Europeans were flooded with non-white and predominately Muslim (((refugees))) to not only reduce the white population but to link anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe with anti-Muslim sentiments in Israel. This PSYOP has been co-opted by /youractualguys/ and turned against Israel, as anti-Israel sentiments are growing among the European youth.
The method used in America is slightly different. America has already contained many non-whites and there was no need for Jews to flood our Nation with refugees. Instead race-mixing propaganda campaigns were launched en masse effectively reducing the white population from 90% to less than 50% in the course of a few decades. Their goal was to show white Americans how bad open-borders is using Europe as an example so that white Americans would embrace Nationalism, through populist leaders like Trump, along with Zionism… which every Right-wing populist has embraced…all while white genocide continues in slow motion. In other words: Jews are blackmailing us: But again: thanks to /youractualguys/ this PSYOP has been co-opted and reversed. Anons are realizing it's not merely the Liberal/Diaspora responsible for our genocide but also the Zionist/Conservative/Chabad-Lubavitch Jews.
If Americans vote Republican our genocide will continue in the background and no one will wake-up. We have already been turned against Zionism and all that's left is to turn whites against their own replacement… and the only way to wake them up to this reality is by putting in their faces. Support the Left who will open our borders. At least then we'll have a fighting chance. Your only other option is selling your soul to the Knesset and embracing Jewish rule if it only means the survival of your people.
But I would not save my people only to sell them into slavery! We shall have total victory or total destruction.
Our enemies are already killing us. They're successful because our genocide is in the background and the victim whites are kept complacent. It's time for whites to face reality.
Christian Nelson
Everything is way to far gone to be saved by political means. There must be a mass reset. A collapse of some sort where the weak die and the only ones left standing would be the strong aryans with fighting spirit, then the national socialist organic state would take form. Our options? Keep supporting politicians and other pointless movement bullshit delaying the inevitable and causing our people to suffer even more potentially getting closer to eradicating us even more or make sure this entire jewish lexicon burns down to hell and all degenerates and associatives and jews are put on firing squads.
How? Will the rising tensions between all races and sides not do anything? Will you "national socialists" keep being armchair activists or is there something going to happen? What else do you purpose I am all open. All other options have been rendered useless. Prepare for a collapse, speed it up even.
Isaiah James
I'm not a national socialist, I do not believe that accelerationism work. I should rephrase what I meant. Accelerationism only works if you're in control of how the acceleration goes. Trump, for all his faults, is an example of positive acceleration. He's created polarization and added fuel to the divide in America, even if he is not too effective. Hillary being president, I have no idea, but I believe that it would be a negative form of acceleration.
Josiah James
Why in the hell do you think voting will make a difference? Are you not aware the government has poisoned and killed its own innocent people for those who line their pockets? This is a true CIA nigger post with a 10/10 effort
Tyler Evans
It has to get worse before it will get better user. The snowball is still going downhill and hasnt peaked the true form of its ugly head before the rest of the sheeps masses will wake. Psychology is a funny thing, with a little desensitization a mind will justify any absurd observation with an internalized justification.
Ian Ross
It's about calling their bluff. Once in power, Democrats can do two things:
If Democrats act as Republics, the sleeping masses will realize - just as we do - that both sides are controlled by Israel and neither works for Americans. Revolt follows. If Democrats open our borders, whites will wake up to their genocide. Revolt follows.
Calling their bluff is a win/win no matter what they do.
Ayden Harris
everyone in Yurop knows (((who))) is floding them with shitskins, cucked states are always gonna be good goys but even the ever cucked frenchfrogs are starting to wake up to the kikes
You do know what accelerationism is right? It is about accelerating into the collapse, making sure the foundation falls so a new one can be established. Trump isn't really accelerating shit. You cannot vote into any sort of fringe ideology into government either, it most likely goes against the basis of the foundation in the first place.
Nolan White
A good point as to calling their bluff, but now we step outside of our conversation and let at the picture we have hypothetically painted here just now. Wouldnt this be the same as the Obama administration? Maybe if Hillary had gotten elected it would have created the tipping point we truly needed. Trump may actually be undermining his (((hosts))) but it was inline with where the pendulum was destined to swing for balance. Not good for achievement however in civil society
Lucas Young
yeah no.
Isaac Gonzalez
I meant this last post for you user, my bad fam-a-lam
Chase Morales
yeah no.
