Julián Castro, former Housing Secretary, Announces 2020 Presidential Bid.
wsj. com/articles/julian-castro-former-housing-secretary-announces-2020-presidential-bid-11547318875
Julián Castro, former Housing Secretary, Announces 2020 Presidential Bid.
wsj. com/articles/julian-castro-former-housing-secretary-announces-2020-presidential-bid-11547318875
Your ringer?
Probably will be prez. Need to move to Ukraine before it’s too late
This is EXACTLY what I said was going to happen in 2020. They were going to pick a VERY young spic male to contrast the “old white male” stereotype. He’s guaranteed to get the DNC nomination.
He is basically going to try do an Obama. Win by just not being white.
Fuck off jose.
Also, it's a fucking jew.
My caring for archiving links is directly proportional to voting again for Trump.
I know him well actually, there used to be this board called althistory.com and he was a very popular person for future presidents. I'm not surprised, since he's a relatively unknown and vapid minority leader, he's democratic, hispanic, and very well tied to the non-progressive inner circle of the dems. He's perfect for them.
He kinda reminds me of Obama really, no one really knew about him before this.
Lol matrix. "Designated Survivor," much?
And it will work since Trump demoralized all of white America by accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Just like the president of Venezuela… what a cohencidence
It's all so very (((organic))).
That's exactly what Trump was trying to accomplish. It's like nobody paid any attention to his political and social history before he threw out a couple empty platitudes in 2015.
this country is already over IMO, the happening approaches
just curious what the get was
It's far worse, mate. If Trump doesn't insulate the country against the damage that a proper traitor spic can dish, this guy will make a point about pushing for white genocide.
The caravans will happen daily with korean style celebrations on the media.
Trump wants White genocide. He detests White people.
>Minorities don't give a fuck policy and merit, just (((representation)))
Someday people will hear feminists claim with pride that they're on the Right Side of History because they voted for the nation's first male to female to male Minor-attracted-person Indian-African-American candidate.
We knew exactly Trump was never a natsoc or a paleoconservative, but he was promising something he seemed to believe in. No one wanted to believe that he could be bought, or neutered by the deep state so easily.
that day will never come
It ran counter to everything he ever espoused and acted on in his real life prior to 2015. You'd have to be brain damaged to think he wasn't lying.
Everyone knows you're cuckchanners out for the lulz. The grown ups know the failures of Trump without stepping down into total retardation.
Zig Forums always knew that he was a kike shill. That’s why this board was completely fucking destroyed for three years.
He's mortified that he has to appeal to them, which is why he goes out of his way to spit in their face with pardoning super kike human traffickers and nigger rapists. The fact that a small portion of dumb White dupes didn't immediately line up behind him when he started bombing Syria likely sent him into quiet, apoplectic rage that he isn't delivering for Sheldon to the degree he's been ordered to.
Don't be greedy, yid. You could have the biggest truth in your hands, that your manipulative nature makes it suspicious.
Who did you voted for?
I don't understand your esoteric metaphor, could you care to explain?
Paid shill confirmed. Go back to reddit. You are not one of us and never will be.
I wouldn't mind voting for a Latina loli waifu :^3
Esoterically kill yourself. You use that phrase so that the scraper knows which account to pay, you fucking subhuman.
Look at how the kike becomes evasive!
Answer, who did you vote for?
Basically, any nigger or hilary or similar jew just lost the spic vote. And that is a good thing
Niggers won't vote 'for the spic'. They will just vote 'against whitey'.
at least it's not a woman tho right?
I don't think it's about "against", it seems to be about more "for" a coupon. Just line in commiefornia which illegal spics voted for a free phone.
I don't think he's the next president, but he's not wrong that in less than 15 years we could likely see a spic president. I'm putting my bets on a wamen spic
Prime time to invest in mutt memes.
I heard Quetzalcoatl make his little announcement speech today while I was driving (satellite radio) and I literally screamed out, "What the fuck!"
this retard will not even get the nomination
he should give up now.
when I heard him speak Spanish, it was over.
He's south-american - look at that native indian face
This Incan is probably used to blood sacrifices
Dios mio …
peruvian carved incan busts for sale on e-bay - looks just like him
the maga-tards will hate that meme
Not really, since it's a paid jewish shill and the spic isn't American.
I was here during the election.
No, Zig Forums didn't know. There were people who spoke against him and they were called kike shills.
