Reticide - Silent Killing

Hey Zig Forums, I made a new word that we can use to challenge the propagators of white geniocide. The word is "Reticide", and it is our counterpart to the Jewish term, "Genocide", but more accurately depicted in order to illustrate the position of whites.

If we meme this word into casual conversation, then we create for ourselves a new vector, a new ARENA, through which we can accuse people of committing reticide.
If we make more words and develop a more robust white identiterian lexicon, we will force people to learn our meanings, and we will gain ground in social consciousness.

Please, spread this word. Post it everywhere. Make your own words. ACCUSE PEOPLE OF RETICIDE!

Attached: reticide.png (636x282, 37.43K)

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No, you're going to commit suicide.

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you could've at least taken off the red squiggly lines to make this sharable, very bad optics. also "encouraging the group not to reproduce or to mix races with other groups" has to be changed. it's grammatically incorrect and makes it sounds like the propaganda is anti-miscegenation. also the latin word for silence isn't "reti" (???); it's "silentium" or "taciturnitās"

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So taceticide? Off topic but I unironically look like him.

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It's not a bad idea, I like the latin source (killing by silencing) but there's better alternatives. Something akin to "erasing" rather than silencing would work better.

But like this user said (in an overly hostile way, though) what you're thinking is playing the same game (((they))) play.
Remember the "Let's call Zionists Jew-Supremacists!" idea?
Didn't work so well. And you should take a moment or two to reflect on that.

The problem isn't the words we use, nor the expression of said words. Language DOES shape how people think and has an impact on how we see the world, but the reverse is also true.
This sort of tactic attempts to alter language in an attempt to alter public perception but is hindered by the fact that public perception also alters the language we use.
Which makes this sort of thing exceedingly difficult since (((they))) have a mass warping effect on public perception.
For instance: when we say "Greatest Ally", both we and the public think of Israel. The difference being that, for the public, it's not ironic. The perception the average people have of Israel is that it's a small oppressed country where Islamic missiles rain everyday and they have to commit war-crimes every now and then to defend themselves. They are also our best allies in the region and somehow help the US a lot. Somehow.

What you are trying to do is fight this notion on a very indirect way.
For now at least, our interests would be better served by altering the public perception of Israel. Language will accompany this, in time. New words/expressions will sprout when it does, and that's the signal you're waiting to let you know we've reached a point where Jews are persona non-grata in the West.

tl,dr: dropping redpills is more effective than semantics
If you want to unpack it, I'm using the latin reticentia, which is not a common word, but most nearly means "restrained silence".

Here is a better version with your considerations implemented.

Attached: reticide.png (650x243, 35.23K)

Reticide sounds good. Imma start using it

If you still want to do it however:
Delenicide from "Delens" meaning erase, destroy (or more modern, delete).
If you want it to be accusatory, Delentenicide.
Less of a mouthfull: Delenticide. This one is more about the event, rather than accusation.

Pretty much a modern [Delete this in Latin] meme.

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Get out, communist.

Having a word for it would do some good, put (((them))) on the defensive and spread a term they don't have defenses for.

Except no, paid jewish shill. We already have a word for what you're trying to redefine. The word is genocide. It is white genocide. It is the genocide of white people. You don't get to redefine this ETHNIC GENOCIDE.

You slimy jews never seem to get it. You are done. Gone. Nobody believes your lies. Words have meaning and op is using words correctly.
the word isn't smooth although the meaning is aok
i'll stick with geno -cide

I want the focus to be on the subtle nature of the eradication.

It is a nice word though.

No, we won't be doing that. We'll be using the real definition of the word.

Calling it white genocide is good, but when people think "Genocide", they think pogroms and people's doors being kicked in, rounded up, etc, so people use that as a basis to say white genocide isn't real. Reticide is much more difficult to deny, and for that reason, I call you a shill.
Your move, kike.

That's your problem, not mine. Well, it's partially mine because I'm not done with my book yet, but I'm close. Still, there's nothing stopping you from teaching people what genocide REALLY is right now.

I think you ought to change the word, tbh. "Reticentia" isn't "silence" in the sense of a lack of sound, it's silence insofar as one chooses not to talk. It refers to retaining from talking for whatever reason. But it's an act of will on the part of the speaker, not something forced on somebody else. Reticence is usually viewed as virtuous, since wise people often don't chatter pointlessly. If someone had their mouth bonded so that they couldn't speak, that's not "reticentia"; that's just being forced to be quiet. When a wise man purposely avoids gossips, that's "reticentia." Also, it's just weird to say that "reti-" means "restrained silence." That's like saying that "gobi-", meaning "government" in Spanish, when the word is "gobierno." Maybe say, "reti- comes from 'reticentia' which means 'keeping silent.'"