Anthony Young
Hillary getting elected would have created the tipping point, which is why she didn't get elected. (((They))) are counting on the Right to fulfill their agenda, not the Left. Both sides are playing character roles. So call their bluff and support the Left because they hope the Left will make you support the Right.
I unironically LARP as a leftist anyways. Does that count? We need to spread this. Also we should poison the well of lefties sites like they did to us on the current shillbot board known as 4chan
Bentley Morales
The left needs a little D/C love, so the loose lefties will splinter away and destroy their own sub groups
Ethan Gutierrez
We should D&C the Left I think.. If we can create an anti-Israel, pro-Nationalism faction within the Left then the need to RWDS is abolished. Very small chance tho.
Its called subversion, guy. Imagine thinking like a jew and playing his game. Stop outsourcing the legwork to people being inventive. And if you havent noticed, the left already has infiltrated the right. Subversion subversion subversion. Infiltration follows then undermining. Think it wont work? Look at what happened to 4chan. Its a board of literal jews and shills arguing with CIAniggers
Jeremiah Nelson
pls see
the Aryan race, including European-Americans, can only be annihilated if they are unaware of their impeding doom. I say to make them aware by forcing them to see the reaper's scythe.
Parker Hall
And once we slide in the comfy jizz rag known as the left and use them for what momentum is needed we can create disgusting imagery no rational minded person would ever want to associate with (dildos on heads, vagina hats, they pretty much do it on their own tbh)
Dominic Stewart
When the Enemy genocides your people, and when your people are slaughtered in the streets, then you may call your resistance movement "Dildos and Vagina Front" and your people will follow it regardless.
Brandon Wright
Right, so upon infiltration, how do we propose opening the antifa, commie crowd up to the JQ?? nepotism and usury of the Zionists and shabbos goys?? Surely they know and are weaponizing it. Theres no way they are clueless in the pattern
Jace Perry
Like you said, it does seem that lefties naturally tend to hate Israel. But doesnt that put our people at a risk and is it worth it for accelerationism?
Lincoln Scott
I can't quote the page number right now but Hitler said to not worry about the political prostitutes - they will embrace the alpha ideology. ANTIFA, despite Israeli propaganda, opposes Israel. The way forward when working both with the Left and the Right is a new socio-political ideology which will constrain both sides to follow because it is superior.
Logan Myers
See above
Nicholas Phillips
Angel James
No. Killing all leftists and jews is always the better solution.
Noah Gonzalez
Yeah I mean that would be ideal theorically. The leftist practices of John F Kennedy II could get behind but still centricism is the last thing I would pull for. Truly /pol itself is divided in its spectrum of where it sits on the right although most are at least Nationalists.
Kevin Carter
The reality being: kill all jews and kill all leftists.
Carter Miller
You're a dummy, OP. Think before you speak. You might see the giant holes in your theory.
You're right. The ideology which saves man, and most notably the Aryan race, is not dualistic but encompasses all political ideologies through the re-definging of their terms. Consider that Nationalism and Communism is oppose, which they are, because they are systems. Then consider the following:
Nationalism: the belief individual nations should exist without conglomerating with other nations. If I create a family and we have a farm, I create a fence separating my family from the next otherwise both farms mingle and we lose understanding of who owns what. Nationalism is a word describing our natural inclination. If then I say my family's farm must first feed my family because they till the ground, this natural response we may call "Socialism" because the wealth/goods a society generates must first serve that society. And if I say that my family's surplus which will rot in our storehouse should be freely given to those families without enough to survive, this very basic principle is then called "Communism."
Man creates the words, we create the memes. The memes and words can either trap humanity into a system or we may force our systems to reflect our humanity.
This bridge the gaps between Capitalism, National Socialism, and Communism while at the same time, as paradoxical as it may seem, destroys all of these ideologies.
In 2 generations what whites are left should be well filtered into: white trash, christ cucks, hipster only children, polv2. 0
Against an endless supply of mud. Folks unless one of us finds a pot of gold, the only savior will be darace bomb. Eventually we will be browned out like some Amazon tribe
Joseph Evans
The only pot of gold is understanding that all men require the same things.
The Right permits white genocide to occur in the background, in slow motion, which results in complacency. The Left will open our borders forcing the issue to the forefront of white conscious. Am I wrong?
Christopher Brown
Yes I'm sure those niggers are totally devote muslims just because they say.
Brandon Rogers
You are not. But yes you are wrong about the timing.
