals court upheld the previous ruling.

The current precedence in the US established by Supreme Court rulings is that LEOs have no obligation to risk their lives to protect you unless you are an certified informant (snitch working with the police).

You're not thinking like a jew lawyer here. "May" is the keyword. Should have been "must".

Thats an argument for guns if I ever heard one, and an argument fordisallowing police to claim they "protect and serve" as that is a lie.

may do = may also not do

whites had no need for police in the old times, we all worked together to keep our homes safe from invaders or criminals

thats where letter of the law vs intent of the law kikery comes in.. Them claiming that they "protect and serve" is not a lie. The claim is not that they "protect and serve the public" it is merely that they "protect and serve" Which is true, they do protect and serve, but they dont protect and serve you, or me.

no, he was (((THEIR))) cop.


Reminder that paid jewish shills have flooded this website and no one is doing anything about it.

Oh no, you mean that kike puppet that all the MSM outlets were interviewing and praising?

Are they still going to defend him now?

Is David Zogg going to make a statement?


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are you even trying anymore?

Special relationship means detained, in custody or otherwise not free to leave though.

yes you cannot force people to do anything, its called doing a bad job

people are allowed to do a bad job, gross neglience is a display of not carying.

This police officer cared, but also was scared. That is fine.

Think a little , the cops are useless

So they are either cowardly cucks or corrupt zogbots. Disgusting.

This guy is on some next level pilpul.

May, may not.

This. The G-d Emperor's longtime friend and associate Roger Stone, who is 100% goy, got him elected.

==What if that school shooting was an esoteric metaphor for the value of friendship?÷=

replying to this because this is the most important reply in the thread

He’ll have an (((accident))) i’m sure.

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cops are useless and the best thing you can do for your own safety is carry a handgun everywhere and be proficient with it

you're basically calling the police because you need a guy with a Glock to come and bail you out

minutes matter where seconds count

They would never chase you in that car.


You're shilling about it hourly, Chiam.

Never trust a goblinoid.

fuck this kike but how can a governor suspend a sheriff? most of them are elected positions.

Some of these sheriffs are based, one in a rural county in washington came out on infowars during an interview and said he's basically willing to get in a shoot out with state police or anyone who comes in to take guns based on that unconstitutional law they just passed in washington. If the state comes to take your guns call him and he'll show up with a the sheriff's department and an additional armed civilian posse he's formed and deputized.

Really makes me think

The governor is the chief law enforcement official of the state. Sherriffs are elected at the county level, but they have to answer to the governor, ultimately. I think city cops might be different, where the chief of police answers to the mayor. I've heard of the feds taking over city police departments before, but I'm not sure what mechanic was used to achieve that. any lawyers here want to weigh in?


A literal right wing death squad?

This is the level of shilling on this board. Sheriff (((Israel))) who wants to take all your guns is really on your side goy! The fucker looks like something you'd find in the mines of Moria.

Almost every little area of the US does police structure differently. It's almost impossible to make any blanket statements. Even in South Florida… Broward, West Palm Beach, Miami-Dade are all going to do things differently.

here's the entire interview with this washington sheriff willing to get into a shoot out with his sheriff's department and armed posse with state police trying to confiscate guns under this new washington law.

This website is literally a CIA-MOSSAD honeypot ran by pigfarmer freemason Jim Watkins who also started the QPsyop to Harvest and monitor millions and actual kikes and feds post dumb shit like cuckboy here to bait anons into giving up their IP addresses

Israel must be brought to justice!