Also, "keeping silent" really is the best translation of that word.

Not trying to be a dick (I'm just a Latinfag after all), just trying to be constructive. The idea is good. There should be a word for this.

Try formulating it like fratricide etymology is formulated: "Fratricide (from the Latin words frater "brother" and cida "killer," or cidum "a killing," both from caedere "to kill, to cut down")." That's from Wikipedia, but I think it's a pretty solid etymology (make sure to follow the bit about "cida" and "cidum" since "-cide" doesn't mean shit in Latin)

You swarthy med bastard haha I think that "silenticide" might be the best word but it sounds kind of funny, tbh. "Tacicide" is also funny. The word in general is funny because "matricide" is the killing of one's mother, fratricide, the killing of one's brother, regicide, the killing of one's king. "reticide", "silenticide" etc. would therefore have to mean "the killing of silence." It cannot mean on the level of morphology, "killing BY/THROUGH silence." So I don't know.

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I'm aware of the discrepancy. I'm basically shoehorning my own meaning into it, and pushing it to make it catch on, because your average person doesn't know what being reticent is.

I want this to be our "genocide"

make sure to read the second part of this , and what I said to the other user about how this doesn't make sense etymologically; "reticide", "silenticide" would mean etymologically "the killing of silence", just like matricide means the killing of one's mother and genocide means the killing of some stock of people. Consequently "delencide" would meaning the "the killing of erasure/erasing" (this is all nonsensical)

this is just ugly and bad word generation. it has to make sense etymologically. After all, what we are talking about is really just "genocide" but done in a hushed down way. There is already a word for it, but it isn't qualified by the methods. That's what adjectives are for. So really it's just a "silent genocide", or better, a hidden genocide.

Just call it "quiet genocide" or something. lol

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is there a latin term youd suggest for "killing silently?"

I think you have a point, but this is as close as I've gotten to that ideal meme I think we all have in our heads.

I'm open to suggestions, if you have a better word.

Here's a revised version with the proper definition. This one is more proper, but I think "restrained silence" in itself has more punch, even though the definition isn't correct. Hmm.

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At that point, why not turn to french?
There's several expressions english speakers use that are straight up french, like "Fiancee" or "Faux pas"
A silent killing rougly translates as "massacre silencieux". Not too keen on the "silencieux" part, but something about the word "massacre" sounds great for this: it's the same in english, and bridges the concept to english speakers.
I'm partial to the last one.

Forgot to add:
French language ads a tone of "class" to english speakers (it's dumb, but hey, it works).
It also has some relevance, given the Yellow Vests and everything that has been happening there.
I mean, if you want to talk about White Genocide, Paris is Ground Zero. Even more so than the UK.

I'm not sure if this is helpful by if I were to translation "killing (by means of) silence", I'd say "interfectiō silentiō" or "occīsiō/occīdio silentiō" (the word "genocide" didn't exist in Latin in any form and was invented by a Jew)

I agree that "reticide" sounds nice, even if etymologically it doesn't make much sense

I think it'd be best to stick with English, tbh. French is gay and has lost its charm, sounds pretentious to most Americans too.

The best would probably be to invent a term for it, instead of a new word. Maybe jsut mere capitalization is all that is needed, e.g. "The Silent Genocide"

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I like this. Subversive, controlled language is very strong. Look no further than "racist." Mainstream society if filled with these types of inorganically created terms.

thanks. both are kinda a mouthful tho. Intersilent is a combination of the first two (intersilent genocide). Or Occisilent. I dunno. Has to be marketable.

use an adverb, so silenter+caedes -> silentlicide

doesnt sound bad

That sounds terrible. The pause between the second and third syllable is awkward.

youre right. need something that makes sense, rolls off the tongue, and is easily marketable. hope you brainiacs find something suitable so we can spread it hard af

I think you should aim more for a word to make sense. That's what the Jews did what they invented the word "genocide", "the killing of a stock." Just take their word and qualify it, "The Silent Genocide", "Genocide in Silence."

that sounds like shit and once again makes 0 sense etymologically

are the Jews really better than us at inventing words? lol

"genocide" is really the perfect word for it, too bad it's (((their))) word lol


What about Slow-motion Genocide ??

I like it, especially that you showed what the word meant with the 2nd bullet point.

What about these?

How about this edit?