Isaac Scott
what do you mean? please educate me, user. i dont want to fuck things.
Jack Fisher
So why did you jump ip?
Dylan Nguyen
Anyone with a brain saw this for what it always was.
Kayden Sanders
Because the last thread I made exposing Chabad-Lubavich got deleted by our based mods. Thought maybe if I use a proxy for this the intel. would get through.
fair. but the masses are without a brain and need corralling.
Ian Walker
Sometimes I wonder if the Jews really are the chosen people and that is why they rule the world and are hated. It's like the masses of unchosen are all trying to destroy the jews
Isaac Johnson
Haha. Nah. Its more like, they have an ethnostate and a chokehold on every 1st world countries finances and people are realizing the American dream is only real if youre asleep to enjoy it. The propaganda machine is losing its power. The realization that technology has large influence changed the game and they didnt realize the impact it would have and how hard it would be to control I guess
Before to go all in, you need to understand that victory comes from the barrel of the gun. There is a "right" time for everything, and we didn't reach it, yet.
Agreed. But reaching it means there is a path to take. I think my path is the most productive among all the paths offered by ecelebs and pseudo-intellectuals. But again I'm open to correction if wrong. My only goal is total victory, not personal victories.
This is fucking stupid, the turks and kurds and all kind of trash were shipped to Germany in the Cold War, the jews ship them there to destroy the white race.
"It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master. For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world." (Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler)
This is a lie. 150,000 muslims fought for Hitler, 4 million fought for the Allies. (Mostly USSR)
Evan Green
Nah, that's their mythology they managed to spread to Europe and then used Europeans to spread it all over the world. If Europe managed to resist (((Christianity))) when it had to, you would never have this question.
Someone needs to photoshop suicide vests on the royal guard
Liam Richardson
Pagan Rome is the world power that has come closest to physically exterminating the jews. They killed more jews as a percentage of the then existing jewish population than anyone coming after.
Justin Gutierrez
And then what happened to Rome?
Elijah Peterson
that first quote is fake
Diane Abbott never said that. PROVE ME WRONG
Lincoln Nguyen
And here's what Democrats will actually do: What Republicans do:
Neither party will repeal Hart-Celler, both parties support mass immigration of shitskins. The fighting about a wall vs open borders is theatre, because legal shitskin immigration is the real problem and they don't want any scrutiny turned towards it. They don't want it to even be up for debate.
They went christian and enacted laws of tolerance for kikes.
Nolan Bailey
Accelerationism is the current state of affairs. If you believe accelerationism will work just do nothing and let your enemies do whatever they want. It's cowardice masquerading as edgy bravery. I was an accelerationist for years until I realized it's just another way to avoid doing anything
Sebastian Reyes
hello ahmed
Liam Walker
Allow me to critique you just a bit. Something you must understand comes from Uncle Adolf, when he says: "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."
Sure, in Europe, there is a positive net effect for Europeans being extremely anti-muslim as a result of attacks on their soil, but goal has always been hate-speech laws. The negroes whom the Christians have been feeding "For just a dollar a day, you can feed little starving Tyrone in Africa" as the commercials so depicted.
The real migration has yet to come, and it is from Africa. This is the long-game. It's why they show Achilles on BBC TV as black and all of the other lies as propaganda. They are just normalizing this idea so that you don't revolt when the "UN migration pact" begins to flood your nations with negroes.
In regards to the USA, let me rebut you by stating that this idea of: might not be entirely correct. I believe the parasite has full control of the host's military policy and is merely seeking votes at this point. A nation of mutts, ruined by identity politics - who allowed it to happen, and it's not the "republicans fault" as you so state. Sure, voting republican will not change anything, and that's because the country doesn't follow the guiding principles in which established the idea of the nation in the first place.
That's wrong we are still at "Good times create weak men". We haven't reached rock bottom yet.
Matthew Ramirez
sure but the caravans are a new phenomenon. America has been in slow-motion genocide for decades now.
Brayden Butler
Do you have any data to back up the idea that race mixing is decreasing our share of the population? I don’t think that’s correct. The population of the US is increasing but the increase is largely attributed an increase in shitskins while our population in regard to raw numbers has also increased, just at a smaller rate, making us a smaller fraction of the total. Not that this is in any way condoning race mixing, it is unarguably degenerate, however I would like to just understand how effective the pro-mixing propaganda campaign has been