Canadian Yellow Vest protest Canada becoming "third world shithole country"

Diverse Yellow Vest protestors in Canada protest against Trudeau making Canada a "third world shithole country".

I don't know how to download the video and embed as web, so I have to link it through reddit. Please forgive my sin.

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You know Canada is dead when the only people who can be bothered to give a fuck about it is a frying pan faced bitch who's only mad that other Asians are migrating here.

embed the video, smart guy.

It's probably not about other Asians. It's about protecting the Asiatic-Hindustani-Jew capital nexus from waves of migration so large that their position is threatened, rather than waves large enough to just brutalize and displace White people.

They're not coming here to live in a European run country, nor are they coming here to live in a multicultural society - a lot of them are very consciously coming here to stamp their lineage onto the new world - which Whites have, to them inexplicably given them access to. They understand very well that what happened to the Whites can easily happen to them.

Fuck is wrong with you faggot OP

He's Canadian.

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You know it isn't your country anymore when you have foreigners telling other foreigners to get out of their country.

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anybody have a link that video of two dark skin murpuris in England telling an arab shopkeeper to go back to his fookin coon-treh?

i've seen this irl two black kids telling another black kid to get back on his banana boat. the local women were all laughing.

Cucknada. When you let anyone live in country your ancestors conquered.

Remind me story of racist gypsy sending nigger back to Africa here.

As opposed to the other western countries that are still all white.

Those canadian YV are irrelevant. This protest is typical bandwagon behaviour.

I see them as useful. Besides, immigrants who came here 25-30 years ago and had to qualify, who had to jump through hoops, and who had to undergo actual scrutiny, are seriously pissed off that mudniggers are simply waltzing in and getting fucking paid for it. Waltzing in, if not actually being recruited. At least those protesting Chinsects are doing something. And the jew-media can't really call them racists (which is why the ideal anti-immigration protestor would be an Aboriginal). Chinese immigrants who came here 25-30 years ago had no idea that Canada would deliberately be polluted with millions of useless pieces of shit from India and Africa either; they are correct to be angry.

Nobody had to jump through any hoops 25-30 years ago. If you weren't White, you got rubberstamped. They are just upset that they are being left holding the bag during capitalism's latest crisis.

I've ferreted myself away in an obscure frozen snow bound corner of the country that's still 98.5% white. I'm sure in 20 or 30 years it'll be overrun but I'll be dead by then. I hate our treasonous leaders. Even old Mike Pearson was a fucking communist ffs.

The Canadian govt is actively trying to send immigrants to less populated areas as part of their new immigration policy. Their theory is that it will prevent 'ethnic ghettos' in urban areas and lead to better integration if they're all spread out.

Best of luck

Uh, yeah, they did. I worked for citizenship & immigration back then; six years before I quit. Immigrants had a lengthy application process, had to prove identity, pass a background check, prove they would not be coming here to collect social assistance, etc. It's the total opposite now; the ZOG wants the worst shit in the world to come here.


Attached: canadian chinks.mp4 (1920x1080, 6.7M)

oops - sorry no sound

Been following the facebook page for a couple things and tbh it's given me a few laughs

btw have a king-tier shitpost I found on the page.

Attached: boomers.png (588x698, 414.18K)

here you go

Attached: canadian insectozoid chinks screeching.mp4 (1920x1080, 6.8M)

Without even reading the thread and just looking at OP's picture and reading the title, how the fuck is the irony of the chinks protesting that faggot Trudeau, not lost on them, he wants more of their fifth column in Canada holy shit, they're fucking stupid.

Are they going to leave?

I broke out laughing. I imagine that's how a tick would sound if it could talk, as it latches onto your skin to suck blood out of you.

Kill yourself, ZOGbot.

Typical Canadian Chinese nazi women. I love this international nationalism. Filmed by jewish company. Canadian hapa masterace when?

at least use so we can see any removed comments

The only hope for the future of the white canadian people in pissed off chinks who don't want to be taxed.

imagine that

Filtered. Reason: imbecile.

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Kek is this real life?

tfw old Asian ladies are more based than the average White, Canadian maleā€¦

I went to M-103 protests, to rustle some jimmies. There were more jews and pakis on our side of the show than theirs.

This place is done, fuck that I'm not fighting alongside the fucking JDL

Fuck off reddit.

Attached: Shut (your) Shithole.jpg (480x480, 60.15K)

these gooks are just getting a step ahead before whites are gone and they become the focus of derision by muds.

Chinks can live with whites quite nicely.

But they know that if Turdoo's signing of the Marakesh accords brings in 10 million utterly savage illiterate shitskins hell bent on rape and looting and home invasions their gook asses will be grass. There's no way they can withstand such a high degree of ferocious anarchy unleashed upon them nor will their real estate investments mean much when homeless shitskins set up camp in their expansive Shaughnessy gardens and the police refuse to come and roust them out.

Turdoo and Soros make quite the couple. We are in for a monumental shit storm and few will be prepared to suddenly be thrust into a situation where it's kill or be kill, at the most incongruous and unexpected moments.

they aren't, they just don't need to hide their power level as much as we do

I remember back in the early 90's standing in line at the Vancouver police station to get my Firearms Acquisition Certificate and I was the only white man in a huge line of very unhappy chinks holding shotguns and pistols. Not young robust males either but old men and women. Chinks have a mortal fear of home invasion and with good reason. In their culture (and they've brought it to Canada with them) bandits regularly invade homes and hold entire families at gunpoint even (especially) threatening the children with torture and death if the patriarch doesn't cough up the stash of precious buried gold treasure secreted away. Vietnamese in particular specialize in this but they're not the only ones.

It's going to be open war in the streets soon when Sikhs and Chinks ally to take on the Somali muslims that are pouring in to claim their $4500 a month refugee welfare and free formerly foreclosed houses out in Surrey and Richmond.

The shitskins can't kill me if I kill myself first!

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Of course the chinks here have been caught keeping filipina slaves so they're no saints.

Vancouverite here: asians will also do home invasions on house parties and rob 100+ chinks in one go. They are actually not really that psychopathic in general - 80% are as soft as the average cucked swede, but the high IQ psychopaths among them can be a menace. They are like Jews in that they can hoover up money and Chink criminals can go from nothing to 1M+ by 30 easily.

What you say about guns: lots of asians are spooked by our government in the same way that we are. I was walking with an old Chinese guy at lunchtime a couple of weeks ago and there was a Bengali looking crackhead wandering around near us and he just said "we need to get guns". No beating around the bush. I've met lots of other Asians that say the same kind of thing - that they fear not just crime but a SHTF scenario brought on by our insane government. I know many Asians that are very well armed. Lots legal and lots illegal.

so glad I'm out of that polyglot shit hole and living in a 98% white community.