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What about "stirpicide"? It would mean "killing of the race" or "killing of the stock." It doesn't talk about how they're killed, but it's an alternative to "genocide" that wasn't invented by a Jew and was invented by me, a handsome med that hates the ZOG

"patriacide" is etymologically perfect, "death of the fatherland", but sounds a little strange, idk how first declension feminine nouns typically change when "-cida" was added to them, I haven't seen an example yet in the Latin

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"patriacide" can work too, I guess. I finally found a similar example. The Romans never would've made a word like this, BUT in English, there is at least this precedent hahaha maybe there are other examples

as you can see though, typically the "a" would be removed, but for patriacide, you'd get patricide, which is already the word for killing your father.

but hey, you're in the clear lol

Okay, what about these?
I kind of like penascide. It's short and flows easy.

I'm rather partial of Patriacide.

hold up, user
reticide just means silent killing; it, by default, refers to killing one entity
mass reticide would mean mass-silent-murder
what you want to do is to put the latin word for race or genome or something between reti and cide, but don't use geno; that'll trip brainwashed people's programming

Why do we need a new word exactly? When the word genocide already describes the act of replacing an ethnic group through the act of advocating for and forcing mass immigration upon them?
If they laugh at you for calling it a genocide, just get angry at them, call them idiots and tell them to google it or something.
A whole new word seems unnecessary and counter-productive, as it will just confuse and bewilder normies, and they will never remember, or try to explain the meaning to other normies.
White-Genocide is a powerful meme and has grounds in truth. You doing semantic word-play is not helping anything imo.

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I don't necessarily agree. I also think it would be good to come up with words, contrary to racism, sexism, and all the isms, that we can throw at the opposing side, which have no real counters other than accepting them, or trying to deny them. Either end is a losing end when talking to the average person. When we use their language we fail miserably because from the ground up the entire foundation for these terms and ideals are weaponized to undermine our positions. So if we call a beaner who advocates "la raza" in our country racist, we're laughed at. "Only white people can be racist." The control of language has a lot of white people frozen in the headlights.

here's another.

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Im not American, so the situation for you is very different from mine, but if you're met with labels like racist,sexist etc i find that the most effective strategy against it is ridicule and dismissal, simply refuse to play on their battleground, and if they keep firing those labels at you, simply retreat and don't interact with them, it's really not worth it to engage with raging brainwashed communists tbh, only do so if it's 1on1 and you dont have spectators to fire up their virtue-glands. If they don't listen to reason, simply ridicule them any way you can.

This idea is incredible but we have to use this as a satirical LARP retending to be leftists. Otherwise we will look like the whiney SJWs that lost traction from crying about #BlackLivesMatter. We have to say, brown people are in danger of reticide by means LARPing as disgusting SJWs that couldnt be seriously considered

Good effort OP, but genocide carries weight. It's a powerful word and you need such language to wake up dumb as fuck and in a coma, normies.

I get the fear of being "whiny" but if we attach it to anyone but whites they'll do what they always do and act like it doesn't ever apply to whites.
Then you just give shitskins another word in their arsenal to whine about being a victim.
It just has to circulate among normal people to become a viral word.

Look up the UN's definition of genocide, its already happening.

How about these edits?

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Okay, after considering everyone's input I came up with this. I'd like to ask that anyone making edits use this one, as it does away with the error squiggles, has the proper etymological roots, and seems concise enough digest without being too inflammatory. We can keep tweaking it if you want, but I think it's important to at least use a version that doesn't have error markings.

Thank you, user you are doing God's work.

Attached: reticidenew.png (635x255, 39.06K)

I've chosen "reticide" because that picture explains the meaning of the word with the 2nd bullet point.

The picture also makes a good template.

I've gone ahead and made revised edits for distribution.

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The best route would be to get T_D about creating pictures like i did. They will popularize the term, and it would get picked up by other people.

How about a term for our modern form of dictatorship democracy

Here's another.

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Albacide - the killing of whites

Latin albus, a, um means white, purity, etc. It is a particularly ancient Proto-Indoeuropean root that is reference to mountains, which as you will know Caucasians are named after mountains. Further, Albion is the mythical name of the British isles (probably after their white cliffs) and deeply connected to English mythology. In the popular imagination Albion reminds them of King Arthur and other knightly purity once trained on it, and Albacide is the killing of that. Would need education since people don't know about Albion, but it's a pretty word.

Quies, quietes - quiet, repose, death

It's the sort of quiet that death brings. It's pronounced "Kwee-eh-tis". If you wanted to describe this sort of silent death creeping in, that's the Latin for it. It's a Quieting, which already has a meaning to English audiences. Imagine smothering a human face with a pillow and shushing them as they silently struggle until they are finally, horrifyingly still and silent. That's Quieting. Also doubles for the free speech thing since they are intrinsically linked.

