Unimplied Redpills

There's a new trend going on over at voat about making memes which have interesting topics that will influence the viewer to research more, but when they lookup the topic they find redpills.

if you're not on voat you're missing out. 4/pol/ once tried to raid it but found it "too far right"

I'm going to try to post a few examples. We need to spread these in areas that curious normies will find them. And, as always, OC is always encouraged.

Attached: mossad-911.jpg (888x499, 263.62K)

Attached: yoda the jewish hero.png (490x301, 202.48K)

Attached: Torch Men Order.jpg (2405x1603, 3.33M)

Attached: kalergi plan allergies.png (1268x632, 1.34M)

Attached: tyson porno.jpg (720x492 77.52 KB, 45.57K)

Lol this is great

Yes, but we don't care what reddit knockoffs do.


Fuck off reddit.

Pretty funny. The Jason Momoa one in particular.

This is entirely too wordy. Reeks of shit tier memetics.

The momoa meme is in a better direction but needs clearer text.

The OP is simple, and tricks the laymen into thinking that could be a car model name and number like porsche 911.

made my day

This is honestly genius and there's 0 way they could throw their algorithms at it.

How autistic do you have to be to think this would be effective?

There's tons of this on Instagram. It's great shit

They'll make a movie about mossad trying to stop 9/11. What results do you get today when you google "walt disney frozen"? What results would you have got ten years ago? They always do this shit.

These are great. This needs to be a template… or not considering overuse of this might get the memes outdated.

Please tell us because I can't go back in time to find out.

Rumour had it Diz was frozen after death so he could be reanimated in the future. Joogle results would reflect that. Now? It's the name of just another jew shit cartoon.

You know I would have just thought of the first one given "walt disney frozen", but then again I avoid degeneracy. My dad once told me that he froze his brain and put it up in the top of the Disney castle, waiting for science to be able to bring him back.


Fun, but anyone you have to trick and doesn't know such basic things, isn't worth a damn. Perhaps there's some utility with young people though.

I think that's the goal here, give them enough curiosity to plant the seed in their heads

Attached: 0925da02b04c2f415cde2faa6362642a0fb6d45fedd892a2ed1609ff564d4663.png (759x394, 82.12K)


Though the text should be in bold to make it more attention-catching.

Yeah, its always the same (((faggot))) gaslighting as the man who knew all the facts before he knew them.

What kind of idiots are you? No one will google this this they just repeat this shitty meme minus the guys name the can't remember to others as fact. Good job shooting yourself in tge foot.

Attached: footshot.gif (318x516, 1.62M)

They cryogenically froze his head. However given that cryogenics were iffy back then, it's likely they ruined all the brain cells already.

That pic, holy shit. . .

Attached: its-beautiful.jpg (562x352, 58.76K)

This has been making rounds on Reddit. Quite a few have hit the front page, causing shit storms.

Links? If deleted, replace reddit with removeddit to show the content

Saw it this morning on a friends Ispy phone. Dude was alarmed because he fell for it and did a Google search. I'll ask him what it was again. I know /r/LGBT and /r/pics got hit along with /r/funny and /r/cringeanarchy

Can I stay?

Sounds good

good idea tbh.

This is brilliant

Spreading false and stupid information is not Zig Forums. We have truth by our side, this is a shill thread.

Allergies are real and allergies to kale is too real. Kalergies affect over 6 million Americans, but there is a plan to stop it. Google the "Kalergi Plan".

..I agree though. Sarcasim/dishonesty is not the best way to win people to truth. Though short term its funny and clever. Long term could be damaging.

Attached is more of an honest approach but still implied redpill.

Attached: 1547004272676.jpg (600x964, 77.62K)

You're either a cuckchanner unaware of how things are done here, or a kike looking for this to backfire due to fake news.

Just look at the happy reactions above. Suggesting new memes always attract (((negative opinions))) usually.

Well it's a start.

These are good. They should have been made years ago.

Attached: 1463951151962.mp4 (1280x720, 1.62M)

Voat has been great recently.

Attached: 71hu.jpg (500x750, 55.84K)

Have some OC

It's a good idea. That car example is flawed though. Anybody ignorant enough about cars to not instantly recognise 0-60 in 0.6 seconds as bullshit isn't likely to care enough to go searching for information about a fast car.

Porsche 911 Turbo is now the Mossadd 9/11 Turbo

I wish there were more of these that are somewhat family friendly to share on normie forums without getting immediately banned. Family friendly with little redpills so that it isn't an immediate shock, but rather something to get people thinking and looking into it on their own. Hitting people with the Lusitania and how Jews have manipulated the US since Andrew Jackson will be hard to share with normal people who live their life watching football and believing Jews should be a protected class.

Give little pills, like the USS Liberty hidden in a meme of Joel Osteen hiding a fraud charge or something normies aren't immediately scared of yet get them interested enough to start looking.

Make some about Daniel Lewin being the first person killed on 911 hidden behind a meme of Ford hiding a faulty airbag system. Or something.

What about John McCain being a cuck to Russian oligarchs and Arabic radicals hidden behind a meme of global warming being proven right.

You motherfuckers should be smarter than this, though the premise is exactly in the right ballpark.

I can't make memes. I'm too retarded, but hopefully i can help those who can make better memes that actually wake people up and fly under radars.

Telling people gas chambers had windows and wooden, unsealed doors and that 6 gorillion is a numerical impossibility right off the bat is a loser strategy.

How about a meme about the geneticist who found DNA losing his nobel prize because he found genetics and IQ are linked? But don't make it obvious. Say something about the Nobel Prize winner is being ignored when he says what will make the world better and hint at free energy or some shit? You guys are better at this shit than me, but the orginal memes in this thread are shit and no normal person will think twice about them.

Here you go mein friends.

Attached: dance.jpg (800x534, 138.39K)


I think this one works pretty well.

Attached: Lavon Affair Meme.jpg (640x640, 48.58K)

good idea.

shit. sage for double post.

Attached: tgsnt.PNG (1854x1017, 2.18M)

Hoo is that? Looks hella familiar.

Her name is Tomi Lauren. She appears on Fox News from time to time.