You sure that's not the demon phenotype?
ooooh, if they go with this faggot, hohohoho, you guys are going to find alot of interesting skeletons and surprises.
Yep, thanks, Zig Forums knew that Trump was a kike shill. You have literally just admitted that what I said is correct. Try reading posts before replying to them.
He'll lose the election based on his last name alone.
4/pol/ was totally pro-trump. the base there still pretty much is
Wew, you suddenly shut up when asked who you voted for? Filter this lying kike.
I was so excited for a storyline about Warren fighting the Republican congress that can agree on nothing. Nothing except how based Israel is.
¡viva la raza, holmes!
I guess he fled to other threads again, like a bitch, and whine how everything is related to his obsession.
They said that about Obama because of Osama. Not a valid argument.
you shills are pathetic
the new response will become didn't vote for this guy? clearly hate mexicans.
I don't like the look of it. oompa.jpg
Isn't this the guy that put hud nogs in all neighborhoods?I figured the sleepy doc would've taken care of that by now.
he doesn't look latino to me
he looks like a cross between a chink and a kike
well, this is his last name, not his middle name
The ultimate evil.
This is pretty damn funny. It also explains why we need another massive war. Wreck the military, bleed the coffers, accrue so much debt that it becomes impossible to payoff. Only then will we be able to rebuild.
He didn't say Japanese though.
I thought cripplechan was meant to be the best pol. Slow as 4chans /x/ this place.
Lol even the beaners hate this guy.
Fill up the boomer hoods with niggers. I’m cool with that.
Haha epic, dude. You're totally not a bitter loser.
Doubt it will be this guy, the Old Blood still wants the office
I hope theres a link
Kinda reminds me of someone…
Yep, seems like a repeat of obama
The political climate shifted significantly under the Obama administration, in such a way that many people are unwilling to repeat such an experiment.
The same may be repeating right now under the Trump admin, it's hard to say. The national culture has fractured significantly and it's very much based along 'identity' lines.
The demographics may have shifted enough to get an hispanic man into the house, but 'Castro' works against him in a very significant way, not just because of the ethnic implications but because of the tie between Castro and Cuban communism. White Americans might be willing to vote for a hispanic man (this is becoming less likely under these cultural conditions), but a very large number of them would be opposed to voting for a man named Castro.
People do not function along purely rational and ideological lines, and this is especially true in the current political climate in America. Names matter, and 'Castro' is a massive liability.
College kids would be crazy about getting Fidel Castro's twice removed nephew into power. And what if she gets Ocasio-Cortez as VP?
The Bernie Sanders experiment was a failed version of the same idea.
College kids have no meaningful political power, mostly because they don't participate in politics in any meaningful way.
It's hard enough to get them to vote in the main elections, nevermind the primaries, etc.
Reminder that Donald Trump has accelerated white genocide and that only paid jewish shills and neoconservatives support him.
Suicide is looking better everyday
If not in 2020, then at a later date. The way things are going now, there is no stopping it. Trump was probably the last shot we had to try to plug up the dam, but the dam already burst in 1965 and unleashed a tidal wave of brown shit. Demographics are destiny, the thing we can hope for now is the inevitable balkanization/collapse.
Niggers might vote Trump this time while spics vote for the spic. Spics outnumber niggers substantially at this point as their population percentage is growing steadily while nigger population percentage has actually been stable for over a century.
So it'll probably be spic victory. They probably won't even care about the wall and just go for vastly more legal immigration to take over. There'll be amnesty, naturally, though.
another divider, "it's my turn" type
Can the republicans have a primary?
Don't make me say it.
So 2020 will be the last election before civil war?
Niggers will never vote for a republican.
They'll vote for one over a spic. Niggers despise spics even more than they hate whites. Whites at least give them gibs; spics don't and niggers know it. Trump is clearly promising to keep the gibs going so they'll grudgingly vote him if the new spic wins the Democratic primary, which he will due to spic voters and bernie bros.
Voting for an articulate nigger to be president makes boomers feel virtuous. Voting for the ugly brown goblin who mows their lawns to be president makes boomers feel retarded.
No, people didn't have a problem with Hussein, they will not have a problem with Castro.
Where did Keyes go?
civil war is inevitable
It's more likely the country will break up into separate warring states well before that point. There's very little glue holding the country together as is.
They elected a man who wasn't even born in the USA - I highly doubt being named "Castro" is going to be the ship sinker.
Can someone post the original without the superfluous demon addition?