Sicarii - Assassins

Literally Jewish zealot assassins that the Romans had to deal with in Palestine. They still exist actually. Problem is that after that movie Sicarius people will think it means Mexican action heroes rather than ultra-orthodox Jewish terrorists.

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two more

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Holy shit, Quieting is an awesome word. Good job, user! We should point out the systematic deplatforming events and refer to it as The Quieting, like our version of the Night of Long Knives.

Cultural marxism. Just like white genocide is genocide. For fuck's sake.

baste and bump

This has potential.
You NEED to include a non whit example such as Taiwan by China. That shit is undeniable by liberals, so it will send them into a spiral of cognitive dissonance.

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at the bottom

Sure, but let's do it as a seperate image. It's best to pick and choose individual lines of the same concept rather than dump a whole treatise on them at once. Plus more variety will make it seem like more people care enough to explore the idea.


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xpost from halfchan from another user

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Fuck off nigger.

two more

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What about genocide?
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
The UN definition still matches our situation, just not in a way normies can digest very easily. If you go to any European nation, and try to homeschool your children, or to teach them to only breed with members of their own race, you can have your children taken from you, if it is discovered, unless of course, you aren't European.

There's no point playing word games. This is war. Total war. Wake up to that fact.


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because it's a more updated term, people would write you off because they think genocide is something else.

If they hear this new term then they wouldn't have a knee jerk response, and they will think of it when they see an alarming article title.

Another one, this time for the MAGA crowd.

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Honestly the idea is awesome but you need to change some keywords in the definition.
Here's an upgraded version (imo):
Reticide is the subtle and systematic annihilation of an ethnic group, usually not through direct violence, but through less overt means. Example include propaganda encouraging the group not to reproduce or to mix with other ethnic groups, systematic pressure intended to encourage ethnic suicide, and institutional campaigns intended to stifle discussion or recognition of the killing through controlling platforms of speech.

Except no. Because not only is this EXPLICITLY ABOUT WHITES, who are the only group that matter in any way, but the word is also jewish Hegelian dialectic in the first place.

Alright. I'm adding a revision folder to my Reticide folder.

If you're not going to be productive, then go waste space in one of our D&C religion threads.

These both appeal to me.

I like its versatility and that an English audience already basically gets it without needing explanation. A Quieting is sinister sounding, activates the imagination, and naturally implies the solution - don't be silenced by those seeking to Quiet you.

Reticide, while having a fair ring to it, doesn't mean anything to an English speaker in terms of emotional baggage or intellectual meaning. Reticent is a fairly uncommon word anyway and barely has an emotional meaning to it, while Quiet has been used in horror movies to denote creepy, silent killings for decades. In fact, one of the best horror icons is of a woman whose scream is quieted by the hand of some hidden killer. As for what OP is aiming for, I think the image of a Quieting as a form of smothering is extremely fitting for what he's going for.

Attached: The Quieting.png (500x657, 266.23K)

Very beautifully written. There's a pill that goes down smooth.

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The Great Quieting is upon us ANONS.

I mean… I prefer ==ethnocide==. Which is an actual word, you illiterate fucking nigger.

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Here's one with this revised definition. I hope it doesn't get any bigger because it's becoming convoluted for a quick read by normies.

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Ethnocide is an accurate word for what is happening. OP has his heart in the right place. The problem is that jews aren't new to word games, and have the positional advantage of redefining words to the masses we are trying to reach.

I suppose there is no harm in trying anyway. Latin is our language. Jews have no right to represent us or our choice in creating words out of our languages.

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Good job, I felt like the word "race" wouldn't go down well with liberals.
We could include "economic pressure" as an other way of committing reticide. For example how bringing women into the workplace doubled the inflation rate therefore forcing both parents to work or to have less children.

only niggers use the word nigger tho.

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You can't use it because of the knee jerk reaction of it's use. When people think of "genocide" they think of niggers chopping up another group of niggers into extinction, or the holocaust.

Another example from huffington post here.

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this is confusing correlation with causation

people are so fucking stupid


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I didn't say genocide that time.
Ethnocide isn't often used because it is not a word jews want people to use or think about.
Not so easy to dismiss accusations of ethnocide since it i has such an applicable definition to constantly parroted tropes regurgitated by media, politics, entertainment and education.

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Use Ethnocide. Seriously. It's more accurate, more honest and is impossible to deny. Literally attempting to dismiss it proves it. Use this word. It's much better.